Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 608

Chapter 6 .The Daily Life of the Void Space Agency

Azshara, the Queen of the Deep, hosted a banquet for rulers from all over the world in Tol Barad, which caused a real sensation in the civilized world.

In people’s impressions, the ugly, fierce and cunning Naga is a beast like murlocs and jackals. There is no civilization at all, but this is only the understanding of the common people. A truly wise person would never Look down on this race with the appearance of a beast. Under their twisted bodies, hidden are the souls of the noble civilization from thousands of years ago.

Even in a sense, the naga is much more noble than the mortals who now rule the world, because all the land within the vision of everyone was once under their rule.

In fact, a dozen years ago, apart from the sporadic naga haunting along the coast of Kalimdor, only those barren coasts in the whole world would be regarded as a foothold by naga.

These creatures seem to consciously avoid mortals, but when countless naga appeared from the bottom of the sea a few months ago, and began to attack the world, even stupid people could guess that the naga appeared in the group. After a certain change, the civilians were terrified, and even the high-levels were a little shaken, but it was not until the leaders returned safely from the bottom of the sea that the true features of the Deep Sea Kingdom really appeared in everyone’s eyes.

People were surprised to discover that these naga were also members of intelligent creatures.

And this banquet organized by Queen Naga will naturally become the biggest talk in the coming 27 years. Even some famous scholars and big figures will hold an invitation letter from the Deep Sea Kingdom. Some kind of special glory.

Of course, Azshara would not be arrogant enough to send the invitation letter to those who even looked up to her, such as Ulduar.

Dick also didn’t have time to attend the banquet where the Deep Sea Kingdom joined the civilized world. Yes, this banquet was not a grand feast. Azshara finally listened to Dick’s advice. This light in the light spent ten thousand years thinking on the bottom of the sea. After observing for ten thousand years, she finally saw the truth of the world. This is not the era back then, but how should I say.

This era is much more exciting than the world where the elves stood alone…the noble light in the light doesn’t mind playing games with these mortals. She has long been bored with the ten thousand years of time under the sea.

Observing the world, how can it be interesting to participate in it?

Dick doesn’t pay attention to these. When a person is in a certain position, he will inevitably look at the world with a unique gaze in which position. From the perspective of Dick now, even if the kingdom of the deep sea rushes out of the deep sea, it’s not a big deal, as long as it doesn’t To destroy the balance of Azeroth, everything should exist and exist for a reason.

What he cares about now is another matter, the real big thing.

Netherstorm, this is the time when the world of Draenor collapsed. The part of Gorgrond located in the northernmost part of the continent of Draenor collided with the void to form a special area. This area is now located in the northernmost part of the Broken World of Draenor , Its nature of existence is quite special, similar to the demon continent Marton that Dick had visited at the beginning, a whole piece of land that had also been completely broken, and a void floating island formed by the gravitational force of another piece of land.

The earth here is completely bordered by the void. Ordinary people can’t live here at all. The lack of air content alone is enough to kill any mortal creature. The earth here is like a tortoise shell, full of cracks. Dao’s deep stripes and gully, the special energy from the void appears in the cracks in the ground, emitting a special light from time to time.

Any piece of land you step on will accidentally sink, exposing you to the deadly void in despair. What’s more terrifying is that you will not die immediately, but will float in the void in a severely weightless state, and eventually Died from the most painful suffocation.

That is definitely the most terrible punishment for life, no one wants to try this method of death.

However, it’s not a bad thing to be bordered by the Twisting Void. Having such close contact with the Void can enable some people who are particularly sensitive to this special environment to learn more about everything about the Void. This is for the current Azeroth. , Is a very important thing, and more importantly, the land bordering the void is itself the most suitable land for Xinggang.

Starport…As the name suggests, this is a port. To be frank, this is a port for interstellar spacecraft. Its area can no longer be measured by the area of ​​the city. After all, even the Naaru spaceship storm fortress. One of the frigates is bigger than a quarter of Storm City, not to mention the flagship of Storm Fortress.

Illidan has actually been interested in starships for a long time, but the only large starship storm fortress he has on hand is impossible to imitate. The mysterious magic of the Naaru and the outstanding jewelry processing of the draenei The skills together formed this spacecraft, but neither the Naaru nor the Delaney can make a second storm fortress, not only because of the damage in exile, but more importantly, the materials!

The main body of the storm fortress was completed in the world of Argus, and the crystal that drives the entire spacecraft to travel faster than light can never be found in other worlds!

Because of this inimitable nature, Illidan’s major construction plan was forced to shelve, but during the expedition to Mardun, Illidan got the best trophy… a complete demon starship! The most important thing is that this type of starship, although its carrying capacity and combat effectiveness are not worth mentioning, it can fly in the void!

This alone was enough to make Illidan restart his crazy big construction plan.

So in the second month after returning from Marton, that is, one month after the end of the war on the 8th, the entire Azeroth’s most outstanding engineering masters and magicians all received a copy from Uldu Your invitation.

This invitation was a secret trip. After three days, 90% of the people signed a secret agreement with Ulduar’s administrator, and then disappeared from the famous world of Azeroth in various ways.

Void Storm, all the secrets, all the journey, the future, is here!

Hammer Town, this is a small town full of mechanical styles near the edge of Voidstorm. It was only established a month ago. Within 300 kilometers of its surroundings, more than 2,000 demon hunters guarded it. What happened here Everything is the top secret of the two worlds.

On the second floor of Trinham Town Center Hotel, Dick just woke up from his short sleep. Although he no longer needs sleep to replenish his energy, the warmth of last night… He opened his eyes and tiptoed from Jaina and Liadrin slowly got away from the entanglement of her body. In short, last night’s initiative represented the complete end of the cold war between him and Jaina. As for the joining of Liadrin, who has always been dignified, is another good thing. The story is up.

