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Chapter 928

Chapter 914: Fish And Bear’S Paw

Exactly, two new projects of this size have been taken up now.

If it is attributed to Wuhai Building, it will not have any effect on them.

After all, the reputation of Wuhai Architecture has already been released. After everyone heard about it, at most they would say, “It’s really good.”

Meng Juncheng frowned, shook his head and sighed, “It’s a pity.”

It’s just a waste of resources and a waste of money!

As a businessman, his first consideration is to maximize profits.

If a Dingzhou building can be established, the first and second projects won will be the largest commercial street and the largest port in Dingzhou.

Huh! This title, didn’t it start at once! ?

He couldn’t help laughing and talked eloquently: “Then, I will go to the surrounding cities, set up a few more construction teams, and cooperate with Wuhai Construction, I will combine them, and strive to win all the performance in the south. !”

He is very ambitious, although his thinking is not comprehensive enough, but the overall trend is actually well controlled.

Lu Huai’an raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled, “Yes.”

Unexpectedly, he agreed so readily, Meng Juncheng’s eyes lit up: “Is it really possible?”

“Of course.” Lu Huai’an patted him on the shoulder and said warmly, “But we have to hold a separate meeting to discuss the details you mentioned.”

However, he agreed to set up the company Dingzhou Construction.

“Hey, alright.” Meng Juncheng didn’t want to eat into a fat man in one bite, so it’s good to take it slowly: “Then I’ll type the report first.”

“Well, yes, this program can let Mr. Hou run.”

Hou Shangwei, who was beside him, nodded swiftly, and wrote down seriously: “I will finish it as soon as possible.”

So, this matter was settled.

Dingzhou has no opinions. Anyway, Dingzhou buildings are managed by Meng Juncheng, and the quality and effect are the same.

Someone also said: “After all, these are the two big projects he wants to use as a facade, maybe it’s better than falling under the name of Wuhai Architecture!”

This is really a fact. Meng Juncheng has already taken over a number of major projects, but in the port and commercial street in Dingzhou, he also specially put down his work and went to Dingzhou to supervise the scene.

It seems that their arrival has aroused the vigilance of many foreign-funded enterprises.

After all, it turned out that in Dingzhou, there were basically very few policies favoring domestic private enterprises, especially when Xia Tiejun was there, many of the preferential policies favored their foreign-funded enterprises, but now it is completely the opposite.

“Sign in to God Devouring the Starry Sky”

Moreover, after going to Wuhai, they also came back to it.

The conditions given by Guo Ming at the time looked like a lot of flowers, and the report was written quite beautifully.

But when they really passed, they basically set up joint ventures.

It’s not the kind of good companies in Wuhai that support these foreign-funded enterprises, and everyone benefits from each other.

Instead, he treated them as a swindler and stuffed them with a pile of junk.

After the joint venture, the original enterprise can at most provide some conveniences in terms of human resources, such as no need to build a factory building, no need to repair roads, and no need to recruit people, but the equipment needs to be replaced.

But the point is that after the joint venture, they no longer have 100% control over the enterprise.

They always feel that they are being constrained everywhere, and they are not happy at all.

But now, when he wanted to find someone, Guo Ming had already gone to Bohai City and couldn’t find it.

Seeing that Lu Huaian and the others were busy in Dingzhou, they hesitated for a long time, but decided to talk to the leaders of Dingzhou.

However, the current leader of Dingzhou is no longer Xia Tiejun.

Their policy is also very different from Xia Tiejun.

“Do you want to come back? Of course you can, we are always welcome.”

“Ah? Change the policy? That definitely won’t work.”

Land can be zoned, projects can be given, and companies can be built.

But it is impossible to be like when Xia Tiejun was there, with more inclined policies and various support for foreign-funded enterprises.

The unprecedented tough attitude of Dingzhou has made many foreign-funded enterprises aware of the abnormality.

They were surprised to find that the domestic business community has gradually become enthusiastic, no longer the stagnant water it used to be.

Especially high-tech companies.

There was only one way before them.

Technology or market, they can only choose one of them.

Between reality and ideals, most of them are helpless and painful, and their overall mood is very depressed.

After Boguan, it is clear that many companies have followed suit to choose the market.

However, Xin’an Group even raised its arms and shouted, forming a “National Core Project”.

What is even more shocking is that this look is just a castle in the air, with no foundation at all, only some dream-like theoretical knowledge, and it has also received the support of the state.

When the funds and policies poured into the [NationalChip Project], everyone was surprised to find that it was not that difficult to set up such a grand project.

