Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 824 12 points are like soldiers, 45 points are like generals

Chapter 824 One or two points are like soldiers, and four or five points are like generals
In the north of the gloomy and gloomy land, there is a mountain peak covered with all kinds of weird forest trees with claws and claws. The stern wind shuttles back and forth in the forest, making a sound like whimpering. On the stele, the word "Beimang" can be vaguely seen on it.

"Passing leisurely down the Beimang Mountain, the junipers and pines invade the sky, and the gloomy clouds cover the peaks..."

Along with the sound of chanting, a handsome Taoist priest in white was carrying a Guqin and an ancient tripod-shaped sword on his back, and walked leisurely in the eerie forest of Nether Beimang Mountain.

"This is really a good place for ghosts to live in, don't you think, General Li Tian?"

After the white-clothed Taoist's voice fell, there was no reply from the woods, only the sound of the cold wind blowing through the woods, which seemed to be crying or screaming.

Although no one answered at all, there was no embarrassment on the Taoist priest's face in white. He tilted his head and looked narrowly at a big tree not far from him that could be embraced by three or five people. Tooth smile.

"General Litian, do you think you can hide the truth from the poor by disguising yourself as a tree?"

There was still no answer in the arena, a gust of wind blew by, and the branches and leaves of the big tree in front of Kong Qing began to rustle.


Kong Qing sighed pretentiously, and then slapped the scabbard on his back with his backhand.

"It seems that General Li Tian escaped, forget it, Pindao just cut down a tree, go back and make a piece of furniture, cut it!"

The next moment, a sword light cut towards the big tree in front of Kong Qing like a frightened bird.

Just when Jian Guang was about to hit the big tree, the side of the big tree squirmed for a while, protruding out a thick arm, holding a huge spear, and came up to Jian Guang .

At the same time, the trunk of this big tree twisted for a while, and a hideous and terrifying human face appeared in the front, back, left, and right positions, showing four expressions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

Then, the four faces on the big tree opened their mouths at the same time, making the voices of children, young people, middle-aged people, and old people, overlapping and merging together, very terrifying.

"You damn Taoist..."

Before the words were finished, the sword light shot by Kong Qing had already struck the spear held by General Dashu, and there was a resounding sound of metal and iron clanging.

"You are a living person, why do you want to interfere with the affairs of the dead?"

"General Litian, your question is so unreasonable..."

Kong Qing, a Taoist priest in white, flicked his finger, and the sword light of Gu Chenjian was like a swimming fish, passing by the side of the huge spear, and then the sword trembled, and a sword energy shot out from the ancient sword, It hit the angry face of General Dashu directly.


Amid General Dashu's mournful shout, Kong Qing continued with a smile.

"When you harmed that seven-year-old girl in Beimang Mountain, you didn't think that the dead can interfere with the world. Why? Only you, a ghost, can bully the living, so the living can't bully you? Cut! "

Before he finished speaking, Gu Chenjian's sword light had already made another bend and cut down from the other side, and the big tree general with four faces raised his spear again to block.


Just when Gu Chenjian's sword light fell on the spear again, the people present heard a slight sound, and then the general Dashu was surprised to see that the huge spear in his hand was taken by the opponent The sword light cut everything in two.

"Do not……"

Amidst the panicked shouts of the big tree general, the sword light of Gu Chenjian had fallen again, cutting on his thick tree trunk, and then there was another click, and the armor on his body seemed to be like bark It broke again under the light of the sword, and Gu Chen's sword smashed into the center of the big tree like a bamboo.


Kong Qing blinked silently!
The luck of this Great General Litian is really not ordinary, unexpectedly, the condition on his Guchen sword that "when it collides with other weapons, there is a certain chance to cut off the opponent" was hit by him one after another. Second-rate……

Is this a self-defeating act of injustice?

As Gu Chen entered his body, the huge body of the big tree general suddenly froze for a moment, and a quartet of miserable screams came from his four mouths, front, back, left, and right, and then Kong Qing saw his Gu Chen sword The white sword light had already lit up in his mouth.

As the sword light transformed by Gu Chen's sword flew out of the mouth of the big tree general, after the huge tree shook twice, it fell to the ground like a jade pillar pushed down from a golden mountain, shaking the nearby ground Had to tremble a bit.



A hidden sword light streaked across the Netherland, and landed on a cliff near the Nether Beimang Mountain, and then the sword light faded away, revealing Kong Qing's handsome figure.


After seeing Kong Qing appear, the judge Wei Zheng who had been waiting here immediately took a step forward.

"The Great General Li Tian..."

"The head has been conferred!"

Kong Qing nodded towards Wei Zheng with a smile on his face, and continued.

"You can send someone to move out all the ghosts in his territory and make them registered as Qimin..."

"Thank you real man!"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Wei Zheng bowed his hands to him with excitement.

"As soon as General Litian dies, there will be no more powerful ghosts in the whole of Beimang. You really have immeasurable merit!"

"Ha ha!"

Kong Qing chuckled, turned his head to look at the Youming Beimang Mountain behind him, and said with a meaningful expression.

"Judge Wei, don't speak too harshly...Pindao suggests that you first find a few dead Turkic ghosts to go to Beimang Mountain to explore the way. It is said that without investigation, you have no right to speak, right?"


Wei Zheng paused for a moment, then nodded immediately.

"Renren, do you mean that you found other ghost kings in Beiman Mountain?"

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows!"

Kong Qing hooked the corner of his mouth casually, and continued.

