Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 602

Chapter 45 .Peace-Undercurrent

The cruel time will not stay for anything. When the big men are busy fleeing, solving problems, or headaches, the world war in this world has reached its eighth day. Fast update without ads.

From the small-scale exchange of fire on the first day, to the large-scale attack on the second day, to the white-hot on the fifth day, Azeroth on the eighth day seemed to have been completely shrouded in blood and death.

Stormwind’s power in Kalimdor was uprooted, and the entire Stonetalon Mountains and the alliance forces including the two night elves’ camps were swept away by the furious tauren.

The Wildhammer gathering place in Twilight Highlands was almost pierced by the raid Dragonmaw Orcs from start to end. In order to avenge this raid, the legendary hero Kurdran Wildhammer personally took the heroic air force from Outland and staged it overnight. The textbook-like sneak attack burned the Dragonmaw Orc camp and the 578 wounded and civilians inside.

The burning of Menethil Port made Muradin desperately to give orders to die. The engineering aircraft carried by 3000 dwarf and dwarf pilots, together with the Wildhammer Griffon cavalry taking off from Aerie After the fierce air battle, the main force of the Dragonmaw Orcs was wiped out, and the madman Malkorok who started the war was captured alive.

The most regrettable thing is that after the war, 2167 prisoners… were all executed. At this point, the Dragonmaw Orcs have become historical nouns, except for those 3000 who followed the veteran warlord Zaira to Orgrimmar in advance.” All the Dragonmaw Orcs were hunted and killed except for the deserter. It is said that the fleet of the Great South Sea pirate Black Demon also joined the hunt.

This is also the last time the Dark Lord has appeared in history.

On the eighth day after the war, the defense line of Eversong Forest was still holding fast. Elven rangers and magicians who came from far behind resisted the combined attack of Amani and the Evil Branch Troll, but due to casualties Too big, the senior elves of Quel’Thalas even had to ask for assistance from the high elven city of Suramar in the Broken Isles.

Today is the day when the first group of high elf mages joined the battlefield. Today’s trolls are still violent. The wounded Haduron Brightwing’s left hand was bandaged. In the previous raid, he survived, but Life is better than death, his small half of his palm was cut off by Zul’jin. He lost the most basic ability of a ranger, and he couldn’t shoot arrows.

But he still has a right hand. When he entered the troll battlefield with a saber in his hand, he was still the Haduron, brave, good at fighting and merciless.

But today’s war is not the same as before. Just when the trolls launched the third wave of offensive, a dazzling light came from the center of the battlefield in the sky, and everyone’s attention was attracted by that light at this moment. When the rays of light dissipated, a tall giant appeared in the battlefield. The blue thunder was beating on his body. Behind him, a army of hundreds of steel Vrykul also stood in the land of ghosts. On the battlefield.

“Let down your weapons! Stop meaningless wars! Otherwise, you will be the enemy of the Guardian!”

Thorim looked at this battlefield with disdain. As long as he was willing, the fury from the sky could kill everyone on the battlefield in an instant. Of course, he wouldn’t do it. Dick didn’t allow him to do so. Do it, and Sif, who is always alive in his heart, wouldn’t want him to do it.

The Son of Thunder decided to give these mortals a chance. Of course, Kael’thas, who was standing on his shoulders at this time, was also happy to see the Guardian stay sensible. After all, if these big guys far beyond the world go crazy, it’s not that. One side is damaged.

The Sun King applied a sound amplification magic to himself, the next moment, his voice spread all over Yongsong Forest,

“Children of Quel’Thalas, I am back! I have brought our reinforcements and allies. We will not forget everything on the battlefield, but now, I need you to lay down your weapons and our allies will solve everything. ”

Cut off a troll berserker’s head with a stab, and Hadulun raised his head to look at the Sun King on the shoulders of the 20-meter-tall giant. After confirming the true existence of Kael’thas, Hadulun put down decisively. Saber, even if there are three trolls rushing towards him with sharp blades in front of them.

