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Chapter 1331

Chapter 1329 – Lizhou Hometown Ordinary Wedding Process

Chapter 1329 The flow of an ordinary wedding in Lizhou’s hometown

In the early morning of October 1st, seven or eight young villagers with red armbands on their arms stood at each passage in Zhoushui Village. There were also police cars stationed near the main road, and civilian police and auxiliary police stood in twos and threes.

In addition, there are no fewer than 50 urban management officers in uniform and armbands.

In the middle of the road, a row of warning signs are placed above the white line as a sign of lane separation, and they are ready.

Of course, this is not because Zhou Shuicun hides the wedding of the richest man’s younger brother. Even if Zhou An’an has that face, he can’t be so public. He always likes to keep a low profile.

These big battles were purely because the Huatian Township to which Zhoushui Village belongs had pre-purchased nearly 30,000 tickets on several online shopping platforms. One can imagine the hot scene on the eleventh day.

As a model pacesetter in the transformation of old villages in Lizhou City, it is only natural that the city government instructs relevant departments to maintain the image of this city’s new business card.

“Let’s go early, so as not to be inconvenient when there are too many tourists.”

Looking at the time, it was already almost eight o’clock. As an uncle, Zhou Youliang was notified by the villagers waiting at the entrance of the village. Knowing that there were more tourists, he planned to let the wedding party start early.

At this time, many villagers with good deeds gathered on the side of the square, watching the big scene of Zhou Youfa getting rich and marrying a wife, there was a long row of Bentley luxury cars, and it was said that one car cost several million.

It may be the first time in their life that they have seen such a big scene. Zhou Youfa has really developed.

When you come back from picking up your relatives in the afternoon, you will have to have a pack of Liqun or something when you stop the wedding car.

As for his son being able to borrow so many luxury cars of the same style, Zhou Youliang also has a lot of face, and he has no pressure to host today’s ceremony.

My nephew used the Bentley team when he got married, so why would his son get a few Rolls-Royces when he gets married?

“it is good.”

Hearing his brother’s orders, Zhou Youfa naturally wouldn’t object, but today’s groom officer, Zhou Shun, doesn’t have any right to speak, just quietly wait for the elders’ orders.

According to the customs here in Lizhou, the bridegroom does not need to come forward to pick up the bride. Usually, the elders of the family come forward, that is, Zhou Anan’s father is the person in charge.

The real highlight of the groom’s official is to carry the bride upstairs when the time comes, which can be described as extremely easy.

“Set off.”

Under Zhou Youliang’s order, Zhou An’an, who was sitting in the driver’s seat of the first car, slowly started the Bentley, and there were two young and beautiful bridesmaids sitting in the back seat.

One of them is Chen Peizhi, the daughter of Daddy Faxiao Chen Xinqi, who just graduated from college this year and is currently helping his mother’s factory; the other seems to be Chen Chunchun, who was temporarily pulled over from the village. One nurse.

Young and beautiful, with the pink bridesmaid dress, it can be regarded as a beautiful scenery.

As for why Zhou Anan understood it so clearly, it was because several other second-generation drivers who were in charge of driving asked it out while chatting, so he just stood by and listened casually.

“Brother Zhou, did you borrow these Bentleys?”

Chen Peizhi, who was relatively close to the other party, took the initiative to ask the driver brother in the front row.

“Well, but the car I’m driving belongs to Zhou Shun.”

Glancing at the young girl from the rearview mirror, Zhou Anan replied with a smile.

“Really, Brother Zhou Shun is so rich, this Bentley is worth several million?!”

Hearing that the silver Bentley sitting on the seat belonged to the groom today, Chen Peizhi sighed in surprise, and Chen Chunchun beside him also cast a strange look.

“It should be, Zhou Shun has made a lot of money opening the store in the past two years.”

“Brother Zhou, are you doing it now?”

“I just graduated from college this year and am in graduate school.”

“Your mother owns such a big factory, and even opened Tianrun Supermarket, so she will definitely not have to worry about work in the future.”



Along the way, with Chen Peizhi chatting, the atmosphere in the wedding car heated up quickly, and even Chen Chunchun, who was originally quiet, joined the chatting team.

Because it was less than 8 o’clock in the morning, the road to the city was relatively smooth. It took Zhou An’an and others half an hour to arrive at Longyu Tiancheng Community where the bride was.

Because Qian Yuqin’s hometown is too far away, Zhou Shun and his wife’s newly bought house was arranged as the destination for meeting the relatives.

