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Chapter 920

Chapter 906: Smoke Bomb

This time, the legal department of Xin’an Group was dispatched as a whole.

Their actions are relatively low-key, in order not to startle the snakes.

But their speed is very fast.

After arriving in Dingzhou, he immediately collected all kinds of evidence and dug deep into the problems behind this report.

Guo Ming also cooperated fully.

On the grounds that the development of Gaoluo District is not as good as that of Huishui District, it was decided to introduce foreign-funded enterprises.

A large piece of land was plotted out, and the conditions were extremely favorable.

But their rules and regulations are destined to be impossible for people to get through the loopholes to collect a wave of money and leave.

Moreover, these restrictions seem vaguely to be a comfort zone for these foreign-funded enterprises in Dingzhou.

At first, when this document was issued, it did not attract much attention.

After all, on the Wuhai side, documents are issued every three days.

Guo Ming likes to engage in these actions again. After making a decision, he will issue supplementary conditions for documents one after another.

Therefore, in the beginning, everyone just treated it as an ordinary document.

But when they saw the content clearly, they couldn’t help but their heartbeats quickened.

This is Gaoluo District!

Once upon a time, compared with Gaoluo District, Huishui District was not worth mentioning at all!

However, because of various preferential policies, Huishui District is now far beyond the Gaoluo District.

This is when Lu Huai’an also built a commercial street in Gaoluo District!

And Huishui District can develop into the current scale. Gaoluo District has the advantage of geographical location, and now it is supported by Guo Ming’s policy…

The future development of Gaoluo District is obvious.

For a while, many people were moved.

But after reading it carefully, they let them go.

This, the restriction is a bit too much…

It has to be a foreign-funded enterprise, it has to have construction experience in China, it has to have projects in coastal areas, it has to…

After careful screening, only the foreign-funded enterprises in Dingzhou have moved their minds one after another.

They responded quickly and communicated with overseas headquarters.

After making up his mind, he immediately contacted Wu Hai.

If it is said, let them choose between Wuhai and Dingzhou.

They would definitely choose Wu Hai without any hesitation.

Normal people would choose this way.

What’s more, Wuhai didn’t ask them to give up the Dingzhou project directly.

It’s just that they are required to tilt their investments.

Originally, they chose Dingzhou because they saw the inclination of Dingzhou’s policy.

In terms of development prospects, the current chaotic situation in Dingzhou is certainly no match for Wuhai.

Therefore, when Wu Hai also offered the same olive branch, they chose Wu Hai without hesitation.

Xia Tiejun was still entangled in the case of Yingjun and Xin’an, and he was arguing every day.

The other side, Guo Ming, has already taken his salary from the bottom of the pot and removed his chassis.

There is also an absolute tacit understanding between Wuhai and foreign-funded enterprises.

Before the dust settled, they didn’t leak a word of wind.

Xia Tiejun and the others didn’t hear the news until the contract was signed, the project was set, and even the start date was set.

This time, Xia Tiejun’s heart was half cold.

In fact, to be honest, he helped Yingjun this time, but just wanted to clean up the Xin’an Group.

In his opinion, Xin’an Group is just a company, and if Lu Huai’an makes a move, Guo Ming will definitely be involved.

As long as Guo Ming is held back, the development of Wuhai will be stagnant.

And he can take the opportunity to develop Dingzhou.

Yingjun took advantage of the situation and won Xin’an.

In his opinion, this is a win-win situation.

However, what he didn’t expect was that Lu Huai’an didn’t interfere with Guo Ming at all.

And this shot directly hurt his foundation.

Originally, on the Dingzhou side, Xia Tiejun could be considered to be single-minded.

A lot of decisions he made, even if others denied him, he would stick to it to the end.

To be honest, it’s quite offensive.

But everyone didn’t dare to fight him face to face, they were just secretly dissatisfied.

After all, in general, Dingzhou has developed slightly under his leadership, at least attracting a lot of foreign-funded enterprises.

But now, even these foreign-funded enterprises have been poached by Wuhai.

“I heard that the investment in Wuhai is more than twice that of ours.”

“Not only did they promise to build the road, but they also said they would build another port.”


And these, they never let go in Dingzhou.

Xia Tiejun’s face was ugly.

But now, everyone doesn’t want to look at his face anymore, they just want to ask him for the result.

Whether it is OK or not, you have to give an affirmative answer.

Being forced to do nothing, Xia Tiejun finally issued a military order.

Before the end of the year, he will definitely give Dingzhou a new leap forward.

In the afternoon, Lu Huai’an got the news: “The end of the year?”

He gave a low smile and raised his eyebrows: “It seems that the order will be next year, right?”


In other words, this time, Xia Tiejun really got angry.

He actually gambled on his own future.

Maybe he was also forced into fire and wanted to fight.

Lu Huai’an thought for a while, then got up immediately: “Let’s go to Wuhai.”

On the Dingzhou side, let them investigate slowly.

Must be low-key, a little more low-key.

Sure enough, as soon as they left, the Xin’an agency in Dingzhou welcomed various inspectors.

