Back to the Ancient Times to be a God of Craftsmanship

v2 Chapter 578 - The fourth country in the period of three countries

Sleepless all night, getting up early the next morning, but unexpectedly refreshing.

Say goodbye to his wife. When Liu Yi came to the government office, Mi Zhu, Deng Ai, Pound, Ma Dai and Mi Wei had already started to work. This period of time was relatively busy. Even the military commander was fully charged by Liu Yi.

“What about Ming’er?” Liu Yi looked at her daughter’s figure, and was surprised, so many jobs, so there is no need to do with prodigy.

“Sicong, the little girl said she had completed her part ~” Deng Ai smiled bitterly, Liu Ming was the girl who grew up watching him. This mentality is really amazing, and Deng Ai is a smart person when he asks himself. But in this respect, I really can’t keep up with this girl.

“Then add another one.” Liu Yi picked up a file and came to: “The author brought her back to me.”

“Well!” The guard outside the door promised to send someone to find Liu Ming.

“After a period of time, I will go to Jiuyuan after the New Year’s Pass, but the projects in various places can’t be stopped. This is about a month or so. Brother Zi Zhong manages things here.” Liu Yi smiled at everyone.

“Bao Yuan is relieved, it’s only a month, I have to deal with it.” Mi Zhu nodded, and the court award, let Liu Yi set up a temple for his old man, everyone naturally knows, Mi Zhu couldn’t help but sigh. If Liu Yi appeared ten years ago and became Lu Bu’s son-in-law, what would this world look like, I’m really not sure, even now, with Liu Yi’s son-in-law, Lu Bu’s reputation may not be too bad in the future, maybe he can be History of staying young.

“Bo Zhan.” Liu Yi looked at Ma Dai and said, “You’re going to deal with Zhiyang’s affairs with me. I’m not in this time. You lead three thousand soldiers to Zhiyang to station and fully support the Wei county magistrate. I will not pursue the matter last time, but someone will dare to stretch his claws and chop his claws for me! “

Speaking of the last moment, Liu Yi flashed a killer on his face. He also sent the collected evidence back to Changan and let Zhuge Liang deal with it. Zhuge Liang is still the emperor, and may punish some people, but it is just knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, which will not really move the core characters. This is Liu Yi’s face for them, but if he doesn’t know what to do, then Liu Yi will not be polite.

Clay figurines have three points of anger, not to mention Liu Yi today?

“Hell!” Ma Dai intervened, and received the command.

“Shizai is responsible for the planning of the farmstead. I plan to build eight more cities in this river. The address has been chosen. You will take people to dig the foundation. There are design drawings in Tiangongfang. The location of the farmhouses is well chosen. Mark, people in Tiangongfang will deal with the foundation. “Liu Yi smiled.

Since his wife and children are coming here, he is not in a hurry to go back. He is prepared to stay here for a while and study the engine. Even if he is ready to go to the court, there will be more years in the northwest region. , At least lay a railway from Changan to Hetao.

Although iron ore is constantly being discovered at present, the development of iron ore is not high due to the backward mining technology. Liu Yi is now struggling to first study whether the steam engine is used in mining or train applications. At least today ’s iron ore output is also It is not enough to replace wooden rails with rails in large areas, and like the Shuzhong area, wooden rails are no problem, but if you want to lay rails, there are more problems.

Wooden rails are relatively easy to lay and do not require much assistance, but a rail that can carry a heavy train, many of the plank roads cannot support it now, and tunnels must be cut. It is not easy to have a steam engine. This kind of thing is left to future generations. Do it.

In short, although the world is peaceful, for Liu Yi, there are too many things to do. Of course, the most important thing is the question of money. At the beginning, the court successively allocated 2.5 billion to him. Now because of the battle on the Hetao battlefield, plus The laying of Xiliang wooden rails and the construction of both have already been used. Liu Yi is thinking about how to speak with Liu Chan recently, and politely asked Liu Chan to ask the court to support some funds, but now the court is cutting Wu in Zhang Luo. As for the financial shortage, if I ask the court for another five billion yuan at this time, I am afraid that it will be a bit untrue.

“Ling Ming.” Liu Yi looked at Pound and said: “You are now a defender of the Huns, and now there are many Xianbei tribes in Jiluzhai. These tribes do not need to be strong. I am going to open trade with them to attract more. Merchants here, you need to maintain the safety along the way. “

“Sikong rest assured.” Pound laughed: “It will certainly not let Sikong disappointed.”

Liu Yi nodded, and he was assured of Pound’s ability.

Liu Yi looked at Mi Wei and said: “The Western Regions had something to do with Cao Wei before, but we didn’t know much about the Western Regions. At present, the imperial court was short of money, and many projects were forced to stop. Bo Hongke formed a caravan to travel to the Western Regions. Record the topography and populations of various countries, and secondly, explore the attitudes of these countries in the Western Regions towards our big han and see if there are conditions to form a stable business road. “

Earlier in southern Xinjiang, Liu Yi sent people to find the way to the body poison (ancient India), but it can have some trails, but before the development of shipping, it is difficult to open trade.

