Azur Lane: Savior

Chapter 11 – Uneasiness

"...Commander Noir hasn't come back yet." 

"Is that so? I guess we'll wait for him to come back."

After we rest for 1 day in NP's base, we immediately got back to the base to report the anomaly we've seen near the border. I saw Enterprise in front of his office, looks like she has seen something in the Dragon Empery to report back to Noir. But he hasn't back yet from his investigation.

"Commander, would you try to hear my report as well?" 


Enterprise said that she and the fleets engaged battle with the Siren, but it was almost a one sided attack with the fleets as the victor. The Siren retreated to the north of the territory. She and the fleets meet with Ping Hai and Ning Hai and also Yat Sen, but they got injured and need to recover from the Siren's attack. They said there was an Elite Siren that seems to be a very peculiar one, it was unusual to see a stray elite, they went to see the Siren and attacked it. But out of nowhere, a white tower appeared from below the sea. It spawned a lot of Sirens, they had a tough battle and many injuries. No causality happened but the Siren and the Tower disappeared. Enterprise heard their story and secured the area with the fleets and mass produced ships. Helena got a sonar from below the sea where the battle took place. They couldn't reach it since they need a submarine, that's why Enterprise want to report Noir about their sortie, they left half of the fleets in Dragon Empery to protect the area.

"So... In short, you saw a white tower near the border too?"

"Huh? What do you mean with that Commander?"

"I found a similar tower near the NP's territory." 



We both turned silence. Enterprise is pondering about something and reached into certain conclusion, she got up from the seat.

"Commander, something isn't right... Can you contact Avrora and tell her to beware of the border that you guys have been fighting in?" 

"Sure enough, but what about you?"

"I will contact the Dragon Empery and the Naval HQ ASAP. The Siren has started to make a big move" Enterprise said with a serious expression.

Greynar nodded, he agreed with Enterprise. "We'll be on caution for whatever happened, good luck to your side."

"You too, Commander Greynar." 

We parted away from the office door, i got into the communication room to tell Avrora make sure the mass produced ship is 24/7 staying alert by the Siren's ship, and report any suspicious things to the base, i also said that we will send a reinforcement to help them as soon as possible.

"Good work, Commander." Volga bring my tea as i sat on the chair near my bed.

"The day sure tiring." 

"It seems so, you're very busy these days." 

"Yeah, i want to get a rest but i still have to do one more thing." 

"And what is it?"

"Contacting Noir, i wanna tell him everything about what we have heard and seen."

"Wont it bother the Commander?" 

"That's the problem, i don't know where to begin to contact him."

"What if we search for the someone who's specialized with communication device?"


"Is that her name?"

"Yeah, USS Helena, a Light Cruiser." 

"Lets try to ask her then, Commander~" 

We got out from the room and gone straight to the communication room to look for Helena, we asked Akashi about her whereabouts on the way, she said that Helena just came back from the dock.  

knock knock

"Is anyone inside?" 

"Yes, you may come in." 

We opened the door and saw Helena on her usual outfit and it looks like she still on duty.

"C-commander Greynar!? What brings you here today?" 

"Hello Helena, we're actually want to ask you about something." 

"What kind of thing you want to ask?"

"Do you have any way to contact Commander Noir?" 


"Is it a yes?" 

"...That is very confidential, Commander. But i may help you contacting Commander Noir."

"Really? Thank you so much Helena." Volga was overjoyed with Helena answer while shaking her hand rapidly.

"H-hey Volga, try to reconsider your strength since you're a carrier. Look.... Helena fainted because of you." 

"S-sorry Helena." 

We tried to wake Helena up, after 10 minutes she awake and begin to make a way for us to contact Noir, Volga repeatedly saying sorry to Helena until i asked her to stop. After a while we connected to Noir's device, hopefully he saw our message that we sent.

"Commander is probably busy right now, he can't use his device on his mission. Try to come back tomorrow Commander Greynar."

"We'll take our leave then, see you soon Helena." I closed the door behind. 

"Shall we go then Commander?" 

"Yeah, lets go take a stroll." 

'I wonder how the Iron Blood is doing. Noir is on a mission to try gather some information about them, they might be cautious against him. But the worst case scenario if they assassinated him.'

We're walking near the exercise field, the same one that Volga and Enterprise used to fight. The wind is blowing from the south as the flock of seagull are seen. A peaceful atmosphere, where no loud noises were heard, one would wish this will last forever. 



"If the Sirens are gone, what would happen to us?"

"I don't know, but you guys might be condemned as a Hero." 

"What if they turned us into a scrap?" 

"...That will..." 

I want to say that will never happen, but her question also does make sense. What will they become after the Sirens are gone? Will they be used as a weapon? Could they retaliate? Do they have their own freedom? 

"I don't know what the future hold for us, but i could say one thing. I will personally go down as the worst Commander if they do want to turn you into a piece of scrap." 


"Depending on their perspective, if we think logical. There's no way they will turn you into a scrap, you guys are made from Wisdom Cube that is a rare element the human created to defeat the Siren." 

"Would you stay with me in the future then Commander?" 

'The future huh? I don't know how many years it will took for the Siren to disappear, i also am a human though, i may die one day. But until then.'

"I will." 

"That's good to know." Volga uneasiness perished as Greynar assured her. 

"Let's have a fun dinner tonight, i will be the one who's cooking." 

"Didn't the royal maids prepare the cooking?"

"Well... I will be borrowing their kitchen for a while." 

"If you say so, Commander." Volga smiled as she follow Greynar.

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