Chu Yi really did what he originally imagined.

He recruited a wide range of talents, and together with Chen Yizhi and Ren Xiaoxuan, he established a microelectronics design center in Nanping.

Other powerful computer companies who want to choose technology can also join in.

It is precisely because of their strength that they are calling on everyone to work together, so these domestic companies have begun to have a second choice.

You don’t have to choose between technology and market.

It turns out that you can really have both fish and bear’s paw.

They can also choose the market party for their own company.

The resources in the company are to support sales as much as possible to achieve performance, and to focus on development.

However, their talents, especially the technical ones, can be sent to Nanping.

These talents only need them to pay a salary.

Of course, after entering this project, their original technologies are also shared.

But this and the benefits they get are completely insignificant.

After all, the cost of the experiment is directly allocated from the state investment, and the rest is not enough, and the Xin’an Group will cover it.

Lu Huai’an also stated directly: “If the 30% investment of Xin’an Group is not enough, then I will ask everyone to share it.”

It means that as long as the money is enough, they don’t need to give it at all.

After careful consideration, everyone decided to trust him.

“At the moment, only Xin’an Group has such ability.”

“If Xin’an Group can’t do it, we definitely can’t do it. President Lu is willing to make 30% of the profit… I can.”

Not everyone, but Lu Huaian.

He single-handedly stood at the forefront.

Now is the hardest beginning part of the whole project, and certainly the most expensive.

It’s all like this, the Xin’an Group can still handle it, so why should they worry about it?

Even if they are asked to give money later, there are still so many people to share it.

After thinking about it, everyone laughed: “With so many people accompanying me, I don’t panic.”

Why do you even give up the championship?

Because they have no such appeal.

It is indeed too embarrassing to let Bo Guan support such a big project and bet on the slim future.

And Xin’an Group has the endorsement of the state on the top and their support on the bottom.

Well, it seems like a logical thing for them to do this project well.

Lu Huai’an called them all and thanked them.

After all, even Chu Yi said: “After we have synthesized a lot of information, we found that some of the projects we are currently researching can even end directly.”

After all companies shared resources, they found that many projects were overlapping.

This really reduces a lot of unnecessary losses and waste.

But in the eyes of these companies, Lu Huaian really doesn’t need to thank them.

Because in this project, they really took a big advantage.

After all, if this project is successful in the future, they will spend a very small price, and they will be famous for the ages.

It is clearly stated in the contract that as long as they cooperate fully, in the future, after the success of this project, the names of all participating companies will be engraved on it.

This is tantamount to a major national-level project. Lu Huai’an gave them a piece of the pie so comfortably, and the conditions were so good, it was too late for them to thank him.

The most important thing is that from now on, they can really let go.

Foreign-funded enterprises are now aware that these domestic high-tech enterprises have swept away the previous downturn and immediately became stunned!

This is really letting go and getting ready for a big fight.

There is no need to worry about R&D, all their energy has been applied to the market.

They began to concentrate on building their own brands, and they were no longer willing to be the foundries of foreign-funded enterprises.

These companies worked hard to seize the market, and they also learned the tricks of Lu Huaian.

Some even called Lu Huai’an directly to ask him for advice: “If we grab it directly, we may not be able to beat the original brand… Is it really feasible for us to lower the price?”

After all, this is a computer accessory. If the price is too low, some people will inevitably feel that the quality is not good.

Nowadays, many people do not understand They basically think that the more expensive the computer, the better.

And, if prices drop too much, their margins are low.

It’s fine in the short term, but if it doesn’t come back in the future, they will always be stuck in a situation of small profits but quick turnover. If it goes back up, they are afraid of losing their original customers.

“It doesn’t matter.” Lu Huai’an thought about it and told them about the price war between Xin’an and Yingjun before: “There is no need to cut prices too much, what you have to do is to seize the market.”

Only when the opponent is squeezed out inch by inch, so that the competitors have no room for survival, can they have the opportunity to think about the future.

As they are now, it is too early to think about what will happen after they have won before they even started.


Even before the battle, I was thinking about dividing the land.

When they were talking, they couldn’t help laughing, eager to try: “I’ll go to work first!”

Whether it works or not, at least they tried it!

It is not just one or two companies that occupy the living space of foreign-funded enterprises in this way.

Across the country, many state-owned enterprises are starting to cheer up.

There was an article that was published in Beifeng Daily at this time.

I still have time to write: [The moon in foreign countries is not as round as the moon in China].

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