Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 653

Chapter 7 The end of suffering

Even when he was injured by a starship explosion and lost his mobility, Lakish endured the pain in his body, he could still remember the day 25 thousand years ago… the longest day in Argus .

“…Not long ago, we got a definite contact from the outside world…and this fact…”

Mr. Kil’jaeden’s voice echoed back and forth on the holographic projection of the Argus Awakener Academy. It was the day of the summer solstice, the oldest celebration in the entire Argus world. The square of the Academy was filled with all the students and tutors. Everyone I was expecting the historic declaration from the trio ruling group.

It was the day Sargeras came, it was the day Velen took the exiles to escape, it was the day his father left his wife and children and fled in a hurry.

“On the longest day of the year, head to the oldest peak in the world… and wait.”

Lakish clearly remembers that before his father prepared the bold “prison escape” plan, he had repeatedly told him this sentence, as the only son of the great prophet Velen, he knew what his father was doing. Also understand what the father did.

The power of the world of Argus has been taken by the other two members of the trio, Kil’jaeden and Archimonde. They are making a dangerous attempt. Velen has repeatedly stopped them, but he has failed.

Especially in Archimonde to betray his mentor, the awakener of the great Argus civilization, but he was the first among the draenei to devote himself to the summoning of Sargeras, the powerful mage Saqier was promoted to the three. After the ruling group, he and Kil’jaeden joined forces, almost driving Velen and his followers to a desperate situation.

The Prophet saw from the fragments of the future what would happen in the world of Argus, but he could not change this status quo. Under the advocacy of Kil’jaeden and Archimonde, almost most Eredars were convinced of Sargeras. The advent of will become a milestone in the world of Argus toward the light.

Today is the day of the summer solstice, the day when the festival begins, and the day when the Awakener Academy’s defenses are the weakest. Lakish uses a sad and nostalgic look to remember everything in the Academy until the tower of loyalty. Gas came to pick him up.

He will go to another world with his parents and become sad exiles, but the young Lakish believes that they will come back sooner or later, recapture this once warm and beautiful world, and completely banish the faith of the devil.

At that moment, Lakish thought so.

But it wasn’t until the loyal Targas betrayed that he realized that… he was just a bargaining chip. Archimonde might want to cut the roots, but Kil’jaeden, the ruler who had worked with his father for most of his life, used him as his Bargaining chip, I hope Velen can stay and accept this “gift” from the Dark Titan with him.

At least at that moment, Kil’jaeden still hoped so.

Unfortunately, Velen is gone, he abandoned his son, he abandoned his friend, he abandoned his wife…

“We detained you here! To give him a reason to stay!”

When Lakish awakened from a long sleep, he was greeted by the demonized, ugly and sickly Targas. He clutched Lakish’s body madly and swayed, and he roared, full of His disappointment with Velen,

“But he failed all this!”

“This is because of your… shameful… betrayal!”

At that time, Araki, who was still a young man, chose to believe in his father. He slobbed at the traitor’s face, but the next words of Tagas cast a layer on Lakish’s young heart. shadow.

“Yeah, we betrayed…”

The traitor grinned, “What kind of great man would abandon his wife and children, his people, and even his planet?”

“Child…you have been betrayed too…but it’s okay. Kil’jaeden was very happy to learn that you were alive. He had an expectant “plan” for you… Yes, we will find him, even if It took a thousand years, ten thousand years! We will find him.”

Targas’ hand broke Lakish’s palm, and in that young man…no, in the screams of that young man, he broke his fingers one by one, and endless pain came…but that It’s just the beginning of endless torture.

Pain can destroy a person’s will, especially when one understands a painful and endless hope without ending, the will collapse faster and faster, from doubt, to shake, to despair, to collapse… 25 thousand years of age After time, Lakish has almost forgotten that he still has a father named Velen.

He even thought that father and son would never have the chance to meet again in this life. The most important thing is that he was waiting hopefully for his father to save him, but now he is full of anger and wants to give the **** who abandoned him and his mother a real one. Happy.

Even after the destruction of this revenge, the ashes were wiped out… Lakish didn’t care.

Then, the opportunity came!

At the moment when he saw the Eredar whose abdomen was almost completely shredded by exploded fragments, Velen’s staff fell to the ground. At this moment, the old prophet, who had always paid attention to appearance, almost settled himself for 25 thousand years. All the firmness and demeanor that came down were thrown aside, and he quickly walked towards the Eredar.

His voice trembled, his tears were always running, his cuffs and robe were cut apart by the debris on the ground, he staggered,

“The light is on! No… Lakish… my son!”

Dick stepped to stand in front of Velen, he held the old prophet’s arm with both hands, and shouted,

“Velen, be sober! He is now an Eredar! Wait until confirmation…”

“Get out! Dick, get out!”

A huge force came from the old prophet’s arm. He shook his hands at Dick impatiently, his expression almost stubborn, “Get out of the way! Lying there is my only son. I have lost him once. , No matter what, there is no way to separate me from him! Get out of the way!”

