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Chapter 214

Chapter 214 – Not Enough People

Chapter 214 Insufficient manpower

and senior sister Qin had some exercise in the newly-bought fine-decorated suite in Century Nianhua. A refreshed Zhou Anan returned to the training department, and handed the cups of milk tea brought back from Chonghemen Square to Meimei and several regular employees.

“Four new paying students have arrived, three from junior high schools and one from elementary school.”

After taking a sip of milk tea, Shi Mingxia talked about the number of people who signed up earlier.

After getting close, Shi Mingxia, who smelled the scent of shampoo on her boyfriend and knew that he had gone back to take a shower, had no doubts about him.

“Well, Chen Rou, do you know how the enrollment of Xuesi Education is?”

Holding the registration list, Zhou Anan, who was leaning against the front desk, asked Chen Rou who was not far away.

“It seems to be okay. I heard that there are also some part-time students in our school. The evening tutoring model of elementary school is similar to ours.”

Chen Rou, who was sorting out the documents, stood up and came over to report.

“Oh, pay more attention when you have time.”

Zhou Anan didn’t pay much attention to that competitor, but he didn’t ignore it too much either.

The Xuesi education, which completely imitated his previous model, has indeed obtained the essence of shamelessness, and there is almost no difference in personnel and class settings.

After all, the enrollment price of their elementary school is 500 lower than ours. Some elementary school parents just choose the price, and Zhou Anan will not lower the price for these parents.

Some students were not originally his target students.

As far as middle school students are concerned, the other party has no source of students.

Anyway, he couldn’t catch all the primary and middle school students in Lucheng.

Grasping quality is the most important thing.

Of course, if the other party harms his own interests, Zhou An’an doesn’t mind finding fault with the other party.


As a full-time employee, Chen Rou unreservedly implements the requirements of the boss.

“Let’s take a unified test in the first week after school starts. Elementary and junior high schools are divided into AB classes. Old students don’t care. New students, if their grades are not up to standard, they will not be accepted.”

Looking at the number of applicants in junior high school, Zhou Anan felt that it was necessary to improve his qualifications.

Sometimes, parents with high-end incomes are like this. The more everyone can sign up without distinction, the less rare they are;

Starting to implement this system now, some students may be lost at the beginning, but when the results of the senior high school entrance examination next year come out, they will establish their dominance of No. 1 Scholar Education in Lucheng in one fell swoop.

To do education, we must do the best.

Different from other competing industries, some industries may eat meat first, soup second, and then close down when they mix it up third.

Even if the training department is the number one in the local area, the capacity is limited, and it is impossible to monopolize most of the market, which is inherently limited.

Getting high-end customers is the most important thing, and that is the most profitable.

Those who follow the trend may still be able to eat some meat, but they are not the first ones to want to eat.

Zhou Anan felt that it would be good to let others eat ashes behind.

People, don’t be too greedy.

“Everyone, don’t worry, come one by one.”

“Parents who are not yet their turn, please sit in the rest area.”

“Chen Rou, call and get four buckets of water over.”

“Yuanyuan, please take a few parents upstairs for a visit.”

“Parents who have completed the registration, please take their children upstairs to have a look and recognize their classrooms.”

September 2nd, the enrollment day for primary and secondary schools, has also become the most crowded day for champion education.

Whether it is the reputation of Zhuangyuan Education or the advantageous location close to Huipu Primary School, parents choose it first.

After looking at the environment, the parents are more satisfied, and there are not a few who pay on the spot.

Two people are responsible for collecting money, four people are responsible for guiding parents, and four people serve parents in the rest area

There was a meeting two days ago, whether full-time or part-time, everyone has their own tasks.

Although I underestimated the number of people who came to sign up temporarily, it was a little hectic, but it was still within Zhou Anan’s control.

The new address of the training department is closer to the location of Huipu Primary School. The straight-line distance from the small road is only 50 meters, and there is no need to cross the main road. It is an excellent location for the primary school.

Control quality and service, all opponents are paper tigers.

“I’m sorry, we are all tutoring in small classes here, and the price can’t be lower.”

“If you want a discount, you can introduce two students to come over. If you sign up together, we will give you a group price.”

“If you introduce a classmate to come over in the future, we will reward your child with two hundred points.”

“Words of Points.”

“We have a strict limit on the number of people in each class, and there will never be more than ten people, and each class will have a special teacher to guide the course.”

“After finishing the school work, we will have a special remedial course, which is free.”

“AB class is to distinguish the basis of each student, allowing teachers to better guide students.”


Many parents who came to consult for the first time got very detailed answers.

For this, Zhou Anan gave training to the staff three days in advance, and he had to talk about it, but now he is a little leisurely.

In terms of price, except for group quotations, there is no discount for student registration fees this semester.

