Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 60 Please Call Pindao Paparazzi Qing

Chapter 60 Please Call Pindao Paparazzi Qing
Under the night, the lights of the Zhuangyan Temple flickered. Not only were there hanging lanterns high in the main halls, but even in the courtyards of the temple, some burly men could be seen walking around with lanterns in their hands from time to time. Patrol.

Above the heads of these people, a figure dressed in black seemed to be a light night bird, hovering over the temple, flying lightly to the south side of the temple in the blind spot of the sight of these big men.

"My lord, what did the monks at the Zhuangyan Temple do to make their own temple look like a fortress?"

After dodging a group of patrolling monks again, Kong Qing quietly poked his head out from the side of the eaves of the Drum Tower of Zhuangyan Temple, complaining with a depressed face.

"Could it be that these Heji horsemen really hid a bunch of kidnapped beauties in the monastery just like the legendary novels say?"

To be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that the big men patrolling below all had shaved heads, and they basically carried sticks and other unregulated weapons, Kong Qing would really suspect that he came not to the monk’s temple, but some kind of heavily guarded temple. The military powerhouse!

What are these monks trying to do with so many monks in the temple?
Fortunately, these monks focused on the ground and the corners of the walls when they were patrolling, and basically they would not look up at the sky above them stupidly, so although their protection was very tight, Kong Qing still managed to follow the map and came to the The abode courtyard where the high-level people on the south side of the temple lived.

"Let Pindao take a look, this is..."

Suspended in the sky, Kong Qing's body was slowly moving in the air, his gaze swept across the door plates in front of the abode in the courtyard one by one, while complaining in his heart. .

"...The House of Laymen! It's not what I'm looking for. This is...the House of the Demon King's Giving. What kind of stupid name is this? Is the relationship between the Buddha and the Demon King so good? The Courtyard of the Twelve Karmas... ...Oh! This house number is written on it, and it is almost ready to be used as a couplet...Here, Zhishizhiyuan, this is it!"

Kong Qing's body drew an arc in the air, and landed directly on the eaves of Zhishi Zhiyuan. Then he poked his head out cautiously, and looked down.

"Fuck me, there's no one there. Where did this monk Fazheng go?"

Kong Qing raised his head, looked left and right cautiously, and his gaze soon fell on a nearby abode that was lit with lights.

"Forget it, let's go to this place with lights first and then talk about it..."

The bamboo dragonfly above the head turned silently, and Kong Qing's body also flew up lightly again, leaning towards the direction of this abode.

Probably because the weather is a bit stuffy now, the windows of this brightly lit abode are all wide open. Kong Qing looked in through the window, and was surprised to find that there were ten people sitting in this abode. A bald...monk.


The person who spoke was a monk with three long beards and a handsome face. He looked like a famous monk. "The thief Fu Yi has written letters many times now, slandering my Buddha with evil words, and slowing me down as a monk. This matter can no longer be tolerated."

"Master Falin is right, this matter is indeed beyond endurance,"

A benevolent old monk sitting next to this handsome monk nodded with a serious face.

"I want everyone to know that the old monk heard what Pei Sikong said yesterday, after reading the memorial Fu Yi's bandit recently made, the sage was actually thoughtful, and was still in a daze when he was having a banquet with Pei Sikong. It seems to be moving."

After hearing what the old monk said, the dozen or so monks present looked at each other, and their faces became a little ugly.

It is not good news that His Majesty's memorial in Fu Yi has moved.

"So the poor monk has already decided..."

The handsome middle-aged monk said with a determined face. "The poor monk wants to publicly write a letter to refute the thief Fu Yi. He is determined not to let this thief continue to bewitch with rumors and ruin my reputation as a monk."


After hearing the words of several monks, Kong Qing, who was hiding and eavesdropping, felt refreshed.

"Who is this monk? How dare he openly confront Fu Yi, an anti-Buddhist fighter?"

With a thought of Kong Qing, an identification technique was thrown on this handsome middle-aged monk.

Name: Falin (the lay name is Chen Lin)

Age: 50 years old
In the past: He became a monk when he was young, traveled around Jinling and Chuying, and studied classics at home and abroad.In the 14th year of Sui Kaihuang, he lived in seclusion in Guigu Cave of Qingxi Mountain. He once wrote "The Story of Qingxi Mountain", which is beautifully written.In the early years of Yining, in order to spy on the reality of the Taoist sect, he wore a scarf and joined the Taoist sect, and returned to Buddhism in the second year of Wude.

Now: Because Fu Yi's "Please Abolish the Table of Buddhist Laws" and "Eleven Articles of Benefiting the Country and the Civil Affairs" have shaken the foundation of Buddhism, he decided to join the eminent monks in Chang'an City to publicly write an article to refute it.He also composed an essay "A Revelation to Fu Yi's Abandonment of Buddhist Monks".