“He will hurt you!”

Dick shouted again, but seeing Velen’s martyrdom-like gaze, he sighed and let go.

Velen almost rushed to the side of the seriously injured Eredar and lifted him from the shattered command table, but oncoming was a cold and gloomy knife light.

The old prophet seemed to have not seen the light of the sword at all, allowing it to penetrate into his abdomen. He seemed to feel no pain or resistance, and allowed the blade to pierce his skin. If the demigod priest wanted to To resist the attack, just the heavy spiritual fire can give him a defense that is not inferior to the city wall, but he does not.

There is no meaning of resistance at all.


Warm blood spurted from the wound, and Old Velen gently held the seriously injured Eredar in his arms, as if he had regained a certain treasure.

“Ah, my son, on the day I lost you, my regret was like a poisonous snake that devours the soul, biting my will to death. I can’t stand every day when you are away, but I’m sorry, but I didn’t. It’s too stupid to be able to go back and save you. It’s really stupid.”


To this kind of apology, the silent Eredar’s response was another stabbing, but the old prophet’s warm voice remained unchanged.

“At that time, you and the people who were willing to believe in me were placed in front of my eyes. I… At the beginning I thought I could not abandon those creatures for my own sake. At least… At least I have to find a home for them before I can… ”


The third knife stabbed into the heart of the old prophet, and Velen finally showed a trace of pain on his face, his face became pale, and the expression of the Eredar demon he held in his arms became enjoyable. Becoming ferocious, it seems to be revenge.

Dick stepped forward quickly, and the fire of repressive order had rushed into his fists. He could not allow his fellow traveler, a sincere believer of the Holy Light, to die here. In this way, he could not just watch. It all happened.

But at the moment he approached, Velen stretched out his palm to prevent him from approaching. The palm was covered with blood. It was surging with pale golden blood, representing Velen’s noble identity.


Dick understood a little bit of the old prophet, he cursed, turned and kicked on the hatch, kicked the broken hatch directly, and smashed everything along the way.

Behind him, Velen’s confession continued.

“I know that I will leave you and your mother in Argus. I waited until the last moment. The Naruh called me. The forward of the Burning Legion has reached the foot of the highest peak. They need a strong enough carrier. To activate the storm fortress…”


“I know, I was wrong… After that long journey began, I knew that I was wrong… You are as important as the people. Anything you lose will make me incomplete… I thought I had no chance to make up for it. All this, but…thanks to the holy light, I have waited…thanks for its grace.”


Velen’s face became dim due to rapid blood loss. The power of the demigod was indeed terrifying, but after he instinctively removed all defenses, his power was actively isolated from his body. Now he is almost like a mortal. Almost, he stretched out his hand tremblingly and brushed it across Eredar’s hideous face, and the warm blood flowed down the crimson face full of bone spurs.

He was in pain, but in the eyes of Eredar, the old prophet didn’t have a trace of pain on his face, only slowly loving kindness and a smile called “liberation”.

“It’s great… great, you are still alive, this is great… the people have got what they need, and I… I will also get what I expect… Thanks to the Holy Light for sending you to me again, I Son, my poor Lakish.”


The face of the enemy in front of him slowly overlapped with the blurred face in the deepest memory of Lakish. He had imagined that he would stand in front of Velen. That person would be afraid, ashamed, and even angry. Want to kill this son who turned into a demon.

But he did not…Even if he fell into what he least wanted to see, he was still his father. The hatred of Lakish for thousands of years melted quickly at this moment, which made the Eredar feel fear. Just like when he was tortured, his fear of hope slowly disappeared.

He didn’t want to, he screamed, he roared,

“No! That’s not the case! No!!! You are the enemy! You are the **** who abandoned me and my mother, you are the **** who betrayed us, you should die! You should kill me… Fight back! Kill me Ah! Asshole, fight back!”


It was another knife that pierced Velen’s heart, and the old prophet’s body shook. He used his last strength to show a kind smile to the furious Lakish, and slowly put his palm on Lakish’s. Shoulders.

“No…child, my son…no, this is an atonement…this is what I deserve…don’t…don’t be angry…don’t feel sad…this is what I…I deserve it, I am a…coward who has abandoned his wife and children… …Thanks to the Holy Light…thanks for it…for letting me…let me see…you…”

“Live… for your… mother…”

After the last inaudible sigh, the palm… quietly fell.

The Eredar looked at the fallen prophet, looked at the hideous wounds on his body, as if he was stupid. He looked down at his hands, the scarlet hands covered with golden blood, and he looked at them. It has been hidden by the side for 25 thousand years as a dagger for revenge or suicide.

He remembered the “plan” of Tagas…

“Dang Cang”

The dagger in Lakish’s hand fell to the ground, and he tremblingly touched Velen…his father’s face with his left hand.

“Do not!!!!”

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