Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 637

Chapter 35 .Slash·Devil Wushuang


The door of the command room was pushed open by a **** non-commissioned officer. The corporal who was dispatched to the world of Draenor from the Sen’jin headhunter was a brave man who dared to fight, but at this time, his stretched typical giant On the face of the devil, there was a trace of fear visible to the naked eye.

This is the garrison of the Third Army of Voidstorm. Twenty minutes ago, a demon forward appeared from the void and began to attack the defense of the Third Army. The cruel war lasted only 20 minutes, and the Third Army had already suffered more than half of its casualties.

Standing in the command room is a tall tauren, but unlike other tauren, the skin of this guy exposed outside of the steel armor is a rare pale gold, which looks like some kind of hardness. The metal, and his voice is like steel knives interlaced, full of metal texture.

“whats the matter?”

“Five minutes ago, the 154th Allied Forces were annihilated. The devil had already penetrated into the second line of defense. The front line needs support! Sir!”

The troll sergeant wiped the blood stains on his face and said loudly, and the roar of the magic artillery that rang out the window of the command room and the light and shadow of the large-scale war magic led by the demons will always be the darkness of the void storm in the state of the night The sky was lit up, and it looked like a splendid firework feast.

However, in the face of the tension of the messenger, the tauren with his back facing him carefully observing the map did not feel even a trace of tension. He whispered in a very special metallic tone.

“Oh? You mean, those guys who are greedy for life and fear of death, with a total of 5,000 people, faced 2,000 demons, and failed to withstand even 20 minutes, so that my third layer of defense was breached on the second floor?”

There was unconcealable disdain and contempt in this voice. This question made the troll sergeant a little embarrassed. The Third Army sounds awe-inspiring, but in fact it is just a cannon fodder army. The front lines are all those hiding in Delano The villains and scumbags in the city’s slums.

A month before the beginning of the war, Illidari used absolutely cruel methods to grab these guys who were truly greedy for life and fear of death from their mouseholes and sent them to various front lines. In fact, the non-commissioned officer himself believed these. The guy’s fighting power is too bad.

5000 people, even if all recruits, face less than half of the demon forwards, they shouldn’t be unable to hold on for 20 minutes. Obviously, their fighting will has fallen to an unimaginable level.

“But if there is no reinforcement, the second line of defense is expected to fall soon, sir! It is too risky to rely on the third line of defense only!”

The non-commissioned officer whispered, “The third legion’s line of defense happened to be stuck at the junction of Voidstorm and Blade’s Edge Mountain. Once we collapse, the entrance of Blade’s Edge Mountain will be completely exposed under the eyelids of the devil.”


The tauren turned around. There were two interlaced scars on the face made of steel, which looked very terrifying, but his eyes were shining with a kind of flame-like light, and golden anger was wrapped around his wrist. , Beating, this special power also shows the identity of this guy.

This is a heroic spirit… a tauren heroic spirit that is rare at this time.

He took two steps forward and looked at the troll sergeant. He was nearly a third taller than him, looking like a mountain of metal.


He said, “Are you scared?”

The troll sergeant stood up straight. These front-line officers had the authority to inform the enemy. They knew how fierce the devil was this time. The troll sergeant Julio did not deny that he felt a trace of fear, but no matter it was He, as well as the tauren major who is stationed here, knows that no one on this line of defense will take a step back except those **** who are greedy for life and fear of death.

Because behind this world is their home, they have nowhere to go.

“I’m not afraid!”

The troll replied loudly, and the major was satisfied with the determined expression on his face, who snorted.

“Those **** who are greedy for life and fear of death should have died… 1 year ago, when I first came to Draenor, I was dispatched to the demon planet Mardun for expeditionary operations. We went to 2 people and only returned Less than 3,000, now those 3,000 people have become the most stable pillar of the world’s defense line, not these **** who only know to waste resources!”

The tauren stretched his arms, and his body made a sound of steel collision, which made his next sentence even more cold.

“Just let them die…”

Julio’s eyes widened suddenly at this moment, and then he heard his own chief say, “Since they cannot contribute even a little bit to the world in the form of life, let them contribute in another form. Their power.”

There was a blunt smile on the steely face of the tauren, which made Julio chill.

“Death… is just the beginning of their truly meaningful existence. What life can’t do, let death do… Go, Julio, tell General Sassarian that the Third Army is ready The counterattack is ready, let the noble sacrifice begin now!”

“Yes! Major Gamore!”

Five minutes later, the second line of defense of the Third Army collapsed completely. The villains who buried their heads deeply under the trenches thought that the war was like their gang rush, as long as they were smart enough to save their lives. , But how can these scums who have never dared to set foot on the battlefield know the nature of the devil.

Wherever the dark green flame goes, everything will collapse. Whether it is flesh and blood or ice-cold rocks, under the merciless trampling of the demon guards, they humblely lost the last ray of life and hope, and those desperate escapes. At the last moment, the readers remembered holding the weapons in their hands against the ferocious monsters, but it was too late.

They tried their best to show their ferocity and brutality, but when they held their spears, what appeared in their vision was a dark green evil flame that burned their bodies and existence.

When they arbitrarily turned and escaped from the neat front line, they had actually lost their last chance to survive. Whether it was a cunning human thieves or a strong orc robber, even one in the violent trampling of the demon group’s charge The final duel of glory is impossible.

This is war. Cowards will never be able to adapt. Cowards will lose in the first place. War of life and death.

