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Chapter 364

Chapter 364 – Is My Xianer’S Knife Not Bright?

Chapter 364 Is My Xianer’s Knife Not Bright?

Although Dachen Island does not occupy a large area, it is relatively far from the mainland. Some specific scenic spots are still quite far from residential areas, and it takes at least half a day to go around.

Everyone enjoyed the sea breeze on the mountain road before going back to have dinner.

On this island, if you miss the dinner provided by the school and want to find something to eat by yourself, it will be a bit troublesome.

The most important thing is that everything on this island is very expensive.

“It’s time for dinner, it’s time for dinner.”

“Have Shi Mingxia and the others come back?”

“Not yet, I’ll give them a call.”

When Zhou Anan walked into the entrance of the hotel, he heard a voice coming from the dining room, and Wang Min beside him immediately called back: “Here we are, we are back.”

It is said to be a hotel, but it is actually two buildings built by the family, covering a total area of about 300 square meters, with white walls and black tiles, which look old.

A house for simple occupancy, three floors, no different from ordinary hotel rooms, there are single rooms, double rooms, and triple rooms. There are TVs, air conditioners, and separate bathrooms in the rooms.

Another two-storey house, the first floor is a restaurant and kitchen, the second floor is a Datong shop, there is no air conditioning, and the bathroom is unified at the corner of the stairs.

Undoubtedly, the treatment is the same as the internship in Tiantai Mountain. Girls sleep in double and triple rooms, and boys live in Datong bunk.

It is estimated that it became the designated cooperative unit of Haizhou College because of the cheap rent.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Zhou An’an. As early as when he entered the hotel, he spent money to book the best single suite in the hotel.

Things that money can do are not things at all.

Ahem, it’s all small money, small money.

The restaurant of the hotel has five tables in two empty rooms, one table for ten people, seven dishes and one soup, neither good nor bad.

Even the two leading teachers sat and ate with everyone.

“Save some for me.”

Instead of sitting at the same table as his girlfriend, Zhou Anan, who came to the boy’s table, had just served the meal when he saw that the dishes on the table were rapidly decreasing, so he couldn’t help but join the ranks of scrambling.

Local tyrants also need to eat.


As night fell, there was a burst of excited shouts in an office of the celebrity network.

“Calm down, calm down, there is only so much traffic, so excited. You are partners in our company, so calm down.”

As the CEO, Qi Liang looked at the excited two friends and asked them to pay attention to their image with trembling hands.

At six o’clock tonight, “Happy Heart Farm” was recommended on several large websites.

In half an hour, more than 200 traffic volumes have been added, and the effect is mediocre.

Although the increase is not much, it is already quite impressive compared to the dismal increase in the afternoon, and the new users have been online for more than 20 minutes.

What really excited their partners was that after 6:30, the number of game registrations increased sharply, almost at the rate of dozens of people per second and hundreds of people per minute.

In just 20 minutes, there were more than 10,000 new registered players.

What’s happening here?

Not very clear, but it doesn’t hinder the excitement of several partners. Those real online data can’t deceive people.

”Hello bosses.”

Soon, the beautiful secretary who was in charge of conveying the spirit of the big boss came in and showed them a video, which was the first preview of the second season of “Love Dormitory”.

No need to ask, the above is the plot of several leading actors playing on the farm all night. Xiaoxian’s dark circles from stealing vegetables all night make people want to laugh.

This video went live at 6:28, but within 25 minutes, it already had more than 100,000 hits, which is terrifying.

No need to ask, this is naturally a surprise prepared by the big boss.

At first, their boss also said that they placed advertisements in the TV series, which made them have such a strong effect when they didn’t expect it.

Just a teaser trailer to get the farm game off the ground.

“Let the technical department prepare, and absolutely do not allow server problems.”

At this time, Qi Liang could already anticipate the next wave of peak traffic, and immediately thought of the importance of the technical department.

After the first round of customers stay, there will be a huge catfish response.

Whether the “Happy Farm” project can take off depends on this round.

“Okay, I’ll go in person.”

As the technical director, Pan Shaofu was also unambiguous, and went directly to the technical department to sit in charge.

Although the server they reserved is enough for 100,000 people to be online at the same time, in order to guarantee the game experience of the first batch of users, they must always be tense.

The boss has given them a good start, whether they can be popular or not, they need their follow-up services.

As for the micro-client project that he values very much, well, let the deputy take a look at it first.

“I test, I test, I test, I stole Zeng Xianer’s vegetable garden.”

It was already past the off-duty time, but there was a burst of excited shouts in the office of a certain company.

“What? Really stole it?”

“Zeng Xianer’s vegetable garden?”


“Really, I stole once randomly, and I stole his family’s vegetable garden. Zeng Xianer’s vegetable garden is really fat. All vegetables are above level five. No wonder he is a star player in the internal test.”

“I also come to steal once randomly.”

“I’m coming too.”

“Seeking to be friends with each other.”

“I’ll add you.”

For the first time, many employees of this company voluntarily stayed in the company to work overtime.

“Ah, I stole Kiki’s vegetable garden.”

“Wow, Kiki’s vegetable garden has a lot of high-end vegetables.”

“Sneak quickly.”

“Wait, let’s leave a message after stealing: Xiaoyu will visit Kiki’s house.”

In a female dormitory of a university, a group of girls gathered around a computer, watching the lucky girl leave a blessing in Zhu Yiqi’s vegetable garden.

This pose is so handsome.

“Wow wow wow, Kaikai, Kaikai, Kaikai’s vegetable garden.”

“Did you make a mistake, what kind of luck are you doing?”

“Kaikai’s vegetable garden is miserable. It was stolen by five people. These comments are too funny.”

“I don’t steal, I don’t steal.”

“But if you don’t steal it, you can’t leave a message.”

“In order to leave a message, I stole it lightly. Wow, my vegetable garden has been upgraded. Kaikai’s vegetable garden is so fat, I will order it again.”

In this version of “Happy Farm”, Zhou An’an specially added a daily random food stealing, which can be randomly stolen from anyone, including the vegetable gardens of some beta star artists.

The reason is that he specially asked some artists under the company to register accounts with real names, and let those assistants help with the management, just to let the audience have a channel to interact with idol stars.

As the first batch of internal test accounts, these artists’ vegetable gardens are all relatively high-level, and they grow high-end vegetables. They were stolen by ordinary people once, and they made a lot of money.

Moreover, in this era where it is impossible to interact with idol stars in real time, this slightly better creation is enough to make some fans buy it.

“Hahaha, Xian’er, your vegetable garden is about to be stolen.”

Huang Chuanju, who was holding a laptop and surfing the Internet when he was filming, looked at his friend’s vegetable garden, wanting to take the opportunity to steal some vegetables, but found that there were only a few solitary vegetables in Jiang He’s vegetable garden, and he couldn’t steal them anymore. I couldn’t help shouting gloatingly.

“What? Who, who stole my food? Do you think my Xianer’s knife is not bright?”

Hearing the shout, Jiang He, who had just come out of the bathroom, shouted excitedly, and hurried to the computer.

Thanks to the book friends-reserved 500 rewards, and the monthly tickets of all book friends, if the ticket is uncomfortable, you can hit me, hit me, hit me.

(end of this chapter)

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