Babylonian Empire

Page 13

Chapter 14 Staff of the logistics department?quit! ——

On June 1981, 6, the youngest son of President Saddam Hussein, His Excellency Qusay, and his two servants came to the military headquarters in Basra, Iraq's southern military region, and received the military commander Yizat-Ibra Xin, the warm welcome from Lieutenant General Fath-Halad, Chief of Staff and others.

In the spacious conference hall, Izzat delivered a warm welcome speech, praising Qusay for his wit and bravery, smashing the Jewish conspiracy to destroy the nuclear reactor of the great motherland Iraq, and greatly boosting the morale of the army. The Southern Military Region must firmly unite in Surrounding President Saddam Hussein, he made his own contribution to the great cause of Arab revival and the defeat of the Persians.

Zhang Feng waited for Izzat to finish his speech, so he had to say quickly that he was just lucky this time, but he was willing to dedicate his youth to the future of the Iraqi Republic. Next, he asked the most critical point: where did he come Here, how does Izzart plan to arrange himself?

Saddam just promised him to come to the Southern Military Region, but there was no arrangement for what to do. Zhang Feng had no delusions to command the entire Southern Military Region?My own qualifications and abilities are not enough. Although I am Saddam's son, Saddam will not give him such great power hastily.

And Zhang Feng chose to come to the Southern Military Region to stop the Persian attack. He knew that, according to historical development, Iran's large-scale counter-offensive would start soon. Without this Iranian counteroffensive, the future of Iraq will be rewritten.

Let him go to the army and take the command of a division. If a division can't do it, then a brigade, a regiment, or even a battalion can do it. You can't make yourself a big soldier, can you?

Hearing Qusay's request for battle, Izzat smiled and said, "Your Excellency Qusay came to the Southern Military Region this time. The 10 people in our military region feel very honored, so please stay in the headquarters and serve as the staff of the logistics department. :."

Staff of the logistics department?Zhang Feng was very surprised, what could he do if he asked himself to go to the logistics department?That should be the work of the old man. Zhang Feng looked at the other generals around him. Obviously, this was already discussed by them, and no one expressed surprise.

He is the son of President Saddam Hussein, why does he seem to be very unwelcome here?Although the atmosphere had always been harmonious, Zhang Feng knew that this was all a superficial phenomenon.

"By Allah, now that the Iranians are aggressively preparing to attack the lands we have occupied, our soldiers are standing firm in their positions, and I, Qusay Abdullah, am willing to be an ordinary soldier, defending the motherland at the forefront." Zhang Feng put his hands on his chest and said calmly.

Hearing Zhang Feng's reaction, Yizart smiled wryly, and asked him to go to the logistics department. This was the president's order. Otherwise, what if he asked him to go to the second line to lead an infantry battalion?The logistics department is a good job, but, obviously, the president's son, his own nephew, is addicted to fighting, and he has to go to the front line.

Bullets have no eyes. When the time comes, a stray bullet will kill Qu Sai. How can I explain to my brother?Absolutely not.Izzat said with a smile: "Your Excellency Qusay, you just came out of school, and you haven't adapted to the rhythm of life in the army. You should stay in the logistics department for a while to get used to it. I will arrange a few instructors to take charge of your work." Training, after a while, I will transfer you to a suitable department, and now I will send you to the front line, if you don't know how to shoot or fight, it will be in vain!"

This reason is really sufficient!Zhang Feng thought to himself, how do you know that I can't shoot?I came out of university, so I have never touched a gun, but in my previous life, I could use all kinds of weapons in various countries.

It is also to blame for Izzat's carelessness. If he had studied Zhang Feng's battle report carefully, he would have discovered that Zhang Feng could even use complex Sam-7 shoulder-launched missiles, not to mention ordinary guns, when blocking Israeli aircraft.

