Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 639

Chapter 37 .Shadowmoon Valley: Battle

The news of Marton’s destruction cannot be concealed from the Burning Legion. Although it is a world that has been shattered for most of it, due to special reasons, the Legion still regards it as one of the bridgeheads to invade various worlds. In fact, it must be in the twisting void It is very difficult to find a planet similar to Marton.

The demon star was cut to pieces by Sargeras. Later, due to an extremely coincidental evolution, a space barrier was formed that almost did not exist, but it also had a broken world with a complete continent, which was extremely convenient for the opening of the legion portal. That’s why the demons take it so seriously.

Speaking of it, Matten’s situation is actually very similar to Draenor, but when it comes to the almost non-existent space barrier situation, even in Broken World Draenor, only Voidstorm is barely qualified.

In other areas, such as Shadowmoon Valley, Bone Wilderness, and Blade’s Edge Mountains, the space barriers still barely work. After all, Draenor was attracted by Ner’zhul at the beginning of too much void energy, bursting from the inside, and Mardonna The situation of complete destruction from the outside is almost completely different.

Kil’jaeden is very angry at Illidan’s betrayal. The direct consequence of this anger is that there are as many as 20 demons who invaded Draenor this time, although it is far less than the offensive that invaded Azeroth. , But Draenor is only a broken world after all, and being able to invest so many demons at once is enough to prove the determination of the fraudster.

It wants to catch Illidan! It wants to punish its boldness!

The most important thing is that it wants to recapture the Sargerite Keystone. The fact that the thing was taken away is simply too deadly for the order of the legion.

And because of Kil’jaeden’s determination, the invading demons opened four portals, but three of them are located in Shadowmoon Valley. It seems that the demons have learned the lesson of the failed invasion of Azeroth and intend to directly confront Illidan came up with a decapitation tactic, but unfortunately, their tactics failed at the beginning.


The dark green hellfire giant that fell from the sky hit the black ground of Shadowmoon Valley, and at the moment of landing, it smashed the ground into a large impact-shaped pit. More than 200 undead died in this blow, but when the whole body was covered The moment when the hellfire giant surrounded by the scorching evil flames, 7 meters high and made of hard rock, stood up completely, an extremely cold breath fell from the sky.

“Chill you down! You look very angry, hahaha!”

Kuldila’s wild laughter flew across the air, and two frost dragons flew over the body of the hellfire giant. The confrontation between evil flame and ice caused its body to crack at this moment, and then black As soon as the shadow flashed, the demon hunter’s scythe wiped its head, completely smashing the dark green flame monster.

“The third hunting team, come with me!”

Alleri the Soul Eater, the Sin’dorei chick became extremely enthusiastic when she arrived on the demon battlefield. She picked up the demon soul of the hellfire and threw it to the recruits behind her, without looking at the surrounding battlefield. Blood stained, she took a feverish breath of gunpowder smoke, waved her scythe, the demon wings behind her spread out, and her recruit hunting team continued to advance toward the depths of the battlefield.

But before the dread demon who had just finished casting the spell had time to catch his breath, a bright blade of knife lighted up behind its neck, and the slender figure of the Watcher jumped out of its shadow, the knife wheel already covered with demon blood. With a slight turn, it completely severed the spine of this ugly demon.

“Disgusting creature!”

Nasha didn’t even look at the results of her battle, turned her head and jumped into the shadows, while the dread demon fell to the ground, and just wailed, she was swarmed by the undead.

“Sisters, follow me! Go and support those fighters!”

The watchers who whizzed past are like the lightest hunters in the dark, and they can even step on the shoulders of demons to attack the commanders of those demons.

In fact, whether it is a demon hunter or a watchman, their task is to hunt down those commanders as much as possible, so that the demon legion can fall into chaos as quickly as possible.

And further afield, mages from all over the world are summoning huge snowstorms that fall from the sky, and the night elf rangers who protect them use their special magic arrows to clear out the flying mephits in the sky, every second There are more than 100 mephits smashing into the sea of ​​undead on the ground. These powerful monsters may be able to tear an undead into pieces with a single claw, but it has to face the bite and attack of at least 50 undead at the same time.

Therefore, these fallen demons are like ink dripping into the sea, without even a trace of ripples coming out.

Under the command of Mograine, the human heavy cavalry and paladins starting from the northern line of defense are like sharp knives, constantly cutting in the demon formation divided by the sea of ​​undead, cutting them into smaller pieces. A block of battle positions, and the more swift orc wolf cavalry dispersed and siege the separated demons.

“Let them see the power of the hills! Come with me and shatter their knees!”

Muradin personally rushed into the demon guards with heavily armed dwarf warriors that looked like iron knots. With a fanatical attitude, they counterattacked Anxi’s most difficult to deal with the demons, and faced their bodies. The extinction of tall demons and dwarves can often bring great results.

Kurdran, the legendary hero of the Wildhammer dwarf, once again returned to the place where he once fought. This old dwarf brought his griffon guards and teamed up with those weird-looking dwarf aircrafts, and swept away under the attack of the blizzard. The number of mephit remnants has been sparsely swept away, but in the face of the demon whose flame resistance is almost MAX, the effect of the aerial bombs of the gnomes is mediocre.

Farther away, the most difficult saboteurs are still resisting. Their huge size gives them savage strength and great vitality. Even a stormtrooper composed of tauren fighters can’t block their assaults. After they broke through the orc warriors for the third time, the frosty northern battlefield commander, the old orc Saurfang, simply left them the most explosive offensive.

