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Chapter 249

Chapter 249 – Do You Want To Borrow More Money?

Chapter 249 Do you want to borrow more money?

“not bad.”

After watching the samples of the first two episodes, Zhou Anan nodded and commented.

From the audience’s point of view, Zhou An’an felt that the plot and the setting were not bad, and the special effects were also remarkable, at least not the obvious five-cent special effects.

Whatever, it’s more than one piece of special effects.

Anyway, the emphasis here is on the plot, and special effects are fine.

“Will the special effects be less?”

Yu Xian’er on the side expressed her opinion from the perspective of the audience.

After all, this is a sci-fi film, and it cannot be justified without any special effects.

“More special effects are not necessarily good. What we are doing is a conscience drama, and it depends on word of mouth.”

Without waiting for Director Wang Da to defend, Zhou Anan answered for him first.

Nowadays, the anti-Japanese dramas are beginning to appear. While attracting a lot of criticism, TV dramas with good plots are gradually gaining the favor of the audience.

Just look at the number of fans on the “Star” post bar, and you will know that it has only been a month of online promotion, and there are more than 8,000 fans.

Of course, Zhou An’an would never admit that he was the one who released the news about the “Love Dormitory” original cast and horses that broke the news.

You know, “Love Dormitory” is a popular TV series with a rating of over 4, and has gained a large number of diehard fans.

I don’t know how the paparazzi got the news, but they actually found out that the new drama that Zhu Yiqi and others participated in is a domestic sci-fi drama, and it cost a’huge amount of money’ to invest.

The actor’s salary is not high, and the script is invested in the actual scene of the plot. The first domestic science fiction TV series with conscience made Zhou An’an feel a little embarrassed.

Especially the official activity to draw 50 fans to participate in the trial meeting of the new drama. Currently, the number of applicants has reached five figures, which is more than the number of fans in Tieba.

Everything shows the potential of this show.

“Are you so conscientious?”

Glancing at the boy, Yu Xian’er didn’t say much, acquiescing to the confirmation of the sample.

She doesn’t understand this kind of thing either.

Anyway, there is not much cost, this entertainment company can do whatever he wants.

“When will the trial run be?”

Ignoring Miss Yu’s white eyes, Zhou Anan turned around and asked Director Wang.

In this regard, Jiang Province Satellite TV is more urgent than their company.

Because, not only their family watched this show.

“The twelfth day of the first lunar month.”

“Is the crew’s progress okay?”

“no problem.”

From the beginning to the end, Feng Datou, who was in charge of the company’s specific affairs, sat quietly, occasionally echoing a few words.

Knowing Miss Yu’s identity, Feng Jiming has no questions at all, he just needs to be a quiet fat man.

Anyway, his face is obtained in front of others.

After that, I went to Nanzhou Garden to spend the night.

“Aren’t you going home for the New Year?”

Zhou Anan asked.

“I don’t have a home.”

The fingers that drew circles on the boy’s chest paused, and Qin Lianyun gave an answer.

“Oh, I’ll buy you some New Year’s clothes tomorrow.”

After listening to what my lover and senior sister said, Zhou Anan frowned slightly, and said with a smile.

Everyone has their own secrets, and Zhou An’an won’t go into it, the two are only in a relationship of lovers.

It’s like when Zhou Anan signed up for the other party to study abroad before, knowing that the lover’s senior sister’s household registration is in the capital, she didn’t ask the other party why she came to Lucheng, a small city, to study in university.

The relationship between people is very delicate.


Leaning in the boy’s arms, Qin Lianyun softly said two words, and clenched his arms tightly, as if embracing the only warmth left in this world.

“How about this one?”

Turning around in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Qin Lianyun smiled and asked the boy beside him.

“It’s beautiful, this one will help me pack it.”

“Does it look good?”

“Looks good, waiter, pack.”

“What do you think of this one?”

“It looks good, waiter, pack it.”

Walking all the way, Zhou Anan swiped his card without stopping.

For Qin Lianyun, who is slender and good-looking, any kind of clothes look good on her, and she is a born hanger.

“Sir, these outfits are too suitable for your girlfriend.”

The waiter who recommended clothes to the two did not hesitate to praise him.

“No way, I have a good figure, and I look good no matter what I wear.”

Perhaps because of the coming of the new year, Qin Lianyun didn’t hide her temperament in front of the boy, and she didn’t have the usual restraint when speaking.

This world is already indifferent to her enough, if you have to pretend to be a gentle lady in front of this only boy who has an intimate relationship, then life will be too tiring.

“No way, I have a good figure, and I look good no matter what I wear.”

“No way, I have a good figure, and I look good no matter what I wear.”

“No way, I have a good figure, and I look good no matter what I wear.”

When the senior lover and the waiter were discussing which suit is more suitable, Zhou Anan still kept echoing this sentence in his mind.

It seems that the first time he heard this sentence was in the Wanda Mall in Wucheng.

At this time, the Wanda mall has not yet been fixed for construction, and the girl who said this is still a little girl in the first grade of junior high school.

