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Chapter 940

Chapter 926: The Fluffy Phoenix Is ​​Not As Good As The Chicken

Lu Huaian did not deny this statement.

After all, no one has asked this directly on the bright side, and he rushed to explain it, as if he had a guilty conscience.

In front of others, Lu Huaian only mentioned these engineers in the laboratory of the group: “It is they who have put in a lot of effort and have gone through a lot of difficult times…”

Of course, whether others believe it or not is another matter.

Many people’s ideas are still more inclined to the development brought by foreign engineers.

“If you want me to say, these people have to come back.”

“Yeah, it’s all our own people and should have come back.”

“I heard it’s hard to live outside now.”

“You’re saying this wrong. No matter how difficult it is to live outside, it will still make us a year’s money every month.”

And they all make a lot of money and spend a small amount of money.

Someone immediately refuted, and the topic suddenly became crooked.

But about Xin’an’s computer, no one doubted its authenticity.

Even some foreign media have begun to report on this model of Xin’an Computer.

It seems that in order to seize the domestic market, these foreign computer brands have also begun to announce that they will launch new models.

Lu Huai’an looked at these reports, frowned and said, “It’s a new model, it’s nothing more than starting to sell foreign products to us.”

It’s not really what they say, it’s newly developed.

After flipping through these newspapers, Chen Yizhi hummed: “Almost, but they used their inventory to sell domestically, and now they are starting to sell new products.”

If the two really want to talk about it, there is basically no big difference in the people of the country.

Before they left and right, they didn’t know that these computers in China were actually out of season in foreign countries.

Lu Huai’an thought about it and asked Hou Shangwei, “How is Guan Quan here?”

“They haven’t made much noise in the past two days. I just heard that several of their electronics factories are holding urgent meetings.”

Obviously, Xin’an moved to their cake.

They are thinking of a solution, and they are going to grab the market.

“Then leave them alone.” Lu Huai’an looked at Chen Yizhi and said decisively, “You guys have to speed up. Chip problems must be solved, and you must follow up from time to time.”

The pressure is quite high, Chen Yizhi sighed, but he still nodded his head: “Okay, we will continue to work hard.”

Lu Huai’an also knew that it was difficult for them, but he had no other way: “Now that the words have been released, we can do it, we can do it, we can do it.”

Why let go of these foreign brands?

It’s not just because there is Xin’an in the country now, they don’t dare to fool around anymore.

Once it is discovered that Xin’an has no R&D capabilities and that they are paper tigers, will they still be so proactive?

I’m afraid that I don’t know where the tone is going, let alone selling out-of-season products, I’m afraid that it will directly sell inferior products, which is not the same in China.

“We can’t be monopolized by others.” Lu Huai’an said decisively, “Otherwise, we will fall into a passive position, and we will have to stand and be beaten, with no room to fight back.”

Computers will become an inseparable part of life in the future, which is already the consensus of all.

And Lu Huai’an remembered that in the future, the computer will divide many sub-items.

If they can’t even break through the first level, the subsequent development will be impossible to talk about.

“I understand.” Chen Yizhi gritted his teeth and nodded fiercely: “I’ll go back and work overtime!”

After putting enough pressure on them, Lu Huai’an did not forget to give a sweet date: “After the results are achieved, everyone will be given bonuses!”

It is not to say that they must be successful in research and development immediately.

You can make a schedule and make a breakthrough every month.

When you complete the goal, you will be rewarded.

Sun Hua is also very supportive: “The provincial leaders have said that if there is a need, this bonus can be allocated by the province.”

The driving effect of Xin’an Park is very strong.

If the computer industry can really be built, Xin’an Park will be the leading new technology electronic industrial park in China in the future.

If it is really like what Chen Yizhi said, the computer in the future will not be such a rare thing, and even if one family is normal, what a big market this will be!

Almost a single park in Xin’an Park is enough to feed the entire Nanping.

No, it is possible to feed an entire province.

With such good expectations, the provincial leaders have repeatedly provided convenience.

Xin’an Park expanded and expanded again and again, and in a favorable environment, Lu Huaian quickly started the TV project.

The engineers received by Mr. Chen quickly played their role.

It was taken out from various factories under the name of Xin’an Group and returned to President Chen.

Their thinking has gradually changed.

Instead of putting Qiqing first, he began to have a cultural identity with Xin’an Group and Lu Huai’an.

When President Chen was in the meeting, they also made it clear.

“In the past, I thought that doing business was like that. Although Mr. Zhao was a bit stubborn, it was harmless… But now I understand that a qualified manager should not be like this.”

“Me too. When I was in Qiqing, I always felt that we were the first, and no one else’s method would work. Now…ha.”

