Back To 2005

Chapter 325

Chapter 325 – The Bill Is Fuller Than Ideal

Chapter 325 The bill is fuller than ideal

“There is no usury, right?”

Looking at the shame of the three, Zhou An’an seemed to see himself who started his own business in his previous life.

Back then, didn’t he max out his credit card behind his parents’ backs, and co-operated with others to secretly hold training courses.

It’s just that he was luckier than the people opposite. He held a summer vacation class at that time, and paid back the 20,000 yuan from his credit card.

The three people on the opposite side lost all their money.

“No, no, no matter what, we will never borrow. Usury is too scary.”

As the chairman and the biggest investment loser, Qi Liang waved his hands again and again.

At the most desperate moment, he also had this idea, but was persuaded by others.

Furthermore, they have already taken so much money from their parents and relatives. If they fail to pay off the usury, it will really hurt their family members.

“Well, in addition to the 700,000, I will add another 400,000, and you will pay back the previous arrears. Since you want to work for me, you can’t let you go hungry.”

Smiling and waving his hands, Zhou Anan said something grandly.

To establish a micro-client and make it bigger and stronger, Zhou Anan needs a loyal and reliable team.

The three young people in front of me who are obviously childish, full of ideals, and full of enthusiasm have not yet been assimilated by society, so they are the best training targets.

Give some sweetness, talk about your dreams, and everything will be settled.

“No, no, just make up the wages owed to others, and we will pay back the wages ourselves.”

It is rare to meet an investor who is willing to contribute money. Qi Liang must not let the other party suffer, so he hastily rejected the other party’s proposal.

Although I really want it in my heart, I must have principles in life.

When talking about the acquisition earlier, they agreed that it would only cost 700,000 yuan.

Man, every spit and nail.

Although the eyes of the other two were eager, they agreed with Qi Liang’s words.

“That’s it, it’s settled, right is your salary compensation. We want to build an Internet group, and we must let you veterans have no worries.”

The other party could not refuse, and Zhou Anan, who didn’t want to waste time, made the final decision.

It is good to be a boss. Give employees money, and employees have to ask for it.

“This, if you want to give it, you just need to compensate us 339,950, not 400,000.”

Seeing that the investors are so strong, Qi Liang added some promises.


Looking at the persistent eyes of the three young men on the opposite side with some amusement, Zhou Anan almost laughed angrily: “I’ll give you the rest of the money to improve your food, and by the way, give it to the girls…you don’t have any girlfriends yet, right?”


This question, Qi Liang and the three shook their heads in unison.

Career is not successful, what kind of girlfriend do you want, it’s a burden.


Seeing the calm expressions of the three of them, Zhou Anan’s teeth ached.

Poor programmer.

After finalizing the general direction, Zhou Anan asked the company to send a car, and took a few partners of the Internet company who did not have a car to their residence to check.

To spend millions, always check the quality of the item first.

Accompanied by a female lawyer from the legal department of Blue Whale Entertainment and two employees from the logistics department.

It is about a big project with an uncertain future, and Zhou Anan attaches great importance to this acquisition.

Direct acquisition of a company, Zhou Anke has no such experience, must be prepared.

Whether you can eat chicken in advance depends on this wave.

Celebrity Internet Company, the name sounds very impressive, but the location of the company is a bit different.

If you want to say it’s bad, you can’t say it’s too bad. It’s just a four-story house in the suburbs near Yushan, covering an area of about 200 square meters. The total area can’t be said to be small.

The four big characters of ‘Celebrity Internet’ are hung above the gate on the first floor. If it weren’t for the decoration, one would think it was a small Internet cafe.

“The conditions are a bit crude, Zhou…don’t mind the boss.”

Having seen the high-end office of Blue Whale Entertainment, Qi Liang, the former chairman, said a little embarrassedly.

Originally they were planning to rent an office area in the CBD, which seemed taller, but when they asked the price, they touched their pockets and were discouraged.

I thought I would move to the CBD when the company grows.

The development at the beginning was good, and some companies were willing to pay 2 million to acquire their company, and their worth had increased by four or five times, but they were rejected by several of their partners.

After that, they also waited for an investor who was going to inject millions of dollars, but just after they finished expanding their enrollment, that investor went bankrupt.

Immediately afterwards, the click-through rate of the originally well-developed website dropped inexplicably, and the advertisers brought in by the company canceled their contracts one after another.

The company suddenly entered a freezing point.

For some reason, two of the partners left sadly, leaving the three of them struggling to support, borrowing from each other, and keeping the company on its shelf.

Before, they found countless investors, but no one was willing to contribute.

When they were all ready to give up, someone was willing to acquire the company, and they agreed without even thinking about it, and they didn’t dare to ask too much.

“It looks okay, do all the people in your company live here?”

When walking up to the second floor, Zhou Anan looked around the messy office space and nodded casually.

More than a dozen four-person desks were placed there, and the two rows of computers were still humming, and the dozen or so people sitting in front of the computers looked sleepy.

How about it, it all looks a bit like a small Internet cafe that ends all night.

“Yes, because the wages cannot be paid, in order to save costs, everyone returned the rented house and lived with the company.”

Speaking of this, Qi Liang felt sorry for him, with tears in his eyes.

“It’s really not easy, don’t worry, the conditions will get better in the future.”

Looking at the crowded computer desks in the other rooms, Zhou Anan nodded.

“Hello, please drink water. Boss, is this an investor?”

The young girl who came over with a glass of water handed it to the young new boss, quietly came to Qi Liang, and asked in a low voice.


Nodding his head, Qi Liang felt that he was a bit speechless about selling the company.

These people have worked so hard to support it until now, for what reason, isn’t it just to keep the company going, let’s go together.

“Really, how much did he decide to invest?”

Hearing what the boss said, the young girl asked excitedly.

“Anyway, everyone’s salary in the first few months will be made up.”

Answered ambiguously, Qi Liang came to the big boss: “Mr. Zhou, everyone is here, do you want to say a few words?”


Looking around, looking at those Xi Yi’s eyes, Zhou An’an nodded.

“Everyone must know that I am a new investor in Celebrity Network. I will say a few points next. First, after I invest in Celebrity Network, I will not change the existing management; Salaries will be supplemented. From next month, everyone’s salary will be raised by 20%; thirdly, the company will move to a new office location, so you don’t need to be crowded in this small room. In addition, the company will provide corresponding housing subsidies and transportation. Subsidies; the fourth point, I hope everyone will work together to develop the celebrity network into a listed group. I want to see that when everyone goes to the Nasdaq to ring the bell, they will all be billionaires.”

There is no long speech, Zhou Anan directly talked about the measures after the investment.

Other futures are all imaginary.

Money is the real thing.

As Zhou Anan saw, when he talked about salary increases and subsidies, everyone’s eyes were extremely bright, and their spirits became much stronger.

Perhaps, ideals can temporarily inspire everyone to forge ahead.

However, what supports everyone in the long run is material pursuit.

There has never been a saint in this world.

Without the subsidies of the seventy-two disciples, where did Confucius get the money to travel and study.

Bills, fuller than ideal.

“thank you boss.”

After the new big boss finished speaking, the lively Zhang Yiqi immediately clapped her hands.

(end of this chapter)

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