The demons roared furiously, with the powerful aura they had just stepped through the joint camp. The 3000 demons had almost no loss. They broke through two lines of defense in 20 minutes. The panicked soldiers, no…those are all. Can’t be called soldiers, they can’t stop the legion’s iron hoof, the world will still easily fall into their hands.

Just like the thousands of worlds that have been conquered, they will carry the anger of fraudsters, press the betrayers on the torture, slaughter him in the most cruel way, and throw the souls of him and the rebels into eternal flames. Among them, to endure 1000 years of torture!

Gamol stood at the center of the third line of defense. Behind him were 1,500 soldiers wearing heavy armor and armed with various heavy weapons. These soldiers were of the same origin as those who were slaughtered, but they were similar to those scumbags. The difference is that they were not overthrown by Draenor’s terrible, on the contrary, they passed the test of fire and blade, and they got a new life in this world.

They were a group of veterans who had fought with demons in Mardun and fought with demons in Draenor. They were not afraid of these guys who roared at them.

There is a burnt cigarette **** in the corner of Gamour’s mouth. The Heroic Spirit is not good at this point. Since his rebirth in the High Gate, he has almost lost most of his taste and entertainment, but the more he is like this, the more he is addicted to the battle. .

Good fighters should abandon all indifferent enjoyment.


The tauren heroic slammed the cigarette **** to one side, reached out his hand and lifted his giant battle axe from under his feet, with a blunt smile at the corner of his mouth, and said to the old human man beside him,

“Look, they thought we would be afraid of them, they thought they would crush us…”

“wishful thinking!”

Gene moved his fingers, and behind him was the former Gilneas royal guard.

“But they don’t seem to think so…they feel that they have a great advantage.”

Gamour buckled his sharp-horned helmet on his head, and said angrily, “Look, that ugly guy is baring his teeth at me.”

“Then tear them up!”

Gene’s words fell, and his body began to collide quickly. In less than a second, a tall white werewolf appeared next to Gamore. He was wearing a gray robe, and ten dagger-like claws popped out.

The next moment, a dull explosion exploded from the most central position of the demon rushing over. Those dead bodies that could not be given a second life under the control of dark energy will catch the demon caught off guard with an impact burst. We are separated from the center.

And those intact corpses, under the mysterious will command, took back the control of their dead body from the darkness, but unlike when they were alive, these guys had to succumb to the will in their minds, from the ground , From his body, he drew a blood-stained weapon and rushed towards the nearest demon.

The silent march, the silent fight, the demons were horrified to discover that these **** **** are 100 times more difficult to deal with when they die than they were when they were alive. They use long swords, use claws, and even use their teeth to break with themselves. The body of the demons disrupted the formation of the demons.

An icy breath rose from behind the Third Legion. In the eyes of 57 black dragon bones, the icy cold of death gleamed. Sassarian sat on the head of the bone dragon at the forefront. His will connected the earth and drove those The new undead messed up everything.

They are walking with death!

“Kill them!”

Gamour roared, and golden anger burst from under every inch of his body’s metal skin. This tauren, who won his second life with his own existence, was already in the midst of the great horror of death. sublimation.


The giant battle axe easily split a tall demon guard in two. The tauren spirit laughed wildly and stepped on the ground with its hoofs. The violent vibration made the surrounding demons sway, and the next moment, it was rounded. The tomahawk swept across from the other side.

The 270° sweep made Gamor’s armor and weapons covered with disgusting stumps and broken arms. The werewolves of Gilneas let out a long wolf howl, under the leadership of the wild old wolf. , With an absolutely strong posture, piercing the demon’s camp frontally.

No matter what is in front of them, they will be split into two by the claws being swung. When all the shackles are loosened, these wolves fighting for the battle will become something that all opponents can feel. The wild blade of fear.

No requirements, no rules, no constraints!

kill! Kill everything!

The veterans with Gamore placed on the third line of defense have long been dissatisfied with passive defense. They rushed out at the moment of the war. The formation of the demon that had been stopped by the undead had been torn apart, and two groups were set. The beginning of the rapid slaughter of the demon guards who were disturbed.

Outside the dark green torrent that was blocked like a wall, the warrior with golden flames and a doomsday guard holding two lava halberds have fought together.


The great axe and the halberd collided, sparking a series of beating sparks between the weapon pursuits, the eyes under the tauren’s helmet had become blood red, and the opposite doomsday guard could not help being shaken by the great power of the heroic spirit. After taking a step back, Gamor caught the flaw, and under a rush, forced it to retreat continuously.

“Roar! Your world! All worlds! All will collapse under the slaughter of the Legion!”

This doomsday guard with purple skin yelled, trying to inspire the demon soldiers around him who were trapped by more and more undead besieged into a hard fight.

“The Legion is invincible! The Legion will win!”


The halberd in its left hand came out under the impact, and when it shook the other halberd, Gamol directly abandoned the sharp axe that had been curled, and jumped to the guard of the doomsday with both fists in his hands. A heavy punch hit the heart, followed by a storm-like hammering.

“Go to TM’s legion! Go to TM’s invincible!”

“Let me see clearly! This is not a place where you vulgar species can be wild!”

“Where did it come from… Go back!”


The guard of the doomsday was lifted by Gamor with his left leg, like a human warhammer, sweeping all the way from left to right. After the black dragon reinforcements joined, the battlefield that had been completely messed up and lost the last suspense.

And this is just the beginning of the turbulent Demon War, but the real climax is also coming.

right here! Just under this starry sky!

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