Babylonian Empire

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Babylonian Empire Author: The Hero of East China [Completed]


Here [3] was once the pinnacle of the development of Mesopotamian civilization, and here, a new unity will be ushered in again!

Survive in the cracks between the two super empires, develop in the eyes of neighbors who stare at you, and grow stronger in the Iran-Iraq War.

Reborn as Saddam's son, rewrite the fate of Iraq!

The new Babylonian Empire stands on top of the world! [1]

Chapter 1 Operation Babylon

June 1981, 6, at 17:[-] pm, Echion Air Force Base, Sinai Peninsula.

The delta wing, full-moving horizontal tail, single vertical tail, single engine, huge abdominal air intake, and the layout of the wing-body fusion, parked on the runway are the most advanced fighters in Israel and the most advanced in the world. One: F16 Fighting Falcon.

Sitting in the large bubble-style cockpit, Zeif-Raz "lyed" on the flight seat and carefully checked all the instruments.

Raz is the commander of the 117th Fighter Squadron. He started to fly the F16. Raz immediately fell in love with this aircraft. Compared with the F4 Phantom that he flew before, one is a Mercedes-Benz BMW on the highway, and the other is a walking tractor on the farm.

Unlike all fighter jets, the F16 is the first to adopt a side stick layout. The control stick is not between the legs, but on the right side. In addition, the seat can be tilted back [-] degrees, which is enough to ensure the It is also easier to control the aircraft under certain circumstances. The statically unstable design and the four-degree fly-by-wire control system make this fighter very flexible, and its ability to fight at distance is very good. However, this time the mission is bombing, not with rice grid fighter dogfight.

After checking, Raz released the brake, gently pushed the accelerator with his left hand, and slid to the runway.

After aligning the runway, Raz checked all the instruments again, waiting for the command from the tower.

"Crack, crack, crack," three red signal flares emitted beautiful light in the sky.

The powerful F100-PW-100 turbofan engine ejected lavender flames, the afterburner was opened, and the powerful thrust of 111 kN allowed the Fighting Falcon to accelerate on the runway.

Raz liked this feeling. He felt a strong thrust on his back, and the surrounding runway was getting faster and faster. On the head-up display, the speed had reached more than 300 kilometers per hour. Raz pulled the steering column back with his right hand, and suddenly, All the scenery left his sight, and the fighter jet rose from the ground and pierced straight into the sky.

Three large auxiliary fuel tanks are hung under the belly and wings, two 908 kg bombs are mounted under the two wings, and two Sidewinder missiles are mounted on the wingtips.

Immediately behind Raz, seven F16s and six F15s took off one by one, formed formation over the airport, and flew eastward.

Eight F16 fighter jets belong to the 117th Fighter Squadron and the 110th Fighter Squadron. The codename of this operation is "String" and "Chisel". The commanders are Lieutenant Colonel Raz and Lieutenant Colonel Amir Nahumi respectively.Responsible for carrying out the bombing mission, six F2 fighter jets, belonging to the 15rd fighter squadron, led by Colonel Bahari, are responsible for covering the bombing mission fighter planes and preventing Iraqi fighter planes from attacking.

Operation Babylon that shocked the world is about to begin!

Since Iraq has been steadfast in its own nuclear program, Israel has had sleepless nights about it.

Due to historical reasons, Israel and the surrounding Arab countries are in the same situation. Since the founding day, there have been four Middle East wars. Although Israel has won each time, it has expanded its land area several times.Including the current air force base, they were all robbed.This is the only way for the survival of the Jewish people.However, the price Israel paid for this was also huge. Countless Jewish men fell on the battlefield one after another.

The deadly rival Iraq has been developing a nuclear program since the 70s, importing from Italy and France the plutonium separation plant and the Osirak research reactor used to manufacture nuclear weapons.The arrogant Iraqi President Saddam Hussein claimed: The Arab nation will not be weak forever, and they will fight back against the Jewish invaders once and for all at the right time!

