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Chapter 059: The opponent makes a trick

"All right--"

Mr. Zhang's face was a little ugly: "But the most urgent task is how to face Feiniao's strong attack... Under the same traffic situation, they have Feiniao Forum, and their customer stickiness is higher than ours. We must crack their existing problems from other aspects." Advantage!"


Hearing this, everyone fell silent again.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, everyone has their own methods, but we can't let 5177 follow Feiyao's example and create a forum!

Without the blessing of the forum, 5177 will definitely be overtaken by Birds in the long run, or even surpassed!

Seeing everyone's silence, Zhang Ding sighed softly.

After a long time, he took out his phone on the spot and dialed a number!

"Hello, Mr. Cai——"

Changing from his previous decadence and weakness, Zhang Ding was full of confidence: "On behalf of 5177, I agree to your conditions... Yes, yes, both parties will exchange links, and we will pay 200 million in advertising fees every month... Okay, Mr. Chen of our company Contact you..."

When the phone was hung up, everyone's expressions changed!

"Mr. Zhang, 200 million per month. This is simply washing our blood. We can't agree to them."

"We paid 20.00% of the shares to receive an investment of US$200 million. All of this money will be given to them as soon as it changes hands... This is equivalent to them directly taking away 20.00% of the shares!"

"If we are so reckless, what's the point even if we win against Asuka?"

Everyone is anxious. 5177 has a profit of nearly 200 million yuan per month, but the business is too spread out and there are too many people. Coupled with various expenses such as equipment, the actual profit is less than 50 yuan.

Everyone was still looking forward to allocating part of the financing funds to improve their own benefits. Unexpectedly, the money had not yet warmed up, and they would all be thrown away. Even the situation was not enough: 200 million per month, which is 200 million in half a year. , that’s 400 million a year...

"Needless to say, the matter has been decided!"

Zhang Ding was very domineering and made a decision directly.


Days of news bombardment give the birds the upper hand!

Regardless of the traffic or IP number, they are all firmly suppressing 5177, especially the daily traffic, which is close to one million ahead of 5177. It has broken through the 450 million mark and is heading towards 500 million.

The pressure from 5177 is gradually receding!

Everyone in the company breathed a sigh of relief, and Tang Qinghua even waved his hand, saying everyone’s bonus would be doubled this month!

"Mr. Tang, a venture capital company has approached us and is ready to invest in us!"

Zhao Zhuoyan called him: "Not only venture capital companies, but also are interested in investing in us. And they are very sincere and have valued our company at 2000 million. They are willing to offer 20.00 million to acquire [-]% of our shares."

Valuation of [-] million?

Tang Qinghua's heartbeat accelerated slightly!

In just a few months, has been valued at hundreds of millions?

The valuation of an Internet company is different from that of an entity company. If it can make a gross profit of 2000 million yuan a year, then based on its potential valuation, the market value will be multiplied by five to ten times, which is almost [-] million to [-] million yuan. .

So, I am also a billionaire?

"Please decline!"

Tang Qinghua did not hesitate and quickly decided: "The company is not short of money now and does not need to sell shares...and the game trading market is so big. Even if we spend money like crazy, we won't be able to open up much space in a short time." , only by waiting for the popularization of computers can we have a wider market."

Is the game trading market so big?

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Zhuoyan was confused!

From the beginning of the company's establishment, Tang Qinghua has been promoting it wildly and pouring profits into it at all costs... And now you actually tell me that the game market is so big?

Do you want to piss me off?

"Then what will we do in the future?"

Zhao Zhuoyan asked with confused eyes.

"What to do in the future?"

Tang Qinghua's lips were filled with a smile of fascination: " can barely meet my requirements now. Soon you will know what to do... Now, just play it safe and hold on to the current situation!"

From the beginning to the end, he didn't think game trading would have much future!

But this market is very important. Once you can control this market, you will have a strong player base and be fully prepared for future development!

"Mr. Zhao, something big happened——"

The two were still talking on the phone, when He Xiaodie's anxious voice suddenly came.

"Frizzy? Is this necessary?"

Zhao Zhuoyan frowned. As an assistant to the general manager, shouting out of control like this would affect the mood of the company.

"It's 5177...they..."

He Xiaodie looked anxious and quickly turned on the computer: "They have reached a strategic cooperation with 17177, and the two parties will exchange website links!"

Open the homepages of the two websites,

On the main page of 5117, there is an additional link button for game information;

On the main page of 17177, there is an additional link button for game transactions.

5177 and 17177 cooperated?

How is it possible? In their previous life, they only started cooperating in July 2007, but this time it was a full three and a half years earlier?

Tang Qinghua was stunned when he heard the news!

As the temporarily dominant game information website, 17177 was acquired by Shohu last month for US$2050 million in cash. This month, it actually reached a cooperation with 5177?Where is your reserve?Where is your arrogance?

The first wave of butterfly wings brought by his rebirth turned out to be the strategic cooperation between 5177 and 17177 three years in advance?