Qian Yuqin’s family also rushed over from their hometown, but there were not many people, that is, a dozen or so closest parents, brothers and sisters.

“Xiaoqing, you are considered to be enjoying the blessings, marrying into such a wealthy family.”

In the new house, as a bridesmaid, He Siyu looked at her friend in red wedding dress and said enviously.

She knows how rich the other party is marrying.

“If there is a chance, I will also introduce you to some rich second generations.”

After listening to what his friend said, Qian Yuqin, with a smile on his lips, made a joke.

She had been guessing the identity of that cousin at first, but He Siyu saw a video on the Internet by chance, and finally confirmed the origin of the mysterious cousin.

Even if she made a bold guess, Qian Yuqin would never have guessed that that cousin turned out to be the mysterious founder of the Celebrity Group, worth tens of billions.

And the future cousin who once had a double-faced relationship is also an executive of an entertainment company, with an annual salary of several million, and her identity background is even more mysterious.

Marrying into such a family, she still has nothing to be satisfied with.

Only those short-sighted relatives in my hometown would think that she, who is worth millions now, married into the other party’s family, and she was wronged to marry and gave the other party so much money for nothing, which is simply short-sighted.

This is also the reason why Qian Yuqin strictly ordered her family not to bring too many relatives from her hometown to the wedding, so as not to affect the perception of her husband’s family, and even she didn’t plan to go back to her hometown to hold a make-up banquet.

Living in poverty for many years when she was a child, her parents didn’t pay attention to her, and her brothers and sisters who only regarded her as a money bag all the time made Qian Yuqin not have much sense of belonging to that family.

Starting today, she will have a new home, and her bright life is about to set sail.

“I’ll forget it, but I’m not as lucky as you, and I’m not as beautiful as you.”

“Don’t be discouraged, after all, you are also a partner of our Bird of Paradise Foot Bath, and you will be worth tens of millions in the future.”

“Hmph, if that’s the case, I’ll keep a pretty boy, that would be great.”

“You must be poor.”

The bride’s lunch was to be eaten by the bride’s side. Qian Yuqin had already arranged for it, and invited three tables in a restaurant near the community. The food and drinks were pretty good.

After one o’clock in the afternoon, Zhou Youfa, who had already asked someone to estimate the time, sent the welcoming team upstairs to pick up the bride.

Because there were not many visitors from the bride’s hometown, there were no seven elder aunts or eight elder wives making trouble. Only a few immediate family members and friends of Qian Yuqin blocked the door. Zhou An’an and others used less than 2,000 yuan in red envelopes to enter the door.

After that, the bride was carried into the elevator by her elder brother and sent to the back seat of the first wedding car.

From the beginning to the end, the bride’s feet never touch the ground, and the groom can’t sit on the bed until the groom returns to the new house.

At this time, the two bridesmaids on the man’s side are sitting on the left and right sides of the bride, each holding two red lanterns with candles, and the two bridesmaids on the woman’s side are sitting in the second Bentley, also holding two red lanterns with candles. Lanterns With Candles.

On the way to take the bride back, someone will keep burning the candles in the lantern, which means a hundred years of good marriage and forever.

“Beauty, give me the shoes, give me.”

“Beauty, I’m more handsome than him, please give me the shoes.”

“Beauty, give me the shoes, and I will get the things and share them with you.”

“Beauty, I’m sorry, the shoes are mine.”

“Kao, Lao Chu, you don’t follow the rules.”


Feng Erdai and others, who had known the customs long ago, hid the shoes and fruit bags of the bride and the four bridesmaids early, and waited for the host family to redeem things from them before the wedding banquet started at night.

The driver who is in charge of driving the fake truck, naturally hides a few important things, and prepares to exchange red envelopes for cigarettes and candies at night.

Zhou Youfa, who was in charge of the welcoming team, didn’t care about this, and even took the initiative to ask those relatives and friends to hide their things so that they would not be lost.

“Beep, beep.”

At this time, Zhou Anan, who was in the front car, honked the horn twice, signaling to the father behind to get rid of the melon-eaters blocking the front and a few small cars lying on the road.

Although Longyu Tiancheng is regarded as a high-end residential area in downtown Lizhou, there are also people who eat melons who are making trouble for marriage, and the host is also polite to this kind of behavior, as long as the other party doesn’t make too much trouble, it can be considered a celebration .

“Thank you everyone for joining in the fun!”

“Thank you, I mean it.”

Zhou Youfa, who knew the process, was well prepared. He took a large bag of wedding candy and bulk Liqun to distribute it, and quickly let the roadblocker in front of the convoy leave the vehicle.

