Azur Lane: Savior

Chapter 8 – Night Attack

Because of the Siren that are becoming passive for the last year, the humanity used this opportunity to their advantage to push the Siren back slightly. I read in one of the books in the library, Siren were brought into a trap that set up by the Azur Lane after they agreed to cooperate. This night we will try to use the same traps for the Siren to try the same trick again, hoping for them to fall for the 2nd time.

"We'll be leaving the base soon, Commander have you prepared?" Avrora opened the door. 

"Yeah, we're ready." 

The Northern Parliament lent me one of their unused mass produced ship, the ship was Sovetsky Soyuz class battleship. It could operate using my own voice for the instruction, its quite useful one since im gonna directly confronting the Siren. Volga will back us up using her carrier, but i still doubt that she's gonna only supporting us, she might use some absurd technique again. Come to think of it, i haven't seen how she could heal and use her Crystal skill have we? 

I boarded to the ship in the dock, the sun is already down, the wind is also calm, we're good to go. 

"Pamiat and Avrora, we'll follow you behind, lead the way." 

"Aye aye, I'm ready to ram! Let's goooo!" 

"We'll gladly guide you through this calm dark sea, you will rise as the light that guide us to the victory. Comrade!" 

'Geez, was that really necessary?'

We took of from the dock and going straight into the night sea, not a single light were seen in the dark. I'm inside the main control room on the ship, currently watching the radar to pick something. 

[Commander, this is Volga i think we already far enough, should i launch the decoy plane?] 

"Please do, we don't know what danger lies ahead in front of us, better safe than sorry."


I switched the radio channel into Pamiat's

"Pamiat, this is me, Volga will launch the decoy plane to scout ahead."

[Got it Commander, i will tell Avrora that the plan will soon start]

"Good, then proceed as we planned." 

The night sky is bright, because of that we could see some distance even though its very dark. But that's as far as we could see. We need to rely on Volga's decoy plane to scout our objective.

[Commander, the plane caught something ahead, i think we're already entering their territory.]

"Did you see the Sirens?"

[Yes, there is a fleet consisting 2 carriers with 1 battleship and 4 destroyer]

"Recall your decoy plane, they probably hasn't seen us."

The Siren fleets that are patrolling the area is a troublesome bunch. But we'll do as we planned.

"Avrora are you ready? We will split up as 2 groups according to the plan."

[Avrora here, yes Commander i'm ready engage on battle.]

"Good then lets go." 

Avrora and i goes into the opposite direction as Volga and Pamiat. Both of them will act as a bait while luring Siren to confront them. We will stall time as long as we could for the surprise party we will send to them. 

"Avrora, try to get behind them and attack those 2 carriers, the other fleet must be notified too when Volga's team baited them." 

"Got it Commander."

Avrora swiftly dashed through the sea, using her rigging she blasted through one of the flight deck, resulting the carrier's hull to explode. Avrora firepower is powerful as a normal battleship because of her AP gun and because of her boosted weapon ever since she become an shipgirl. 

'Nice, with this pace we could stall some time for the Sirens to gather in one area.'

Volga and Pamiat were chased by the Siren's destroyer, because of the sudden attack by Volga, the Battleship haven't recovered through the explosions. 

"Here's a surprise for you!!" Pamiat jumped above the Siren's deck and exploded the weapon.

"Pamiat, take cover." Volga commanded her torpedo bombers to explode the ship's hull.

"Nice one Volga, thanks for the heads up." Pamiat gave Volga a thumbs up.

"You're welcome" Volga smiled brightly.

"Looks like we got a new one incoming." Pamiat's radar scanned a new reinforcement from the east.

"The DD (Destroyer) is still chasing us, lets make them gather on some point first according to the Commander's."

"We should, also lets lure them away from Avrora and Commander." 

Volga nodded at Pamiat suggestion and commanded her rigging to attack the Destroyer.

"You could do that!? I didn't hear any of this." Pamiat is on dumbstruck seeing the twin dragon headbutted each of the Destroyers with a very fast movement.

"It is one of my special ability, hehe~" Volga giggled.

The Destroyer didn't sunk right away, but it deal some enormous damage to their armor, the riggings also got back to Volga after they finished their job. The Siren's is still following them around, Volga and Pamiat waiting for the right moment to attack.

"10 Battleship and 7 Carrier and 22 Light Cruiser with a 32 Destroyers are heading to our way!" 

"Just as the Commander predicted! The Siren's gathered their fleets to stop us!"

"Lets stall the time for a little longer." 

"I'll do my best to offer air support!"

"Then, let's smack 'em down!"

'We have been stalling for 30 minutes, i hope we got enough time for the surprise to arrive'

Greynar is using his own ship to attack the Siren's from behind. Because of thee sheer amount of firepower the Siren had, he need to take some distance to avoid the bullets. One of the weapon got damaged, Greynar tried to crouch down as the falling debris is coming. Looking through his watch he counted down.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1." 

A single fire was shot from the distance. An unidentified fleets was coming from the west, north, and south. It was our mass produced ship that are stationed from each post anticipating a Siren threat. 

"GOOD! WE CAN WIN THIS!" Greynar pumped his fist as he got excited due to his plan worked. 

Massive amount of torpedos and planes from each direction was aimed for the Siren in the center. Buying time for the Siren to target us and for them to not bothered with the mass produced ship was a success plan. We have successfully destroyed the Siren that are coming from the east, but there are few of Siren that is waiting on there. The loud sound has become silent, it was a total victory for our plan.

[Commander, our team has successfully destroyed them in one go] Volga voice was heard through radio.

Confirming every ship got sunked, Greynar nodded and asked Avrora to lead the way to the east border, leaving the Siren's ship to dust was a waste, we might need someone to help us carrying the Siren parts. 

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