Since two years ago, the Israeli Air Force has been preparing to bomb the Oslak reactor built 32 kilometers southeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad at the right time!

However, the main model at that time was the F4. The range of this fighter was too short to reach Baghdad, a thousand kilometers away. Last year, the United States finally sold the latest F16 fighter to Israel. Israel was overjoyed and immediately dispatched The pilot went to receive it, and after returning, the most important thing to do was long-distance flight training.

For this bombing mission, they prepared for more than a year, during which they also infiltrated the hard work of Prime Minister Begin, Air Force Commander General Avery and others. All preparations depend on the present!

Israel and Iraq do not border each other, but are separated by Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. In order to pass through these hostile countries without being discovered, as early as a few months ago, several F4 Phantom fighter jets were constantly scanning these areas, looking for The loopholes in the airspace of the opponent finally decided to fly over at an ultra-low altitude from the border junction between Jordan and Saudi Arabia, enter from western Iraq, and go straight to the Oslaq reactor on the southern outskirts of Baghdad.

In order to confuse each other as much as possible, these aircraft are painted in the standard livery of the Jordanian Air Force.Moreover, when entering the border between Jordan and Saudi Arabia, fly all the way low.

After the fleet took off, Raz pushed the joystick to the right. At the same time, he pushed the rudder with his right foot, and a moderate force feedback came from the fly-by-wire system. The fuselage rotated and flew to the right.

The F4 Phantom fighter that I flew originally has a hydraulic control system. At low altitudes, the air density is high, and the relative resistance is high. It is necessary to press more levers and use more force in the hands. At high altitudes, the air is thinner. You need to press less, and the force on your hand is correspondingly smaller.And this F16, thanks to the advanced electronics industry in the United States, has been changed to fly-by-wire control. Specifically, there are sensors in the joystick, which send commands to the aircraft through the computer. It is the same quality, which greatly reduces the difficulty of use.

The westerly wind was strong, and they should have bypassed the Gulf of Aqaba. As a result, before they could react, the fleet had already flown over the Gulf of Aqaba.

After the fleet entered the sky over Saudi Arabia, it lowered its altitude to 60 meters to avoid Saudi radar surveillance.

For a fighter jet flying fast at Mach 0.7 (1 Mach is 1 times the speed of sound, 340 meters per second), flying at such a low altitude is like dancing with death, but for a fighter pilot , This kind of training is often carried out.

Since the earth is a curved surface, and the radar beam propagates along a straight line, to avoid radar, the lower the better, the earth will play a very good blocking effect.Now that the position of the opponent's long-range warning radar has been ascertained, and the low altitude is used as cover, the possibility of being discovered is very low.

Flying at ultra-low altitude to cover up one's actions is already a common tactic in the Air Force. The solution is not without, the simplest is to move the radar to the sky, that is, the early warning aircraft.

Simple is simple, but it is very difficult to achieve.After the radar is in the sky, it stands high and can see far enough to see the terrain at a glance. It also receives all the hills and mountains, and the plane is hidden in the chaotic echoes of the ground, which is even more difficult to find.Only by relying on advanced electronic technology to filter out the clutter can the secretly flying plane be displayed.

In this regard, the United States is still the most advanced technology. When the fleet attacked the nuclear reactor, an E2 Hawkeye early warning aircraft imported from the United States hovered over Israel to provide information support.

You can almost see the yellow sand on the ground rushing towards your face, surrounded by sand dunes of the same color.In this case, just like flying at sea level, it is easy to cause hallucinations, and if you are not careful, the plane will crash and people will die.The way to overcome is strict training.Those who participated in this operation were all elite pilots who had participated in several air combat operations.

Eight F16 fighter jets are arranged in a tight formation. In this case, even if they are detected by long-range radar, they will be mistaken for a large aircraft.Dense formation is a test of flying skills, and it is also a formation method that is of great practical significance.

