Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 655

Chapter 9 .The dead?

When Dick crossed the portal and returned to Star Harbor, behind him was the seriously injured Lakish supporting the weak Velen. The redemption in the form of the Angel of Order was very powerful, and it could remove the existence that was recognized by the Holy Light from It brings back reality in death, but it is limited to bringing it back.

The weakness and serious injuries caused by death are unavoidable. The so-called old prophet needs at least half a year of training to recover his health. Lakish’s condition actually looks even worse. His whole body was stabbed with unimaginable wounds. The Holy Light is here. Among them, he was completely swallowed by Dick’s tide of holy light. If Dick hadn’t deliberately contracted his power and was only swallowed by the first wave, the Eredar demon, who was not too powerful, would have been dissolved. There are no bones left.

Kil’jaeden destroyed him with hatred and reshaped him, but Velen saved him with affection and hope.

After all, Lakish was still a child, and Kil’jaeden didn’t twist his soul too much in order to achieve better results, so… this guy is still saved.

Only need to purify the soul, and then change a body… Fortunately, Ulduar can do both.

“Holy light is on! Let go of the prophet! You demon!”

As soon as Maraad saw Lakish, he raised the Naaru Warhammer with green blood stains in his hand, but Dick stopped it.

“Calm down, Maraad, that’s Lakish, Velen’s son.”

Dick said it was an understatement, but the expression of the strongest defender was stunned at this moment, and it took 2 seconds for him to react.

“Lakish? The light is on, this… this is incredible.”

“Hmph, angels are the best! Idiots are the best!”

Anvina contentedly grabbed Dick’s hair and jumped on his shoulders, like an active little light spot, Dick just smiled, waved his hand, and motioned for Maraad to take the Prophet. Go to rest, the Queen of the Deep Sea just played with this high-level demon, plus the discomfort of entering the void for the first time, so she also went to rest.

In the hall of Star Harbor, only the Paladin and Eredar twins were left, and Dick’s gaze naturally fell on the two prisoners nearby.

Ereda twins, these are two tall female Ereda demons. They look like twins, they all look exactly the same. The only difference is that the skin on one side is dark red like flame embers, and the skin on the other side is the shadow faded. Lavender at the time.

This shows that they have different powers, fire and shadow, but now, these two charming female demons are confined in place by the chains of the Holy Light and Azshara’s water current barrier. They only have eyes to move up and down, but Even so, the viciousness and cunning shining in those eyes still reflected their essence as high-level demons.

Distortion, unlike Lakish, is distorted from the inside out.

Dick’s body leaned back. When he sat down, the golden light formed a chair behind him in a brilliant trajectory. He put his left hand on the armrest and his right hand slightly forward, imprisoning Ai. The Light Chain and Flowing Water Enchantment of the Ruida Twins suddenly dissipated.

It feels good to be free again, and Gemini’s eyes made contact, and they leaped towards Dick very tacitly.

As mentioned earlier, the Paladin is always accustomed to concealing his breath when he is not in combat. Coupled with his robe, he looks like a big man, who doesn’t have much combat power, and the nature of the devil. It also makes Gemini tend to take risks.

Although it is possible to encounter a hidden abyss monster, they still don’t want to catch it.

The plan went smoothly. The two guys left and right, their paws almost touched Dick’s skin, and their eyes showed a hint of joy of success. The high-level demons attacked at the same time, even the epic heroes would be in a mess. After a while, whether it was to seize the Paladin to threaten him, or kill him to cause chaos, and escape.

There is a lot to do!

But everything went smoothly and joyfully at this moment. Dick didn’t even change his eyes. Gemini could feel the air flowing around him stagnate at this moment, like some kind of invisible ice. The unsurprisingly-looking human bodies appeared around them, and they were “ice-sealed” in place in an instant.

Can’t move… even more terrifying than the previous imprisonment… Even the power can’t flow, and even the soul has to be frozen.

Dick’s fingers tapped on the handrail made of holy light. On his left finger, he carried a new signet ring, a silver-white crystal that contained the endless storm of Buddha and was inlaid in the hand-made by Ignis, the oldest furnace master. On the pedestal, the whole is integrated, and it looks like the true treasure of nature.

His gaze glanced at the Ereda twins who were still in place by time. Their bodies were up in the air, still maintaining the pounce position. The expressions on their faces were not even hideous, some were just a trace. Hidden joy.

But it was still in the moving eyes that they could see their panic at this time. They thought that this guy was an epic hero at best, but they got lucky and dug out a real predator.


Dick sighed, “I understood a bit early on that humility is based on strength, while arrogance comes from incompetence…When will you twisted creatures understand this.”

He glanced at the lavender-skinned Queen Salolas, looked at the chaos and tyranny in her eyes, and finally shook his head, “Forget it, I don’t expect you to understand this. I know that your twisted arrogance comes from yours. Insignificant power…but what can this weak power change?”

“It’s nothing more than being killed or looted, so…I’m under your punishment of weakness!”

With a flick of Dick’s left hand, the eye of the storm, capable of manipulating the huge energy of the Atama crystal, was adhering to Dick’s will at this moment. The Eredar twins felt a pair of ghostly claws pierce their souls with a kind of The tearing pain swept away all the power in their bodies arbitrarily.

