Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 60

Chapter 29 .Sunset of the Phoenix Dynasty

Sylvanas, who had put on her robes, sat at the entrance of the Hall of Life. Two royal guards were holding double-headed recurve swords and leaning on a phoenix shield. The guard was at the entrance of the Hall of Life. This is Anastari. The elite guards of the Sunwell specially sent by His Majesty Ann, the secret warrior of the high elves-the magic breaker.

This nemesis of all legal professions appears here, which in itself represents the royal family of the Sunstriders, and the importance of Dick and Liadrin, of course, this is also a means to win people’s hearts.

Dick, who had just recovered from a serious injury, didn’t care about this. He was wearing the large samurai robe of the high elf, sitting in front of the hospital bed, looking at Liadrin who seemed to be sleeping.

The high-ranking priest lady was rescued, but her mind broke down. After Dick heard from Sylvanas that he passed out, the development of the matter, Lor’themar’s arrow, completely caused Liard. Lin’s persistence for hundreds of years dissipated, and she was now like a sleeping beauty, not awake, but unwilling to wake up.

She didn’t want to open her eyes and face this cruel world.

Dick sits on the edge of the hospital bed, like a silent stone. He and Liadrin are just ordinary friends, but after cuddling each other that night, there is always a trace of unrelenting affection between the two. , But both people know that this is not love.

Dick stood up, stretched out his hand, and drew Liadrin’s long golden hair to the back of his head. His movements were gentle, but his eyes became colder and colder. Arthas was stretching out his evil tentacles little by little. With the people around him, those paladins, and the current Liadrin, Dick felt like a prey being forced into desperation step by step. With the tightening of the hunting net, the more time left for him to counterattack The less come.


The door of the side hall was pushed open, and Sylvanas appeared at the door of the side hall holding her shoulders. She glanced at Dick who was preparing Liadrin’s face, and said softly,

“Knight Dick, your majesty summons you!”

“Wait a minute!”

Dick answered without looking back, and put the last strand of Liadrin’s long hair behind the pointed ears. He stood up, pursed his mouth, looked serious, and looked at the sleeping high-ranking priest.

“I will change everything!”

Dick made a solemn promise, then turned around and left the side hall firmly.

In the corner he didn’t see, Liadrin’s eyelids moved, as if she was struggling, and she seemed to be responding.

“The ranger troop suffered heavy losses this time. Most of the lawmakers have already begun to pay attention to the threat of undead natural disasters. Even His Majesty plans to separate some spellbreakers to join the temple in front of Quel’Thalas to strengthen the defense, but there is still some The stubborn congressman thinks that if there is a defensive rune, we should adopt the strategy of “defense and counterattack.” There are even a handful of ghostly guys who propose to make peace with Alsace, **** “make peace”!”

Sylvanas walked Dick in the aisle of the Hall of Life, not far from the Phoenix Hall where the councillors met. Dick followed Sylvanas silently. After the Ranger General finished speaking, Di Ke asked,

“What about Dalkhan? What action are you going to take?”

After Dick was sober, he had already told Sylvanas about the deal between Darcan and Arthas. Of course, the excuse was “the special intelligence network of the Silver Hand.” Of course, after experiencing the fleeing of each other, Hill Vanas also valued Dick’s words a lot, and immediately arranged for the rangers to watch outside the wizard tower of Darkan.

Facing Dick’s question, Sylvanas stopped her rapid pace. She turned around and looked at Dick with a weird look.

“If you don’t believe in your character, I should doubt if you have planted spies in Quel’Thalas. The movements of the Great Master Dalkhan in the past few days are indeed a bit weird. His apprentice said that he has not been out for 5 days. He has passed the laboratory, and he also applied to the Mages Council for the subject of “Research on the Nature of Solar Well Energy” for the third time, which has obviously been denied twice.”

The general ranger glanced at Dick with Jian Shui Qiu Tong, his expression turned serious.

“I have submitted an arrest application to the royal family in secret, and Hadulun personally monitored Dalkhan’s mage tower. If there is no accident, Dalkhan will be arrested after you finish the interview!”

Dick nodded, he was actually a little absent-minded, because he had a faint illusion in his heart that Dalkhan would not be captured so easily, otherwise according to his strength, the task prompt should have popped up now.

He followed Sylvanas through the hallway of the Phoenix Hall. The exquisite and luxurious court maids and the mighty court guards were quietly looking at Dick. From the end of the second orc war to the present ten years, Di Ke Ke is the first human being summoned by the Sun King.

But for Dick, this honor was nothing to be happy about. If he could, he would rather use this opportunity in exchange for Dalkhan’s immediate arrest.

“Your Majesty, Dick Tang, the human paladin, has been brought here!”

Sylvanas leaned over to salute the Anastrian Sunstrider sitting on the luxurious throne, then took a step to the left, revealing Dick behind her, who stepped forward. Place the gloved left hand on his chest and lean slightly.

This is already considered impolite etiquette. According to aristocratic etiquette, Dick should be kneeling on one knee at this time, but Dick really is not in that mood now, and King Anastrian is also quite pragmatic. A king, he didn’t care about these pompous gifts, he asked,

“Knight Dick, I heard from Sylvanas. You know the goal of the undead this time, and you have dealt with them many times, right?”

