Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 96

Chapter 21 .The Great Escape

Dick’s horse was the first to rush into the sea of ​​undead.

With the strength of the holy energy in his body, these low-level undeads would feel pain only when they approached him, not to mention that when he was riding on a war horse, he took the initiative to charge.

Before he became the lord, Dick always had an inexplicable feeling when he led the knights to charge. The knights were moving so fast, the opponents were knocked into flight, and the body’s perception could not even keep up with the speed, skin and speed of the horses. The flowing wind touched, the contrast between super fast and slow, as if the surrounding light had turned into black and white light and shadow.

That is the romance of the knight.

The current Dick, with the battle flag of the Silver Hand on his back, is not the fire of justice, but a heavy lance that is more than two meters long. This terrible weapon is in some fantasy legends. Chinese, also known as “Dragon Spear”, is said to be a weapon specially used to deal with giant dragons.

The cone-shaped gun body gives the lance unparalleled piercing performance. This heavy weapon cannot be directly controlled by hand.

For ordinary knights, once they use the lance, when charging, they must “lift” the lance between the arm and the center of the body, at a 90-degree right angle to the body, and use the wrist to control the lance. When the horses charge at full force, the knights only need to control their lances forward. The kinetic energy of the horses can make the lances a big killer that penetrates everything.

But the paladin has stronger power than ordinary knights, so it can support heavier armor and can use the lance as the main weapon in the charge.

Dick led the knights all the way to the position where the mages were besieged. The lance in his hand swung left and right into a windmill-like whirlwind. As the speed of the horse became slower and slower, he and the horse under him separated instead. The battle line of the knights has changed from a simple collision to an attack using holy light energy.

The alternating use of large-scale sacred shock and dedication can sweep a range of nearly 10 meters in one blow. In this way, Dick creates a space for the subsequent cavalry to accelerate again, and the lion whizzing past the head. Eagle riders will also throw powerful engineering bombs from the sky to the battlefield in front of the Knights from time to time, creating enough distance for the knights.

The 300 Paladins who drove over from Coldwind Camp were all experienced knights who had proven themselves on the battlefield of Sidharon Mill, so when there was enough time in front of them, they decisively injected the Holy Light into the body of a somewhat exhausted horse. Here, it began to accelerate again.

At 40 meters, the speed of the horse was enough to raise it again.

Two-pronged approach, Dick and the Knights, as well as the subsequent warriors, under the cover of the flying soldiers who completely occupied the sky battlefield, only took less than 20 minutes to get close to the mage’s position in the center of the battlefield.

The Holy Light and the Undead are a pair of opponents that are almost impossible to coexist. Although Dick knew that in the next few years, those free undead who broke free from the shackles of the Lich King with their own willpower will also master the Holy Light. The method of use, but the appearance of the undead priest is just a coincidence.

At least for now, facing the elite knights who are charging in groups, the low-level undead gathered by Arthas are not of much use at all.

What’s more, behind the charging Dick, there are more warriors to support, stabilize the attack, and maintain this retreat window. It is their task. Dick and the Paladins are only responsible for charging!

Keep rushing to the edge of Dalaran and rescue the mages!

The destruction of Dalaran has been unstoppable, and these precious mage powers must be preserved to lay a solid foundation for the future counter-offensive.

However, behind the 300 paladins, the wolf cavalry of the orcs, and the chocobo riders of the high elves, followed at the end, followed by thirty steam tanks at the bottom of the Stormpike dwarves.

This is a steel behemoth made by highly-developed gnomes and skilled craftsmen of dwarves. It uses steam power and is not fast, but for ordinary undead, these iron bumps decorated with iron and wood shells are simply not bite. Moving tortoise.

On the top of the huge steam tank, the dwarf engineers temporarily added the interfire musket that was also driven by steam. When Dick saw this black technology for the first time, he almost sprayed out. This is not the magic version.” Gatlin” Well!

Hand-made metal bullets, coupled with secretly-made dwarf gunpowder, make these bursts of muskets clear the attack of the undead in an entire area every time they roar.

The main function of these thirty steam tanks is to cooperate with the orc infantry to maintain this escape route, and to act as the main force of fire suppression and fire suppression when retreating.

The wizards of Quel’Thalas have set up a portal to Dandarbar on the edge of the battlefield, facing the space blockade arranged by the Great Lich himself. Unless Kael’thas comes in person, there is still no way to rely on them. Break this kind of space barrier that is beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

Don’t you see, an archmage of the level of Antonidas, who has been studying in Dalaran for 10 days, hasn’t he been able to break through this layer of space barrier?

Don’t underestimate Kel’Thuzad. Although he has become a sad neuropathy now, his talent in magic is truly not to be underestimated.

The tasks of the wolf cavalry and the dwarf goat cavalry are relatively more difficult. As the most flexible of all arms, they are responsible for responding to the retreat of the tired mages at the fastest speed after the Paladins penetrate the Sea of ​​Undead. In a big operation, Drektal and Fandall even took out all of their assets, and assembled a total of 4,000 cavalry of various colors. They only need to take a trip in such a desperate situation, and all the mages can be destroyed. Take it out.

Of course, this kind of desperation is not free. For Dalaran’s hidden taboo knowledge and the gratitude of the most powerful mage organization in the human world, it is enough for the upper ranks to take a risk.

As for the chocobo rider, it is purely the selfish intention of the commander of the high elves, the ranger general Sylvanas.

The general was now riding on the standing horse in the lead, following Dick, her gaze, staring at the center of the battlefield that was getting closer and closer, seemed to be looking for something.

