Babylonian Empire

Page 6

The f-15 must have turned on the afterburner and flew to the war zone quickly, while the f-16 was carrying a large bomb and was flying at a low altitude with dense air. The speed was not fast, and it would arrive in a few minutes.

Zhang Feng felt a burst of excitement in his heart. The consciousness of being a soldier in his body was slowly awakening, and his blood was still not cold.

Chapter 6 "String" Team Destroyed

Chapter 6 "String" group destroyed——

Looking at the f-15 flying into the sky, Raz controlled his inner excitement. At this moment, the bombing operation has entered the countdown period.

After the f-15 flew high, it was immediately spotted by the radar deployed near Baghdad.However, the radar soldiers need to report layer by layer, and then go down to the airport layer by layer, and it will take a few minutes for fighter jets to intercept the airport.With these few minutes, the bombing operation of the last tens of kilometers can be completed.

Those f-15s in the sky can ensure temporary air supremacy in their own hands.

Although this was an act of violating the airspace of a sovereign country, Raz did not feel guilty. Although this operation was full of dangers, Raz did not feel the slightest fear, because he was a Jewish fighter, and for the sake of the Jewish Country, this is his mission.

Flying forward again, you will reach a lake at the guiding landmark, where you will turn, climb, fly over the last 20 kilometers, and bomb.

Under the wing, you can already see the curved river. This is the birthplace of one of the four major civilizations. This river gave birth to a great civilization.

Raz withdrew his thoughts and put his eyes on the navigator. According to the instructions of the navigator, the lake will appear in front of him soon.

"Prepare to fight." Zhang Feng gave the order calmly. Hearing the voice, the fighter jets might come whistling in the next second.

The gunners have already put their hands on the buttons, just waiting for the plane to appear in front of them, and hit the invading enemies hard!Their hearts were already full of confidence in Qusay.As if he was a god, he actually knew exactly the route and time of the enemy plane's attack!

Raz pressed the joystick to the right, so that he could better see the island in the middle of the lake from the right, ready to climb higher.

However, his heart suddenly sank: the island in the middle of the lake is gone!How can this be?

According to the navigation instructions, it has reached the position where it should turn, but the island in the middle of the lake that should appear has not been seen.

In an instant, Raz made a decision. The latest American fighter jet he was driving was equipped with the most advanced laser gyro inertial navigation system, so there would be no errors. An accident, such as the lake rising, submerged the island in the middle of the lake.At this time, there is no GPS global positioning system, and it mainly relies on inertial navigation. By measuring the acceleration (inertia) of the aircraft and automatically performing integral calculations, the instantaneous speed and instantaneous position data of the aircraft are obtained.

He turned on the afterburner without hesitation. At the same time, he pulled the joystick back and stepped on the rudder with his right foot. Suddenly, the fighter jet turned into a wild horse that roared and pierced the sky obliquely. In a flash, the horizons on both sides of the cockpit quickly disappeared from sight. Raz was pressed on the seat by a huge overload, and he pulled the steering column with great effort.

Following behind Raz, the other three fighter planes of the "string" team began to climb up. They all believed in their lead plane very much and began to prepare for the bombing: pull up and enter the bombing route.

"Fire:!" The soldier sitting on the anti-aircraft gun emplacement was still harassed by the vortex rolling when the plane was pulled up, and couldn't even open his eyes. After hearing the order to fire, he immediately pressed the fire button without hesitation. .

"Tom, tom tom tom." Immediately, the battlefield roared wildly.

Forty anti-aircraft guns and 160 barrels all poured out countless shells, forming a barrage above the island in the middle of the lake.

Raz suddenly felt the plane vibrate violently. Could it be that he had operated too hard just now and caused the engine to throb?Impossible, I have done this action no less than hundreds of times.

He didn't know that it was the anti-aircraft shells exploding around him, and the impact airflow formed affected the operation of the aircraft.Because of the huge overload, he has no energy to observe the surrounding sky at this time, and his attention is on the instrument, and he needs to rush into the altitude of 1000 meters.

However, Raz had no more chances, and in the next second, his plane exploded in the air.

Although he had already pulled up, he was only 300 meters above the ground at this time. A shell accurately hit the wing fuel tank, and an explosion occurred immediately.

Huge fireballs are shining in the sky, more beautiful than the sun!

Seeing the huge fireball in front of them, the remaining three planes knew that something had happened. Under this seemingly calm lake, they actually ambushed the opponent's anti-aircraft guns, and they were ambushed!

The four planes formed a diamond formation, with Raz at the apex.In the two planes behind Raz, the pilot on the left immediately instinctively pressed the stick to the left, and the pilot on the right pressed the stick to the right, and the two planes flew to the left and the right.The conditioned reflexes developed in many lives and deaths made them immediately choose the correct way to evade.

