Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 70

Chapter 39 .come down

On the steps of the magnificent Sunwell Heights, Arthas, expressionless, turned over from Death Warhorse Invincible, and reached out and pulled out the Demon Sword Frostmourne behind him. He looked back at the demon battlefield far away from the Sunwell. A stiff and disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he ordered the servant who followed behind him.

“Mavien, you and Thassarian stay here!”

“Theron, come with me!”

Maween, who was wearing black ice and heavy armor, nodded. With Sassarian, who was healed, blocked the stairs from left to right, Arthas stepped into the Sunwell, the Dark Ranger Lor’themar- Theron was holding an altar of ashes in both hands, with a black rose bow and a black phoenix epee on his back, followed behind the second master, and disappeared behind the gorgeous curtain.

Within ten seconds, a strong smell of blood came out of the hall. Kael’thas left some magic-breakers to guard the sun well, but facing a guy of the level of Arthas, these magic-breakers hardly For any use, the blood-stained magic sword buzzed in Alsace’s hands, it was eager for more killing!

What a terrible weapon!

On the other side, Kael’thas heard Dick’s yelling, he was shocked, and looked back at the elf soldiers and commanders who were fighting fiercely with the demons. He gritted his teeth and appeared in the middle of the battlefield. Because of the burning of the elemental fire, lying on the ground, the front of the abyss lord who is constantly wailing.

The color underneath the prince hall was gloomy. He took off the red glove on his left hand and stuck it on the demon’s scorched skin. The next moment, Kael’thas’ body trembled, even Di, who just got up from the ground. Ke, felt the swaying of the holy energy in his body. In the direction of Kael’thas, there seemed to be something that was rapidly extracting all the free energy in the nearby air!

Dick looked in the direction of Kael’thas. He saw that along with Kael’thas’s left hand slowly pulling away from the skin of the abyss lord, a flame energy mixed with dark green and gold was being passed by the prince from the abyss lord. Take it out of the body!

This is an absolutely weird and terrifying picture, but Dick knows that this is Kael’thas, or, in other words, a talent skill that all high elf spellcasters know-the torrent of magic power, which is also called magic absorption.

In the game, players of high elves can only use this skill to absorb a little bit of free energy to restore magic power, but Kael’thas regards this talent as offensive magic.

He was pulling away the mana in the body of the abyss lord and its vitality a little bit!

Dick stood on the spot for 5 seconds, and saw that the light ball in Kael’thas’s hand had once again recovered to become the miniature elemental phoenix. The difference is that the current elemental phoenix has an extra pair of dark green. The eyeballs look very cute.

And the Lord of the Abyss had already died.

Is this the strength of a heroic powerhouse? The Abyss Lord, who was enough to destroy a heroic city, was actually regarded as a food for feeding elemental creatures?

Dick dullly watched Kael’thas’ body disappear in place, and then he felt a strong palm fall on his shoulder. Before the Paladin looked back, Kael’thas was gentle with a trace of death. The voice of Yi came into his ears.

“where is he?”

“Just outside the Sunwell Hall! I saw it with my own eyes!”

“it is good!”

As soon as Dick finished speaking, he felt that the surrounding space was compressed. In his vision, the surrounding space was like being squeezed, stretched, and then pulled apart by a pair of invisible hands. It was like being thrown into the bucket of a washing machine, being stirred frantically, until Dick tried to spit out all of yesterday’s meal, he finally touched the hard ground.

Dick’s body staggered, but when he was about to fall, the habit he had developed for a long time allowed him to subconsciously hold the holy hammer on the ground, but before he could take a breath of air, it made him chill. Feeling the danger of being upside down, Dick raised his left hand and stood in front of him.


The silver hand hidden under the glove and the black rune one-handed sword intersected, and the heavy force pushed Dick to roll back two times, but he also used this force to regain his footing.

At this time, Dick saw that he had returned to the entrance of the Sunwell’s stairs, while Kael’thas threw a large group of flames casually, then waved his staff, rushed into the hall of the Sunwell, all over his body. The ignited Maween shook his body in pain, but the power from the darkness forced him to chase into the hall.

In front of Dick, there stood a death knight holding two slender rune one-handed swords in both hands. Kael’thas’s casual blow also ignited his body, but this guy did He didn’t chase into the hall like Maween, on the contrary, even if his body was ignited, he still insisted on the defensive formation and blocked Dick’s way forward.


Dick recognized this hapless guy from the neatly organized Lordaeron sergeant armor of the death knight. This guy was one of the three thousand soldiers who went to Northrend with Arthas. One of the commanders, an absolutely skilled veteran, and a loyal subordinate, is also a very difficult enemy.

This tragic guy who has resisted the slavery of Frostmourne for a long time is also one of Dick’s favorite NCs in his previous life, but now at this time, Dick can’t take care of his previous life’s liking anymore. He squeezed out the holy water bottle from his pocket. After opening it, pouring it into his stomach, feeling the bitter taste in his mouth and the holy energy burning all over his body, Dick barked his teeth at Sassarian.

Outside, Sylvanas, the lawbreaker and the archmages are desperately blocking the invasion of the devil. Inside, Arthas is also trying to transform the evil Kel’Thuzad into a great lich. Dick is going to go. Change everything, but first he has to knock down the guy who is in front of him.

“Sassarian, get out!”

Dick held the blazing light warhammer in both hands, lowered his body, and stared at Thassarian, “I’m going to fight your evil master, don’t try to stop me!”