But after seeing the new environment, the parents who came to sign up were very happy.

In addition to the parents of Huipu Primary School, there are more friends introduced by the parents of the third grade in the previous class, which is quite refreshing.

Try to listen to something that doesn’t exist. You have to rush to work and issue an invoice quickly.

At 9:00 am, the number of new students in the junior high school and elementary school who paid the fee on the spot rose sharply.

Even though it costs a few hundred dollars more than other training departments, parents don’t care about such a small amount of money for the sake of their children’s learning environment and effects.

To be honest, parents who really need to find a tutor for their children don’t care much about the discounted price of one or two hundred.

Years of education career, Zhou Anan is well aware of this.

That’s why I felt that Xuesi education could not be a threat.

Competition, he has no fear at all.

The king never cared about the threat of bronze.

“Okay, everyone has worked hard, clean up, let’s go have a big meal.”

It was already 8:30 in the evening when I came back from depositing money in the bank. Zhou Anan looked at everyone who looked tired, clapped his hands, and said with a smile.

In order to cope with the parents who came today, the sixteen employees worked hard, and the dinner was ordered from the fast food restaurant opposite.

I have worked hard all day, so I have to give my condolences. I have to work tomorrow.

“thank you boss.”

We were exhausted physically and mentally, but when we heard about the big meal, everyone cheered up and started to clean up the work.

Since it was a big meal, I naturally wouldn’t go to restaurants in the old street, not to mention that it was so late, and those restaurants had already closed their doors.

Relatively speaking, the nightlife of the people in Lucheng is still very monotonous.

However, there are still some shops open at night, and the high-end coffee is one of them.

When I learned that I went to the cross-strait coffee for supper, the girls were all cheered, and the fatigue of the day was reduced by one-third.


Startled by the large team of more than a dozen people, the good-quality waiter smiled and led everyone to the big box.

While the girls were ordering, quietly drinking coffee with free refills, Zhou Anan was thinking about the next development in his mind.

Often settle down and think about planning, so that you can make more money in the future, and check for leaks and fill vacancies.

After supper, the girls formed a group and took a taxi back to school. Zhou Anan and Meimei walked back to the training department.

On the first day of registration for Lucheng Primary and Secondary School, 185 people signed up and paid for the junior high school, and 155 people signed up and paid for the primary school.

Directly doubled on the basis of yesterday.

Usually evening tutoring, 152 students from junior high school and 116 students from primary school, the advance payment reached 770,000.

Including weekend courses, the advance fee reached as much as 1.5 million.

Among the weekend junior high school students, there are more than 20 students from Haizhou city, who were introduced by relatives in Lucheng.

Standing in front of the cash machine, looking at the skyrocketing balance of the bank card, Zhou Anan kissed the crush next to her fiercely.

“There is monitoring, villain.”

Pushing the boy powerlessly, Shi Mingxia didn’t have the slightest bit of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

“walk home.”

Sleepless in the middle of the night, when Zhou Anan got up for a run the next day, he was still a little bit reluctant.

September 4th, the first day of school for Lucheng Primary and Secondary Schools, the No. 1 Education, which is ready for battle, undoubtedly ushered in the second wave of peak traffic.

“How many people?”

Back from the bank for the third time, Zhou Anan asked the busy crush.

“There are already 225 students in the elementary school, 205 in the evening assistant; 375 in the junior high school, and 225 in the evening assistant.”

Looking at the statistical table, Shi Mingxia reported a number.

“So many.”

Although watching the balance in the bank card soar is a sour and refreshing thing, but the actual situation is arranged, but it is a headache.

Now the size of the training department accommodates so many people without any pressure. At worst, some high-level elementary school students will be arranged in the classrooms on the third floor, but the number of teachers is a problem.

According to the current quota, the original 21 evening assistant part-time teachers are not enough, at least 20 more are needed.

Since I told the parents that a teacher can have up to ten students, there should be no more than ten.

This is the most basic ethics of educators.

How much money is lost if potential long-term customers are lost as a result.

Anyway, part-time teachers for college students are cheap, and the evening tutors for a class are at most four to five thousand yuan, and the tuition fees for the remaining eight or more students are all profits.

Today is the first day of school, most of them are handing out new textbooks, there is no homework, and the existing part-time college students can still handle it.

After the school officially starts tomorrow, I will be too busy.

Especially there are a few parents who make unreasonable demands, and even have one-on-one evening supplementary courses.

So what if you have money? Can you do whatever you want with money?

After negotiating a discounted tuition fee of 20,000 yuan for the semester, Zhou Anan sent those wealthy parents away with a smile.

Money is great.

“Do you want to contact the student union?”

In this regard, Chen Rou made a suggestion.

(end of this chapter)

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