Dick raised his head and the appearance of King Anastrian caught his eye. Although the high elves generally lived a long life, Anastrian’s face still had traces left by the years, the high elves. His eyebrows generally wanted to separate like a sharp sword, and His Majesty the Sun King’s eyebrows and beard were already pure white.

The most notable thing is that there is a very conspicuous knife mark on the king’s cheek. This is a memorial left by the leader of the Amani troll Zul’jin during the Troll War.

But this spatula mark did not destroy Anastrian’s overall image. On his elegant surface, it added a fierce breath to him. With his sharp eyes like an eagle, it really seemed awe-inspiring. The momentum. He was sitting on the throne with a fiery red sheathed long sword slung across his waist, with a palm-sized flame gem inlaid on the hilt.

Dick knew that it should be the flame strike, one of the three magical weapons of the mage, the ultimate manifestation of flame magic! Only the most powerful flame mage can control this magic sword. This artifact is also a symbol of the royal family of Sunstriders.

Facing Anastrian’s question, Dick nodded.

“Yes, Your Majesty the Sun King, Arthas is the former prince of Lordaeron, but his mind is controlled by the Demon Sword Frostmourne. He has ruined his country, and now he rushes for an ugly purpose. When you arrive at Quel’Thalas, yes, you don’t have to doubt, he came for the Sunwell, the source of life and magic of the high elves!”

“So… why?”

When Anastrian heard this answer, he was not surprised. There are too many people in this world who covet the Sunwell. They even occupy another continent, inherit the orthodoxy of the ancient elven empire, and possess the immortal world tree. Thunder night elves, don’t you also send out scouts all year round, want to probe the bottom of the sun well?

Now that there is one more Arthas, the Sun King is not panicked. As a wise mage, he directly asked the reason.

“Because his evil lieutenant, a former member of the Kirin Tor meeting of six in Dalaran, has taken refuge in Kel’Thuzad of the evil forces in Northland Northummer. He was in Tirisfal, and was killed by Jaina Proudmoore. The prince is killed, but his soul needs a carrier. For an archmage like him, transforming into an evil lich is not a big problem, but as one of the strongest wizards in the world… I think you should know the transformation witch What does the demon need…”

Hearing Dick’s answer, Anastrian’s eyes flashed a little.

The human magic system is still learned from the high elves, so Anastrian knows what a lich is better than anyone. In fact, the first undead of Azeroth was created by Quill. Made by Salas.

From a flesh and blood body to a lich, this is an incomplete change of life form. A lot of magical energy is required in the process. For those weak and weak, the energy needed is not much, such as Araki the Summoner, but for the strong For the mages of, if you want to transform into a lich, you also need to preserve your own strength, and the energy required is an astronomical amount.

No wonder they will stare at the Sunwell! In the entire Eastern Continent, only the Sunwell can meet the needs of Kel’Thuzad for the transformation of a wizard of this level.

But after understanding Alsace’s purpose, Anastrian finally made up his mind. He glanced at Dick.

“You also told General Sylvanas that the Silvermoon Councillor Archmage Darkan-Drassil was suspected of collusion with the enemy? But you can’t show evidence…Do you know what a felony is to falsely accuse a city councilor? Especially Dalkhan, an archmage who has made great achievements for Quel’Thalas!”

Dick looked directly at His Majesty the Sun King, neither humble nor arrogant, and said firmly,

“Your Majesty, I swear by the faith of the Paladin. If false accusations are made, I am willing to accept any legal punishment from Quel’Thalas. Lor’themar…General Lor’themar is the high-level commander of the ranger army. He knows about the defensive talisman. Wen’s secret, the moment he died in battle and captured his soul by Frostmourne, the secret of defensive runes had already spread. If I were you, I would arrange preparations for war as soon as possible…”

“Uh… Dick, you just woke up, you don’t know yet. Your Majesty has mobilized all the remaining ranger troops and wizard troops and arranged them in the front-line temple, with the participation of elite spellbreakers. , The evacuation of the people has also begun.”

Sylvanas quietly pulled the corner of Radek and whispered,

“Actually, your Majesty and us are ready to deal with war!”


Hearing this news, Dick breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he risked his death to send Sylvanas back to Silvermoon City. It was right. Quel’Thalas was killed by Al in such a short time in history. The important reason for Sath’s destruction is that the elves were unprepared for the destruction of defensive runes. When Alsace’s army entered Quel’Thalas, Silvermoon City was still clueless because of Dalcan’s betrayal. In the panic.

Now, because of Dick’s existence, the Knights of the Silver Hand have not been destroyed, and the undead army under Arthas has also been newly summoned in Quel’Thalas, even half of the original history. Even if Quel’Thalas is already fully prepared for war, Arthas will never succeed so easily, right?

“Drip… Trigger the task, the setting sun of the Phoenix Dynasty”

The internal twist of the “historical node “Silvermoon City Destruction” has reached 50%. The historical node has shifted greatly, but the balance of power between the two sides is still very different, so you need to do your best to change the outcome of Quel’Thalas. ”

“Requirement: The political integrity of the high elves empire is greater than 60%, and the number of remaining high elves is greater than 100.”

“Note: This task is the final node of the large-scale task “The Pause of the Wheel of History”. It cannot be abandoned. After failure, the large-scale task will fail! Note: The danger does not only come from the surface enemy!

Dick’s face changed drastically!

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