Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 715

Chapter 6 .First Fleet, go!

The world of Draenor, once the Broken Land, is now one of the two lines of defense for the supreme home planet of Azeroth. Because of the existence of the almost natural space rift of the Dark Portal, the Azeroth Federation is for this The world has invested unimaginable resources, and almost every inch of the usable land is covered with traction structure devices, and the broken continent is reorganized abruptly.

The other line of defense is in Xiakan. That world is now replaced by the Altwes Empire. The first King of Xiakan died more than 1,700 years ago, but thanks to his maintenance of the Azeroth civilization during his tenure. After his death, the Altwes Empire was officially accepted into the then-born Azeroth Federation and became one of the first accepted civilizations.

The Shakan civilization now rules a large star area, which is unimaginable for them once. Of course, the Shakan people now regard themselves as a member of the Azeroth civilization. For them , The supreme home planet is similar to his hometown.

The reason why these two places can be called defense lines is that they are also the starports where the first and fourth fleets are anchored, while the second and third fleets are anchored on both sides of the synchronous orbit of the supreme parent star The role of the guards.

The first to fourth fleets are not as simple as the permanent troops in each large star area. They have inherited the name of the original fleet, and also inherited their history and weight. These four fleets are no longer the pitiful ones at the beginning. 15 The assault fleet consisting of only main battleships, each fleet consists of 154 “whale shark class” assault starships, 25 “sea beast class” mental assault ships, 15 “devil ray class” integrated command starships, 24 supply ships and Composed of 20 medical ships and 4 “Leviathan-class” super flagships, it is an absolute behemoth.

Each fleet, including ground crews and combat personnel, has more than 15 people, and 5% of the federal annual tax revenue is invested in the construction of these four fleets. You know, that is the tax paid from the 137 large star regions, replaced by Gold coins of the same denomination are enough to pile up as many as 10 Azeroth.

With this almost no cost input, four absolutely terrifying monster-class fleets have been created. Each fleet can be guaranteed to destroy any large star area without support. After the real fleet, nothing will grow. , Can be called the four sharpest swords in the hands of the Federation.

It is precisely because of the existence of these four almost invincible fleets that the Federation can conquer hundreds of civilizations with completely different civilization habits and customs internally, and almost use their own power to fight against the burning legion’s attack, and occasionally they will Fight with the mysterious void forces.

In the history of 2000, the four major fleets had never failed after the retreat from Argus, but that retreat became a dark history shared by the commanders of the four fleets.

The sentence of Marshal Dalyan, “Today, we have become cowards.” Almost every commander keeps in mind the shame, and they don’t want to wash away this shame all the time, but in the middle of 2000, they and Sargeras The number of battles between the Guardian fleets is only a handful, and each time is unbeaten. This makes the four major fleets even more suffocating.

They are so eager for a victory, and it is under the impetus of this will that in 2000, these four swords have never been slow even for a minute and a second.


The world of Delano, Chall Star Harbor, the secret immigration inspection hall, the warning sound representing the entry of foreign visitors caused the guards in the hall to take up their weapons for the first time, but when the teleporting beam was opened, the tall figure came into view But let them straighten their bodies.

“Welcome, Your Excellency Marshal!”

In the loud greetings of the guards, Couvel Wrynn, who was in uniform throughout his life, strode out of the teleporting beam. On his shoulder, the golden epaulettes representing the marshal gleamed in the light of the hall, and he carried his command knife in his hand. , The well-made and heavy uniform of the Marshal was properly made without a trace of wrinkles. Just like the members of Wrynn in the past, Couvel is a person who pays great attention to image.

This is also the grace that the royal family should have. Although he is not the emperor of the contemporary Stormwind Empire, every time he travels, it also represents the majesty of the storm royal family that rules the 7 large star regions. He has long been accustomed to this It is necessary to show majesty on various scenes, but in addition to these, Couvel is also a very good commander and fighter.

Born in a top bloodline noble family, he is destined to pay more than other peers, to prove that he is better than 99% of his peers, to set off the breathless glory.

But today, Marshal Cuvel is not the only big figure who has stepped out of the teleporting beam. Behind him, there are Marshal Schuder Greymane from the Second Fleet and Marshal Tarantina Sunstrider from the Third Fleet. Marshal Derek Proudmoore of the Fourth Fleet.

Behind them were the guards of their respective fleets, and nearly a hundred people crowded the hall.

At this moment, all the staff in the entire hall were stunned. A total of four marshals were at the same time concentrated in Char Xinggang. Titan was on top. Could it be that Sargeras, the Dark Lord, had hit him in person?

You know, even a joint rebellion in a large star area has only dispatched the third and fourth two fleets, but the things that surprised these staff are still to come.

After the four marshals walked out of the teleporting beam, they did not leave immediately. Instead, they stood on both sides of the teleportation beam with the etiquette of the younger generation. The next moment, the teleporters’ beams changed from white to pale gold in vain, just like in myths and legends. The gate of heaven is general.


With an order from Couvel, the four marshals and the surrounding guards gave a military salute. Then, a tall figure walked out of the discolored portal. He wore an old-style armor from 2000 years ago. He looked unusually heroic and skinned. But it was shining with a faint golden light, and his face was no different from ordinary human beings, but the long sword behind him was eye-catching.

It was a broken blade, and the gentle holy light formed the first half of the broken blade.

At this moment, a sharp-eyed person recognized the identity of the person who walked out of the portal. It was a little girl who liked to read ancient myths. She screamed and fainted with excitement, but the voice was Reverberating back and forth in the quiet hall.

