Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 80

Chapter 5 Persuade

Dick stood in the center of the Dalaran Teleportation Hall, hugged affectionately with the tearful Miss Jaina, and then watched her, Archmage Modra, and a whole team of war wizards wearing Dalaran robes. , Disappeared in the blue portal.

With Nozdormu’s personal protection, Dick finally escaped the tragic fate of being treated as a guinea pig. He told Antonidas in detail what he knew about “The Cold of Ebony” and the first time After the story of the archmage Alexis who disappeared in the orc war, Dick used the whereabouts of the only survivor of the accident, the archmage Dior, to reach an agreement with Antonidas.

He told the Kirin Tor Council of Six about the vague whereabouts of Dior Mage and helped Dalaran retrieve the frost artifact, the Ebony Chill, but Dick also had a requirement that the Ebony Chill must be held by Miss Jaina. Until the lady no longer needs this weapon.

Antonidas did not refuse this request. In fact, the mage leader who is well versed in human nature wished Dick to make this request. In this way, the pressure from other members of the six-member council would be completely transferred to Dick’s. On his body, especially when he knows that Dick has studied almost all artifacts, Dick will definitely become a target that attracts the attention of the archmages, making this recovery operation even more important. smoothly.

The human mind is very complicated, especially in the face of the temptation of divine tools, almost no wizard will not be tempted.

Dick also named the archmage Modra to lead the team. It was the expressionless old lady who accompanied Antonidas and Krasus. First of all, the archmage specialized in fire magic, and Ebony Chill used her a bit. Nothing. Secondly, in the previous history, Modera has proved with practical actions that she treats Jaina like her own daughter.

Almost after Jaina became a member of the Kirin Tor Council of Six, Modra stood behind her to help her solve any problems in front of her. This is an absolutely trustworthy archmage, although not very good. Old lady dealing with.

After the blue light of the portal dissipated, Dick let out a sigh of relief. At this time, let Jaina go to the Burning Plains of the Southern Kingdom. Dick’s meaning was already obvious. He didn’t want to let those who are still in the growth stage of strength. Missy was involved in the cruel war that followed.

“Archmage, do you know anything about the recent situation in Silverpine Forest and Tirisfal Forest?”

On the way to the Dalaran Visitor Center, Dick said to Antonidas who was walking beside him,

“I have a hunch that the purpose of the undead’s weird actions is likely to be Dalaran!”

This judgment caused Antonidas’ white eyebrows to be raised. He touched his beard, thought for a moment, and made a “please sit down” action to Dick. The two big men just sat quietly in magic. Violet bench by the road.

“I don’t know how your Paladins define the direction of the war, but in the eyes of me and other archmages, according to the current strength of the undead, they can’t penetrate Dalaran. They even shake Dalaran. Have no qualifications.”

Antonidas’s tone is very flat. Obviously, he feels that everything is under control. For the mages, this dismissive attitude is understandable. They have a powerful force that the world cannot understand, the ordinary tide of undead. In the face of a group of violent mages, it is really not enough to see.

But Dick stared at the gray-haired old mage with weird eyes.

Hello Mr. Antonidas, where did you come from? Not to mention anything else. In the Second Orc War, Dalaran was almost completely destroyed by the red dragons of the Dragonmaw clan trend. When it was rebuilt, the magicians used the power of the eye of Dalaran. As a result, the orc warlock Ner’zhul, who had not yet become the Lich King, was taken in by the old tribe’s death knight Taron-Gorefiend, leading the orc army to once again overturn the rebuilding Dalaran.

This happened more than ten years ago. Have you ignored these two loud slaps just so gorgeous?

Dick’s weird gaze was quickly noticed by Antonidas, and the old mage remembered Dick’s identity as a “time traveler”. Maybe when Dalaran was at its worst, this bad guy might be watching secretly. Well, this discovery made the old mage a little embarrassed, but he quickly straightened his posture.

“Ahem… Don’t worry, Knight Dick, we have reconstructed Dalaran’s defensive circle. This time, we are not only resisting magic or resisting the army. This time, I have enough confidence to block the sea of ​​undead. What’s more, we have the assistance of Marshal Gasiris and the elite Gilneas brigade, and the Silverpine Forest Defense Line is unbreakable!”

Seeing the firm expression of the old mage and the faint hatred in his eyes, Dick sighed. For people like Antonidas, once he makes a decision, it is difficult to change, plus old friends. With the tragic fall of King Terenas, it seemed that the old mage had made up his mind and had a head-to-head fight with the undead.

This is also something that makes Dick very helpless. Whether it is Anastrian before or Antonidas now, this kind of plot characters are very paranoid in character. Now Dick is just a rising star and wants It is simply impossible to change their thoughts and strategies before the plot begins.

What’s more, Dick can’t produce enough evidence to show his guess. He can’t say, hey, archmage, I have seen the destruction of Dalaran during my time travel, so listen to me.

The future is uncertain. This is the first principle that all the mages learn when they are exposed to time magic.

Therefore, the identity of a time traveler is not enough to be an argument.

But Dick couldn’t just sit back and watch Antonidas and Dalaran rush all the way on the road to death. The large historical node has been triggered. This is no longer something Dick wants to ignore.

He thought for a while, changed the way of speaking, no longer persuaded Antonidas to give up his idea, but planned to start from another aspect to make a way for Dalaran.

“Archmage, I heard you say that you and Mr. Medivh are friends, right?”