“An’an, An’an.”

Waving her hand, Qin Lianyun looked at the distracted boy a little strangely, and felt an inexplicable pain in her heart, which brought her back from a certain fantasy state of mind.

With such an expression, he must be thinking of other girls.

After all, she is not the real girlfriend of the other party, but just a self-deceiving lover.

“I have all these, and I will try this set.”

By chance, Zhou Anan pointed to a plain tight skirt.

I still remember that at the beginning, with a monthly salary of only 1,500, he spent 2,000 yuan to buy a similar plain skirt for the girl. The girl smiled and said to show him the next time I met.

Unfortunately, when we meet next time, the girl has already forgotten the promise she made a few days ago.

That sentence became a passing cloud.

At that time, Zhou Anan realized that he was a spare tire, and subconsciously stayed away from the other party.

Finally, even if something happened to the **** the eve of her engagement, and she wanted to go to the bar for a drink with him when she was frustrated, Zhou Anan, who had a chance to succeed, refused the other party’s invitation.

In a few months, I saw the schedule of the girl’s wedding photo shoot and news of her pregnancy in the circle of friends.

To be honest, that girl’s appearance is not as good as the lover’s senior in front of her, and her height is also a complete failure.

However, that year was the stage when Zhou Anan’s EQ began to develop into a positive number. When he saw a young girl in a black dress and black silk in a pre-examination surprise course for a certain public exam, he fell into it at a glance.

The first meeting scene was deeply engraved in Zhou Anan’s mind.

Perhaps, that is the so-called time when Yi Ren was amazed.

Meeting the wrong person at the right time is also a kind of sadness.

“How about it?”

Putting on the tight-fitting dress, Qin Lianyun seemed to see some kind of flame in the boy’s eyes.

For the first time today, Qin Lianyun bought this dress on his own initiative.

It was rare, Zhou Anan spent a whole day with her lover and senior sister.

Since he came to Hangzhou, the year-end summary meeting of Qinglan flagship store was also slightly advanced two days, so Zhou An’an didn’t have so much time to run back and forth.

“.Should we speed up the construction of the flagship store?”

After talking about the development of the company, Gu Lanshan looked at the boy opposite.

After a period of contact, Vice President Gu knew clearly that the steering wheel of Qing Lan, a small boat that had begun to grow, was in the hands of this boy.

The remaining two shareholders are just decorations.

“Don’t be in a hurry. If we have extra funds, we will focus on the acquisition of flagship stores. If we can buy stores, try to buy them to reduce our future operating costs.”

Having been familiar with Vice President Gu’s aggressive strategy for a long time, Zhou An’an directly suppressed the opponent’s thoughts.

In the previous two decisions, the development of Qinglan Tea and Hong Kong Kee was very gratifying, including the unpopular chicken chop shop.

After operating for a period of time, there are several million liquid funds in the company account.

It is no wonder that banks favor such entities, and the speed of returning funds is really fast.

Now, if you are not busy repaying bank loans, you can buy some existing rented shops and fancy locations.

The growth rate of real estate in the next two years is simply not comparable to other industries.

Maybe in the next few years, the profit of the store may not be comparable to the growth of its own value.

It doesn’t matter why Wanda owes hundreds of billions to the bank. Except for some unknown reasons, the main thing is that Wanda’s assets are all high-quality real estate, so it doesn’t worry about not being able to sell them.

Just the increase in housing prices, you don’t have to worry about paying off the bank’s interest.

In short, to sum it up in one sentence, what we are doing is not milk tea shops, but real estate.


Listening to the other party’s ignorant ideas, Gu Lanshan has her own opinion.

“In this regard, I support An An.”

Before Vice President Gu wanted to refute, Yu Xian’er, who rarely spoke, spoke.

Having a family relationship, Yu Xian’er knows that the national policy will change in the future, and real estate is about to usher in a new spring.

It was at her suggestion that the family bought the Nanzhou Court, and the surrounding housing prices are now at least 2,501 square meters higher than half a year ago.

These are invisible to ordinary people and non-related people.

“I have no opinion.”

As the general manager, Wang Rong has no opinion at all.

Although with the help of Zhou Anan, Wang Rong often went to the economics and management class of Jiangda University to take advantage of the class, but he didn’t learn the theory well, and he didn’t have much practical experience.

As long as Zhou Anan makes a decision, he will support it unconditionally.

Wang Rong, who has already entered the ranks of millionaires and owns his own private car, is very satisfied with his current appearance.

Power or something, it doesn’t exist.


Seeing that the three major shareholders reached a consensus, Gu Lanshan didn’t have any temper.

No way, these bosses have the final say, and she just needs to carry it out.

“Well, time is waiting, and the focus is to speed up the purchase of store real estate.”

Afraid that Vice President Gu might have something in mind, Zhou Anan added a special sentence.

Estimating the time, the time when housing prices in Jiang Province rose rapidly, that is, in the past two years, any later would have missed a great opportunity.

“Do you want to borrow more money?”

Yu Xian’er on the side listened and asked a question.

(end of this chapter)

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