Back to the Ancient Times to be a God of Craftsmanship

Chapter 182 - New beginning

The first thing to go from Chen County is Linxiang County, where the Changsha county government is located. After all, as a Changsha guard, Liu Yi needs to do some handovers with Mi Zhu before he can do his own thing. The distance between the waterway and the land is about 600. Here, it is farther away from Jiangling to Linxiang, but relatively speaking, the waterway is relatively easy, and it can be reached in six days at the speed of a mother-child boat.

However, in order to take care of Lu Lingqi, Liu Yi specifically ordered to slow down some speeds. The original six-day itinerary was delayed until ten days before arriving in Changsha. However, Liu Yi had already ordered people to go to Changsha to inform Mi Zhu. Prepare some materials and personnel for yourself. After handing over, directly hand over Changsha County to Cui Zhouping to take care of it, and then take the materials directly to the shore of Dongting Lake and start preparatory work for the city.

“Why is Bo Yuan so urgent?” Mi Zhu received Liu Yi in the government office and introduced some gentry from the county to Liu Yi and Cui Zhouping. He knew that the person in charge of Changsha government affairs was Cui Zhouping, but Liu Yi After the handover, let go of the person and leave Mi Zhu a little stunned. He remembered that Liu Yi wasn’t such a resolute character.

“Nei Zi is pregnant and is not suitable for traveling to Lawton. I want to get to the place as soon as possible. Let me settle down my family and talk about it again.” Liu Yi smiled and said: “Zi Zhongke is going to follow me? Wen Chang and Han Sheng are two generals. I will also go to Jiangling to report my job. Although it is already our territory, it is always a good thing to have a response on the road. “

“Congratulations,” Mi Zhu suddenly said when she heard the words, “No wonder Bo Yuan saw red light when he saw Bo Yuan today.”

Liu Yi gave a few words of politeness, and looked at Cui Zhouping sideways. He looked at others and talked a lot.

There are many handovers of government affairs, even if Mi Zhu has already been prepared, but at the time of handover, some important tasks, as well as the handover of personnel and property, many of them must be present by Liu Yi. After the handover is completed, it is already the afternoon, Mi Zhu gave Liu Some of the initial materials prepared by Yi have also been shipped, and Liu Yi did not wait much, and set off for Dongting Lake directly.

Two days later, when arriving at Dongting Lake, Liu Yi divided a boat for Mi Zhu, Wei Yan, and Huang Zhong, and he led a person to survey the terrain while building a simple city.

“Sir, take care, he will come to visit when he has time in the future!” Huang Zhong and Wei Yan say goodbye to Liu Yi. The two of them are enlisted in the military. They are not so free in time. I am afraid there are not many opportunities to come.

“Until the city is built, I will go to Jiangling by myself, and it will be continued no later than that time!” Liu Yi smiled.

After bidding farewell to Mi Zhu, and watching the boat leave, Liu Yi took the people to start surveying the terrain around, preparing to build a Zhuangzi, once everyone came to live temporarily, and secondly, it was also the place of the fishing ground.

“Bo Yuan, like we built Mo City in the first place, wouldn’t it be nice to build a house directly in the city? Why bother?” Wei Yue jumped off the boat and looked at Liu Yidao.

Both his wife and Lv Lingqi are pregnant, and this move around is not good for pregnant women.

“This city is quite different from the original city of Mo.” Liu Yi shook his head and said: “The soil is soft here and I have to dig the ground. If I want to build the house there, I have to demolish it in the future. It ’s convenient here. “

The boat stopped in the lake, the family did not come out, but the soldiers brought from Mocheng began to move materials under the boat. Liu Yi and Wei Yue were standing on a low **** at the moment, although the position was not high, but the nearby terrain It’s flat, at the moment the two people are at a high level and their horizons are broad.

“Bo Yuan really chooses a place.” Wei Yue heard and could only nod. Now the sister-in-law and family members of Mocheng have followed, in order to follow Liu Yi, and Lu Lingqi and his wife are taken care of well. Before the house was built, those child and mother ships could also be temporarily inhabited. At this moment, at the foot of the mountain is a vast unreclaimed field. It is the season when the grass is flying and the lush, lush, let people take a look. The mood will be happy for no reason.

Farther away is the huge Dongting Lake. From the other side, you can see the outline of the green mountains. The lake surface is sparkling under the breeze and the sun, even in the era of natural scenery everywhere. Such pleasant scenery is also rare.

“Let the brothers hurry, this time it was all brought by the family, and I have to build a place for everyone as soon as possible. In addition, I taught you that the Wenpo found in the city has been found?” Liu Yi looked at Wei Yuedao.

