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Chapter 892

Chapter 879: Looking For A Girl To Become A Phoenix

After a whole year of preparation, it finally came true.

Although the test is not the best, but Guoguo is very satisfied.

At least, she can go to Beifeng, and she can meet An’s father and mother often.

“And me and me!” Lu Yan jumped, raising his hands cheerfully.

Lu Xi next to him immediately followed and jumped up together: “And me! And me!”

“Yes, yes, there is also Xiaoyan and Xiaoxi!” Guoguo smiled slightly, her brows and eyes full of warmth and peace.

Shen Ruyun greeted her with a smile. After congratulating her, she smiled softly: “Guo Guo is very beautiful today, very beautiful.”


Today’s Guoguo is the protagonist, wearing a beautiful white princess dress with tiny rhinestones on her shoulders, sparkling in the sun.

Not to mention the skirt full of thin petals, layered on top of each other, but the skirt is extremely silky, floating like petals when walking, it is really beautiful.

The lining of Guoguo is like a delicate and dripping flower bud, which gradually blooms in the sun.

“Mmmm, my mother made this skirt for me!” Guoguo was so happy, she pulled the skirt and turned it in a small circle.

It was already beautiful when it was standing, and it was really beautiful when it was turned like this.

The layered skirts opened with a swipe, and without hesitation, ripples appeared layer by layer, like a white rose that suddenly opened.


The little guys were all amazed, and when Gong Lan heard this, the wrinkles on her face were relieved a lot.

Of course, the happiest person in the audience was probably Uncle Qian.

He wore the most formal suit and tie today.

Gong Lan and Shen Ruyun laughed softly: “I wasn’t so nervous when we got married, he didn’t fall asleep last night!”

That must be fun.

To hope that a woman will become a phoenix, the key is to achieve what you want, which is very rare.

Even Qian’s father and Qian’s mother couldn’t stop laughing today.

I can’t imagine that the golden phoenix really flew out of the mountain nest!

In the past, it was said that there was a college student in someone else’s house, but it didn’t work out, this college student is now in his own house!

Someone teased and said: “At the beginning, you said that Guoguo should stop studying in the city and go back to the countryside to finish school!”

Uncle Qian’s father immediately stared at him and retorted: “No! Where is it!”

He was eager, and glanced at Guoguo, only to see that she hadn’t paid attention to this side, and then he was quietly relieved.

When you catch the person, drink alcohol: “I’ll let you be silly, and quickly drink two glasses!”

The guys all laughed.

When he was on stage to speak, Uncle Qian picked up the microphone and his eyes were red.

Of all the people, Lu Huaian and the others are the clearest.

In the beginning, what kind of days did Guoguo live?

He also did not expect that Guoguo could grow into what he is now.

A smile full of eyes, pure and kind, without the slightest trace of being hurt by those past.

Guoguo stood beside him with curved eyes, holding him with her left hand and Gong Lan with her right.

In front of me stood my brother and sister.

In her opinion, they are a happy and complete family.

“Thousands of words have come together into one sentence: My daughter, she has been admitted to university! She has been admitted to a good university in Beifeng!” Uncle Qian raised his hand and raised his glass: “Today, everyone is allowed to eat and drink. I’m so happy today! You won’t go home if you don’t get drunk!”

“it is good!”

All held cups and tapped lightly on the table.

Congratulations came from all directions, and everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

Lu Huai’an also drank a lot this day, and was really happy.

When he got home, he dragged Shen Ruyun and rambled on: “Don’t you know that Guoguo was… so small…”

When the four of them carried her away, they smashed Li Juying’s broken house all over.

“I still don’t understand the hatred.” Lu Huai’an shook his head and hated when he thought about it: “I really wanted to give that mother-in-law a few…”

But Li Juying and the others in the village are all concerned about relatives and family names. If there is a fight, they may not be able to leave completely.

So although they hated and panicked, they endured it at the time.

Until they left the village, Uncle Qian shouted at the entrance of the village, saying that Li Juying and the others were extinct.

“Hahaha, you deserve it!” Lu Huai’an laughed out loud, now thinking about it happily: “Hey, it’s fortunate that Guoguo was still young at the time…what, I don’t remember anything…”

That family, there really isn’t a good thing.

In the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, a little girl was raised in a chicken coop…

This is not the first time Shen Ruyun has heard him, but every time she hears it, she can’t help but redden her eyes: “You really have suffered a lot…”

Fortunately, it’s all better now.

Everything is fine.

The next day, Lu Huai’an woke up, and when he happened to be in Nanping, he simply went to the laboratory.

On the laboratory side, Chen Yizhi and the others are very busy.

Before, they worked carefully and meticulously, and they didn’t rush the deadline.

Now with the pressure of competition, one by one is busy flying.