Half of Thassarian’s body is stained with the elemental flames left by Kael’thas. It can be seen that he is in pain, but the blood red undead fire on his face is not loose at all, he is like a head The agile lone wolf, with both swords slashed diagonally, rushed towards Dick.

This is his answer!

“Go away!”

With all his strength, Dick hit the long sword in Sassarian’s left hand with a hammer. The weight of the two-handed weapon made the death knight’s figure staggered, and his right hand carried a weaker light flail. , Smashed towards the top of Sassarian’s head.

But the veteran saw the threat of the blow, his legs were hard, and his whole body rolled to the left. The Holy Light flailed his left leg and hit the ground. This was almost the first time Dick missed. Sarrian also seized this opportunity, and another long sword pierced Dick’s neck like a poisonous snake looking for food.


This attack forced Dick to take two steps back, so the distance between the two people was opened again, but just as Dick was about to attack for the second time, a cloud of black and red energy stuck to his body. It was like a frog’s tongue for catching food. In the next second, a strong pulling force pulled his body and rushed towards Sassarian.

The signature skill of the death knight-death grip!


Dick and the death knight did not fight once or twice. He was naturally familiar with this method. He blocked the slashing of Sassarian’s double swords with the fire of justice, and the energy of the holy light followed his legs. Injected into the ground and spewed out from under Thassarian’s feet. This move made the death knight a little messy. He wanted to retreat, but the elemental flame on his body greatly reduced his reaction speed.

Dick seized the opportunity, released the warhammer he held in both hands, and pinched Thassarian’s neck with his left hand. The Holy Shock was ready to go. With Dick’s current divine power, this blow could definitely be interrupted directly. Thassarian’s spine, but just as Dick was about to start, he saw the struggle of the two undead fires in Thassarian’s eyes.

Dick knew that in order to completely wipe out Thassarian’s inner struggle, Arthas even forcibly ordered him to cut off his mother’s head. This is just what happened, but it stimulated Thassarian’s soul to resist more and more fiercely. It was also Thassarian’s hatred for his mother’s death and his concern for his sister, which made him eventually become one of the first death knight commanders to resist the Lich King.

He hesitated for a moment, then let go of the death knight’s left hand, and Dick kicked Thassarian’s abdomen and threw him down the hundreds of stairs.

“Get out! Sassarian, poor fellow, go find your salvation!”

The death knight rolled down the steps embarrassedly, struggling to stand up. The flame on his body has been extinguished, but under the double attack of Dick’s holy light and elemental flames, his current strength has fallen to the bottom, Thassarian I could feel that in my mind, the black voice had a little less imprisonment on my soul.

He raised his head and looked at Dick who walked into the hall. He was silent for a moment, and finally put away his rune sword, found a direction casually, and left staggeringly.

————————————————– ———————-

Dick rushed into the hall, and he went straight to the core of the Sunwell. When most of the lawbreakers were resisting the devil, all the guards left here had been killed by Arthas.

The creatures killed by Frostmourne were quickly transformed into high-level undead with thinking ability, but before this transformation was completed, their bodies were still very fragile. Kael’thas knew this, so Dick went all the way. When I walked, I saw burning corpses everywhere.

At the end of the corpse, Maween’s figure was like a burning cross. The angry Kael’thas used the most cruel means to deal with him. This guard who was extremely loyal to Alsace, his body was completely destroyed. The mourning sword pierced through and was nailed to the pillar, and the whole body was about to burn into a skeleton.

Dick took a look at the guy who had a relationship, gritted his teeth, and continued to run to the depths of the sunwell. The mages’ large splitting array should have been set up, but Arthas’s intrusion gave it to him. The activation of the Great Splitting Array cast a shadow over it.

Dick ran to the second floor of the core of the Sunwell. He lay on the railing and looked towards the well water below. As a result, he saw that Arthas was chasing and killing Kael’thas, the cold death energy. Colliding with the hot flames in the glorious hall, like ice-blue bone dragons and crimson fire dragons roaring wildly, attacking each other, the glorious halls are both in the battle between two heroes. Ruined a little and a half.

Kael’thas seemed to be caught in some kind of crazy mood. Dick patrolled for a few weeks quickly, and then he saw the sun king Anastrian lying on his side. He was lying on the corpses of the wizards in Dalaran, whose hearts or heads were pierced by bone arrows.

His Majesty the Sun King seemed to be injured, he was clutching his abdomen, but judging from the way he was struggling, he was not dead yet, which was probably what made Kael’thas crazy. Dick knew how much His Royal Highness respected his father.

And beside the sunwell water, Dick saw another figure: Lor’themar-Theron, the dark ranger in black armor, was trying to dump Kel’Thuzad’s ashes into the sunwell that was constantly rippling with white light. Well water.

Seeing this scene, Dick immediately got anxious eyes. He grabbed the dragon hook from the storage backpack and used the engineering buckle to hold it on the railing on the second floor. After taking a general look, he calculated the position. The whole person grabbed the chain of the dragon hook and rushed down.

But at the moment Dick just turned over and was about to jump off the railing, Lor’themar suddenly looked up to the sky, the Dark Ranger grinned with a mocking smile, and the ashes in his hands were thrown into the well water. Inside, the dark energy suddenly rushed to the entire water like a black dragon coming out of the water.

Dick saw this scene completely, he was shocked, but the next moment, the whistling white arrow pierced his arm holding the dragon hook.



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