Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 659

Chapter 13 .contact

Sylvanas came much faster than everyone thought. Fast update without ads.

This ranger general rode a magic dog provided by Illidari and drove swiftly across the land of Krokuun. Of course, she did not forget to make a camouflage, a special camouflage suit developed by the Hot Sands Consortium, said to have special optics. The camouflage effect, after putting it on, as long as it is not very close, in the eyes of other demons, it is a characteristicless demon guard.

Uh, it’s worth mentioning that it is said that they have also developed a camouflage suit for multiple people, which requires three people to wear it at the same time, which can be disguised as “100% real Lord of the Abyss, even Kil’jaeden can’t see through it”… However, this thing was eventually eliminated.

Sylvanas followed the special signs placed by the Watchmen girls outside Base No. 3, almost without detours, and rushed straight into the temporary residences of the Watchers, which was shrouded by the secret technique of the Watchers. An area of, like an optical invisibility, “dug” that area out of the devil’s eyes.

Without waiting for the dog to stop, Sylvanas, wearing a black hunting suit and carrying a Windrunner bow, jumped off the dog, threw the dog’s rein to Nasha, and strode towards Maiev sitting by the campfire, and Hatton sitting on the other side.

“Maiev, I’m here, where is the person?”

Sylvanas asked as usual, but her clenched fists still represented her feelings of anxiety. Maiev, who was frowning while eating, pointed to the meditating Hatton, and continued to deal with Nayu Quelsa. “Canned fruits” made by the Ras elves.

These gadgets packed with special disposable storage crystals can be kept fresh for a long time, but in order to achieve this effect, they put a lot of sugar, which makes the night elves who admire natural life miserable, although every watcher girl There are a lot of fresh fruits in the storage ring, but considering that they may have to stay here for half a year, it is better to adapt to this poor material condition from the beginning.

Looking at the surrounding land, this ghost place is so barren that even the devil can’t stand it. The only meat that can be eaten here is the wild demon hounds, but before being pushed to the limit, no one will eat that kind of look. It’s something disgusting.

Hatton also just enjoyed his lunch. He praised this kind of “feeling good” food, so the watchmen girls gave their share to the chief. They would rather eat something similar to red bean paste. The same soft and waxy military food is unwilling to endure this bad, excessively sweet and weird taste.


Sylvanas had just opened her head when she realized that she didn’t know the name of the broken one in front of her, so the moment Hatton opened her eyes and looked at her, the ranger general decided to get straight to the subject.

“I’m Sylvanas Windrunner… I heard that you met my sister, Alleria Windrunner?”

Hatton didn’t answer immediately, but carefully looked at Sylvanas’ face, not because it was amazing, but because he was familiar…Yes, even if Sylvanas didn’t tell her and Alleria Hatton can also understand this.

The genes of the Windrunner family are very powerful. In Marton’s time, Dick said more than once that Sylvanas and Vereesa had different hair colors. Almost 80% of that face was Similar, and Alleria, as the eldest sister, naturally inherited this characteristic.

Hatton pondered for a moment, then nodded, then stood up and made a “please” gesture to Maiev and Sylvanas who had put down their lunch boxes.

“Then please come with me, distinguished guests… to the Krokuen tribe’s residence, where we have a way to contact Ms. Alleria and Archbishop Turalyon.”


Sylvanas and Maiev looked at each other and both frowned. Turalyon was a paladin through and through before he disappeared. Could it be that he has become a priest now?

However, despite the doubts in their hearts, everyone quickly summoned their own mounts. Sylvanas rolled over and rode on the ferocious dog, and shook the reins. This looked terrifying, but it was actually unusual for the owner. The loyal savage creature stepped away without hair, but with limbs covered with heavy scales, and quickly followed Hatton, who was riding on a dark tabu sheep and advancing along the winding mountain road.

This camp will not be abandoned. It is very close to Base No. 3 and is very hidden. It is an excellent place to observe.

And the Krokuen tribe that Hatton said is located directly below the Krokuen Wilderness. It can only be entered through a very hidden entrance hidden in these broken mountains. If it is a watchman to search, it may take 1 It took only a few months to find this entrance in the mountains that overlapped and were filled with dark fissures.

This is the reason why Hatton and his tribe can survive for 25 thousand years under the hunt of the devil. It is not that Hatton and his people can fight as much, nor how much the mysterious force has helped them, but more because of here. The terrain, this mountain range, unless it is bombarded by the demons from the starry sky with a strategic-class starship, it can block the attack of tens of thousands of demons.

Maiev was riding on her black nightsaber, observing the terrain of this broken mountain, and finally turned her head and said to the restless Sylvanas,

“Hatton said that Argus World responded and sheltered them, which now seems to be true…”

The watchman’s finger pointed to a 270-degree twisted crater not far away from the crowd. In the shadow, a deeper space crack loomed.

“This kind of environment doesn’t look like a natural formation… I doubt that the world of Argus also has a role like the guardian of the earth of Azeroth. It or he created it when Argus was dying. This hiding place, and lead Hatton to come.”

Sylvanas nodded, but she did not answer. Lady Watcher put the left hand with the sonorous steel hand armor on her shoulder and whispered,

“Your heart… is messed up.”

