Back To Eighty

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Make Money

Until she got home, Shen Ruyun didn’t come back to her senses.

The two of them were warmly welcomed. Neighbors and relatives heard that his hairy-footed son-in-law was here, and they all came over to watch the excitement.

I thought that Shen Ruyun’s family, who was married only because it was cheap, must also be poor, but I didn’t expect to bring rice and buy salt.

On this mountain, their food is actually pretty good. If they are really hungry, they dare to go hunting for game for two days, but salt is really rare.

Someone took a sour look, and turned away without drinking any tea.

Shen Ruyun followed to the kitchen to cook, and her uncle next door invited Lu Huaian over for tea.

In order to express his respect for Lu Huai’an, he also brought out the chestnuts that he hoarded at home to entertain guests.

Although I brought it directly after roasting it, it was really fragrant.

Holding the warm chestnuts in his hands, the sweet fragrance filled his lips and teeth.

Lu Huai’an ate a few, and the following calculation was made: “Uncle, I think these chestnuts are delicious. How much do you have? I want to buy some to take home.”

“Hey, you can just take it back if you like it, why don’t you buy it or not!”

The uncle repeatedly refused, but he still couldn’t beat Lu Huai’an, and finally settled the deal for a dime.

Unexpectedly, this thing could still be sold for money, my uncle was very happy, he stuffed all the chestnuts he had hoarded into a rice bag and gave it to Lu Huaian, bulging a big bag.

After chatting, my uncle specially invited them to come over for dinner.

Lu Huaian didn’t know this uncle very well. After the Shen family moved to the foot of the mountain, there was less contact.

But my uncle probably received the money, and he felt really sorry for it, so he sincerely invited him.

After all, on the top of their mountain, the chestnuts just took some effort, some people eat them, but no one really pays to buy them.

The kindness was difficult to accept, but Lu Huai’an agreed in the end.

As the evening passed, I found that there were actually two strangers.

They didn’t look very big, there was a man and a woman, the man was wearing glasses, and he was gentle.

Seeing him stunned, his uncle hurriedly introduced with a smile: “Oh, just because my child’s teacher came to visit, I’ll leave the meal…”


Is your surname Li? Not impressed.

But they were all scholars. Lu Huaian thought of college students, and with a smile on his face, he stretched out his hand: “So it’s Mr. Li, hello.”

“Hello, hello.” Mr. Li was surprised, and quickly reached out and shook hands with him.

Uncle looked at them with a smile: “Speaking of which, Ruyun also knows him, right?”

Shen Ruyun?

Seeing him puzzled, Teacher Li adjusted her glasses and smiled shyly: “When Student Shen was studying, I was her enlightenment teacher.”

The female teacher looked behind him: “Huh? Where’s classmate Shen?”

Father-in-law hurried over to call someone.

“Come, come, sit first, sit first, the closer you are, the better. Just shout and come.”

A group of people sat down and started chatting.

The young teachers were Lu Huai’an’s opponents, but with just a few words, they were taken to the ground.

Shen Ruyun did read books, but it was only in the literacy class. After the third grade, she needed 80 cents of tuition every semester. Her family couldn’t afford it, so she dropped out of school.

“Actually, it’s really a pity.” Teacher Li shook her head and sighed: “She is very hardworking. What impressed me deeply about her is that she carries her younger brother to school every day.”

“Yes.” The female teacher felt the same: “The most rare thing is that her grades will always be the first.”

These things are really long ago.

Lu Huaian thought that his youngest daughter was still a real college student. The third grade of elementary school was nothing to him.

He didn’t pick it up either. For the sake of those chestnuts, he was chatting with him. Anyway, he was idle.

Just when Shen Ruyun came over, he saw sharply that she had changed her clothes.

“Mr. Li, Teacher Chen…” Shen Ruyun grabbed the corner of her clothes, glanced at them quickly, lowered her head again, and said like a fly, “Hello, how are you?”

Seeing her being pulled by the teacher to sit down and chatting in a low voice, Lu Huai’an narrowed his eyes.