The topography of Huaxia is very interesting. The grassland on the back, the mountains on the west and the big hack around form a relatively closed and wide area. It is easy to form a unified civilization in this area, but this terrain also limits the external The ability to expand, at least before the maritime development reaches a mature stage, can form a stable relationship with the outside world, and the only way to open the road is the Silk Road, so Liu Yi plans to further strengthen and stabilize the Silk Road on the basis of the previous Even if the technology meets the standards, the countries of the Western Regions will be included in the territory of the Han Dynasty.

If the problem of the train can be solved in the next two decades, and the countries of the Western Regions are willing to accept his help to build railways everywhere, it may not be impossible to include the entire Western Region in the Han territory. This is a lot of money, so Liu Yi decided to be very For a long time, put my energy on this side, where there are resources that are not available on the big side. If civilization can form a kind of suppression … Liu Yi is ready to mass produce glass beads to sell!

“Hello!” Mi Wei heard the words and bowed to his life. This is a long-time plan, and you don’t have to rush to start immediately.

After making arrangements for things, Liu Yi continued to look at the file. This year was not easy, especially for Xiliang. There were many things to deal with every day. After seeing half of it, Liu Yi suddenly looked at a bamboo slip and frowned. A few days before the letter, Jiang Wan sent letters, but the content was not much, but it was a bit shocking. There is a small place in Longxi, where some people have called the emperor for more than thirty years!

His name was Song Jian. When Xiliang was in chaos, he set up a court and established officials. He was in chaos in the world at that time.

Later, Cao Cao won Guanzhong, but Liu Bei immediately followed and occupied Hanzhong. Cao Liu contended and broke the generals Xia Houyuan and Cao Hong. Although he occupied Guanzhong, Cao Wei’s energy was more on Hanzhong’s side, and nobody in this remote small place tube.

Until recently, when Liu Yi’s track was laid in Longxi, he was stopped by Song Jian. Although Liu Yi was responsible for the track laying project, Jiang Yan had always coordinated the safety maintenance. Before that, Liu Yi was busy dealing with the Huns, Xianbei, Jiang Wan did not report the matter. Now that Liu Yi’s affairs are over, Jiang Wan reports the matter.

Nahan is now a place where Qiang and Han live together. In theory, Nahan was set up in the pre-Qin period. After the establishment of the Han, it is regarded as the territory of the Han, but after all, no one has paid attention to it for a long time, and Jiang Wan did not know where this place should be. The definition of Han territory is still counted as friendship.

“Oh ~” Liu Yi didn’t know how to express his mood for a while.

“Sikong, what’s the matter?” Deng Ai asked with some curiosity.

“Look for yourself, weird things still happen every year.” Liu Yi handed the bamboo slips to Deng Ai, a little funny.

A county dared to stand alone and claim the title of emperor. The king directly saved it. I really do n’t know what Song Jian thought, but the most ironic thing is that the world has been in chaos for so long ~ ~ Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Liu Biao, Tao These princes Qian are all dead one by one, but the emperor addiction that Song Jian has been nourishing for more than thirty years, it is necessary to let those princes know, and I do n’t know if they will feel wronged.

“We say … were emperor !?” Waiting to see the bamboo slip, suddenly became stuttering.

Others also looked at them in dismay, saying that the emperor was not a trivial matter.

Deng Ai handed over bamboo slips to other people for circulation, but looked at Liu Yi: “Sicong, this is the territory of my Han family. This matter cannot be condoned!”

“Not bad!” Mi Zhu also nodded, frowning: “This person, take it!”

Although in terms of influence, the land of Yanhan Projectile is barren and has a small population, but in terms of nature, this is more serious than the separation of princes, and it is directly called the emperor!

Whether it was Cao Pi, Liu Bei, or Sun Quan, who struggled to claim which emperor was not, now some people have become such emperors that they have been emperors for more than thirty years? Which will recognize?

“Ling Ming order some soldiers, let me go to this place with two thousand soldiers and horses.” Liu Yi nodded his head. I don’t know if it’s the same thing. Now that I know it, I can’t ignore it. There is another emperor on the site, is this still a country?

“Well!” Pound nodded. A remote county is indeed unlikely to have too many soldiers and horses. Two thousand elite soldiers are enough, and more is a waste of resources.

“Notify the suspension of railcars along the way, let’s go first.”

Liu Yi issued another order. This year was approaching. He did n’t want to waste time on the road, so he was going to take the railcar directly with soldiers, horses and supplies. As for the rest, after arriving in Longxi, it was not too late.

Everyone agreed to go out and get busy. In short, Liu Yi regarded this as the last thing before his new year, and hurried back immediately after finishing it.

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