"Then, what does the commander mean in his words, if I learn how to shoot a gun, master all kinds of combat methods, and have enough tactical skills, then I can go to the front line?" Zhang Feng asked rhetorically. ?Since Izzat had just said something, although it was just a prevarication, but since he said it, it must count, and in front of so many subordinates, he couldn't deny it: "Yes, this is also to protect Your Excellency Qusay, the battlefield is cruel after all, if an untrained person goes to the battlefield, it is almost like sending someone to death."

"Okay, let's go then." Zhang Feng said.

Walk? "Where are you going?"

"Is there a training ground here? Since the commander wants to test me, I'll let the commander take a look and see if my marksmanship is good." Zhang Feng said with a smile, but he felt like a fool in his heart. Let me show you my marksmanship and see what you say!

All soldiers know that the so-called sharpshooters are definitely fed with bullets, and it is absolutely impossible to practice the ability to hit every shot without years of hard work.Rome was not built in a day, it was built up brick by brick day after day, month after month.

And this Qusay, as uncle Yizat knows, has been growing up under the care of bodyguards. Although he has seen guns, but if he wants to make him know how to shoot and shoot accurately, he is not yet ready. It is not yet known whether he is a major in studies and can operate a gun proficiently.

There is nothing to be afraid of, so let him give up his heart, so as not to trouble himself again.Yizart said: "There is a training ground in the backyard of the headquarters. Today's welcome meeting, we will proceed to the training ground at the back. Everyone's lowest rank is also a colonel. You haven't forgotten your shooting skills?"

"Of course not." The officers present said, they had heard it a long time ago, and of course they wanted to take a look.President Saddam can use all kinds of weapons, but his son doesn't know, anyway, now that the commander is here to carry them, they have nothing to be afraid of.

Yizzat looked at Qusay who was following him, and at the large group of major generals and colonels, and suddenly had an ominous premonition. If his nephew really meets his requirements, then he will There are no steps to go down. If he is really assigned to the frontline troops, then President Saddam must scold himself?Although the president likes the eldest son, these two sons are also his own flesh and blood after all. Even though he is the president's younger brother, he should not offend Qusay too much.After a while, he really met the requirements, and he couldn't disobey the president's secret order, what should he do?

Have!Izzat suddenly thought of a way, and he called the adjutant next to him: "Sajjad, go to the No. [-] weapon warehouse, get a rifle, thirty rounds of ammunition." Thirty rounds of ammunition, exactly the capacity of a magazine .

"As ordered," the adjutant replied, and ran out quickly.

"Don't bother, just take a guard's rifle." Zhang Feng said, pointing to the guard soldiers next to him.

"They don't have bullets in their guns:," Izzard said.

No way?Zhang Feng can be regarded as an eye-opener. Now is not a time of peace. He is at war with Iran. Although this is the rear area now, in modern warfare, enemy squads will infiltrate at any time. If the Iranians have the same If the special operations forces of the Iraqi Southern Military Region were to be killed, all the big shots in the Iraqi Southern Military Region would be killed with just one beheading operation.

Izzat didn’t feel uncomfortable. He felt that it was very safe here. Even if Iranian planes flew to bomb Baghdad, they didn’t attack here, because this is a city inhabited by Shiites, and has a strong reputation among Muslims. Of great historical value, it also gave birth to the Basra School of Linguistics.If it is bombed here, it will have a great impact on Khomeini's export revolution, and Khomeini has no intention of doing anything here yet.

Zhang Feng didn't know that Yizart had another purpose for asking the adjutant to pick up the gun.

The training ground is not big, and the farthest target is only more than 200 meters away, and at this distance, Zhang Feng has full confidence.

"Your Excellency Qusay, here is your gun." The adjutant held an assault rifle in both hands and handed it to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng took the gun skillfully, and measured it. This rifle is a standard light weapon produced in Iraq: the Tabuk 7.62mm assault rifle. It is an imitation of the Soviet mm assault rifle. The difference is that a reversible sight is added, the shape of the bottom of the butt is different, and it is longer than other AK series.

