Back To 2005

Chapter 127

Chapter 127 – Graduation Exam?

Chapter 127 Graduation exam?

This time was the period when TB developed most rapidly, and there were not many Lizhou people who became millionaires because of selling hardware products.

Based on my mother’s current sales performance, it’s already a sky-high profit of more than 300,000 yuan a year. After all, the supply of thermos cups is in the hands of others, and the profit is limited.

Even thinking about the worst, those thermos cup manufacturers themselves have started TB sales. In terms of price, Mom’s shop is facing a very serious problem.

According to the development track of the TB shop here in Lizhou, it is the safest way to establish your own brand and let those manufacturers do the processing on behalf of you. The real lifeblood can be in your own hands.

Just like his high school classmate Chen Wei, who started his business by selling fitness equipment after graduating from university, established his own brand 12 years later, and let the factory in Pengcheng do the processing. The assembly workshop in Lizhou rented more than 2,000 square meters. The factory building earns no less than 500,000 yuan a year.

Then, just caught up with the last train of TB’s rapid rise.

“Trademark? How?”

After hearing what his son said, Wang Jingyu was taken aback for a moment, and then asked curiously.

After several months of development, Wang Jingyu is still very optimistic about the sales prospects of thermos cups, and naturally sees the potential of the brand.

A very simple example. The price of the thermos cup of Hals is a bit higher, but it sells better than other brands of thermos cups. The main reason is that the brand is excellent and the quality is guaranteed.

I heard that Hals is about to go public, and her reputation is not small, but between the price she got and the selling price, the profit is limited.

As she received more and more goods, the salesman in charge of the shipment had already asked about her channels. Recently, there have been a lot of stores in Lizhou on the TB website. a bit big.

If it wasn’t for her early opening of the store, plus her son’s early reputation with the crown, good after-sales service attitude, and accumulated a lot of fame, Wang Jingyu would be afraid that her store would lose business.

The situation is not optimistic. Wang Jingyu naturally knows the benefits of owning her own brand, at least not being controlled by others.

However, as for the brand trademark, Wang Jingyu checked it online, but she didn’t quite understand it.

“My little uncle will invite you to dinner tomorrow night. We’ll just ask my little uncle then.”

In his previous life, he worked as a temporary worker in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and Zhou Anan knew how to do it, but with his little uncle, a ready-made regular worker, he didn’t need to do it himself.

When the time comes to register a trademark and the sales increase, it is natural to apply for a famous trademark.

No matter how bad it is, it is impossible to be worse than Chen Wei, who only started a few years later.


Hearing what his son said, Wang Jingyu was also taken aback.

This TB store is doing well, but its income is no worse than that of their quarry. After all, the quarry is divided among several people.

The idle time at home always flies by, chatting with grandparents, chatting with Meimei on the Internet, teasing the little loli on the phone, and helping my mother with work, another day has passed.

The little uncle became a civil servant because he returned from the army in his early years, and his family moved to the city. It will take a few years for the new house in the country to be built, so the dinner party is held in the Lizhou Hotel in the urban area. Next to the employee allocation room of the Industry and Commerce Bureau.


Before the whole family arrived, Zhou Anan, who arrived earlier, heard a surprising news from his little aunt.

In the early years, the little uncle did work as the deputy director of the industrial and commercial office in the countryside, but because he was getting older and there was no room for advancement, he was transferred back to the urban area to become an ordinary employee.

Seeing that he will be retiring in ten years or so, how could he have imagined that the higher-ups suddenly appointed the little uncle as the director of the West City Office, from an ordinary employee to a deputy cadre with real power.

No wonder they are so generous, even the treats are placed in the Lizhou Hotel. Feelings mean celebration.

“The Zhou Chief Committee of our city attaches great importance to Guoan. After Guoan took office as the director, he came here to make inspections. No one in the whole office dared to disobey.”

Talking about her husband’s fate, little aunt Zhou Yuping speaks clearly, and her words are full of pride.

“The Zhou capital committee all know Guoan.”

“Yuping, you are going to enjoy yourself.”

“Guoan has become an official, so you need to take care of it.”

“Yuping, is our village under the control of the State Security?”

After so many years, the family has finally had a powerful cadre. Everyone is delighted, and of course they cooperate with emotion, especially Zhou Anan’s father, who has a good relationship with his little aunt, is simply praised so much.

As for this hard-spoken and soft-hearted little aunt, Zhou Anan didn’t have the slightest disgust when she heard the other party’s bragging. Instead, she said a few words of emotion in a low-key manner, and focused on the cold dishes on the table.

Knowing that it was the county magistrate who had become the first committee member who made the effort, Zhou Anan could guess a little bit of the reason, but he would not show off and ask for credit like a young man.

Being a human being, keeping a low profile is king.

Hey, it’s a pity that he just helped the little princess of the Yu family, and it didn’t have much to do with him.

If you hug your thigh at this time, the other party probably doesn’t like it, but you will only look down on yourself.

The current situation is still good. The Zhou Chief Committee will help the little uncle to serve as a deputy before retiring, so that the Zhou family can also benefit from it, and he doesn’t need to work hard to change it.

To make money or something, he still has to rely on himself.

“An An, after you graduate, go to the civil service exam.”


Inexplicably, Zhou An’an, who was eating vegetables with his head down, was drawn to himself, looking at his father with an excited face, feeling cold in his heart.

In the previous life, it was because my little aunt’s cousin was admitted to the civil service, and the little aunt kept talking about the benefits of being a civil servant at family gatherings, so Zhou An’an’s father focused on forcing him to take the civil service test, which created Zhou An’an’s various temporary workers during his preparation for the exam. career.

Zhou Anan was a little scared when he thought about the big day that the whole family placed their hopes on.

If it wasn’t for his previous life, where he secretly saved some money to hold training courses with his classmates, the hard days of preparing for the exam might not be over yet.

After his previous life, Zhou Anan knew that he was not a civil servant at all.

In the first year of the exam, I missed the national exam by 0.1 points and the provincial exam by 0.2 points, so I missed the interview.

In the second year of the exam, I passed the national exam, recruited two, and ranked fifth. As a result, the interview was rejected.

In the third year of the exam, I passed the provincial exam. After the interview, the overall score was 0.01 points lower than the last one admitted.

In the fourth year of the exam, the training class has been established, and the whole test is naked. As a result, the scores of Lizhou township civil servants are extremely low. With Zhou Anan’s score, he can enter the top five. Can’t get in the interview.

In the fifth year, Zhou Anan fought hard and finally turned the pressure of preparing for the exam into the pressure of being urged to get married.

The past was unbearable, but Zhou Anan nodded obediently with incomparable grief and indignation in his eyes.

In this case, if you contradict your father, you don’t have to eat this meal.

This year has not reached the point where I am tired of eating banquets. It is rare to have such an opportunity, and Zhou Anan does not want to waste it.

Anyway, he is only a freshman now, and when he was a senior, Zhou Anan thought about throwing tens of millions of bank cards in front of his father to see if his father would force him to take the public examination.

Perfect, Zhou Anan gave his plan countless praises in his heart, and a plate of duck tongue disappeared in the scramble between him and his cousin and others.

(end of this chapter)

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