Especially the management, Xin’an Group really dumped Qiqing several streets.

Not to mention the benefits, Mr. Zhao wished he could cancel all the benefits.

In his words, that is, none of these benefits exist.

He wants to gather all the resources and use them for production and production instead of sending them to the workers, which is useless.

But Lu Huai’an was not like that.

What the workers deserve, he has a lot of points, monthly bonuses, and benefits during New Years and festivals.

“It didn’t happen, as Mr. Zhao said, the workers were insatiable and greedy.”

“That’s right, the company didn’t immediately make ends meet because of the benefits, and it’s difficult to make money.”

Human vision is always limited.

Especially if they are framed in a certain range for too long, they will mistakenly think that the whole world is the same as what they see.

They were like this before, frogs in the well.

Now that I jumped out, I realized that their previous thinking was too narrow.

Lu Huai’an didn’t even force them to produce results, which was completely different from Kai Zhu.

“Mr. Lu also told me that Xin’an does not need you to use the original results against your will.” President Chen said calmly: “But I believe that our project will be successful.”

Some of the original items have expired.

Now that everything has been restarted, it is just right to directly develop new products.

Anyway, they are basically there.

This **** fight made everyone excited.

Kaizhu was still waiting for them to turn around, and Mizzi was waiting to see their jokes.

As a result, Xin’an Group announced that the new project has been launched.

After inquiring carefully, Kai Zhu was completely stunned.

good guy.

They dig pits, they plant trees, and they do things and toss.

I just want to wait for these engineers to stand up and bow their heads to them. Xin’an Group directly picked all their peaches?

Kaizhu could not accept this result.

They directly forced President Xiao Zhao to come forward and negotiate with them.

These people must go back, otherwise the original people will never want to stay in Kaizhu!

Aren’t they Qiqing united? Isn’t it a piece of iron?

So now they have a problem.

If these people who came to Xin’an really have Qiqing in their hearts, they should resign immediately and go back to Kaizhu!

If it was before, if there is no confidence, these people may not really go back.

However, it is different now.

They have the background of Xin’an Group, who would be afraid of this.

They didn’t even need to come forward, so Mr. Chen responded directly: “Even if you’re fired.”

How much Kaizhu fired, how much they took.

Hearing this, the people who were originally Qiqing immediately became energized.

Really, anyone who hears about the conditions of Xin’an Group can’t help but be tempted.

What a great condition!

They can’t even dream of doing this!

Thinking about it this way, it seems that being expelled from Kai Zhu is really a good thing.

Not only are they no longer afraid of being fired, they even look forward to it.

Some people even went to Mr. Zhao and begged him to come forward and fire them: “We have been with you all the way, and it is really benevolent and righteous, if you also have a little friendship for us, then fire us! ”

It’s not suitable in itself, so don’t force each other.

You have to let go.

After hearing about it, Mr. Chen couldn’t help but sigh: “If at this time, he can really take the burden and fire them…”

Still have a good reputation.

The engineers who followed him looked at each other and shook their heads: “Mr. Zhao… I don’t have the courage.”

If he could do such a thing, it wouldn’t be him, Mr. Zhao.

Although he didn’t say it clearly, in fact, Mr. Chen still had a trace of expectations for Mr. Zhao.

This can be seen from the fact that he arranges people to inquire about the situation from time to time.

In private, Hou Shangwei couldn’t help but ask Lu Huai’an, “Mr. Lu, do you think Mr. Zhao can be tough this time?”

“I can’t be tough.” Lu Huai’an flipped through the documents in his hand without raising his head: “If he is tough, the first person he will fire is himself.”

There have been a lot of things going on in the park recently, and he was so busy that he didn’t even have time to watch the fun.

Crunching the time, he signed all the contracts before Shen Ruyun got off work.

Hou Shangwei was still pondering, and felt that Mr. Zhao was Qiqing’s former boss anyway, and he had the help of Vice President Chen beside him. This idea should be courageous.

“You know, he had the courage to take Qiqing away before.”

Looking at him angrily, Lu Huai’an said speechlessly, “His courage is because of Vice President Chen.”

After joining Kaizhu, Vice President Chen left him, and President Zhao was like a phoenix whose hair was plucked, and a large number of engineers with hard bones left, which was equivalent to breaking his arm.

The fluffy phoenix is not as good as the chicken.

This little President Zhao, I am afraid that Kai Zhu has already made it like a dough.

“With this kung fu, you might as well discuss the project with Jin De as soon as possible. You’ve been here two or three times, so why can’t you decide?”

------off topic-----

Been waiting for the plane, watching it go east and north… ugh, it’s a bad feeling to be hooked


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