Hearing these words, Antonidas’ eyes flashed, like a twilight old man. He put the staff in his arms and took out the delicate ebony pipe from his pocket. After taking a few puffs, With the pungent smoke, he said,

“Yes, before Medivh didn’t go crazy, I was an ordinary Dalaran senior mage. We used to discuss the mystery of “time magic” in the form of pen pals. He was an out-and-out genius. It’s the kind of person who can attract the attention of the whole world with every move. I even used him as my life goal, but everything that happened afterwards…”

The old mage shook his head, and he could see that he was also very sad about Medivh’s madness. This was probably the sympathy between genius and genius, but Dick obviously didn’t pay attention to the old mage’s “friendship” and was waiting for the old mage. After speaking, Dick pursed his lips and lowered his voice.

“So, you must also know about Mr. Medivh having a son?”


Under Dick’s stunned gaze, the shocked old mage directly smashed the ebony pipe in his hand, but after a light yellow flash, the broken pipe returned to its original shape again.

This old man…what a great hand! Are you sure you are a mage, not a hidden berserker?

Dick’s cranky thoughts only passed through his mind, and he saw the old mage grabbing his shoulders with a solemn expression. After a while, the two of them appeared in a simple, but definitely not simple meditation room.

Before Dick was relieved, Antonidas grabbed Dick’s shoulder and asked nervously.

“Are you sure Medivh left an heir? That child… where is that child?”

“Uh…I saw that child during a time travel, but for a moment, I only knew that the child was called Medien. He…should now live in seclusion with his guardian in the Twilight Forest…Uh, that The place should be called Sunshine Forest now.”

Dick reached out and rubbed his forehead.

“With all due respect, Archmage, if you want to pass now, it is very likely that the guardian will think that you are a malicious enemy. Mr. Medivh has left the world with too much suffering. If that child’s The existence is announced, and I believe that even with the power of you and Dalaran, it is difficult to protect him.”

Dick’s words made the delighted Antonidas look awkward, and the old mage’s joy was interrupted. Dick said rightly. Once Madion’s existence is announced, it will be very difficult to pass the level of Stormwind alone. .

You know, the Kingdom of Stormwind, but the orcs summoned by Medivh almost destroyed the inheritance. Even the father of the current king died under the assassination of the orcs.

“Also, Median’s mother… is the legendary Orc Assassin Garona who assassinated King Ryan. I have enough reason to suspect that Garona, who disappeared in the Second World War, must be secretly protecting herself. Son, therefore, my advice is that you should handle this matter carefully.”

“Fur…Knight, you are right. This matter should indeed be handled with caution. Based on your insight, what does Mediian’s existence mean to this world?”

The old mage touched his beard, and after realizing the troublesomeness of Medien, he threw the problem to Dick again. With Antonidas’s wisdom, how could it be impossible to tell, Dick raised Median, obviously there was something in the words. , He has his own plan.

“There is no doubt that Medien is a genius!”

Dick looked directly into the eyes of the old mage, and he spoke his own opinions openly.

“Furthermore, in the hands of this child, he is likely to have access to Medivh’s Mage Tower Karazhan. I heard that you lost control of it after the Orc War? That place shouldn’t just be left unused, and In the current situation, I think Dalaran should learn from the Knights of the Silver Hand and leave a way for himself.”

“Oh? How to say?”

Antonidas’s squinted eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

“I think it would be a violent thing to let Karazhan be so abandoned. It’s better to join forces with Dalaran and Stratholme to put this mage tower back into your hands. You see, I have sent someone to approach The lakeside town of Deadwind Trail intends to establish the second branch base of the battle group. The war is about to come. Northern Xinjiang has not been ten years old and cannot settle down. War chaos is not a good learning environment, especially those in Dalaran who did not protect themselves. Ability apprentice mages, it is better to take this opportunity to transfer to the more stable southern kingdom.”

Dick shrugged.

“I think that the royal family of Stormwind will approve of this move with both hands, right? As wise as you are, naturally you should know the truth not to put all your eggs in one basket.”

Frankly speaking, Dick has no confidence in the success rate of persuading Antonidas. This archmage may be very wise when he was young, but after he was old, he became extremely stubborn like an ordinary old man. In fact In the original history, after Dalaran was breached, only 2,000 of the more than 10,000 wizards were slaughtered. It is hard to say that this has nothing to do with Antonidas’ stubbornness.

If he could support Jaina’s westward move earlier, Dalaran could at least retain more fire, and would not only appear as a neutral city with less strength in the next 10 years. 10 years later, in Dalaran, to what extent has the green and yellow not received?

Even the blue dragon with five scums like Kalecgos can occupy a seat in the Council of Six in the Kirin Tor. Let’s take a look at the current elite soldiers, and let’s not say anything else, even the weakest one. Mage Jaina, with one hand, he can smash the five-scum-blue dragon that is useless except to talk about love and oil the soles of his feet.

To be honest, as a dragon, it is too weird to be able to get to the point of Kalecgos. It was collapsed by a dwarf with a musket. This is going to happen to other dragons. It is estimated that you can commit suicide in shame, right?

But before Dick and Antonidas could talk about a result, a magic letter shone with purple light and appeared on the old mage’s table. He only glanced at it, and his face turned gloomy.

Alsace and his little friend, the Lich Kel’Thuzad, who hadn’t seen him for a long time, appeared in Tirisfal. The Gilneas Brigade’s defense was breached. Dick’s crow mouth became a reality he had to face. The Undead Army Potential, direct to Dalaran!

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