Unlike these **** trolls, Hadulun knew the power of these giants. He didn’t worry about his life at all. He even wanted these stupid trolls to offend those giants. They might not die, but their queens Half a lifetime will be spent in endless suffering, that’s enough, isn’t it?

Revenge, sometimes does not require murder.

“Stop your aggressive behavior! You savage bugs!”

Seeing the elves put down their weapons while the trolls were still attacking, Thorim was outraged. When did the great guardian’s command be ignored by ignorant mortals?

This is contempt, this is arrogance, and needs to be punished!

So the next moment, the radiant purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky, accurately hitting the head of every troll holding a weapon to charge, so in an instant, more than one-tenth of the soldiers of Amani and the Evil Branch Troll were turned into powder on the spot.

This cruel scene caused the entire battlefield to lose its voice. Zul’jin, who was observing all this from the rear, saw this scene and immediately turned around. Under the control of the spirit of the beast, it turned into an eagle and rushed out into the distance.

The elves have found a powerful ally, irresistible, it’s time to flee!

But no matter how fast the eagle is, how can it pass thunder and lightning?


The thunder and lightning from the sky smashed Zul’jin from the falcon state directly back into human form, but he was not dead yet, but the next moment, a sharp blade was placed on his neck, three cold-faced steel Vrykul soldiers Surrounded him, and further away, more steel soldiers walked out of the portal slowly.

Thorim’s voice rang across the battlefield in Zul’king’s ears,

“Grab these trolls who provoked the war, and at the order of the guardians of the world, they will be exiled to Draenor!”

At the same time, a giant portal appeared in the center of Theramore city surrounded by naga, and the Iron Legion strode out from it. Under the command of Azadas and Aronaya, who were familiar with the local terrain, they would occupy it. A third of the cities were surrounded by Twilight Cultists, and the frightened civilians were told that they could return to their hometowns.

As for the naga who took the lead in the attack on Theramore, Azshara was mercilessly sold to the guardians. Although they were mostly controlled by N’Zoth, some of them did not obey Aisa. Pulling the ruling Naga, these guys can only play their residual heat in Draenor.

On the battlefield in Gilneas, Heimdall personally went out, and Ms. Nazchar, who had long received the news, told the naga to stop the attack in advance. Gene and Liam also saw from this strange situation. When it was hoped, they retreated decisively after receiving the warning from the Val’kyr Guards descending from the sky.

Only those bloodfang werewolves like wild beasts would not obey orders, so they were also included in the ranks of cannon fodder.

At this point, the Gilneas war came to an end, but the coalition of werewolves and humans only regained two-thirds of the land. The peninsula on the east coast of Gilneas has been completely occupied by Naga. In the foreseeable future, this country will still be The dark clouds of war are over, but how to say, whether it is Genn or Lord Darius, it is already very satisfied to achieve this result.

This is at least much stronger than subjugation.

Odin’s method of stopping the war is very straightforward. He is different from Dick. He does not consider the feelings of mortals. On the battlefield of the alliance and the tribe, the Iron Legion with the returning leaders directly uses the Valarjar’s Sky Gate to airborne. Go to the center of the battlefield and get angry under the orders of the leaders of both sides. Whichever side does not comply, the Iron Legion will directly attack that side.

If neither side obeyed, it would be easier, the Iron Legion would overthrow everyone who is still fighting.

Rude and simple, but I have to admit that this method of falling from the sky, coupled with the tyrannical combat power of the Iron Legion, can still smooth most battles. Of course, more importantly, the starting point of all wars is to rescue the leader. Now The leaders have returned safely, and it seems that there is no need for this war to continue.

Unfortunately, if things in the world are really that simple, there won’t be so many disputes.

Regardless of Thrall or Varian, when they saw the anger and hatred of their soldiers looking at their opponents, everyone’s hearts were heavy…The war on the surface was over, but As a result of N’Zoth’s small test, the new people that the Alliance and the Horde had barely established after 6 years were destroyed.