“All of them are the most famous ones in Linxiang. Six of them brought their families.” Wei Yue nodded and took care of the pregnant women. The maid around was not easy to use. One mother Deng had experience, but people always To rest, so when Liu Yi sent someone to Changsha, he asked Mi Zhu to help find some related people. The most important thing is that Liu Yi also wanted to take this opportunity to train a large number of maids with this experience, this At the time, the birth mortality rate was low, and medical conditions were also a problem. Since Changsha was too guarded, Liu Yi also wanted to set up a delivery room in various counties, free of charge, under conditions.

Of course, the premise is that there is enough money.

“Settle well!” Liu Yi nodded and said: “Leave it to Deng’s sister-in-law.”

Now Liu Yi’s maids are all brought by Deng.

“This is reassuring.” Wei Xu nodded and looked at Liu Yi: “Bo Yuan, what are we doing?”

Liu Yi only ordered a hundred people to work, and the rest did not know what to do.

“Pull some suitable mud and mud to make rammed earth.” Liu Yi outlined the surrounding map on the wooden board, and said: “Although this is my temporary residence, I will not plan to demolish it in the future. , Here will be a fish pond and a feeder, the place will be very large. “

This time, Liu Yi is going to dominate the wooden structure without digging the foundation. The entire Zhuangzi building is suspended above the ground, but it is still covered with soil for fire prevention. Although there is no way to adjust the cement, the city wall can be built Method, use egg whites, batter, etc. and some sticky soil to smear the outer periphery of the wooden structure house, Liu Yi is also preparing to build a small workshop here, can produce some pieces of iron objects, if not excellent Fireproofing is not enough.

“Okay, I’m going to find some people who can do this. Your hundred artisans are already waiting there.” Wei Yue pointed to the artisans who had assembled their tools and got off the boat. These are all days old work. The old man of Fang is now waiting for Liu Yi to arrange things for them.

Liu Yi nodded and went down the hillside with Wei Yue, separated from each other. Liu Yi recruited a group of craftsmen and began to design the drawings.

The experience he can gain from this kind of group building is only his own experience and the experience after the whole building is completed. There is no way to hire Liu Yi to provide experience to Liu Yi. Otherwise, the establishment of Mocheng was enough for Liu Yi to advance to level 6.

Even for Xiaozhai, the more perfect it is, the richer the experience gained.

Although he is not going to build an organ city like Mocheng, Liu Yi is still preparing to build a power circulation system. A waterwheel is a must, but it is not as big as Mocheng.

In addition, Liu Yi decided to use the number of five or five mentioned by Cui Zhouping to build the layout of the Zhuangzi. First look at the effect, then because of the suspended structure, the drainage system is relatively easy, but first need to use enough The solid wood penetrated into the ground as the cornerstone of the future house, in addition to the problem of rising lake water, some simple water conservancy projects are required, and the drainage system must also be done first, including the transfer of excreta to a unified septic tank and then processed In the future, a field can be cultivated in this area to plant some things.

Although the entire Zhuangzi is small, it has to accommodate more than 3,000 people. The walkways and roads are made of wood, and a lot of wood is needed. Mi Zhu prepared for him only some hardwoods for the foundation and the rest of the wood Collect it yourself, so Wei Yue and others don’t worry about doing nothing.

There are no shortage of trees around, but with the experience of Mocheng, Liu Yi did n’t want to destroy the surrounding environment too much, so where to cut, and after the felling, you still need to plant, Liu Yi also made a plan. In short, today ’s thing is to first Use these existing materials to build the foundation and drainage system of the house.

Liu Yi made the design drawings and studied it again before they began to discuss with everyone how to allocate the tasks. Those hard woods need to be grooved, so that the house can be built directly to connect the planks.

In fact, it is not complicated, because it is a structure that has already been set. Except for the grooves at some key points, the grooves of other places are basically the same.

Those grooves in special positions are naturally done by Liu Yi personally ~ ~ and placed preferentially, but the distance between these things that need to be accurately measured is not something that Liu Yi can accomplish by himself and needs everyone. Children work together.

After making some simple scales, everyone began to sketch first according to Liu Yi’s instructions, and some people quickly began to process wood after Liu Yi paid money.

Because it is impossible to start construction completely today, in order to save money, Liu Yi only selected 20 people to start work. As for others, under Liu Yi ’s command, he began to mark everywhere.

Mother Deng came over in the afternoon and asked Liu Yi to make a row of dryness by the lake, and took some women with good cooking skills on the boat to start making artificial rice. When the sky was not completely dark, the rich aroma was already towards Over here, many people who are working involuntarily looked over to the shore.

“It’s not that I haven’t eaten. Everyone moves faster. After finishing today’s things, we go to dinner. The construction will begin tomorrow!” Liu Yi jumped from a bluestone and faced that he was not hired. The poor craftsmen laughed and scolded.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the busy scene gives people a sense of extra peace. This is probably the life they want.

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