Flying is a high-risk occupation, and flying a fighter jet is even more risky. A second of delay can be the difference between life and death.The flying elites of the Israeli Air Force, adapting to the situation, have done their best.

However, they were too close to Raz, and Raz's plane had just bloomed, and they were hit after they were not separated by two seconds.

"Flying well, it's almost as good as the August [-]st aerobatic team. No matter how beautiful the artificial smoke is, it's not as good as it is now." Zhang Feng looked at the plane in the sky, pleasing to the eye.

The three planes in front were blown to pieces in an instant, and Yadlin, the last pilot of the "string" team, made a wrong move.

Yadlin looked at the trajectories of several planes in front of him, and continued to pull up. It was already a dead end. Turning left and right was not feasible. Yadlin gritted his teeth, and kept pulling the joystick backwards. .

Since you can't go up, and you can't go left or right, then go backwards!Yadlin held the joystick, and the plane followed his instructions, and kept raising its head up to the highest point, but there was still no sign of letting go. Then it tilted back, ready to turn 180 degrees, and flipped over.

The instrument in front of him kept turning, and the giant steel beast under his crotch, obeying Yadlin's instructions, flew upwards and then backwards.

According to the usual training, this movement is not difficult, even if there is a short-term black vision, it can definitely be completed.

However, Yadlin forgot its conditions of use: it must be completed at an altitude of more than 3000 meters, and the external objects can only be air superiority standards: four medium-range bombs and two short-range bombs.

Now, under his wings are two big guys weighing nearly two tons in total.With such a big guy, no matter how powerful the engine is, it won't work!

Yadlin felt that the plane was like a hobbled old man. It turned around for a long time, but it didn't turn around. Just over halfway, it seemed to have lost power, and it was spinning downwards and falling!

Wing stall, enter spin!

If it is at a high altitude, the f-16 can easily recover from the spin, but this is only a very low altitude of tens of meters!

Before Yadlin could recover from the spin, the plane fell into the lake and was smashed to pieces.

What's even more frightening is that the violent impact caused one of the mk84 bombs to explode. Fireballs from a distance emerged from the bottom of the lake, and the lake was blown up several meters. It immediately turned into water vapor.

The next moment, Zhang Feng's smiling face suddenly became serious, and Waliher, who was closest to him, heard that His Excellency Qusay uttered a word in a strange language: "Damn!"

It wasn't until five years later that Variher was invited to visit that ancient civilization in the East. While shopping, he heard the word again, and finally understood the rich connotation hidden in the word.

Chapter 7 The Power of Sam-7

Chapter 7 The Power of Sam-7——

"The Israeli Air Force is arranged in a tight formation, so that even if it is detected by ground radar, it will only be considered as a large passenger plane instead of a few fighter jets, so that it can protect itself and others as much as possible ” Said the instructor’s majestic voice.

"Report, I have a question." Zhang Feng, who loves to use his brain most, asked.

"Say." The instructor said.

"The opponent's f-16 is equipped with two bombs weighing two tons, and the maneuverability will be greatly reduced. How can they arrange a dense formation at ultra-low altitude? The low-altitude turbulence will make them quite Collided together. Even my country’s Bayi aerobatic team can only maintain this dense formation when there are no plug-ins, right?”

The f-16 is a single-engine light fighter, its own weight is only about ten tons, and with two tons of bombs attached, it still needs to maintain a dense formation?It's not an air combat mount, a few light air-to-air missiles, how is this possible?

"The Israeli Air Force is one of the best air forces in the world. Their pilots grew up in the flames of war. Only in the fourth Middle East war, they lost more than 100 excellent pilots. The harsh war has trained the most outstanding pilots. Pilots are completely different from us who only pay attention to flight safety. For us, this seems impossible. However, for Israeli pilots, this kind of flight training is often carried out, and the f-16 has the most advanced technology at that time. The fly-by-wire control system is not a problem at all." The instructor's words echoed in the classroom.

"Although the world is safe, if you forget the battle, you will be in danger. Everyone who joins the team must strictly train your combat skills. This is the foundation of surviving in the harsh war. One hundred points is one hundred points, and 99 is death!"

What he said at the time made Zhang Feng admire the instructor. Relying on the most intuitive grasp of this Israeli operation, Zhang Feng made such an arrangement.

However, the facts proved that the instructor did not see it with his own eyes after all, but compiled it based on the declassified memoirs afterwards.Or, it was because of his time travel that caused things to change.

In this operation of the Israeli Air Force, the f-16 fighter jets were not arranged in a large dense formation, but two smaller formations, not one, but two!

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