If you want to re-establish this trust, it is not something that can be done in one or two years. C’Thun, Yogg-Saron, Y’Shaarj, they all want to use fear to make the world fall into chaos, but they all fail. Up.

Because fear can only frighten some people, not everyone.

N’Zoth does not use fear. The weakest ancient **** chooses to use evil wisdom to achieve his mission… It has found a way to succeed, and all it takes is time and opportunity.

But anyway, after the mysterious, unknown guardians intervened in the world war for the first time, the eight-day world war came to an end.

Of course, there is still aftermath.

The last warlord of the Dragonmaw Orcs, Yizala, left Orgrimmar with the orcs who were still obedient to her one afternoon. Half a month later, the dwarf city of Dun Modr at the junction of Arathi Highlands and Wetlands was killed by the dragon. Throat Orcs broke through, and 2756 dwarven civilians in the city were slaughtered in a tragic massacre. Prince Muradin of Ironforge personally took the Mountain Rangers to the scene. Amidst the flames and corpses, they caught Warlord Zha, who was kneeling on the ground and praying. Ira.

In fact, this desperate female orc didn’t even think about resisting.

In the end, at the trial scene in Ironforge, Zaira announced that it was her and the last Dragonmaw orcs’ revenge for the dwarves slaughtering Dragonmaw civilians, and it had nothing to do with the Horde.

Zaira was eventually sentenced to death, but the story is not over… Just when Zaira was about to be executed, the Dragonmaw Orcs who had followed her to attack Dun Modd broke into the execution ground and gave all of them. After the annihilation of the army, Zaira was rescued.

The last Dragonmaw Orc remained in history in this form. When people saw Zaira again, it had been several years later, in a battlefield quite far away from Azeroth.

On the day Zaira was executed and then fled, in Gilneas, a special coronation ceremony was underway in the war-torn Gilneas city.

The former King of Gilneas, Gene Greymane, the king who resolutely transformed into a werewolf to protect civilians in the last moments of the war, finally died in a small-scale encounter with Naga after the war. Prince Liam will Today, he took over his father’s scepter and throne, and continued on with Gilneas, who had been broken to the extreme.

In front of the shabby city hall with the smell of gunpowder, Prince Liam knelt in front of the Grand Knight Gavinrad Doom, who once again served as a priest. This coronation ceremony was compared to that of Queen Kalia. , It was so shabby to the extreme, no politicians from other countries participated, and each country in the alliance just sent envoys symbolically.

But even so, it also represents Gilneas’ return to the embrace of the Alliance. This is no small comfort to the Gilneas citizens who desperately need hope after the war, so even if the ceremony is simple, it is in the flames of war. Against the enthusiasm of the people who survived, it still seemed quite grand, and the atmosphere at least was the same as when Kalia was crowned.

It is also a country that has been in the ashes, Lordaeron has been back on the road, but Gilneas’s future is still in chaos.

“You have to take over the banner of your father’s generation and move forward on fire on this land. You will guide your people to victory. You will bear all the expectations and wishes of your people. You will become the representative of this country. Will become the highest of Gilneas, but this is not just a blessing, it is a shackle!”

Gavinrad’s expression is serious. This once handsome knight is now in his twilight years. Compared with other knights who are still fighting, Gavinrad, one of the first five knights, is more It looks like an ordinary person who has faded from the armor, but after the accidental death of Archbishop Benedictus, Gavinrad has become a new generation of light spokesperson.

It has to be said that fate is valued.

“Tell me, Liam Greymane, can you take it all? Are you willing to take it all? Even if the road ahead is hard, even if destruction comes again?”