"By the way! Judge Wei, how is the selection of Yin soldiers these days?"

"Don't worry, Daoist!"

Wei Zheng's face turned serious, and he replied without hesitation.

"I didn't delay at all, and now I have roughly sifted through Haoli Mountain. After half a month at most, I will definitely be able to gather the [-] Yin soldiers you want."


After a soft sound, Kong Qing's figure had already appeared beside the furnace of will in the realm of the pot.

At this time, on the side of the furnace of will, two foreman foxes wearing hard hats are solemnly directing a group of delicate maids to carry baskets of iron ore towards the assembly line of the furnace; At the console below, Twenty Niang was holding the Heart of Thunder with one hand, and with the other hand, she was proficiently poking on the operation interface...

And on the other side of the furnace of will, one by one with expressionless faces, looking at the contours of their eyebrows and eyes somewhat similar to Kong Qing, armored soldiers wearing two armors have already come out of the furnace of will in a neat line .


Kong Qing nodded silently!
Is that right...

He is not an unreasonable person, he is not unreasonable, he can tolerate a little bit of eyebrows and eyes, but if all the Taoist soldiers look exactly like him, then it is not appropriate!

After all, these Dao soldiers will be consumables in the future, so he can't let the real Qingwei watch himself die again and again on the battlefield, right?

"The number of Dao soldiers today has reached the standard!"

Before Kong Qing had time to praise Erniang for her work, Erniang stretched out her hand and swiped lightly on the operating table of the Furnace of Will, instantly replacing another template.

"Start producing special soldiers..."

Hearing the words "Special Taoist Soldiers", Kong Qing immediately felt a bad premonition.

"Twenty Niang, wait a moment!"


Ten seconds later, Kong Qing looked at the armored soldier on the operating table who was at least four or five points similar to himself, but he was wearing bright light armor instead of double armor, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Twenty Niang, what is this special Taoist soldier?"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, Twenty Niang's face suddenly revealed a look of surprise.

"My lord, don't you know? This is the Dao soldier designed for you by Mrs. Shangyuan herself. This kind of Dao soldier is different from the previous ones. It adds some materials that you carry with you in the fairy world, so it is stronger than the previous Dao soldier. , and easier to control! Mrs. Taiyin said that these Taoist soldiers are used for officers like captains and captains!"

"That's not what Pindao asked!"

Kong Qing tapped the face of the three-dimensional projection on the operating table expressionlessly.

"Didn't the poor Taoist tell you not to use the poor Taoist face as a Taoist soldier? Why is this one still so similar?"

"This one……"

Twenty Niang puffed her chest out and replied confidently.

"Because Mrs. Shangyuan felt that the previous Taoist soldiers were made by Mrs. Taiyin, she was not very satisfied, so she pinched one out by herself. When our sisters asked about you, the Lord, you agreed straight away. Follow us Sisters have nothing to do with it!"


Kong Qing frowned slightly and waved his hand.

"Forget it! Twenty Niang, get out of the way first, Rong Pindao will search..."

As he spoke, Kong Qing raised his hand to take the Heart of Thunder and started to rummage through the manipulator. However, after he only retrieved the stored creation template, he froze...

In addition to the templates that come with iron dwarves and mogu before, there are now nearly fifty new templates in it, and each of them is almost very similar to myself, and there are more than forty more detailed ones. Like a replica of myself.

Some are wearing Taoist robes, some are wearing Tang suits, some are wearing Hanfu, and some are wearing nothing at all. As for long hair, short hair, loose hair, tied hair, beard, no beard, etc. ...

Kong Qing stretched out his hand silently, and squeezed the space between his brows.

very good……

Those who are one or two points like me are soldiers, those who are four or five points like generals, and those who are eight or nine points or even more like female fairies are waiting for their skills!

That makes sense...what the hell!

The next moment, Kong Qing stretched out his hand and deleted all his figure templates with a crackling operation, and then pulled over the template of the special Taoist soldier who was four or five points similar to himself, and directly added it to each of them. A pair of hideous and terrifying visors.

"Okay, twenty mothers, from now on, the special Taoist soldiers will be produced in this way!"


Twenty Niang agreed, and then asked cautiously.

"However, my lord, do you want to make up a mask for those special Taoist soldiers produced before?"

"This one……"

Kong Qing pondered for a moment, then continued.

"There is no need for the furnace of will to produce. When the time comes, you can find a blacksmith shop in Chang'an and mend a mask for each of them!"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, Twenty Niang replied in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

"My lord, there were quite a lot of production before, and a blacksmith shop should be too busy!"

"A lot..."

Kong Qing raised his head and asked suspiciously.

"How many exactly?"


A few minutes later, Kong Qing stood at the foot of a nearby mountain, looking at himself densely packed and neatly in front of him, just like Qin Shihuang's terracotta warriors, he blinked silently!

 General Litian is a story mentioned in the novel "Ling Guizhi" written by a scholar surnamed Xun in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The general idea of ​​the story is that there is a family who goes to work in the fields every day, leaving only a seven-year-old girl Then they found that the little girl was getting thinner and thinner. After asking all kinds of questions, the little girl said that every day after the family members went to the ground, there would be a giant general Litian who was more than ten feet tall and had four faces. The little girl ate it from the top and pulled it out from the bottom, and he also coerced the little girl not to tell other people, and if she told others, he would eat her forever. gone!

Mengxin thinks that if you put aside the cloak of ghosts, it should tell a story about a pedophile persecuting a little girl. If you are interested, Mengxin can give you a detailed analysis in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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