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Chapter 180

Chapter 180 – Appearance Is Not Important

Chapter 180 Appearance is not important

It’s just a little short, Zhou Anan’s Maserati is about to usher in the first few days trip to the repair shop.

The most important thing is that money can’t afford to hurt.

Although I have bought insurance, it is the original sin if the premium for next year is not reduced.

These days, the insurance premiums for luxury cars costing millions of dollars cost tens of thousands a year, so they can’t afford to be injured.

Well, it would be better for Miss Yu to pay for the insurance for next year.

“so far so good.”

Getting off the car, Qi Baoying checked the distance between the two cars and found that there was no scratch, so he was relieved.

The opponent’s car looks like a luxury car at first glance, and it can’t be compensated for it.

“Hey, beauty, drive carefully next time.”

The window of the car was lowered, and a gust of hot wind rushed in. Zhou Anan took the lead in standing on the highest point of morality, and persuaded the acquaintance with a smile.

Since she is a future female tutor, she must show some face, right?

Besides, the car has not been touched, so it is easy to say anything.

“It’s you?”

Unexpectedly, it was the young man who helped her reverse the car last time, Qi Baoying let out a surprise.

“haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Looking at the beautiful tutor in a black dress, Zhou An’an sized her up a bit, and found that her figure was just average, not as good as his crush for the time being.

It is the temperament of being a teacher and the maturity of age, as well as the fair skin, which makes people’s hearts move.

One white covers all ugliness, the ancients never deceived me.

What’s more, in terms of appearance, the female tutor who just graduated from graduate school is not bad.

“Are you also a teacher at Haizhou College? Why do I rarely see you?”

Meeting an acquaintance, Qi Baoying asked doubtfully after feeling a little bit relieved just now.

It was almost a semester, and it was the second time she saw this young man.

Besides, she had never seen this luxury car in school before, but now that she saw him, he was quite handsome.

“I’m not, I’m just giving someone away. If you have something to do, do it first.”

Such an interesting thing, Zhou Anan said ambiguously.

It would be nice to wait until the next semester to reveal.

“Oh, I still have something to do. I was sorry just now, I’ll treat you to dinner next time.”

Remembering that he had to rush to do some errands, Qi Baoying hurried back into the car, started slowly and left.

The weather was hot, at this time, there were not many girls walking outside, Zhou Anan didn’t mean to appreciate it, so he drove straight out of the school and went back to the tutoring class to stand by.

The chain effect caused by the high school entrance examination results came far faster and more violently than Zhou Anan imagined.

June 24th, Friday, the weather was fine.

Early in the morning, Zhou Anan was awakened by the ringing of her cell phone.

“Who is it?”

Breaking free from Sister Qin’s white and tender arms, Zhou Anan picked up the phone and looked at it, it was an unfamiliar number.


“Excuse me, is this Teacher Zhou from Zhuangyuan Education? I’m here to sign up. Why haven’t you opened the door yet?”

Before Zhou Anan woke up, the other party threw a series of questions.

Subconsciously, Zhou Anan looked at the time, it was only half past six in the morning.

“Hi, our teacher on duty doesn’t come to work until eight o’clock.”

“But we have to go to work at eight o’clock, can you open the door now, several of us are here to sign up, sign up and leave.”


In desperation, Zhou Anan had no choice but to get up from the gentle village in order to make money.

Driving to the training department, Zhou Anan parked the car at a far side of the road in a low-key manner and walked over.

Far away, Zhou Anan saw several middle-aged women standing at the entrance of the training department.

“Hello, please let me open the door first. Yes, our high school entrance examination results are not bad this time”

When opening the door in the past, Zhou Anan kept answering the questions of the middle-aged women.

From the chat, Zhou Anan learned that these parents were introduced by a parent of a student who went online to Haizhou No. 1 Middle School, and one of them was a relative of the student.

The registration and payment process was smooth, and before the publicity started, there were six more students in the summer class of the first and second grades.

Compared to the price of two or three thousand a few years later, Zhou Anan gave an extremely affordable price.

Sanqian learns four courses for a period of 20 days, and also provides a free lunch.

Old students will be reduced by two hundred, and new students will not counter-offer.

With high school entrance examination results as a big killer, Zhou Anan is not afraid of customers bargaining at all.

Want to bargain, you go.

Ahem, ahem, a little swollen.

Depositing the nearly 20,000 cash received in the bank, Zhou Anan continued his morning run.

In the past two days, I have been dealing with Meimei and Senior Sister Qin, and I feel that San Sanlang’s reputation is a bit vain, so exercise is necessary.

Young people, know how to be temperate.

If you don’t know how to restrain yourself when you are young, and watch Misora cry all the time, that would be bad.

Before running down the Great Wall, Zhou Anan answered two more calls, all of which were calls from parents for registration consultation.

Going back to the room of the training department and taking a good shower, Zhou Anan stood on the wall refreshed and took a measurement.

Yo, 167 passed.

Simply perfect.

“I’m sorry, our price is already the most favorable. Our summer class for the first grade of junior high school has a maximum of 25 students in each class. Enrollment is in full.”

“Well, okay, I will reserve a spot for you first, and I hope you will come to pay and confirm as soon as possible.”

“Hello, yes, our junior high school has training classes for junior high school, new junior high school, and new junior high school.”

“Sorry, if you think the price is not suitable, you can consult other training courses.”

“Yes, the first class of our new junior third class is full, and there are still a few places for the second class.”

“Yes, if you come here today to confirm payment, you should be able to report.”

“I’m sorry, we don’t have homework finishing classes in our junior high school. Our school is mainly based on class, regardless of summer homework. This kind of effect is worth the price you paid.”

The two landlines rang one after another, and Zhou Anan, who was sitting in the principal’s office, kept answering the phone, recording the parents’ registration information.

The good omen in the morning was just the beginning. During the day on the 24th, the phone calls for registration and the parents who came to pay the fee were not interrupted much.

The hottest thing is that a large class of 25 students in the third year of junior high school is already full, and the second large class has already had ten students.

Counting money and getting hand cramps is indeed an indescribable feeling.

“I’m going to save money first, you can take a look here.”

It was approaching two o’clock in the afternoon, Zhou Anan looked at the cash in the drawer, talked to Meimei, and decided to go to the bank again.

At eleven o’clock earlier, Zhou Anan had already saved 100,000 in cash, and now he has another 200,000 in cash.

Saving money is also a hassle.

Fortunately, as a VIP customer, Zhou An’an didn’t have to queue up to save money, and went directly to the VIP reception room, and it was done in five minutes.

Rejected the fund recommendation with an annual interest rate as high as 10% again, Zhou Anan despised it.

What else can compare to the high income he can get from buying a street.

If it weren’t for the fund manager’s average appearance and figure, Zhou An’an would have wanted to recommend a project that was hundreds of times more expensive to him.

So, in this age of looking at faces, it is a lie that appearance is not important.

“The line is full? What’s the situation?”

Just went to get a few cups of milk tea to reward the hard-working girls, but Zhou Anan heard Meimei say that the second class of the third year of junior high school is already full.

(end of this chapter)

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