“That was… the first commander of the First Fleet, Marshal Turalyon!”

Yes, the one who walked out of the portal is Turalyon, who has become completely heroic. No matter how great heroes are, they can’t escape the ravages of time. Fortunately, when they are old, it is the era when the Ulduar system is completely rebuilt. After Odin’s proposal was approved by Elune, in the years after that era, those who have made outstanding contributions to Azeroth will exist after death in the form of heroic spirits and return to Odu. In the Hall of Valor in Erli.

That was the beginning of the second stage of life, but as the price of rebirth, they could no longer intervene in secular affairs other than foreign wars, but every hero has his own legendary story, so even though ordinary people may not be able to see it in their lifetime Even if the true heroic spirits are once, these legends who continue to guard the supreme home planet with heroic bodies are indeed the most admirable existence in the entire Azeroth Federation.

Almost every one of them can represent a glorious past.

After Turalyon, there was another hero, he looked younger than Turalyon, but when he played, Marshal Cuvel was excited and left tears on the spot.

It was the person who pushed the glory of the Wrynn family to the highest point in history, the greatest emperor of the Stormwind Empire, and his grandfather, Anduin Wrynn, was an ancient figure who was active 1300-1800 years ago.

The last one to walk out of the portal is no longer a heroic spirit, but a middle-aged Quel’Thalas with great demeanor. In his golden hair, there is a touch of gray and white. The crimson robe on his body looks like So conspicuous.

When Tarantina, the famous “Marshal of Steel” saw him, he respectfully leaned over to salute, while the middle-aged elf nodded indifferently and ignored it.

Kael’thas Sunstrider, the only surviving ancient people on the supreme home planet, the supreme ruler of the 12 large regions, after the death of his friends one by one, this majesty became a lot lonely. Her temper became quite indifferent. His daughter Tarantina had long been accustomed to his father’s indifferent attitude, and naturally there would be no complaints.

After all, the emotions have become more and more weird. This is an unavoidable ending for all longevity species. Kael’thas has changed quite mildly.

The appearance of these three heavyweights made the entire hall silent, and they were unwilling to waste too much time, so they soon went to the landing area of ​​the First Fleet, which was ready to set off at any time, under the **** of the guards. There, they received All the captains and commanders of the first fleet under the command, dressed in combat uniforms, stood in the landing area.

Five minutes later, Anduin Wrynn issued a top-secret combat order. The former little prince has spent his destiny as a mortal in the temper of time. Now he is immortal as an immortal. The heroic spirits existed in Azeroth’s time.

The bravery that used to be turned into a legend exists in history, and what has precipitated is that he is getting closer and closer to his father. The temperament is the same as his mentor. The heroic spirits are not idle. In fact, the development and major battles in the Federation In the operation, 70% of the commanders were these immortal heroes. In areas unknown to mortals, these great men are still serving the world they love in their own way.

“Soldiers of the First Fleet!”

Anduin’s voice sounded in the landing area, followed by the sound of salutes. Looking at the army that was as sharp as a scabbard, Anduin nodded with satisfaction, his voice became more solemn.

“You all know me. 1400 years ago, I led the First Fleet to open up 17 star regions and defeated tens of millions of opponents in 30 years. That was the most glorious thing in my life. At the end of the giant snake star area, there is still the watch tower we erected there. I am proud of the First Army! I believe that this fleet will also be proud of me!”

“I believe that everyone here has never forgotten our shameful day. It was the darkest day in Azeroth. On that day, we abandoned the great fighters and evacuated Argus. It was 2000 years ago. , But the name of our coward has not been washed away…this is the eternal shame of the four fleets.”

“But today, we will wash away part of it!”

“Today, I, Marshal Turalyon, Your Majesty Kael’thas, we will lead the First Fleet to the remote Pruco region, where we will pick up a great man who has lost his hometown in 2000, yes. , That’s the great existence that once stood alone in the land of despair for our civilization and confronted the Dark Titan!”

There was a touch of nostalgia in Anduin’s eyes.

“That’s my mentor, that was the world manager of Azeroth, that was the stalker who singled out the fate of the entire world on his shoulders, that is to block all the darkness for us, let We can enjoy the bright being. The world owes him too much. Even after 2000, we still cannot let this bleak destiny fall on this great man.”

“We will return to Azeroth with his pride and glory, and we will draw a successful conclusion to our regrets in the past.”

“Now, in the name of Ulduar World Council!”


Countless sounds of heels close together sounded in the landing area, and Anduin opened a scroll covered with the seals of major forces from his hand and read it out loud.

“Order all the members of the First Fleet to go to the Pruk region, the Star of Origin, as fast as possible, and pick up the lost world manager Dick Bronzang Tang, and use the spirit of Azeroth, Ai Luen, Iona, the spirit of life, in the name of Argus, the spirit of the earth, must complete the mission, even if the battle is the last person, at all costs!”

This extremely tough command made all the commanders present in awe, and they immediately realized that this must be a scene in the annals of history.

An hour later, Turalyon sat in the familiar position in the command hall of the flagship of the First Fleet of Chall Star Harbor, the pride of the “Storm Fortress”. He looked out of the porthole and had seen countless He took a deep breath and stroked his captain’s hat every time, but every time he was fascinated by the starry sky.

The memories of the past and everything he had experienced were surging in his mind. After becoming a hero, he hadn’t experienced this kind of excitement and anxiety for a long time. His hands were habitually placed on the armrests, deep. At this moment, the sound spread throughout the communication channels of the entire fleet.

“First Fleet! Targeting the Pruek large star area, the weapon system is turned on, and the void is ready for leap!”


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