The energy of 17177 is far beyond that of 5177!

Half a year ago, in June 17177, ranked No. 20 among Chinese websites and No. 1 among gaming websites in the world. In November, it announced that its daily page views exceeded 5000 million, close to that of 5177 and ten times!

Ten times!

Last month, Shouhu paid a high price of US$50 million to acquire it in full.Although the monetization ability of information websites is slightly poor, such terrifyingly large traffic is the dream of any gaming website.

Transfer this traffic to any website,

can be converted into strong profits,

What's more, 17173 also created an Internet cafe alliance,

5177If we reach cooperation with them,

So the future of

Tang Qinghua's heart instantly sank to the bottom!

This is completely unfair, just like two children fighting. If they can't win, they go to an adult...

"Qiao Ya, didn't you say you were also in contact with 17177? How could they suddenly reach a cooperation with 5177?" Zhao Zhuoyan suddenly became anxious and asked Qiao Ya loudly.

Sudden news,

It's like giving a blow in the head!

Once the two sites fully cooperate, wants to surpass 5177 again.

The difficulty is not that great!

"We have been negotiating with them, but their conditions are too harsh!"

Qiao Ya stood up, with a look of helplessness on her face, and sighed deeply: "If you want to achieve strategic cooperation, there must be two conditions:"

"[-]. They will acquire Feiniao Forum at an appropriate price and guarantee that after three years, will not create similar forums."

"200. After the two parties exchange links, we need to give them [-] million in advertising fees every month to make up for the traffic gap between the two parties."

"Mr. Zhao, do you think we can agree to these two conditions?"

Zhao Zhuoyan and Tang Qinghua fell into silence at the same time!

17177 seems to be watching the fight, but in fact it has regarded Feiniao as its opponent and wants to devour the Feiniao forum. It also regards the game between Feiniao and 5177 as an opportunity to sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers - game trading is a piece of fat. If Asuka and 5177 both suffer losses. Is there any guarantee that 17177 will not get involved?

After all, he has huge traffic and is struggling to monetize it. If he can get involved in the game trading field and quickly turn traffic into money, who would refuse?Profitable things are possible for anyone!

"Then why did he agree to 5177? If he was sitting on a mountain and watching the fight between tigers and tigers, he should just sit and watch us fight with 5177!" Zhao Zhuoyan could not understand this result.

"Perhaps, 5177 paid a huge price! For example, a large amount of money or a share of shares. As long as the price is sufficient, 17177 will not refuse." Tang Qinghua took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down.

17177 plus 5177,

The size and energy are unimaginable, is really hard to fight!

"Should we hold a high-level meeting?"

Zhao Zhuoyan tried to ask Tang Qinghua.

"No, let me think about it!"

Tang Qinghua decisively refused.

He was in the library at this time. After hanging up the phone, he sat back next to Wu Jing, looking slightly melancholy.

"What happened?"

Zhao Zhuoyan raised his head and asked him concernedly.

"It's about work! As you told me, I have technical shares in a certain website, but now the website is encountering resistance..."

Tang Qinghua smiled and didn't care too much.

"Is it easy to solve?"

Wu Jing asked calmly without thinking too much.

"Okay... Well, what book are you reading? "First Intimate Contact"? By Ruffian Cai?"

Tang Qinghua was slightly curious.

"You even know?"

Wu Jing's eyes lit up. Tang Qinghua's erudition was the important thing she admired about him.

"Of course, it is known as the first online novel...Internet novel...Singularity..."

A bright light suddenly flashed in Tang Qinghua's mind.

He suddenly fell silent, smiled mysteriously for a long time, then stood up and dialed Zhao Zhuoyan's number again.

"Ask Qiao Ya, what are the possible websites for cooperation now?"

Tang Qinghua got straight to the point quickly.

"Mr. Tang, I am Qiao Ya——"

Qiao Ya was next to Zhao Zhuoyan and took the call on the spot: "According to our analysis, 37cn, Pacific, and Penguin are all possible, but these websites have large traffic and the cost of cooperation is too high!"

"For example,, their starting price for homepage links is [-] yuan per month; Pacific Computer Network is even more ruthless, their price is [-] yuan, and we must also put their links on our website... The worst one is Penguin , just ask for one hundred thousand.”

"Penguin? They also agree to hang advertisements?"

Tang Qinghua was shocked and then relieved.

Penguin in the early days was still very simple. Although QQ had a huge number of registered users, its liquidity was not good and it was always burning money. Even from 2000 to 2002, Ma Huateng wanted to sell QQ several times, and among them The highest offer was only US$150 million, which was not even as promising as 5177.

Although we received tens of millions of capital injections last year,

But Penguin still hasn’t found a profit model!

A few months ago, the game "Triumph" that Penguin had high hopes for was also messed up.There is no problem with the promotion and operation of this game. The key is that the game itself is full of bugs. It crashes at every turn, reverts to the game at every turn, and even the characters disappear... It is difficult enough for such a semi-finished game to last for half a year!

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