Future: Continue to write the volume of "Baoxielun", refute Fu Yi by citing the words of Confucian Lao advocating Buddhism. Qin Shiying reported defamation of Li Yuan and Li Shimin's ancestors. Falin was arrested by Li Shimin and moved to Yizhou. She died in the 13th year of Zhenguan!

Major: "Mahaparinirvana Sutra"

Cultivation: To prove the fruit of Anahan, which is equivalent to the high stage of foundation building.

Kong Qing looked at this handsome monk with a look of surprise.

Damn, it turns out that this person is the famous Dharma protector Monk Falin in the Tang Dynasty?

Speaking of this monk Falin, he was really an expert who could not be avoided in the religious circles in the history of the early Tang Dynasty...

Since the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, this monk Falin devoted his whole life to a magnificent career, that is: defeating the demon Fu Yi, overthrowing evil ways, and letting the royal family of Li and Tang continue to respect Buddhism.

For this purpose, he can put on the clothes of a Taoist priest and go undercover in the Taoist sect, face the threat of the emperor, fight unremittingly throughout his life, and even sacrifice heroically in the end.

That's right, Monk Falin is the kind of expert who died nine times without regret for the sake of morality.

But Kong Qing felt that he was just a fool!
For example, in the past few years, His Majesty Li Yuan has publicized everywhere that the Supreme Lord has shown his holiness, and publicly stated that Li Yuan is the descendant of the Old Lord Li Er, and no one said a word...

But only monk Falin jumped out and shouted, nonsense!

Could it be that other people really think that Li Yuan is the descendant of Laojun Li Er?
That's pure nonsense, and anyone with a normal mind knows what's going on.

Because His Majesty Li Yuan is now surnamed Li Ah, he had to give himself a great ancestor to prove that he was of noble blood and that he had a basis for ruling the people.

But the strong-headed monk Falin just didn't take the usual path. He researched Li Yuan's ancestors very well, and announced the results, telling Li Yuan, Your Majesty, you are not Li Er's descendants at all. Qiwang has nothing to do with it, so you can't mistake Lao Tzu Li Er as your ancestor, you are not the same people at all.

You don't know why?
Of course it's because your surname is Ohno, you are a barbarian!

What, you said that Da Ye was given the surname by Xianbei people in order to win over your family. Is your surname really Li?

Don't talk about it, you are the Li family of Yinshan, but you are actually a Hu, you see, we all remember it in our Buddhist books, you are a Hu, that's right!
That's right, Monk Falin is such an awesome person.

"But Pindao doesn't know that this monk Falin is actually a practicing monk..."

Kong Qing looked at Monk Falin's high-level foundation building cultivation on the panel, and silently bent down to hide himself.

"Moreover, an eminent monk who has already certified the status of Anahan, which is equivalent to the high level of foundation building, and can become an arhat if he goes one step further, will die of illness in more than ten years... Hiss!"

Kong Qing took a deep breath, the water inside is very deep!
After Great Monk Falin finished speaking, the rest of the monks in the meeting also nodded.

"Sincerely, Master Falin really deserves to be my Dharma protector."

A monk with a round figure clasped his hands together and said with reverence. "I believe that after Master Falin sets things right, today will definitely be able to realize the mistakes of the past and make amends for the better!"


Kong Qing, who was hiding in the corner, almost gasped again, and quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

Are these monks talking so fiercely, even directly saying that Li Yuan suddenly realized his past mistakes and changed his past for the better?

Who do you think His Majesty Li Yuan is...

Emperor Wu of Liang?

"Hey, this thing seems to be messed up..."

After hearing these monks' words, Kong Qing rolled his eyes, and silently took out a recording pen from the middle of the demon refining pot.

From now on, please call Pindao paparazzi Qing.

"Difficult, difficult, difficult! According to what Pei Sikong said yesterday, when the sage was drinking and having fun, he specifically asked Pei Sikong about the number of Buddhist temples in Chang'an, especially the number of lands and the decorations in the Buddhist temples... "

The benevolent old monk sitting next to Monk Falin shook his head and said with a heavy face.

"From the old monk's point of view, because of years of wars and the emptiness of the national treasury, His Majesty seems to have been waiting for me... No, His Majesty has already been tempted by the savings of the entire Buddhist sect."

"What does the emptiness of his family's treasury have to do with my monk..."

A red-faced monk sitting on the other side of the room was filled with righteous indignation when he heard these words. "Hu'er is Hu'er, when something happens, he knows how to steal!"

Kong Qing lying outside covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes were about to light up.

I didn't expect that I just took out the recording pen, and the opposite party sent this kind of shocking information...

Hu'er knows how to steal!
It's too awesome, except for Monk Falin, these monks are also awesome!

No wonder the writer Liu Bei in his previous life dared to write in his book that these monks held Heshibi to replace the Lord of Heaven?

This is a prototype!
(End of this chapter)

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