“You guys have two shifts now?” Lu Huai’an looked around and asked with raised eyebrows.

Chen Yizhi hummed, and lowered his head to debug the machine: “Yes, if you don’t do this, you can’t win, there’s no way.”

Who doesn’t want to take a break? It’s really too tight right now, and there’s no way to do it!

A room full of people, too busy to look up to say hello to him.

Lu Huai’an didn’t care, and even signaled to those who saw him not to say anything.

so as not to disturb the work of others.

When he comes, he will come, what’s so amazing.

These people are walking with wind, and they want to take off, so that he can’t bear to disturb them.

After quietly retreating, Director Feng followed two steps: “The progress is quite fast at present. Chen always said that if there are no accidents, our new products can start mass production next week.”

Now the shape has been fixed, and the internal parts are still being debugged.

Chen Yizhi and the others are all striving for perfection, and they wish they could make every wire perfect.

In fact, it’s not too necessary… Lu Huai’an felt that.

But will engineers listen to this advice?

Obviously not.

Lu Huai’an sighed and smiled: “It’s a good thing to have high demands on craftsmanship, but also pay attention to the time…”

“Okay okay.”

With the promise in his mouth, Director Feng felt bitter in his heart: He said the same thing, but Chen Yizhi and the others didn’t believe him.

Two days later, Lu Huai’an was still watching them dry the pond in Xin’an Village when he received a call from Sun Yu.

“Mr. Lu, they were shot.”

It was finally killed, and Sun Yu was very happy: “It’s long overdue!”

Lu Huai’an was stunned for a while, then remembered that it was the four villagers who killed Zhao Lan: “Well, that’s fine.”

“I’m so happy.” Sun Yu didn’t hide his thoughts at all, and said happily: “I’m going to leave tomorrow, and I’m going back to burn two incense sticks for Alan! Tell him the good news!”

“…Okay, then you can go.”

After all, the work over there hasn’t officially started yet, so it doesn’t bother him to go back.

As a result, after Sun Yu finished laughing, he reported his work to him by the way: “Now, two factories here have resumed work, and the employees of other factories have gradually returned to their posts and are preparing to resume work.”

So fast?

Lu Huai’an was surprised, and said in surprise, “Worker…”

Didn’t it say before that the workers were unwilling to work?

After discussing with Gong Hao, he laid off a lot of management, and then the factory has been shut down.

Solved so soon?

“Yes.” Sun Yu didn’t hesitate at all, and said directly: “The workers were worried before that their wages would not be paid, so they were unwilling to work.”

After all, a large number of the original management had been withdrawn, and Sun Yu had changed a lot after his arrival.

The crumbling trust in Xin’an Group itself has collapsed beyond recognition.

However, Sun Yu quickly pulled up a team of his own, and promised the workers that they would not fail to pay wages with him.

Then he also found out that the workers who were not working in the past were instructed by someone behind them.

“Basically, it’s the writing of the executives who got fired.”

Sun Yu paused and said hesitantly: “Also, even if the new management told them that Xin’an Group would not fail to pay wages, as long as they did the work, they would definitely pay wages, and they wouldn’t believe it.”

There are even many people who are encouraging the workers to make trouble, asking them to force Xin’an Group to bring back the managers who had been dismissed.

This situation was completely suppressed until Sun Yu came.

Sun Yu himself was the general manager of Dachong Village, and everyone knew him.

The workers still believed him.

Especially his way of handling things, these kittens and puppies can’t match him at all.

So, when he dealt with it, it was naturally extremely fast.

“It’s just right, the timing of these people’s shooting is just now.” Sun Yu laughed softly, his voice hoarse: “But Alan helped me again.”

Clearly gave him a prestige.

Where did those people dare to make trouble with him, they immediately disappeared without a trace.

Lu Huai’an hummed, still trusting his ability: “If there is any difficulty, just tell me.”

Anyone who can cooperate here will help him.

“Okay.” Sun Yu felt warm in his heart.

Before managing Dachong Village, although Su Youchong was polite to him, he really treated him like a dog.

Anything on an equal footing, impossible.

Being willing to give him a good face was already the highest respect Su Youchong gave him.

After hanging up the phone, Sun Yu was silent for a long time.

Until now, he had a feeling that he was a person.

At least Lu Huaian really treats him like a human being.

But all of this is due to his brother’s life…

The next day, Sun Yu went to visit Su Youchong after burning incense for Zhao Lan.

Today’s Su Youchong is very depressed.

Where did he still look like he was invincible at the beginning, he clutched the railing tightly and begged: “Sun Yu, Sun Yu… I was good to you at the time, I treated you well… You take me out, really, you Just bail me out, I have money, I have a lot of money, I can give it to you…”

“I came here to tell you something.” Sun Yu sat across from him and looked at him calmly: “Your brothers are dead.”


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