But Dick is not a person who is fascinated by the gentle country. He leaned over and kissed the cheeks of his expectant wives, then put on his clothes and walked out of the room. He has important things to do today.

At the very center of the weird climate and the existence of the weird void storm is a special city. It has no name, but Dick and Illidan both call it “Area 52”. This is the base of the Void Space Agency. You can enter here. They are all the best magicians and engineering masters.

Dick walked into the laboratory of the Void Space Agency under the cold mechanical sound of the magic mechanical guard guarding the gate of Area 52. The laboratory is located underground, and you can see it at first glance. The demon starship, the Fel Hammer, which has been completely disassembled.

After the transformation of space magic here, obviously, the space is outrageous!

The gray-haired dwarf pilots and goblin tinkers were surrounding the periphery of the dark green spaceship main body, discussing something loudly. It seemed very intense and might fight at any time. It came from Dalaran and Quel’Thalas. The magicians are more elegant, they use a magnifying glass to carefully observe every magic circle on the Fel Hammer, experimenting with their effects, improving the existence of the magic circle, and replacing the magic circle that is not suitable for mortal creatures.

There are a total of 200 people scattered here, and Dick is still there. In the next laboratory, the top forging masters are using precision tools or simply their own hands to beat Parts one by one.

Everyone’s quarrel and busy purpose has only one purpose: to replicate a starship that also has the function of time-space transition! It doesn’t matter if the blueprint comes from a demon. As long as the starship can be copied, it represents the civilization of Azeroth and has the ability to fly into the Twisting Nether, which means that Azeroth has the demon. The ability to strike back!

Of course, Dick is not a master of engineering. Although his forging skills are equally superb, no one would think that he should work here. In fact, Dick is located in other places and the work he can perform is obviously greater, such as now Facing the goblin sitting in front of him, wearing a white, special aviation suit, Dick seemed a little confused.

“Uh, Master Sergit, you sent a secret letter to Ulduar, what is it for you to come to me?”

Sergit Huosai, the head of the No. 2 engineer of the Void Space Agency, should have been the head of No. 1 Mekkatork who personally talked to Dick today, but because of Azshara’s **** banquet, Mekkator K has to leave his beloved workbench and go back to Azeroth in a cursing manner. Sergit Fireplug is the younger brother of the most outstanding goblin tinker Garrivets, and his engineering attainments are not weaker than that of Garrivets. As for the goblin tinker himself, he presided over the construction of Star Harbor on the edge of the void storm.

Faced with Dick’s inquiry, Sergit did not stop his busy work. Because of his weak strength, he must wear a special space suit to move in Voidstorm, but the generous uniform does not affect the goblin’s performance. At work, his hands are still very flexible, assembling a bunch of parts that Dick can’t understand at all. This is obviously a very sophisticated and very high-end device.

Maybe it’s part of the spacecraft.

“Oh, that’s it.”

Sageit said in an annoying voice, “The idiot Mekkatorque encountered some troubles when designing the spacecraft engine. The spacecraft engines used by the demons need their secret skills to support. In theory, that thing is actually It is a magical creation. The Archmage Ledra in Dalaran said that she can make that thing, but it takes half a year to make one. This is not in line with the “pipeline” concept proposed by you and the King of Outland, so After discussion, we decided to use simpler engineering to solve this problem.”

“Well, that’s good, then what?”

The Paladin still didn’t understand the meaning of the goblin, and the latter speeded up his speech a little impatiently.

“Then? Then there are more troublesome questions! Azeroth’s engineering concept is not advanced enough to create an original blueprint for an engine that can jump space, so we need a finished product to imitate, you know, any learning The first step is to imitate! But this is where the trouble lies. We can’t find a sample… Of course, with the hard work of Lord Sergit, I found a goal… Spirit, those virtual spirits that live on the westernmost side of Voidstorm, do you know?”

“Well, I know, then what?”

Dick asked again, this time the goblin simply looked at the noble world manager with foolish eyes.

“Then? Then go grab it! Although the Ethereals have repeatedly stated that they don’t have a spaceship in their hands, they are also members of the planet’s exiles. They must have a large spaceship similar to Storm Fortress. Most importantly, the Ethereal The technology is actually connected with engineering, so if you can grab an engine from the virtual spirit, Mekkatork and I will be able to complete the assembly of the engine model within half a month! Well, at most One month!”

Facing Sergit’s naked robber concept, Dick didn’t have much dislike, and he didn’t feel much guilt for robbing the Void Spirit. Uh, how can I put it? The Void Spirit’s reputation is not good. They are more like interstellar goblin profiteers, and it is said that even the philanthropic Naaru in Shattrath doesn’t wait to see the exiled Ethereal Spirit.

The Paladin was more concerned about another thing. He looked at Sergit Firestop and increased his tone.

“Are you sure you can finish the spacecraft as long as I bring the engine?”

“Of course! I swear by those **** gold coins hidden by the ancestors of the Fireplug family, as long as there is an engine model or a blueprint, the Void Space Agency is sure to build Azeroth’s first starship within 2 months. !”

Sergit Huosai is also very serious. When it comes to his professional field, this cunning businessman who has defrauded a large sum of money from the Prince of Trade in Booty Bay is solemn like a true fanatic.

“Compared to the creation of Storm Fortress, which is closer to magic, the demons’ spaceships are not as high-tech as you think…As long as they have an engine, I say 2 months, it will definitely not exceed 60 days!”

“Okay! I’ll leave tonight! I hope you don’t let me down…don’t let our world down!”

Hearing this, Sergit Husser fought a cold war. It was only then that he realized what kind of character was standing in front of him, but it was done, and the goblin shivered, still biting. He nodded with his teeth, but it felt like a strong man was going to death.

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