Liam was still immersed in the sorrow of his father’s accidental death. Even today, he was dressed in full costume. On his left arm he still carried a small black flower to represent his grief for his father. He raised his head and saw standing in Canada. Behind Venrad, the humanoid Lord Darius Crowley, and his future queen Rona Crowley, saw the bookish wolf king Nandus, and finally, he saw Lord Godfrey , Still the same indifference, but he knew that Lord Godfrey was different from before.

He saw the support and expectation in their eyes, and he also heard the cheers from the people behind them. When the whole country is reduced to ruins, they need hope and light.

Isn’t this the meaning of the king?

“I do! I can! I can!”

Liam responded loudly. This determined gesture made Gavinrad nodded in satisfaction. He stretched out his hand, stained the holy water with the laurel branch in his hand, sprinkled it on Liam, and then engraved one of them with ash. The crown marked by the wolf, made by King Magni himself, was worn on Liam’s head, and the scepter gifted by Queen Kaliya was placed in Liam’s hands. Finally, the white and black gift from Kul Tiras was placed in Liam’s hands. The dotted cloak was draped behind Liam.

He touched Liam’s shoulder with the cross in his hand,

“So, in the name of Holy Light, I promise you to be king!”

“Don’t let down this country, don’t let down your father!”

“Your Majesty Liam, start your speech to your citizens! Give them hope, they need hope!”

Liam took a deep breath. He was wearing a crown, wearing a large cloak, and turning around with a scepter, facing the people. At this moment, everyone was quiet, and they desperately wanted to hear the voice of the new king. .

“I am Liam Greymane, the son of Gene Greymane, your former prince, and your current king!”

“In the war that just ended not long ago, the bloodfang werewolves thought that we were vulnerable, and they thought we were a mess. They thought we would beg for mercy like terrified dogs.”

Liam’s voice trembled a bit, and his words also caused a commotion among the people, but soon, his more sonorous voice silenced everyone.

“But they were so wrong!”

“We will fight them all on the battlefield until the last trench is captured! Until the last gun goes out!”

“We will fight them to death on the streets until we run out of ammunition and food! Then, we will smash their heads with bricks and stones built into the city!”

“We will fight them in the alleys until we are **** and torn apart!”

Liam’s words seem to be full of magic, and because the city, just like what he said, has persisted until the last moment, so everyone feels that their blood and emotions have been driven, but Liam’s speech still It didn’t end, his voice became tactful,

“If we find ourselves surrounded and defenseless…wounded badly and hopeless…what should we do? My people.”

No one answered, and Liam didn’t need to answer. The next moment, he spoke the answer with a voice like a volcanic eruption, the answer hidden in the hearts of Gilneas citizens.

“We still have to raise our heads proudly, even if we spit severely on their faces!”

“Yes, this is Gilneas, we are rude, we are humble, we have lost everything, we face war after war…”

“But we… never surrender!!!!!”


The whole venue boiled at this moment, and these words hit everyone’s heart almost instantly. They breathed quickly, they raised their hands, Liam raised his left hand, clenched his fist, and shouted with all his strength. Tao,

“For Gilneas!!!”

“For Gilneas!”

The sound of the sky-shaking sound spread throughout the city, the entire land, and the entire sky. At this moment, Gilneans are no longer confused, no longer hesitate, they have a new pillar, if they are a group of defeated wolves, panic But not all day long, then now, they have a new wolf king!

“He really fits to be a king! Really…”

Hidden in the corner of the crowd, Villinde looked at Liam and said to the middle-aged man next to him with satisfaction, “Just as he persuaded me at the beginning, now, he has also persuaded his citizens… you have a Good son, Gene, be proud of him.”

The corners of King Jean’s eyes with a black visor were a little moist. He looked at his son proudly and said casually, “Of course, Liam has always been my pride. He will take this country better. , I no longer need me here.”

“Then come with me, Gene.”

Velinde turned and left, King Jean followed behind her, he couldn’t help asking,

“So, where are we going? Madam.”

Villinde looked north, turning gray eyes with a light like a volcano.

“Let’s go home!”

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