This gun uses 7.62x39mm bullets, air-guided, can be fired in a single burst, rotates the bolt, uses 30 rounds of magazines for ammunition, the whole gun weighs 3.75 kg, the whole gun is 900 mm long, the muzzle velocity is 700 ms, and the theoretical rate of fire 600 points for it.Although Zhang Feng had never used this weapon in his previous life, as an elite of the Special Forces, Zhang Feng had a deep research on various weapons.

The rifle in his hand was still brand new, the body of the gun was shining with metal, and the peach wood butt exuded a smell of varnish. The commander was too self-effacing and asked himself to use a new gun to shoot targets.

Zhang Feng pressed the bullets into the magazine one by one and pushed them into the rifle. Although this kind of gun has never been used, it was born out of the Soviet assault rifle, and it is similar to the Chinese Type 56 and Type 81 rifles.

The gauge was adjusted to 200 meters, and the bullet was loaded skillfully. Zhang Feng aimed at the target 200 meters in front of him without hesitation.

There is no wind now, and there is no need to consider the influence of the crosswind. Zhang Feng stood still in a standing posture, holding the rifle flat, breathing steadily, and pulled the trigger with his index finger.

For a moment, as if time had frozen, Zhang Feng regained the original feeling, and could even clearly hear the sound of the firing pin hitting the primer, and the bullet flew out of the muzzle and flew towards the target.

Zhang Feng is very confident that even if he doesn't reach the tenth ring, he can reach the ninth ring. After all, this is a fixed target.

Who knows, there is no sound of admiration, on the contrary, why do all the high-ranking officials in the military area around him have that kind of expression?

"The bullet missed the target." The soldier in charge of checking the target shouted.

Missed?How can this be?

Chapter 15 reveals combat skills

Chapter 15 reveals combat skills——

Zhang Feng's confident first shot actually missed the target. No wonder the people around him had such strange expressions. Even Izzat looked at him with a smile, as if saying, look, can't you?Let's go back and practice first!

Could it be that Qu Sai's small body dragged him back?Zhang Feng thought, impossible!In the anti-aircraft artillery position, shoulder-launched missiles can resist movement, not to mention this small light weapon shooting:.

There must be something wrong in the middle.Zhang Feng looked at the rifle in his hand. Could it be that there is something wrong with the Iraqi-made rifle?

Suddenly, a thought flashed in Zhang Feng's mind, and in an instant, he figured out the problem.

This gun is not calibrated!

A gun can’t hit wherever it is aimed. It must be aimed at the point where it hits the actual point of impact. Generally, new guns are calibrated by laser when they leave the factory, and they can shoot wherever they point. However, this Iraqi It is not known whether the rifles produced in China have been calibrated before leaving the factory.

And his uncle, Yizat, the commander of the military region, did he know that the gun was inaccurate?Judging by his expression, it doesn't look like he is making fun of himself.

The gun is not calibrated, how can it be accurate?Looking at Zhang Feng's shooting posture, Yizart knew that he must have mastered the essentials of shooting. Fortunately, he found these newly shipped guns by himself, otherwise, he might have passed the test.

If it is an ordinary soldier who shoots with an uncalibrated gun, it is absolutely impossible to hit, but for the special forces, it is different.

Ordinary soldiers seldom shoot targets once, and they all use carefully selected guns, while special forces use live ammunition even in exercises, so the level is naturally different.And those instructors who hurt people sometimes really take out guns that have not been calibrated to let them shoot.

It is not a big problem if it has not been calibrated. The key is that you need to know how big the error of the gun is, and adjust the aiming direction accordingly. That's it:.

Zhang Feng fixed his eyes on the target and fired the second bullet again.

Still missed the target, but Zhang Feng could see clearly that the bullet was about ten centimeters away from the left side of the target.

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