Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 8

Chapter 6 . Small storms caused by butterflies

Dick lowered his head. Of course these things were not what the hunter told him, but Dick, who was familiar with historical development, naturally knew that Kel’Thuzad was actually near Lordaeron, in a small town called Brill. Hidden inside, but as long as Alsace’s forces touched him, he would soon return to Andorhal.

The appearance of Kel’Thuzad, who has been missing for nearly a year, is actually only the first character in the drama of the Fall of Alsace and the Destruction of Lordaeron. They cooperate seamlessly, but they did not expect that there will be a pair in this world. These things are small things that are well known.

Dick understands how dangerous it is to be caught by the big shots behind the scenes, but that’s how it is interesting, isn’t it? Change the taste of history with your own hands, what a refreshing taste! Seeing Alsace’s movement, all the cells in Dick’s whole body seemed to be singing, making him a little airy.

“Actually, Your Royal Highness, the Hunter revealed another news before he died.”

Dick closed his eyes and seemed to be shocked by the news. In fact, he was just trying to hide the joy in his eyes.


Arthas was in a bad mood, so his tone became serious.

“The hunter’s infiltration of the cursed cult was going well. He was only discovered because we had a traitor! He betrayed the hunter and the interests of the empire!”


Now his expression changed drastically, and it was Alsace’s turn.

He got up from the chair with a face full of inconceivableness. He stared at Dick, wanting to see if this guy was crazy, and he dared to say such violent things as a civilian.

The knights of the inner court that the royal family installed in each big city, only the highest officer of the city knows. Since Dick said that the hunter had been betrayed, that is to say, the highest officer of Stratholme had defected.

“Yes, Your Majesty, Baron Rivendell, he has joined forces with the Cult of the Cursed Gods. The hunter is to be precise. Near Zul Martha, they have organized a large army of undead, such as ghouls. Monsters, there is also a terrible war machine called abomination!”

Dick closed his eyes, and after speaking these words, Arthas, like a roaring lion, pointed to Dick and shouted,

“Shut up! You civilian, how dare you insult a nobleman! If it wasn’t for your merits to the empire, the first time your venomous lies came out, I should have cut you off? head of!”

Dick did not speak, he was silent like a corpse, but Arthas became more and more excited, and finally even drew out his warhammer, which was blessed by his mentor, the Paladin Uther-the Lightbringer. The warhammer wanted to teach Dick.

But they were stopped by Jaina who was equally frightened. The two of them didn’t know what they said. Arthas glared at Dick and slammed the door away. Jaina looked at Dick with complicated eyes and opened the door. Went out.

The small room fell into silence again. A few minutes later, Dick moved his arms and laid his body flat on the slatted bed. While snoring comfortably, he whispered vaguely.

“Oh… the show starts.”

————————————————– ——-


Arthas slammed an angry fist on the table, and the popped quill pulled an ugly mark on the luxurious letter paper, ruining the letter that His Royal Highness had just written in half, but the more he missed Dick If you do, the more angry you are inside.

But only Arthas knew that this anger was mixed with fear. The knights of the inner court were the war orphans adopted by his father since childhood. The royal family provided them with all the expenses of living and studying. Cultivation, the inner court knights will never betray the royal family.

If those words were really what the hunter had said to Dick, then the fact that Baron Rivendell betrayed is almost probably true.

But that is a nobleman! Even if he heard that an archmage was involved in the plague incident, Arthas would not be so panicked, but if there is noble participation in this matter, the nature will be different. A powerful noble like Rivendell, although There is only one baron’s title, but the area he can control even encompasses most of East Dallonemir.

He can easily create an army of undead that can threaten the rule of the royal family!

Yes, the undead, after coming to Andorhal, Alsace wanted to see the plague-infected people who were isolated outside the walls of Andorhal, walking corpses, evil breath, no pain, only passive chasing All living things, the Legion of Undead, are simply evil ones returning from hell!

Arthas tried to calm himself down, but the more he wanted to calm down, the more Dick’s words appeared in his mind. Finally, the prince kicked a chair with an annoying foot, and then he barely got his heart out. The negative emotions radiated out.


Arthas yelled, and his fully armed guards at the door strode in and stood behind Arthas. He was not only the captain of Alsace’s guards, but also in the second orc war. In, Alsace’s most trusted comrade-in-arms, he will work hard to accomplish any thing Alsace ordered.

“My Highness, is there anything I need to do?”

“Farek, I need you to personally bring the best scout to track down the whereabouts of the grain transported from Stratholme to Andorhal, but don’t be surprised, and let Maween wear makeup to go to Stratholme, I I have to get all the information about Baron Rivendell within half a month! Even his love affairs with those ladies, I need to know!”

Farek nodded silently, and left the temporary office violently.

Arthas looked at Farrek who was leaving. He closed his eyes like a sleeping lion. No one knew what he was thinking, but it was certain that the prince was in a bad mood at the moment.

On the other side, in Jaina’s room, Miss Mage was playing with an exquisite and mysterious instrument, which looked like a strange thing mixed with a large block of crystal and a pile of complicated engineering gears.

Jaina fiddled with it for five minutes before she finished it completely. She carefully put the thing on the table and took off the short-handled staff at her waist. After charging the staff, she used surging. The top of the purple-rayed staff lightly touched the surface of the large crystal.

The next moment, the complex gears rang out, and a few moments later, a projection-like picture appeared on top of this weird instrument.

You can see that on the side of the unclear picture, an old man with white hair and white beard is busy with something. Judging from the clothes of the old gentleman, it should be the same as Jaina, but also a mage.