Sylvanas woke up suddenly. She looked at Maiev. They did not have too deep friendship with each other. They only cooperated a few times in the pursuit of Draenor, but at this time, from the strange owl mask. Next, what she saw was a soft and friendly gaze.

Feeling the kindness from others, the loneliness and chill in our hearts, the anxiety and anxiety will be dispelled a little, so Sylvanas took a breath.

“Thank you… I shouldn’t be like this, but, do you know? Maiev, Vereesa and I always thought she was dead. I vowed to avenge her, but now she is still alive, but I can’t be happy. …I should be happy, but…”

“I see!”

Maiev’s hand armor patted on the shoulder of the general ranger a few times, and her voice was as cold as ever.

“You are resenting your sister, who is clearly alive, why stay here instead of trying your best to return to your side. You are even more resenting that she abandoned you and your sister for the sake of a man… Frankly speaking, I also think that Alleria’s behavior is inappropriate, but…you can’t make choices for your sister, can you?”

Maiev’s last words reached Sylvanas’ ears,

“How worried you were about her, how painful you were when the news of her death came… She was forced to leave you, leave the world she knew, and live alone in this place far away from home, her pain is no better than yours Little, Sylvanas, don’t resent your loved ones…never hurt them.”

While speaking, Maiev’s fingers touched the rough pendant on her wrist. There was a faint smile on her face under the mask, and the Ranger General also nodded, although he was still depressed, but that In his eyes, there was already a glimmer of hope that could not be concealed.

“Here we are!”

The injured Hatton jumped off his Tabu sheep inflexibly. He glanced at the distinguished guests behind him, and then tapped the stick in his hand on an inconspicuous stone wall very regularly. It took 7 times, waited 1 minute, and knocked 3 more times. Then, a dark cave opening appeared on the rock on the left hand side of everyone, and Hatton was the first to walk into it.

“Krokuun tribe…I’m back!”

His voice rang in the cave, and it spread far and wide. When the first guard jumped out of the shadows, Hatton issued a second order.

“We have a traitor…Seal three exits, and then let the interrogators start the investigation. By the way, let Sagur prepare the communicator of the Holy Light Legion, we have distinguished guests!”

As Hatton’s voice fell, the guardian in the shadow moved quickly. It could be seen that Hatton’s reputation in this underground tribe was terrifying. He took the watchman and the ranger general all the way down. The guests saw many large caves opened on both sides, in which many broken people like Hatton lived.

It can be seen that they are poor in materials, but the mental state of these underground residents is very good. There are people kneeling at Hatton’s feet and kissing the ground he walked through, just like those… mad believers.

“They treat him as a god, or a role like a savior.”

Nasha whispered in Maiev’s ear, “It’s almost the same as the attitude of those draenei towards the Prophet, and even more sincere.”

“This is natural…”

Maiev replied, “The Prophet led the draenei in exile for 25 thousand years, and Hatton led his people to revolt for 25 thousand years. The Prophet is not greater than Hatton, and to be honest, when the two are compared, I think The chief in front of him is more respectable, guarding hope in despair, building a society from nothing, and preserving a civilization. He is worthy of the three words “savior”.”

Hatton may have heard Maiev’s very high evaluation of him. Maybe he hasn’t. In short, he descended into the earth at a constant speed. Sylvanas even had the feeling that he would eventually reach the core of the earth, but in reality They didn’t go up. After 10 minutes, their trek came to an end, and they came to a slightly dim, but very dry hall with pleasant temperatures.

There is nothing in the hall, only a special instrument, which looks like some kind of engineering product. It is a special communication instrument shining with holy light. It is said that the Krokuen tribe used this communication instrument to hide Contacted with the Holy Light Legion in a special location.

Hatton took a breath. He was old after all, and his body was not as strong as the prophet Velen, who was loved by the Holy Light. He stood in front of the instrument, glanced at Maiev and Sylvanas, and took it out of his arms. A small crystal shining with colorful light was thrown into the contact device.

He took a step back, and the light of the instrument suddenly changed. It was a portal made up of holy light. Sylvanas nervously grabbed the hilt of her waist, under her black hood. His eyes stared closely at the light curtain, and a figure walked out of it the next moment.

When the holy light dissipated, the whole picture of the man fell into the eyes of the beholder. It was a middle-aged man with gray hair. His face was staggered with several scars, but it looked like an injury from a long time ago. So, it doesn’t seem to be particularly scary. On the contrary, it also brings a special temperament to this middle-aged man, a temperament that is not angry and prestigious.

Those eyes also left a very deep impression on people, as if they contained endless light. Although they were not eye-catching at the beginning, if they were just looking directly, they would seem to be straight into people’s hearts.

But there is a kind of invisible fatigue on this face, as if it is carrying the heaviest burden, can not give up, no matter how hard it is, we must go on.

He wore a heavy armor, a golden shell, inlaid with non-golden or jade light belts, on the arm armor, hand armor and leg armor, there are signs that look like sacred texts, and he carries a special hand on his back. Long sword, it is a two-handed epee, but it is a broken sword broken from the blade, but outside the broken long sword, the solidified holy light constitutes the entity, and the sword is broken from the broken sword. Put together everywhere, making it a veritable lightsaber.

“Hatton… call us to have… wait, you are… Sylvanas, the light is on, how is this possible!!!”

“Turalyon! Where is my sister!!!”

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