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Chapter 903

Chapter 889: Circle Without Posting

On second thought, well, it seems like he really said it.

At that time, it was thanks to the head of Xin’an Village for bringing all the villagers in that village to Xin’an Village, so that no more serious losses were caused.

So Sun Hua said he was very grateful and wanted to do something about it.

But he thought it was almost time to apply for bonuses and medals…

Is there a sequel?

However, Lu Huai’an did not refuse.

Give it a try!

If they can really get through, it will be a good thing for Nanping and Shixiong.

However, if we really want to build such a province-to-province highway, the original width is obviously not enough.

If it’s too wide, it doesn’t seem necessary.

But it can’t be too wide. After all, the traffic flow is definitely not small after it opens to traffic.

Lu Huai’an said one thing that moved him the most: “After this road is repaired, it will lead to many villages.”

The further you go to Shixiong Province, the more remote it becomes.

There are many mountains and roads are not good enough.

Many people like to run outside and work everywhere to make money.

If this road can really be built, these people may be able to live in their homes.

The house will not be left in disrepair for a long time, and it will collapse when it rains.

“Nowadays, there are many job opportunities in Nanping. As long as the transportation is more convenient, many people should be willing to stay.”

For example, villages like Qingshang Village will not leave even if they are driven away.

It even attracted a lot of people to return, and those who went to other places came back.

There is a good job at the door of the house, so why go so far? Those who have left their hometowns have to be separated from their families and children.

Everyone is more inclined to stay at home when they can choose.

On the basis of this point, Sun Hua also added a lot of evidence.

In the end, the province approved: I agree.

Lu Huaian was very happy.

Beifeng didn’t let Zhong Wan keep staring at it: “It’s just decoration, just ask the captain to come, just turn around and ask someone to keep an eye on the progress of the project.”

After all, things in Nanping are more important.

Zhong Wan packed up his things and was going back in a few days.

It’s just that Xu Jingye came to Beifeng before he left.

“It’s going to change.”

“Huh?” Lu Huai’an was a little surprised and looked at him hesitantly: “Why did you come here suddenly… Where is He Chong?”

“The Age of Rebirth”

Xu Jingye waved his hand and said he didn’t know: “Did I tell him – there’s something I can’t tell on the phone, I have to go and discuss it with you.”

On Xia Tiejun’s side, now he probably understands that the economy is the foundation of everything.

Actually, he stopped fighting against Xu Jingye, and devoted himself to supporting and cultivating other companies.

However, his consistent policy has been disliked by many people.

A certain economist put it quite bluntly: “…this discrimination against private enterprises increases the demand for foreign capital.”

That’s why Dingzhou is now in a situation where it can’t go up or down.

These state-owned enterprises in Dingzhou are already aging and sluggish. They need the strong presence of foreign-funded enterprises like Li Peilin and others to give them a boost to survive.

However, the idea of this kind of reform was not a very smooth and optimizable process from the very beginning.

Especially in Dingzhou, it is very risky to introduce it regardless of whether it is good or bad.

After Lu Huai’an heard this, he was stunned: “This is really… I’m not afraid of offending people.”

“Right now, Xia Tiejun doesn’t think he has time to care about these economists.” Xu Jingye smiled and pondered: “Even if these companies lose money, they are after joint ventures.”

At least, there is definitely no loss on the books in the current half year.

After all, they haven’t officially started work yet, and it will take half a year to start work.

By then, Xia Tiejun had already obtained what he wanted. As for whether these companies were dead or alive, he probably didn’t care.

“If he can ascend in half a year, it doesn’t mean that the matter here has nothing to do with him.” Lu Huai’an frowned slightly and pondered for a moment: “Even if he doesn’t care, he must at least give a decent reason…”

The best reason for this is that compared with Wuhai, Dingzhou has made great progress after these foreign-funded enterprises settled in.

Only in this way can it be justified and the leaders can be convinced.

“Compared to Wuhai…” Xu Jingye hesitated.

There are differences between Dingzhou and Wuhai.

After all, Dingzhou is an old province, and many things have decayed and fallen into disrepair.

And what about Wuhai? Because of the late construction, many things are new.

Technology has been developing all the time. It seems natural that Wuhai has better infrastructure than Dingzhou.

Is it…

“Have you noticed that the land plotted in Dingzhou and the development zones are all very remote places.”

Lu Huai’an lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then laughed in a low voice: “It seems that Xia Tiejun is starting to patch up his previous plan.”

Before, he thought too much, thinking that as long as foreign-funded enterprises were introduced, everything would be fine.

However, the later development of Wuhai made him realize that it is not enough to have foreign-funded enterprises.

Moreover, it is precisely because these foreign-funded enterprises are too powerful that they are difficult to control and elusive.

Even with the constraints of a contract, the overall scheduling is still difficult.

