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Chapter 1188

Chapter 1186 – Other Options

Chapter 1186 Other options

“Brother Zhou, do you have time?”

After hearing what his mother said, Zhou Xianyang, who was feeling bored staying here for the New Year, smiled and asked the other party.

“I happen to be fine today, so I can take you around Wucheng.”

Embarrassed to refute the meaning of Mr. Zhou’s wife, Zhou An’an agreed casually.

Soon, the two left the city dormitory together.

“I understand what you’re thinking, but he is the son-in-law that the Wang family in Pengcheng fancy.”

After the two left, Zhou Huxiang looked at his wife who was clearing the coffee table, and said something inexplicably.

Of course he understood what his wife was doing just now.

Now let me reveal it in advance, so that my wife will not have thoughts that should not be thought, and will be disappointed later.

Don’t have hope at the beginning, and you won’t be too disappointed later.

“Then why didn’t you stop it just now?”

After hearing what her husband said, Cui Shangzhu paused, then got up and asked back.

“In front of my daughter and outsiders, how can I refute your face.”

Smiling, Zhou Huxiang explained, but seeing his wife looking directly at her with piercing eyes, he added two more sentences: “However, I also want to see if our daughter is destined, after all, such outstanding young people are rare. .In addition, let my daughter get in touch with such excellent young people, so as not to be easily deceived by others outside.”

As Wuzhou No. 2, Zhou Huxiang has the confidence to realize his ideals and aspirations; as a father, Zhou Huxiang cannot guarantee that his daughter will grow up healthily as expected.

Although my daughter is studying in an all-girls high school abroad, the surrounding environment is simple, and there are Chinese friends who take care of her on weekends, but in this restless adolescence, some foreign scumbags come to coax her.

Let her have more contact with such outstanding young people and improve her own vision, so that she can better resist the pursuit of those scumbags.

Of course, if the daughter of the old Wang family can’t tie down such an excellent son-in-law, and his daughter can spark sparks with him, then his old Zhou family will do their part.

It was one family five hundred years ago, so it will be one family five hundred years from now.


Looking at her husband’s firm smile, Cui Shangzhu didn’t know whether she was eager to love her daughter, but she saw a bit of cunning and cunning in it.

Gossip between husband and wife must be believed or not completely believed.

However, no matter what, the husband will not harm his daughter.

“Brother Zhou, what do you usually do in Wucheng?”

Sitting in the new Audi R8, Zhou Xianyang finished admiring the interior of the car, and then asked curiously.

In the past few days when she came home, she occasionally heard her parents chatting about each other’s name, knowing that her father valued each other more, but she didn’t know what the other party did.

This Audi R8 is considered a rare luxury car in England, where she studied in high school, and is favored by the young and wealthy second generation.

Young, mature, stable, and driving a luxury car can arouse the curiosity of others.

It’s naturally a little impolite to ask directly, but it feels different if you ask it in a joke.

“I usually look at the scenery (beauties) and do sports (talking about life). I’m not here usually, but come back occasionally. Do you want to go to the mall or go to the park?”

Talking about his activities in Wucheng, Zhou Anan simply replied, and then asked where the other party wanted to go.

“Is there no other option?”

Listening to the other party’s perfunctory answer, Zhou Xianyang showed a mischievous smile and asked a question.

“for example?”

Feeling the change in the other party’s tone, Zhou An’an was a little surprised, but he didn’t want the accident to happen.

It is now two o’clock in the afternoon, and this little sister must be sent back before dinner, at best, it will take less than four hours.

Take the other party for a stroll, and it will pass quickly. Forget about other arrangements, so as not to cause complications.

“Go to a bar? Brother Zhou won’t tell me, you haven’t been to a bar, have you?”

Speaking of another possibility, Zhou Xianyang asked playfully.

“Did you often go to bars when you were studying in England?”

Raising his eyebrows, Zhou Anan kept his eyes on the front without much surprise.

For a girl who is studying abroad, it is strange to go to a bar, and it will be strange not to go.

Although the road on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year is very empty, and there are bodyguards secretly following behind, but we still need to pay attention to safety at all times.

Life is your own, there is only one.

“Brother Zhou is thinking, with my father’s status, I have to be a good girl when I study abroad? Study well, get excellent grades, don’t cause trouble, and don’t discredit my father.”

Regarding the other party’s rhetorical question, Zhou Xianyang seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and asked blah blah blah.

“No, it’s normal for you at this age to want to go to a bar to experience it. However, I won’t take you there.”

As if feeling the resentment in the other party’s words, Zhou An’an replied honestly.

There are a lot of similar news about the son of an official studying abroad. How could he be surprised.

Brother Zhou is not a saint either. There are many people who can manage the family, cultivate one’s moral character, and govern the country. There are not many people who can achieve all three.

“Is the first half of the sentence the truth? No, according to general psychology…”

Feeling the sincerity in the other party’s words, Zhou Xianyang frowned and muttered unscientific.

“What psychology did you study in England?”

Hearing the other party muttering, Zhou Anan asked with some amusement.

He didn’t know the school system in England, but he didn’t know that there was already a psychology course in high school.

“No, I chose it myself, and I plan to take the psychology major in Cambridge in the future.”

Talking about her plan, Zhou Xianyang is not very proud. Her parents sent her to England to study in high school so that it would be easier to enter the world’s top universities.

The goal is not Cambridge Harvard, that’s strange.

Then, Zhou Xianyang added a few sentences: “I asked about the bar, Brother Zhou probably wouldn’t talk nonsense with my dad. What I want to go most now is the amusement park, but I don’t know if it’s open today?”

“I’ll take you to see it.”

After hearing this relatively normal request, Zhou Anan drove to the playground based on his own impression.

For playgrounds that mainly target young people, they are naturally open during the Chinese New Year period. Because of the cold weather, some roller coaster projects are temporarily suspended.

“Brother Zhou, let’s go on a pirate ship.”

“Brother Zhou, bumper cars over here.”

“Haunted house, go fast.”


One by one, the project was played without bad money, and soon it was nightfall.

“Didn’t Uncle Zhou play with you before?”

Sitting in the car drinking water, Zhou Anan looked at the high school girl in the co-pilot who was still full of thoughts, and felt a little funny.

Before coming to the playground, the other party looked like a lady, but after entering the playground, the whole person is like a playful girl who has never been to the playground, wanting to play with everything.

Rao pretended to be an uncle-level character in his heart, and Zhou Anan was a little moved by the other party.

This English high school girl is having so much fun, it’s almost like those junior high school kids.

“What do you think?”

Drinking saliva, Zhou Xianyang’s eyes seemed to be lost in memory: “Since I was sensible, my father has been busy all the time.”

“Ahem, your home is here.”

At some point, the Audi R8 had already parked at the door of a certain row house, and Zhou Anan interrupted the inner monologue of the high school girl without hesitation.

It may be that no one has listened to this high school girl for a long time. Some of what the other party said involves some private affairs of Mr. Zhou’s family, and even emotions that Mr. Zhou and his wife may not know about.

There is a good saying, a simple girl will take her to see the prosperity of the world, and a complicated girl will take her back to her innocence.

Both of these are operations that are easy to capture a girl’s heart, but Zhou An’an is not going to attack this high school girl. Big boss Zhou didn’t chase him eighteen streets with a kitchen knife after he found out.

The most important thing is that this high school girl’s appearance and figure can only be considered average, so it’s not worth the risk for him.

The latter is the main reason.

(end of this chapter)

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