The wingman of Lieutenant Colonel Nahumi is Colonel Iftach-Specot, the ace pilot of Israel. To become an ace, he has to shoot down five enemy planes in air combat. Nahumi's squadron.Iftachi, with the rank of colonel, is the commander of the air force base where the Israeli F16 is stationed, and his rank is higher than all members of the operation team.

Knowing that two top flying squadrons were going to carry out the important task of bombing the Iraqi nuclear reactor, Iftaki was moved and insisted on participating in the air strike mission, even if he was not the commander of the operation.In order to achieve what he wanted, he even went over Raz and Air Force Commander Avery and directly found the Israeli army chief of staff Rafael Yitan.After the hard work, Rafael couldn't stand Iftachi's repeated pleas, and replaced the original pilot with him.

However, very unfortunately, Iftach suffered from the flu yesterday, and for pilots who need to do strenuous exercise, they cannot fly.In order to participate in this operation, Iftach concealed that he had the flu.

Right now, Iftachi has a runny nose. Fortunately, he is at a low altitude and the oxygen mask has been removed. Otherwise, the nasal mucus will flow into the oxygen mask and block the air intake, and he will be in big trouble.He stabilized the steering column with his right hand, and wiped his nose nimbly with his left.

For the sake of concealment, radio silence was implemented during the entire flight, and the pilots flew over Saudi Arabia according to the routes they had already memorized.

The fuel in the two [-]-liter wing drop tanks and one [-]-liter belly drop tank was quickly exhausted, and Raz was the first to drop the drop tanks when there was no one in the Nefud desert.

The three gleaming auxiliary fuel tanks fell into the desert under the rays of the western sun.

Flying at low altitude, the auxiliary fuel tank will generate a lot of air resistance. After dropping the auxiliary fuel tank, Raz suddenly felt that the aircraft was light, and the speed reached Mach 0.8 without pushing the throttle lever.

Captain Yilan Raymond, who followed Iftach, was surprised to find that the ace pilot in front forgot to put in the auxiliary fuel tank?Does he want to throw the auxiliary fuel tank on top of the nuclear reactor?

Because he wanted to keep the radio silent, Raymond did not speak. He pushed the throttle stick with his left hand, and gently pushed the joystick to the right with his right hand. At the same time, he pushed the rudder with his right foot. Turn right and catch up with Iftarch.

In the bubble-like cockpit, Raymond looked at Iftachi, who was flying level with him, stretched out his thumb with his left hand, and wanted to point down. Then, he moved the joystick left and right, and the F16 shook like a light swallow. Twice the joystick.

Iftarch didn't understand Raymond's movements. Could it be that long-distance flying is too boring?Why is the queue not maintained?It wasn't until I saw the underside of Raymond's wing that I suddenly realized: I actually forgot to put in the auxiliary fuel tank!

Iftarch stretched out his hand and flipped the switch on the left panel, and the three auxiliary fuel tanks fell obediently.

Raymond breathed a sigh of relief, how could he do such a stupid thing as an ace pilot, if he can go back this time, he must make a joke with him.

As the eighth attacking fighter, the eight of them were joking together last night. If it was sacrificed, Raymond was the most likely.However, Raymond still played the role of queen without hesitation, not because he was the lowest rank, but because he was not married yet, and he took on this mission consciously.

Suddenly, a loud radio sound came from the internationally accepted answering channel, "Airspace No. [-], there is an aircraft in Airspace No. [-], please report the origin." Broken English.

Oops, spotted by Saudi long-range radar.

"Jordanian Air Force, routine training." Raz replied in proficient English.

The Saudi air traffic controller believed it was true. Saudi Arabia and Jordan have always had a friendly relationship, and it is common for the two countries to use planes to enter the country occasionally.

At [-]:[-] p.m., the aircraft group successfully entered Iraqi airspace from the southwestern border between Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

In order to conceal, eight F16 and six F15 fighter jets descended to an ultra-low altitude of 30 meters again, towards the Oslaq reactor in the south of Baghdad.

Operation Babylon is about to be played over Iraq.The eyes of all Israel are focused on several fighter jets that are on the long-distance attack.

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