Back to the Ancient Times to be a God of Craftsmanship

Chapter 167 - War stop

Liu Xian did not wait for Liu Yi to bring Liu Du to the front line and chose to surrender in the city. The rebellion in the city was getting higher and higher. He worried that he could not be waited for his father to be sent, he would be given by these rioting soldiers Killed, and there is really not much food in the city. Xing Daorong didn’t close his eyes to protect Liu Xian almost every day for these two days.

Even if Liu Xian said that he wanted to surrender, it was useless. In such a case, Liu Xian could only choose to surrender in Kaicheng. The 20,000-strong army fought against 7,000 troops. In the end, there was not much to fight, but only 3,000 remained beside him. The strength is not enough, and people are always thinking of taking their own heads to invite merit. This kind of pressure from themselves even exceeds the pressure brought by Liu Yi ’s army. When he decided to open the city, Liu Xian felt that he was the whole People seemed to be a lot easier, as if a mountain pressed on them were suddenly moved away.

“Sinner Liu Xian, see the general!” Looking at Liu Yi, who was a few years younger than himself, Liu Xian felt a little emotion and bowed to Liu Yi.

“Every one is his master, not guilty. Since the general is willing to surrender, he will be the official of the same dynasty.” Liu Yi reached out and raised Liu Xian, looked at Xing Daorong, who was not convinced, and smiled: “Xing Generals do n’t have to be rude anymore. On the battlefield, bravery is important, but for generals, bravery is not enough. “

“General Xie taught!” Xing Daorong hummed twice, only to see Liu Xian’s eyes glared over, then he reluctantly replied to Liu Yi.

“If the general has nothing else, then let me go to Quanling. Your father should already be on the way, maybe you can still meet.” Liu Yi smiled.


Liu Yi left Guan Ping and Liu Sandao to integrate the troops. Huang Zhong led the army to join Quanling and Wei Yan. On the way, he met the troops who escorted Liu Du, recruited Liu Du, and returned to Quanling with them.

During the period when Liu Yi collected Liu Xian, the entire sect force in Lingling has been swept away by Wei Yan and Liu Feng. Those soldiers who originally belonged to the sect were no longer attached. After learning the situation, although there were People are troubled, but they are basically still stable. After Wei Yan and others have beheaded several sect thieves who want to gather together to make trouble, all the remaining thieves and horses are collected.

In this way, Liu Yi added the force brought from Changsha, there are more than 28,000 people, although most of them are a few people, but this number is not small, Liu Bei has conquered some Jing after occupying Jiangling The Xiangbing Horse is now only 40,000 in Nanjun, and Liu Yi walked around in Jingnan with more than half of Liu Bei’s strength.

Will Liu Bei feel a little afraid?

That was impossible. Liu Yi himself had no plans to support the soldiers, and after thinking about it, Liu Yi recruited Guan Ping and Liu Feng.

“Sir, are you looking for us?” Guan Ping and Liu Feng came to Liu Yi’s residence and looked at Liu Yi and asked.

“Huh.” Liu Yi nodded and handed over two warrants and a letter to Liu Fengdao: “Now the three counties have been leveled, and only one county in Guiyang is left. Since Zhao Fan did not take the opportunity to attack Changsha, he dare not now Enemy with our army, but now these soldiers in our army are mostly sect thieves and soldiers, staying here for a long time, it is inevitable that chaos, your two governors each led 10,000 soldiers to Jiangling to deliver these soldiers to the emperor The uncle handled it. In addition, Liu Du, Liu Xian and his son also handed over to the uncle. Please ask the uncle to send someone to supervise the four counties as soon as possible. “

“Sir, Guiyang …” Liu Feng looked at Liu Yi worriedly.

“There are eight thousand soldiers and horses here, and Zhao Fanruo is the best to understand the affair. If I don’t understand, I will teach him to be a man without having to worry. When you return to Jiangling, Guiyang County should have won it.” Liu Yi Laughed.

“Hello!” The two took the order and took the letter written by Liu Yi to Liu Bei before leaving.

On the same day, the two men who had received the order immediately set off and set off. The soldiers who had surrendered in Lingling, plus some Wuling and Changsha soldiers, who had been with Liu Yi for some time, followed the army to help stabilize the order in the army. Twenty thousand troops left in abundance, and the whole Lingling suddenly seemed to become empty.

“Sir.” Wei Yan came in a hurry, but saw Liu Yi playing with some wooden crafts on the table.

“What is this?” Wei Yan was also attracted by the objects on the table, but when he saw a waterwheel like a Mocheng, there was a string pulling in the middle, pulling each organ, it seemed to be a whole, but look carefully, There was a different, rather complicated look, and I couldn’t help asking curiously.

“The model of Mocheng No. 2.” Liu Yi fumbled his chin and looked at the model. Now that he has enough money, he is ready to ask Liu Bei for some more. With the power of the Xiangshui, he will build it in the land of Jingnan A city.