She also washed her face and tied her hair…

No wonder it took so long.

Probably because he watched it for a long time, his uncle got up quickly to help serve the dishes.

These years, they have a lot of respect for the teacher, and they also prepared some rice wine.

Although he didn’t dare to persuade him, Mr. Li still drank half a cup.

Just like half a cup, he was a little over the top.

“Well, in fact, I came here this time to hope that classmate Shen can continue to study…” He half-opened his eyes and his cheeks were flushed: “You are very smart and very motivated. It’s really a pity to give up your studies. Now the school is extremely short of teachers. If you can finish elementary school, you can take…exams, maybe teach your first-grade classmates, and…”

“Mr. Li!” Father Shen was so anxious that he didn’t care about respect, he raised his voice and said, “Ruyun is already married!”

Lu Huai’an turned the wine glass and slowly matched Teacher Li with a certain picture in his memory.

He remembered.

This Teacher Li, his full name should be Li Peilin.

Maybe she really cherishes talent. She once ran in front of him and said some sour texts. The main idea was to persuade Shen Ruyun to go back to study.

At that time, he was young and ignorant, and his family was very poor, how could he have spare money for Shen Ruyun to study?

He was told that, but he didn’t want to admit that he had no money, so he took a bite back and asked if he liked Shen Ruyun, so he was rushing up.

At that time, Li Peilin was angry and annoyed, she turned her face and left, and Shen Ruyun completely lost her heart to study, and she never mentioned it again when she was pregnant and had a child.

But looking at Li Peilin at this time, Lu Huaian suddenly felt a little emotional.

Sometimes, I have to admit that it is because of such people that the country will become so good in the future.

He put down the wine glass and nodded cautiously: “Mr. Li is right, the grades are so good, it’s really a pity not to study.”

Before Mr. Li was happy, Father Shen put down the glass heavily: “I’m done eating, let’s go, let’s go back!”

The atmosphere was stiff.

Naturally, Lu Huai’an couldn’t lose face of her father-in-law, so the family could only get up and say goodbye.

When he got home, Father Shen arranged for Lu Huaian to wash his face, wash his feet and sleep.

After drinking, Lu Huai’an was also sleepy. After a sleep, she found that Shen Ruyun had not come back.

He got up and went to the toilet, feeling a little flustered.

When it gets dark, people are really cautious in the mountains. UU reading

The wind whistled, unknown insects chirped, the thatched hut was still built outside, and the most important thing was that there was no light inside the hut.

These days, lamps are extravagant. It’s good to have one in the house. After all, the electricity is on, but the toilet is no problem. Just plug a torch into the wall to save money and trouble.

Lu Huai’an walked straight to the kitchen and went to get a torch first.

As a result, as soon as he approached, he heard Shen Ruyun talking.

“I know…”

“He said he would be nice to me, I, I can’t study anymore…”

“It’s going well… His parents are also doing well…”

Lu Huai’an didn’t listen to what he said later.

He went to the toilet in the dark, and even forgot his fear.

Lying back on the bed, he recalled for the first time.

When the child was in school, he never interfered in the study, and Shen Ruyun supervised the homework in each subject. Sometimes she didn’t know, and would secretly look up the dictionary. He even laughed at her.

Thinking about it now, how did she, who dropped out of school in the third grade, do the questions in junior high school?

He didn’t think of the answer to this question.

The next day, the two of them went out side by side, as if nothing had happened.

The father-in-law still smiled and escorted them to the intersection, and told them to live a good life.

It’s just that the light in Shen Ruyun’s eyes went out at some point in the past.

Lu Huai’an didn’t say anything. When he climbed to the top of the mountain to rest, he grabbed Shen Ruyun.

“I know, our family’s conditions are not good right now.”

The mountain wind was blowing, and the rising sun illuminated his face.

He promised her very sincerely and earnestly: “I will earn money. When we have a better life, I will sign you up for a night school when we have the chance. You can get a diploma and you can be a teacher if you want.”

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