Of course Dick knew Sylvanas’ purpose. As the contemporary patriarch of the Windrunner family, as an older sister, it is understandable to care about her sister’s safety. Although Vereesa had combined with a human mage privately, she had been expelled by Sylvanas. Out of the family, but the family affection flowing in the blood, if it can be calculated so simple, there will be no such regrets in this world.

Although Sylvanas had a cold expression of “I don’t care if Vereesa is dead or alive”, when she really saw the sister who was held in her arms by Ronin, the general ranger was the first He rushed down the horse for a while, kicked Roning away with an unusually angry kick, and hugged his sister in his arms.

“Wake up! Vereesa, my sister! Wake up!”

Sylvanas touched the wound on Vereesa’s abdomen, glared at Ronin who stood up with murderous eyes, took the clear water from the adjutant, and poured it into Vereesa’s mouth cautiously.

But seeing Sylvanas intending to accompany her sister on the battlefield, Dick turned his head and glanced, re-transforming into a wave of undead sea, and shouted fiercely.

“Sylvanas, arrange for the mages to retreat! Your sister is not dead, and she will not die here! Go!”

General Ranger is not an incompetent guy, just messing up the stitches because of her relatives. After hearing Dick’s shout, she also reacted, handing Vereesa to the adjutant, and then drew out the bow and arrow.

“Rangers! Ready to suppress shooting!”

“Warriors step forward, defensive formation!”

“The movable mage will help resist the undead!”

“The cavalry goes to choose fellow riders!”

“Put all these seriously injured guys on the steam tank!”

“Dick, let your knight rest on the spot, and prepare to reopen the sea of ​​undead in ten minutes!”

“Marshal Fandral, let the Griffin Riders help the red dragon! Its breath can make us less stressed!”

Under Ronin’s sound amplification technique for the ranger general, Sylvanas’ orders were communicated one after another. Soon, under the command of this outstanding commander, a simple line of defense was initially constructed. carry out.

With brave orcs and dwarves standing in front of them, the remaining mages were finally able to unscrupulously give play to their turret advantages. For a while, this large position, which was mixed with tens of thousands of people, was actually stabilized.

The mages who had escaped from the dead cheered. Their arrogance was no longer seen. They followed Sylvanas’ orders very submissively and did their own things. Ronin used the sound transmission stone to connect and reach The Archmage of Anslem and the Archmage of Delandon who hold fast.

After learning that there were nearly a thousand mages on the side of the Anslem Archmage who were moving toward the position with difficulty, Dick and the knights rushed for another wave, after losing a dozen mages who had voluntarily severed. , Successfully took them back to the battlefield.

But the Archmage Delandon had been unable to contact him, which made Ronin somewhat uneasy.

However, he was anxious, and Luo Ning also knew that the more than 4,000 mages who had been rescued now were the limit that this rescue force could rescue.

The Griffins and the Mortar Squad were ordered by the Stormpike Grand Marshal, and carried out nearly five waves of group bombings on the Crypt Lord in the air and on the ground, plus both Sylvanas and Drektal The support of, he used tons of engineering bombs to force the crypt lord who had no way to fight back to the ground, allowing the seriously injured red dragon Krasus to take his life back.

After staying in place for more than ten minutes, after being cut off by the steam tank, the Paladins were protected by the ranger troops in the middle of the road ahead. They moved troops on a two-handed basis.

Orcs and dwarf cavalry are basically one person with a mage, in this case, it is very difficult to accelerate.

Although it is a rescue, in Dick’s view, this is completely a great escape. In fact, it is true. If he can get the full support of the entire Silver Hand Knights and the Quel’Thalas dynasty, He is confident to defeat these undead head-on, but in fact, whether it is the Silver Hand or Quel’Thalas, there are more important things to do to make this aid to the current level, Dicky. , I was worthy of these mages.

You know, in the original history, after the destruction of Dalaran, the surviving wizards were less than one-sixth of the original number. But now, first of all, we must find a way to get the stubborn Antonidas to send nearly 2,000 apprentices. Arrived in Stormwind City, and when Dalaran was in danger, with the tribal coalition forces, he just saved more than 4,000 mages from the hands of the undead.

It can be said that Dick alone saved nearly half of Dalaran’s power!

But this is also his limit… In the face of half a million undead, no one can demand him do better.

When the transferred troops lost five steam tanks and nearly a thousand casualties, they finally managed to escape the pursuit of the undead. When Ronin and Landalok saw the red on their backs by Dick The miserable look of Dragon Mage Krasus, when Arch Mage Ansrem, who had only left Dalaran at last, conveyed the death of Arch Mage Antonidas to everyone, these proud wizards even knelt Wept bitterly on the ground.

Arthas used a brainstorming strategy to make Dalaran fall, and used unparalleled power to ambush the leader of Dalaran, the strongest archmage in the human world, and the endless sea of ​​undead under his command. Destroy the last power of Dalaran.

This continuous bad news is like a series of continuous slaps, slapped one after another on the faces of these mages, and officially announced to the whole world the horror and power of the undead natural disasters.

Lordaeron and Dalaran, Tirisfal, West Dallonemir, Silverpine Forest, Ghost Land, the Alliance of Seven Nations has already perished in the ravages of undead natural disasters, and even the kingdom of magic, Quel’Sala Si, also turned around on the edge of the destruction of the country, and nearly half of the entire northern Xinjiang land fell under the control of the undead natural disasters.

If the previous natural disasters for the undead were just a trouble in Northern Xinjiang, then now, this natural disaster has become a trouble for the entire Eastern Continent.

But Dick knew… this was really just the beginning of 20 years of wind and rain in Azeroth, and just the beginning of all disasters.

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