A group of scorching red, a group of surging shadows continuously rotated and twisted on both sides of Dick’s body, and was finally absorbed into the silver-white eye of the storm, and was quickly assimilated into the most basic energy.

The paladin’s left hand flicked outward again, and the Gemini, who had been completely taken away from energy, was smashed into the corner of the hall like duckweed in the wind. This kind of extreme weakness has never been seen since their birth. The weakness of the past makes them panic, scares them, and makes them crazy.

They supported their bodies, crawling on the ground like wild beasts, trying to touch Dick’s body,

“Give me back! Give me back my strength!”

“Give it to me! Kill you… Kill you!!”

Those who possess never think about what to do if they lose it, but once they lose, they will become more lost and mad than those who have never had it, especially for demons who believe that power is everything. Weakness itself is the best proof of weakness and sorrow…

What will happen to a demon who has lost power in Argus, the Eredar twins, as the adjutants of Kil’jaeden, know better than anyone else. It is precisely because they are clear that when this kind of bad luck comes to their bodies At that time, they were even more afraid.

But there are only two results of fear, either being crushed and collapsed, or bursting out a request to regain everything, that is the true source of power.

Dick was sitting on the seat of the Holy Light, looking at the twins who were twisting and crawling on the ground, his expression was as cold as steel.

“It’s really ugly… Sargeras gave you new power, but he failed to give you enough power to control the mind, allowing you to follow his violent will to destroy all the way, and the destruction overwhelmed your other intellects, look. Look at you… thugs who succumbed to violence, but…violence will never solve all problems.”

“Now… why do you guys use violence to make me succumb?”

The wailing of the Ereda twins continued. Dick closed his eyes. He was tired of this meaningless curse. If cursing can kill people, then he might have been killed by the guys who died under his sword long ago. Killed.

“Kneel down!”

The cold voice spread throughout the hall, as if a certain order and will, dominating the bodies of the twins, their will at this time was chaotic, almost collapsed, the more chaotic this kind of chaos, when a powerful force comes , The more you can take away all the sanity of these seemingly strong, but actually weak guys.

They respectfully knelt down in the hall in front of Dick’s eyes. At this time, the paladin’s eyes were already bursting with a strange light. This was borrowing the will of the planet to infect the souls of the creatures in front of them. The means force a soul to yield.

It’s like a steel stamp of thinking, whether the opponent voluntarily or resists, the hot stamp will still be stamped in their minds.

Mandatory brainwashing.

Dick doesn’t like this method, but it doesn’t mean that he can’t use it. For the creatures of Azeroth, he will not use this method, even those villains and scumbags who eat and die in Draenor. He was willing to give them a chance, but he didn’t have so much scruples about the devil.

As Kil’jaeden’s adjutant, the Eredar twins knew so many secrets that Dick couldn’t let them slip away.

However, just as Dick’s will penetrated into the minds of the Ereda twins, who had no resistance, a giant mental phantom appeared in front of Dick’s eyes. He had crimson skin and crooked teeth. , Eyes burning like flames, the top of his head is full of bone spurs and a pair of black horns twisted towards the back of his head.

A green fel symbol hovered on his forehead, just like Velen’s holy sacred pattern and Dick’s orderly sacred pattern. The four tentacles under his chin were bound with metal rings with beating flames. There was a bruising wound on his cheek, and the dark green liquid…fel energy surged in it.

“You want to take away their soul and will?”

Kil’jaeden grinned, and the phantom disk of its claws hung on the heads of the Eredar twins, and gave Dick a chilling smile, “Have you asked me?”

Dick’s eyes closed, but he still kept that leaning posture, his tone couldn’t be heard, he almost asked the same sentence.

“This is my place… You came here to show off your power, have you asked me?”

“Hahaha, I am the leader of the Burning Legion. I have ruled and destroyed hundreds of worlds! Where do I want to go…”

Kil’jaeden looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. Behind the phantom was a tumbling green lava. The second half of his sentence almost sounded in the burst of magma.

“Where will I go… Who can stop me? Who can stop the destruction of the Legion… You and your sad world are next!”

His claws penetrated into the heads of the Eredar twins, and the demons who had lost their power could not resist. They were in pain, and Kil’jaeden was destroying their memories and souls.

Dick did not seem to have seen this scene. He was still sitting in his seat, but the moment he spoke, Kil’jaeden’s destructive claws were forcibly lifted.

“Sargeras is afraid of Azeroth’s potential… Why are you dismissive of us?”

“So what? You can’t stop me, even in your turf, you never want to beat me!”

Kil’jaeden roared, his paws fell again, but Dick’s mouth was filled with a smile, which made Kil’jaeden’s phantom startled, but the next moment, the space behind him was broken. , A white, delicate fist that looked like a girl’s arm hit his back heart, seemingly powerless, but completely penetrated Kil’jaeden’s phantom at this moment, making him frightened and angry. The figure shattered into thousands of pieces.

“Huh… you have to face it, but I’m not the only one, you idiot…”

The corners of Dick’s mouth rose slightly, he stood up, leaned slightly in the direction of Azeroth, then walked to the side of the Eredar twins, placing his palms on their heads.

“Um… it destroyed some memories, but it’s not a big problem… wait, this is… Turalyon?”

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