Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 665

Chapter 19 . Hatton and Velen, two leaders, two roa


The door of Ulduar’s most secret office was kicked open. This is the most underground office that used to be Leiden’s window to manage the world, but now Dick uses it to store a lot of confidential information, or to carry out Some special experiments.

When the angry Sylvanas strode into the office, Xiao Guangling Anwina was playing with her pet, the Twilight Dragon, Alduin that had just hatched a few months ago, This little guy deserves to have inherited the characteristics of the Void Dragon Clan that can swallow the void power and grow infinitely, even if it is staying in Ulduar without void power, relying only on the strange food thrown by Anvena and Resch casually. In a few months, it has grown to the size of a small calf.

For ordinary whelps, it takes at least 20 years to grow to a size. This little guy has a beautiful purple scale. When his mood fluctuates significantly, there will be a black light outside the scales. Before, she could still use her breath to destroy a house. When Alduin just hatched, the brave Anvina secretly carried it to Thor’s Peak with Resch, and gave Alduin a thunder boost.

Little Guangling holds the ownership of Dick, and the guardian stone statues don’t stop her at all.

It was only when Dick passed by Alduin’s little lair once that he discovered the abnormal thunder and lightning sparks on this whelp, but what can he do for Anvina?

The light spirit has become part of his existence, and even Dick can feel that the souls of the two are merging a little bit.

When Sylvanas rushed into the office, she saw Dick who was lying on the desk writing something. She walked towards Dick, but Alduin thought it was an intruder, and the Twilight Dragon opened. Twilight’s breath mixed with thunder and lightning spewed out from her mouth, but Sylvanas easily avoided her, kicked her butt, and the Twilight dragon flew out in a whimper.

Seeing that her pet had been beaten, Anvina jumped right in front of Sylvanas in a flash and looked at her provocatively.

“Well, Anvina, take your pet to play.”

Dick’s voice rang from behind, and Guangling made a grimace at the frosty Sylvanas, patted her stomach, as if she was deliberately provoking, and then sat in the Austrian jokingly. On Du Yin’s head, the Whelpling rushed out of the office with her like a puppy.

Obviously, Guangling knew exactly why Sylvanas came.

At this time, the general ranger’s anger that could have been controlled a little bit completely broke out. She gritted her teeth and looked at Dick.

“Why are you doing this!”

Dick put down the quill in his hand, he turned his head to look at Sylvanas, and beckoned to her, but the general ranger stuck in place like a stone statue, and there was no movement at all.

“Okay, okay! I don’t know what Algalon said to you, but what I want to say is… you understand it wrong!”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Sylvanas frowned. She believed Dick’s explanation because he knew that Dick would not lie to her, and Dick quickly explained, “The demigod is the symbol of the highest level of life in the universe. You should know that the second stage of the Titan’s Road is my current state, which is similar to a demigod. The life element has reached a certain extreme, so… this is no way, but… my hope Watt, this doesn’t mean you will have a bulge in a few months, no, it’s not like that.

Dick once again beckoned to the general ranger. When Sylvanas heard that she was not in the state she had imagined, her attitude softened a bit. In the air pushed from behind, she finally still Holding Dick in his arms, the Paladin touched her long blonde hair, sniffed the fragrance between her hair, and whispered,

“That is just a sign that represents life. Only when you are willing, it will begin to grow and enter the birth of a new life. I don’t know this will happen, but you can rest assured that it will not It will affect your body and life, but listen to me…Don’t run around. I can’t bear the consequences of losing any of you. You can go to Draenor but not Argus. It’s too dangerous.”

Dick felt that Sylvanas in his arms was about to refute, so he first gave his reasons.

“This is not just for me, but for your relatives…your sister Alleria…”

When the Ranger General heard this, she became nervous immediately. She grabbed Dick by the arm, “What’s wrong with my sister?”

Dick’s eyes narrowed, and he whispered while calming the agitated general ranger.

“There is something dark in your sister’s body. She herself, including Turalyon, may not know it… But it’s okay, it’s still too late, so you have to take care of your sister in the next period of time. , This will be a tough time for her.”

“Relax, my Shiva, I won’t make you sad.”

Dick and Sylvanas were talking about Alleria’s situation, and on one side, after an uncontrollable curse, Hatton’s mood finally calmed down. He followed Velen and Maraad. When he came to a quiet reception room, when he sat down, the prophet stood up tremblingly and bowed in front of Hatton to salute.