The former Mocheng, because of the funds, did not actually satisfy Liu Yi. Now that he has turned to Liu Bei as a prince and the site is now available, it is time to consider building another city. He has already chosen the location. These days Huang Zhong helped him In handling military affairs, Liu Yi has been studying this for most of the time.

And during this period of study of the mountains and sea scriptures, the situation of giving carvings to certain gods and beasts can often add a lot of attributes to buildings or objects. Liu Yi wondered at this time that if a Buddhist or Taoist idol comes out, it will also be given to the city. What are the effects of getting a statue with special attributes? Or if you put the idol of Guan Erge in the center of the city, what effect will it have.

Anyway, I had a lot of ideas during this time, and now things are done too. Liu Yi also submitted an application in the letter to Liu Bei. One is to take his own girl and get hot kang, and the other is to build a building in this place of Jingnan There is a political cohesion similar to cities like Xiangyang and Jiangling. This scale is not comparable to cities like Mocheng. It has a large budget and it may take a long time to calculate the speed of Liu Yi ’s recruitment of artisans. One year.

Thousands of people are worth 100,000 yuan a day, 100 days is 10 million yuan, and a year ’s budget is 30 million yuan. Of course, according to the method Liu Yi used when he was in Xiakou, he ca n’t actually use so much, but he has to live his own life. No, there are some ideals that belong to you. The salary that Liu Bei gave is definitely not enough. Besides, the city is built while recruiting people, and the operation has to spend money.

“By the way, Wenchang is in such a hurry, what’s the matter?” Liu Yi looked at Wei Yan.

“Zhao Fan sent the book, I hope that Mr. will receive Guiyang as soon as possible.” Wei Yan responded, and said to Liu Yi.

“Surrender, surrender, why should I go in person?” Liu Yi frowned.

“Then Zhao Fan didn’t say, just said he wanted to see our sincerity.” Wei Yan shook his head, and the ghost knew what Zhao Fan thought, and looked at Liu Yi said: “Sir, could it be fraud?”

“I don’t know.” Liu Yi shook his head, he was not Zhuge Liang, the ghost knew whether there was fraud, but since people surrendered and could take a land without fighting, Liu Yi didn’t want to fight, and then said: “Know General Han Sheng Suddenly, take the soldiers past, let the three swords stay, give him two thousand people, continue to guard Lingling, and wait for the emperor sent by the uncle to come over and protect him. “

The remnant of the thief is still there. Although it is not a serious problem, it still needs the army to guard it. Two thousand soldiers and horses, Liu Yi feels that it is enough, and there is no one at hand now, otherwise Liu Sandao, Liu Yi really do n’t worry about keeping him guard .

“Well!” Wei Yan heard the words, and immediately came to have interest, immediately promised, turned his head and ordered.

Liu Yi shook his head, what good is fighting? Looking back at the model, according to theory, this model is already perfect, but in fact many problems have not been solved. For example, the transmission link of this model can be solved with silk thread, but what to use in practice. If the strength depends on gears, it does n’t take much trouble to repair it. It ’s not easy to repair if it ’s broken. At that time, Mocheng did n’t set up more complicated organs. Should n’t he cultivate the skills of cobbler and tailor?

In addition, can the transportation of water power all the equipment that needs power in a big city? Or is a waterwheel enough? This is just all the objects driven by a waterwheel in theory, but the power will be consumed, and this is not the whole picture of the entire city. It is only a part. How many waterwheels are needed to build a semi-mechanized city in this era?

It’s time to consider accepting a disciple.

Liu Yi sighed, construction is one aspect, but the design before construction is actually more important than the construction itself. It is just that those with such computing and design capabilities are willing to work with themselves. Become an inheritor of the Mo family or a craftsman?

Let ’s make a few more models first. For larger models, my carpentry and carving skills are about to reach level 6 ~ ~ He hopes to start building the city after his level 6 is completed. The property of the city will be a bit higher than that of Mocheng. This is the first real city built by itself rather than a walled city. The meaning is different. Naturally, it is more perfect. This is why Liu Yi wanted to let Lu Lingqi come over. In the future, you can change your home.

One day passed by Liu Yi’s constant thinking and improvement. Early the next morning, Wei Yan came to Liu Yi. The soldiers, horses, and grass were ready to go.

Liu Yi took Huang Zhong on his own carriage, and then beckoned to start. Although he went to accept the surrender this time, what did he say? If you are subject to surrender, you must be fully prepared to prevent Zhao Fan from thinking.

Wei Yan led the army to open the way, and continuously sent scouts to carefully investigate the presence of ambushes along the way. Liu Yi and Huang Zhong commanded the Chinese army, 6,000 troops, and entered the territory of Guiyang in a mighty way. In order to avoid the back road being cut off, Liu Yi also returned Wei Yan was ordered to stay a thousand soldiers and guard the two cities along the way. Once things changed, there was also a way out.

Maybe Liu Yi really thought too much, until Chenyang County, Guiyang, was officially surrendered, and took over the defense in the city. What might have happened did not happen, but just looked at Zhao Fan ’s fat face, Liu Yi always felt that the fat man was uneasy and kind.

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