“The artillery position, coordinates XX, XX, XX, cover shooting!”

Saurfang put down the telescope in his hand and said coldly to the goblin siege master beside him, “I don’t want to see those destruction demons hindering the warriors’ attack, and send them to the **** where they should go!”

After 15 seconds, all the 45 engineering artillery guns in the artillery position controlled by the goblin fired. The artillery shells filled with high explosives, shotguns and special holy water sacs with a sharp whistling sound, across the eternal night sky of Shadowmoon Valley , Exploded in the place behind the destruction demon army, completely tore the ground there, but only killed less than one tenth of the destruction demon.

Obviously, this time the attack was missed.

“What do the gunners do! Fix it quickly! We are all laughter!”

The goblin engineer Garowitz jumped up and down and smashed the command knife in his hand and the helmet on his head to the ground, although 20 seconds later, the second round of shells accurately hit the center of the destroyers, and 1/3 of the destroyers Funeral, but this time the revised shooting was obviously despised by the dwarf artillery not far away.

The dwarves from Gnomeregan, but the first round of shelling eliminated their target, which made Garowitz feel shameless.

But to be honest, compared to the embarrassment and embarrassment of the previous wars, this time the battle in Shadowmoon Valley, the main battlefield of the devil’s aggressive attack, is “easy.” The demons who rushed out of the portal unstoppable were almost suppressed by the power of Azeroth for the first time.

It’s not that Azeroth’s power system has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past few years. The most ordinary soldiers still can’t do a demon. But this time, the demon’s greatest advantage, the number, has been completely wiped out, and even become They have their disadvantages.

For this battle, Uther, the “Eternal Silent”, moved two-thirds of the Night’s Watch Legion to Shadowmoon Valley… That was a full 30 undead, more than the number of demons who rushed out of the portal in the first wave. Out twice!

These arrogant creatures have fallen into a subtle embarrassment. They are probably facing such a situation for the first time. The opponent obviously dug a hole for them to jump, and they jumped in foolishly.

Then I found out that the opponent had already deployed various lines of defense, from traditional heavy cavalry to advanced artillery positions, from demon hunters to cannon fodder regiments, the opponent had simply counted every step of them, like a trapped beast in a cage. Can be chopped on the body passively.

The demons were frustrated, but they didn’t know that their whereabouts were sold by the Ethereal spirits long before the war started. As early as when they were building the portal, Illidari’s agents had already mixed into the world they occupied. in.

This is a conspiracy against the devil! When opponents are deployed, they know nothing, and when opponents are lore, they have no resistance.

In addition to quantity, the quality they are proud of seems to have been crushed.

“Hahahaha, I like this kind of fighting!”

On the southern battlefield of Shadowmoon Valley, Torim’s body constantly appeared, disappeared, and reappeared in the thunder and lightning. Every time he appeared, he would inevitably appear in the most concentrated place of the demons, and then the sky full of thunder fell from the sky, and he would be caught off guard. The demons were shrouded in the bombardment of thunder and lightning.

Whether it’s a powerful destroyer or a cunning succubus, under such a thunder from the sky, there is no way to fight other than turning into coke.

However, the most frightening thing is that even the most powerful saboteurs, under the attack of the fanatical spirits shouting Valarjar, also appear to be defeated, and those who are regarded as the king of brute force, those who come from distortion The abyss lord in the deepest part of the void was also suppressed by two huge rock warriors.

When the emperor’s great Jian Xi chopped off the head of the impossible abyss lord, the destruction demon army began to disintegrate, but when the northern and southern battlefields have entered a stalemate with a slight advantage, the Dark Temple The battlefield is still anxious.

Illidan was in a deep plan and did not deploy heavy soldiers in the Dark Temple theater. This is where the “old friends” Malonos and Tichondrius personally led the attack. The battle was fierce for a while, and the tongue died. After a quarter of the Oaths were killed, they retreated to the defense of the Dark Temple.

The four spaceships of the demons hovered over the Dark Temple, and they even triggered the starship’s artillery to attack the defensive array of the Dark Temple. At the most critical moment, Illidan had already begun to take the masters of the Demon Hunter into battle. .


“Betrayer! Accept Kil’jaeden’s anger!”


The furious Malonos’s halberd pierced into the ground beside Illidan, brute force destroying the city wall, the detonated mana formed a giant green lava volcano behind Illidan, and the bat wings behind the Demon Hunter King opened. , The whole person hovered in the air, and the Azzinoth war blades in his hand staggered through the top of Mannoroth’s head like scissors, cutting off one-third of the demon horns on its head.

But then, Illidan was kicked away by a shadow that sprang from the darkness, leaving five **** scratches on his chest.

Tichondrius Yin smiled and licked the blood on his paws, then his complexion changed a lot, and the blood came out.

“The mixture of two demon souls… Illidan, I think you are really crazy.”

The demon hunter moved his body and “buckled” himself out of the hard steel depression. The wound on his chest quickly healed. A layer of black flame was beating around him, with two blades in his hand, Illidan looked up. A glance at the starship floating above the fierce battlefield of the Dark Temple.

There was a grin at the corner of his mouth, and the sharp teeth made Tichondrius take a step back. The guy in front of him had a part of his soul in his body… it was for this reason.

“So, stop talking nonsense… Either I die gloriously, or I accept your soul… Come on!”

“Fight vigorously!”

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