“My friend, thank you for your perseverance in Argus for 25 years. I am ashamed of my previous duties. I’m sorry, please forgive me.”

For this apology, Hatton dismissed it.

“You should go and apologize to those who have lost everything…”

The chief let out a long sigh, his eyes became sad, “I know, all this is not your fault, but… you really disappointed us too much, Velen, at the moment when the darkness is approaching. , We lost the ability to listen to the Holy Light, at that moment, the moment Sargeras did not come, our world was defeated, by ourselves, I don’t even know why I survived, and I don’t know how I should Shouldn’t survive.”

Maraad, who was sitting on the side, said,

“Mr. Hatton, in fact, you should not blame the Prophet for this matter. The capacity of the Storm Fortress is limited. We can’t put everyone in it at all. You also know the situation at that time. Once the Storm Fortress exists, Kilgar Dan and Archimonde knew that even the essence of our society would lose the last hope of escape… The entire Argus world is feverishly looking forward to the arrival of Sargeras, and so are we…”

“I know, I know all.”

Hatton interrupted Maraad’s statement, and his mood became low. “I was also one of those people who expected darkness to fall. I have no right to blame Velen for his escape. I know that we are just doing it for ourselves. The cowardice is looking for an excuse to vent, but Velen, Maraad, look at us now, this kind of pain needs a channel to vent, otherwise we will be driven crazy by ourselves… this distorted and ugly appearance is simply Just like the evil spirits crawling out of the abyss of the devil, the people cannot accept this kind of pain. It is only when we lose the blessing of the Holy Light that we become like this. We are abandoned by the Holy Light!”

“Velen! I hate you, I hate myself even more. I know that if you stayed back then, we would definitely live much better than now. The Holy Light is so blessed to you, if you can stay, back then you If we can stay and fight against the boundless darkness together, maybe we won’t become like this, at least, at least die decently, instead of living like this.”

Hatton closed his eyes. He let the Buddha lose all his power. He leaned on the chair, like a dream.

“When I see you again, I know that I have never hated you… I just hate my incompetence… I just hate that I can’t be the wise you once, if my ability is stronger , Maybe my people will not suffer such bad luck…”

“No, Hatton, my old friend, what you have done is good enough.”

Velen whispered, “Even if I am in your position, I will not do better than you, because the transformation of the broken one cannot be blocked by personal ability. If you have enough time, I want to invite Two old friends, after meeting them, you will know that none of this is your fault, and the distance of the Holy Light does not mean that there is no faith… This is the fault of those demons!”

“Time is meaningless to me, let me see, Velen.”

Hatton opened his eyes and looked at the Prophet, “Give me a reason that can convince me, a reason that can convince the people.”

Velen nodded, then looked at Maraad.

“Go, Maraad, invite Elder Nobundo and Chief Akama to Ulduar, and tell them that friends from hometown are waiting for them here.”

Maraad took the lead to leave, and Hatton looked for information about the two men in a long memory. After a while, he said,

“Akama is the sheriff of Makele City, and Nobundo is the assistant teacher of the Awakener Academy. They… do they have the answer to our problem?”

Velen laughed and said,

“You are still as knowledgeable as before, old friend, the darkness has not taken away your wisdom, and you should not let him take away your will. Yes, they have a new belief that does not conflict with the Holy Light. This is the best way to solve the problem, and…I will speak for you to the world managers that when Argus is no longer suitable for our people to survive, we should find a new home for them.”

“We will not abandon Argus’s… Velen!”

Hatton closed his eyes, “I am not the same as you. When I was most desperate, the remaining will of Argus protected me and my people. I will consider the new faith you showed me, but I will not Abandon him like you, and I will die in Argus, on the land where I was born and raised.”

Upon hearing this, Velen’s expression became more bitter, but after a moment, he sighed. As a mature ruler, Velen will not be defeated by this language and voice. Most importantly, After 25 thousand years, the draenei is equivalent to another newly born civilization, and perhaps after the next generation of children grow up, they will even have a sense of alienation towards Argus.

This is something Velen has been worried about, but even if he tries his best to preserve all the information of the world of Argus, he can’t stop this evolution. He hopes that the draenei can become part of Azeroth, but He also did not want the inheritance from his hometown to be cut off in this area.

Simply… Hatton is here, with everything from his hometown, he is here.

This is a gift, a gift from Argus, isn’t it?

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