“My mentor, good day!”

Jaina politely greeted the old gentleman. Looking at her appearance, this old gentleman was indeed the leader of Dalaran, the archmage Antonidas mentioned before.

“It’s Jaina, is there a result of the plague?”

Antonidas turned his head, his tone was very similar to those old men who spoiled younger generations, but if Dick was here, he would definitely be attracted by those bright eyes like natural stars at first sight. It doesn’t seem like Eyes that humans can have.

Faced with Antonidas’s question, Jaina’s face was a little nervous. She did not answer directly, but asked seriously.

“My mentor, please tell me, is Brother Kel’Thuzad really missing?”

Antonidas’s smiling face immediately solidified, he took a deep breath, and a big word “Chuan” wrinkled on his old forehead.

“Why are you asking this? Jaina, I remember your relationship with Kel’Thuzad, but it hasn’t been very good.”

“I got some information. Someone said… that this plague was caused by brother Kel’Thuzad with some rebellious wizards! He also established a cult called the Cult of the Curse of God, Master Teacher, do you think this is possible? ”

Jaina looked at Antonidas with a serious look. She was expecting to get the opposite opinion of Dick from the omnipotent teacher. Although the relationship with Kel’Thuzad was not good, there was always a haze on that face. The middle-aged person almost never talked to her, but that was after all Jaina’s first companion on Mage’s Road.

Antonidas was silent for a few minutes. After he had quit smoking for almost thirty years, he suddenly picked up a pipe from the table and put it to his mouth. He took a deep breath of smoke.

“If it’s someone else… then I can tell you that it’s impossible! But if it’s Kel’Thuzad… He had been obsessed with studying the evil sorcerer spells he got from the Orcs’ Shadow Council before he disappeared. I have warned repeatedly. After him, he promised me not to study anymore, but two months later, he sold his family property, even gave up his position in the six-member council, and disappeared from Dalaran…”


Antonidas breathed out a few smoke rings and suddenly said to Jaina,

“Come back, Jaina, you can no longer intervene in this matter. I will let Ronin take over this matter. If it is really Kel’Thuzad, then you are probably no longer his opponent.”

“No, I refuse! I will check it down! Your mentor, goodbye!”

Jaina, who has always been a good girl, turned out to be uncharacteristically tough this time. She reached out her hand to turn off the instrument, glanced out the window with a bewildered look, and then quickly recalled that in the morning, Dick was a little weird. Face.

With a bite, Miss Mage Silver Fang packed her potions and scrolls, opened the door, and walked towards Dick’s room.

On the other side, near the capital of Lordaeron, under the bright sun, a gloomy middle-aged man is directing the workers. The farm center is preparing to harvest, with weird tables and some mysterious instruments, beside the busy construction site. , Three iron pots large enough to hold a black bear were properly placed on the ground.

The person in charge of the farm, the chubby boss was standing beside the middle-aged man with winking eyebrows, and asked anxiously,

“Mr. Kel’Thuzad, can these containers really make my farm a good harvest this year?”

The middle-aged man glanced at the farmer, showing a stiff smile, and pointed to the sign on his chest. It was a mage sign depicting the stars and the moon, and it was the sign of Dalaran, the city of mage.

“In the name of the power of magic, please believe me, Mr. Agamand, with these steamers, you only need to mix the magic powder I gave you, and those special grains, with one-third of it every day. If you cook water for an hour, I can guarantee that by June this year, your farm’s output will definitely double.”

The middle-aged man said to the owner of the Agamand Mill and this farm with a serious face,

“This is Dalaran’s most advanced magic research success. You need to experiment first in Lordaeron. If you don’t believe it, you can send someone to Andorhal and several other farms in Brill. All farms have been using this steamer since this year.”

“Believe! Believe! How can I not believe Master Master?”

Mr. Agamand took out his handkerchief and wiped his greasy face. He looked expectantly at the steaming pot being assembled, and took a peek at the expressionless middle-aged man, thinking in his heart,

“It’s rare that these mages were generous and gave me three steaming pots for free. Hey, whether it’s useful or not, let’s cook it tomorrow. It can be doubled in an hour a day? Then why don’t I cook it for a while?”

Ten minutes later, Mr. Agamand smelled the magic powder with a unique fragrance. Although the green mist was a bit scary when it was cooked, the smell really made people feel comfortable. good stuff! It really is a good thing!

He took a comfortable sip, turned his head and saw Kel’Thuzad sitting on the carriage, he hurriedly shouted,

“Hey, Mr. Kel’Thuzad, won’t you stay for lunch? The bread of the Agamand Mill, but the entire Tirisfal area is famous!”

Kel’Thuzad waved his hand to Mr. Agamand.

“No, no! Thank you for your hospitality, but I have to rush back to Andorhal. My favorite drama is about to start soon. I have been waiting for almost a year, and I can’t wait! ”

Looking at the distant Kel’Thuzad, Mr. Agamand curled his lips in disdain. These mages are really stupid in reading, where can’t I watch the show? Can Andorhal be comparable to the Royal Theater in Lordaeron? Cut, hillbilly.

The farmer looked back at the farm hires who were squatting next to the beating steamer and breathing the aroma comfortably. He was so angry that he walked up and kicked them.

“Get off to work! Today we are going to set up all three tables. These magic powders will be burned for one hour. No, three hours a day! If this year is really good harvest, I will consider showing mercy to save you guys. One-fifth of the rent, now, go to work for me!”

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