What to check the ID card, check the temporary residence permit, check their business license.

Throughout the afternoon, there were fewer and fewer customers in their store.

In the end, none of them were left.

Not only that, He Chong’s company also received the same treatment.

Even the company under Xu Jingye’s name was not spared.

All were treated equally.

“Fortunately, you didn’t set up a hotel in Dingzhou.” When Xu Jingye called, he was angry and speechless: “This is a dog jumping over the wall, making it ugly.”

“It’s hard to say.” On the contrary, Lu Huai’an felt that Xia Tiejun’s move was a little too obvious: “He’s not so stupid…it’s like he’s covering up something.”

Xu Jingye hesitated, thought for a while and sighed: “By the way, I’ll be back tomorrow.”

Lu Huai’an kept his composure because of such a big commotion here, for fear of delaying him, he never told him about it.

But now Xia Tiejun has touched Xu Jingye’s property, and he himself is ready to leave, but it is only a few days earlier.

“……it is good.”

Actually, according to Lu Huai’an, Xu Jingye didn’t really need to make this trip.

After all, the next day, these people suddenly disappeared.

No one came to check.

This phenomenon, of course, aroused many people’s doubts.

Hou Shangwei was very calm, because this was exactly what he did.

“The reporter went to interview several executives of foreign-funded enterprises. They complained a lot, saying that they had suffered enough in Dingzhou, that it was expensive and laborious, and the key was that they could not see any hope.”

When the news was reported, there was an uproar.

In the past, they only knew that Dingzhou’s policy was inclined.

But I really didn’t know that the land in Dingzhou was so sloppy.

Almost all of them are to open up wasteland!

Start with building roads.

A project, from next to completion, takes a lot of time in itself.

What’s more, they still need to build roads, and this time is extended year by year.

However, Xia Tiejun’s reaction was also very quick, he directly said that he was dedicated to the country.

Therefore, these places that require a lot of effort are allocated to foreign-funded enterprises, hoping to support domestic enterprises and leave difficulties to foreign-funded enterprises.

Lu Huai’an groaned softly, and immediately had people publish these words.

However, the meaning was lost.

Originally, what Xia Tiejun said was for the Chinese people.

Indeed, it seems that it is good for the Chinese people to specifically hand over difficult tasks to foreign-funded enterprises.


He didn’t even allocate good land to the bosses in China!

However, in the newspaper, Lu Huai’an didn’t let anyone mention this, he just asked them to report it truthfully, but it was published in English.

Afraid that these foreign-funded enterprises would not be able to see it, they even ordered people to buy a lot of copies. Make sure that all enterprises in Dingzhou have one copy.

Really, it’s not so considerate anymore.

Speaking of these words to the Chinese, the Chinese will not necessarily buy it, but at least they will not be as angry as before.

However, when Xia Tiejun’s remarks are seen by foreign-funded companies, they will definitely be angry.

——This is simply to tell them plainly that Xia Tiejun took them as a foe.

Their response is also very fast, withdrawing capital.

It just so happened that their project in Wuhai has been negotiated properly, and the contract has been signed.

Moreover, Wu Hai did not make such discriminatory behavior, and everyone was polite in the past.

It’s the same as spending money, why not spend it in Wuhai, which makes you comfortable and makes money?

Xia Tiejun was exhausted and tried to explain.

However, it was completely ineffective.

“Of course it didn’t work.” Lu Huaian took a sip of his tea and smiled.

This matter is the same as when someone invited a guest to dinner before.

When A came, he said, “Why hasn’t he come yet, and what shouldn’t have come has come.”

So the anger went away.

He quickly explained, “I didn’t mean you!”

Yi then got up and left: “It seems that I shouldn’t come.”

He couldn’t stop him, so he sighed, “Let’s go when he shouldn’t.”

So, the rest of the people walked away cleanly.

Now Xia Tiejun seems to be in such a Neither side wants to offend, and both want to keep it.

If you can’t keep any of them, all will be offended.

“Then the next step…”

Lu Huai’an put down the teacup and raised his eyebrows slightly: “It makes people suspect his relationship with Yingjun.”

After all, the one who stays in Dingzhou for a long time is only a hero.

It’s unreasonable, isn’t it?

No one else can stay, why can he?

“Furthermore… Regarding Xia Tiejun’s previous decision, all questions were thrown out.” Lu Huai’an paused at his fingertips and said slowly, “Let them mention by the way… Yingjun’s factory in China.”


Hou Shangwei hesitated: “We haven’t found their factory yet…”

“It doesn’t matter.” Lu Huai’an looked happy: “Let’s release a few things together.”

There are real and fake, just smoke bombs.

As long as the name of the factory has Yingjun, it is enough for them to worry.

Moreover, Xia Tiejun and these things are all traceable in black and white.

People are like this. When a lot of news comes pouring in together, everyone will doubt it.

But when they were skeptical to confirm it, as long as most of the news inside was true, the rest would naturally fall into the category of true.

Even if Yingjun reacts and wants to refute and confirm, it will be difficult to reverse the situation.

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