Back to the Ancient Times to be a God of Craftsmanship

Chapter 46 - Secret help

Thirteen years of Jian’an was not a peaceful year. At the beginning of this year, many things happened. For example, Sun Quan adopted the strategy of lowering Gan Ning and sent troops to attack Xiakou. Being able to break through Jiang Xia and kill Huang Zu as his father to avenge his death, but it also caused Jiang Xia to break most of the elite. Nowadays, Jiang Xia’s defenders are mostly recruits and their fighting power is worrying.

At the same time, after visiting the Caolu for the third time in Longzhong, Wollongong and Liu Bei, they finally met Zhuge Liang as they wished. A Longzhong pair, extolled by the later generations, was born in this small Caolu, As Zhuge Liang’s stepping stone, Liu Bei also has ambitions, but does not know how to show his ambitions. Liu Bei has a clear understanding of the future.

“Kong Ming, there was a craftsman in Wollongong, do you know?” Xinye, General Mansion … Yes, although it is only a projectile place, Liu Bei is General Zuo, and his mansion is General Mansion. At this moment, Liu Bei seems to remember What happened, looked at Zhuge Liang and asked with a smile.

“Oh, the protagonist also knows Brother Liu?” Zhuge Liang heard the words and smiled at Liu Beidao.

“Brother Liu?” Liu Bei was startled, and looked at Zhuge Liang with some surprise: “As far as I know, this man is a craftsman …”

The implication is that Liu Yi’s identity should not be worthy of being called by Zhuge Liang.

“Brother Liu is a descendant of the Mo family, and he is really proficient in the art of forging. He is quite low-key and often uses himself as a craftsman, but he can do more than that. He once strayed into the thief camp in Nanyang to help a group of thieves. Sheng Duo defeated ten times the enemy with a crowd of three hundred. “Zhu Geliang smiled and put down his pen. It has been three months since Liu Yi started construction in Jingling. Liu Yi has been busy building a walled city during this time Matter, but the connection with Zhuge Liang has never been broken, and Zhuge Liang has sent people to look at that city wall.

Nowadays, Liu Yi is a heir to the Mo family. In that city wall, it is almost universally known. Especially as Huang Zu was beheaded by Jiangdong soldiers and Jiangxia was in chaos, Sun Quan moved a large number of people to Jiangdong. Few people fled west. Although Liu Yi ’s walled city was not completely completed, it had already accepted many refugees, some of them remained in the walled city, some just settled temporarily, and continued to flee to Jingxiang, Liu Yi Although the public opinion of the descendants of the Mo family has not yet been fully established, it has already gained a great reputation in the South County.

How clever Zhuge Liang is, whether Liu Yi is a successor of the Mo family is open to question, but from these news, it is not difficult to see what Liu Yi wants to do. Although he does not know what happened, he also helps Liu Yi to make an eye for him once, since Liu Yi is now building a city in Jiangxia, and the future will be the talents in the Liu Bei camp. With Zhuge Liang’s understanding of Liu Yi during this time, he has a great chance of bringing Liu Yi in.

“There was such a thing!” Liu Bei originally thought that Liu Yi was just a craftsman with some peculiar means, but now it seems that it is obviously more than that, and then he smiled bitterly: “If I knew this, I should invite him in person that day!”

“Oh?” Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei with surprise.

Liu Bei gave Liu Yi a car at the beginning, and Zhang Fei discovered the beauty of the horse and horse. Then Liu Bei sent Guan Ping to ask for someone. As a result, Liu Yi had already told Zhuge Liang about what he had left.

“If not mentioned by Kong Ming, be prepared to miss a talent!” Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang and smiled bitterly.

Since Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty had only respected Confucianism, the Mo family has gradually disappeared as early as two hundred years ago. However, the reputation of the Mo family is still sufficient to bluff people, especially for princes such as Liu Bei who are in desperate need of talent. in this way.

“The hero should not invite him immediately.” Zhuge Liang saw Liu Bei about to get up and smiled.

“Why is this?” Liu Bei looked at Zhu Geliang puzzledly: “Can it be that Kong Ming thinks that he …”

“Fei Ye.” Zhuge Liang shook his head and said: “I don’t hide the hero. When the hero went to Wollongong for the first time, after seeing the hero, Brother Liu said that the hero would be able to accomplish great things in the future.”

“Since this is the case, why didn’t Kong Ming let me go to meet?” Liu Bei puzzled.

“One, he is building a walled city now, the walled city has not been settled, the hero is going, and he will not follow the hero.” Zhu Geliang shook his feather fan said: “Both, the hero is not stable now, although Brother Liu Seeing that the hero is extraordinary, but he does not want to be involved in danger easily, so … The hero’s top priority is not to visit the virtue, but to seek a foothold first. “

“As for Brother Liu, although the protagonist does not have to go to meet him in person, he can contact him first.” Zhu Geliang looked at Liu Bei and smiled.

“Then … I don’t know what this man likes?” Liu Bei asked quickly.

“Brother Liu loves money.” Zhu Geliang smiled.

Liu Bei: “…” Is this really a talent?

“The protagonist is assured that although Brother Liu loves money, he still has a way. Even if the protagonist gives him money, he may not be willing to accept it.” Thinking of Liu Yi’s previous letter entrusted to him ~ ~ Zhuge Liang’s face Smiled a little bit more.

“Oh?” Liu Bei heard the words, came to be interested, looked at Zhuge Liang and said: “Please Kong Mingming Yan.”

“The protagonist may wish to ask people to build some weapons and armor with Brother Liu. In addition, in Jingxiang, the protagonist may also discuss with some familiar generals or Liu Jingzhou to purchase ordnance together and purchase it from Brother Liu in the name of the protagonist. Re-grant it to the Jingzhou Army, which can also be used as a good general. “

To put it bluntly, it is to use other people’s money to do their own favors. When Liu Yi’s weapon arrives, those people will naturally be able to appreciate the benefits, and then naturally they will look for Liu Bei to continue to build ordnance. In this way, both sides are flattering, Can quickly help Liu Bei expand his network.

“Kong Ming is very good at this.” Liu Bei smiled while touching his beard. He knew the world well and asked Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain, although it was because of his talents, but more, in fact, he liked Zhuge Liang’s network in Jingzhou. With Zhuge Liang, he has the same relationship with the Cai, Kuai, and Huang families at the same time. Such connections are sometimes more useful than the talents themselves.

“Although Brother Liu is humble, there is also an arrogance in his bones. The hero should not be too sloppy.” Zhu Ge brightly smiled.

“Kong Ming was relieved.” Liu Bei nodded his head, and he spent his whole life. Although he didn’t have much ability, he was quite clever in grasping human feelings. Moreover, this was a matter of two interests. Although Liu Bei recruited horses during this time, his weapons and armor And some equipments are in short supply. These things can not be bought with money, otherwise Liu Bei is behind him, but there are big and small merchants such as Mi Family and Kou Family giving financial support behind them.

Watching Liu Bei leave, Zhu Geliang sat silently shaking the fan, and after thinking about it for a moment, he spread out a roll of blank bamboo paper and began to write back to Liu Yi. Some things still had to be communicated with Liu Yi.

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