“So…he simply doesn’t want the business.” Xu Jingye, after a little bit of advice from him, slowly recalled: “What he wants is infrastructure.”

Dingzhou is now weakest than Wuhai in infrastructure.

For example, the main road on the Wuhai side, the road from Huishui to Gaoluo District, the spacious roads from various ports and docks, and various warehouses…

All these things are what Dingzhou lacks the most.

And these foreign-funded enterprises, even if they are not sincere to build, these infrastructure construction must still be done.

After all, looks have to do enough.

And they will definitely build the road in a down-to-earth way, so that at least it looks good on face.

If they repaired the road, they would run away, which was exactly what Xia Tiejun wanted.

If the road is exhausted after repairing, Xia Tiejun can use them to drive them away if they don’t finish it on time.

The advance can be attacked, and the retreat can be defended. Anyway, all the benefits belong to Xia Tiejun.

Lu Huai’an smiled, but he looked at Xia Tiejun with admiration: “It’s pretty good, although it’s a patchwork, but it’s not too late.”


“In this way, isn’t he afraid of offending foreign-funded enterprises?” Xu Jingye was shocked, and murmured, “I offended these domestic private enterprises in the past, and now I am going to attack foreign-funded enterprises…”

Even if he won’t renew his term in Dingzhou, this kind of behavior is quite offensive.

Xia Tiejun will definitely go to work elsewhere, isn’t he afraid…

“What are you afraid of?” Lu Huai’an shook his head and lightly tapped his finger on the table: “His approach is the most correct.”

Within the current scope, it is already the best plan he can do.

If you offend people, you will definitely offend people.

But Xia Tiejun doesn’t need to be afraid at all.

Because as long as he succeeds this time, what he will get is the attention and praise of his leaders and superiors.

As for whether these foreign-funded enterprises are dead or alive, it is not within his scope of consideration at all.

If he is promoted, he may not need to deal with these foreign-funded enterprises at all in the future.

So, what is he afraid of?

This is what a truly wise person does: “As before, it is really stupid to place all hope on people’s conscience.”

“But… I now see that many companies are in a state of [circle but not published].”

Not only did he not work, but he did not even repair the roads.

Lu Huai’an shook his head and smiled: “Then, it’s up to Xia Tiejun himself.”

They can only watch from the sidelines. Whichever step Dingzhou can take depends on who they are at the helm.

During this period, Guo Ming was the busiest person.

Because he not only has to compete with Dingzhou for resources and foreign-funded enterprises, but also has to distinguish carefully.

He also said directly to these foreign-funded enterprises: “What we need is a company that can settle in for a long time and cooperate for a win-win situation.”

The infrastructure of Wuhai is very developed, and Wuhai Construction has always stayed here to work, taking on a lot of projects.

The development of Wuhai itself is quite good. When Guo Ming was in Nanping, he had gained a wealth of experience and knew that the infrastructure must be good in order to attract investors.

Therefore, Guo Ming did not give in to the infrastructure construction in Wuhai.

The richer Wu Hai is, the more willing he is to spend money on infrastructure.

The more infrastructure you do, the more money you get.

This is a positive cycle, and Guo Ming likes it very much.

Of course, those companies that had invested in Dingzhou and then exited, he directly screened them out in the first round.

He doesn’t need it if he only acquires land but does not develop it.

Even, he rarely accepts foreign companies that are unwilling to make joint ventures.

He is most inclined to those who are willing to make joint ventures and invest money.

In this way, Dingzhou seems to be a barrier in front of Wuhai.

It perfectly screened out a lot of unqualified investors for them.

When the news came back to Dingzhou, Xia Tiejun couldn’t even eat his meal, and he was heartbroken!

However, UU reading www. He can’t say it yet!

Because of Guo Ming, there is nothing wrong with doing it.

In his words… he would do the same.

He knows the truth, he is a disgusting person.

Xia Tiejun simply ignored Wuhai and concentrated on cultivating enterprises in Dingzhou.

He didn’t believe it anymore, relying on such good conditions, he would not be able to create a company comparable to Xin’an Group!

Lu Huai’an has no time to take care of this side for the time being. His current attention has been attracted by Overseas and Nanping.

Taking a moment, he made a special trip back to Nanping.

Sun Hua here is quite powerful, and he negotiated a plan with Shixiong Province.

Along the river Shuo, it has been repaired.

The edge of the mountain was too dangerous to be repaired, so they decided to open a tunnel directly.

It just so happened that Zhong Wan hadn’t yet accepted the order for the tunnel, so he specially invited an expert to study it carefully before he took over the project.

On the day when the construction started, villagers from far and near came to watch the excitement.

They were all quite surprised: “In the past, when we talked about road construction, we were all shouting hilarious things and not doing anything. I didn’t expect that this time, we didn’t hear any sound, and we just started work?”

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