“Come on, come on.”

As the driver of the first car, Zhou An’an can’t violate the rules of picking up marriage just to save money for his cousin.

The so-called “refueling” is to give drivers benefits.

With enough Huazi, the team can naturally move forward.

“Next time you go out of town, you can cheer.”

As the team leader, Zhou Youliang took out two packs of Huazi and handed them to his son, saying with a serious face.


Accepting Huazi with a smile, Zhou Anan certainly won’t play too much.

Then, Zhou Youliang sent two packs of Huazi to each driver, and the team continued to move forward.

The roads in the urban area in the afternoon were very empty. Zhou Anan and others quickly drove to the edge of the village, waiting for the time to come before entering the village. During the process, they refueled three times on the road.

Because Zhoushui Village restricts the entry of foreign vehicles into the village, they are arranged in the newly opened large parking lot and on both sides of the provincial road, so the trails in the village are not crowded.

However, the villagers who had heard the news a long time ago had already erected barriers near the entrance of the village, and there were still many spectators gathered on the old main road in the village.

It took half an hour for the convoy to go from the urban area to the entrance of Zhoushui Village, and it took nearly an hour to go from the intersection of Zhoushui Village to Zhou Shun’s house on the edge of the village square.

Haggling with the villagers blocking the road, Zhou Youliang’s voice was almost hoarse. During the period, the groom official Zhou Shun came to give Liqun a backpack and replenish ammunition, and then he successfully cleared the roadblocks.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the motorcade stopped at the door of Zhou Shun’s house on time, and the groom officer, Zhou Shun, went upstairs with the bride on his back.

The second generations who completed the task also gathered together to drink tea and chat.

“Da’an, next time you get married, we won’t talk so easily.”

After going through the process of getting married in the great elder’s hometown, Feng He said with a smile that he found it very interesting.

Switching to their house, it is not such an interesting experience.

In other words, it was also his first time driving a wedding car, and the experience was very novel.

“That’s right, I only had six packs of Huazi when I drove all the way. Brother Zhou needs at least six packs to get married.”

“Yes, brother Zhou must have a demeanor when he gets married.”

“Rokujo Hanako, that’s the most basic.”

“Six Huazi are not enough, at least six Yellow Crane Towers.”

“Hey, how can you do this, I think it’s only perfect to agree with Brother Zhou’s identity, and ten supreme things are almost enough.”

“It’s too much for you, ten articles can show Brother Zhou’s identity, and there is always a box.”

“Yes, I think a box can show Brother Zhou’s sincerity.”

“Don’t make noise, I’ve booked the first car for Brother Zhou’s wedding.”

“I said Lao Li, when did you become so thick-skinned?”

“I reserve one too.”


A group of second generations got together, and the topic quickly changed from Zhou Anan’s future wedding to the question of who had the thickest skin. As half of the parties involved, Zhou Anan and Miss Wang sat there drinking tea quietly, which was quite pleasant.

Because there are so many guests in the wedding banquet, it is natural that they will not put it in the village, but in Lizhou Hotel, which has a relatively high standard in the urban area, and nearly 50 tables are set up.

As far as the members of the Datang Club were concerned, they occupied 9 tables, and the actual number of people who came was only a lot more than the previous statistics in the group.


“I wish a happy marriage for a hundred years.”

“Happy newlyweds!”

“I wish the bride and groom a harmonious husband and wife!”

“I wish you an early baby!”

As the bride and groom, Zhou Shun and Qian Yuqin stood at the entrance of the banquet hall early and waited for the guests to enter, while the four bridesmaids next to them were responsible for keeping the red envelopes and records.

Feng He and others came earlier, and they all uniformly handed a thin red envelope to the groom.

The elders in the group strictly forbid everyone to give more than five digits in red envelopes, and a simple red envelope can’t hold much cash, but that doesn’t mean they can’t wrap a 99999 check.

Everyone discussed in private before and reached a consensus agreement on red envelopes.

99999, no more, no less, forever.

Chen Peizhi, who was in charge of temporarily keeping the red envelopes, felt a little strange. She peeked at the check inside, and moved to the groom’s side in surprise and whispered a few words.

Such a large number, can’t it be fake?

“Mom, come here for a while.”

Zhou Shun, who glanced at the red envelope, was also shocked, discussed with his wife next to him, and called his mother Li Aili not far away.

Tell me, why do so many veterans vote for my book every month, and how good it is to vote for the new book “Rebirth 2011”. Why, why, why? ? ?

(end of this chapter)

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