Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 84

Chapter 84
"Okay! From now on, you will be a disciple of the Inner Alchemy Sect, my apprentice of Qingxiazi..."

After holding Kong Qing down and kowtowing a few times, Qingxiazi Su Yuanlang nodded in satisfaction, and with a wave of his robe sleeves, Kong Qing's body involuntarily stood up from the ground again.

Then, Qingxiazi stretched out her sleeves, holding a tripod-shaped jade pendant made of jade in her claw-like hands.

"This is a token of my inner alchemy sect, please keep it!"

The corner of Kong Qing's mouth twitched, silently pulled out the white jade whisk on his back, and brushed off the dust that didn't exist on his body, without any intention of taking the other party's jade pendant.

That's right, although Kong Qing himself didn't resist finding a good teacher, he still couldn't accept being held down and kowtowed to be a teacher.

And most importantly, you can kowtow to me, but can you force me to become a teacher?

"Apprentice, do you really don't want it?"

Qingxiazi shook the jade pendant in her hand, and said in a seductive tone. "This jade pendant is not just a keepsake, it also contains a part of the power of the old way. Once activated, even the demon king will be seriously injured."

Kong Qing contemptuously swept the jade pendant in Qingxiazi's hand, still silently dusting off the non-existent dust.

he!How could Kong Qing, a master of Xuanmen with strong bones, bend his waist for these five buckets of rice, let alone a jade pendant, even if there are ten or eight won't work!

"Well, the matter of apprenticeship just now is indeed that the old man was too eager..."

After seeing that Kong Qing didn't pick up his jade pendant at all, Qing Xiazi took her hand back and smiled awkwardly.

"My Taoist school is different from the Shamen. The seeds of true cultivation are rather lacking than excessive. Only people with great blessings and great aptitude can enter the Tao. Since you and Taoist Xuancheng can comprehend the wonderful way from my Taoism of the Danding Sect, build it yourself. Ji, it can be seen that you are indeed a rare genius..."

Kong Qing continued to dust, along the hem of the robe all the way to his back, without saying a word, making a silent resistance.

What's wrong with geniuses, geniuses are inferior to others, are they forced to apprentice by others?

You, Qingxiazi, are a Taoist expert, not the leader of the Demon Sect!
Seeing Kong Qing's silent appearance, Qingxiazi scratched her head, feeling a little troubled.

"Actually, the old Taoist came here today only at the request of Princess Pingyang, and gave you a self-defense item to prevent you from being harmed by some demons who sneaked into Chang'an City. And just now the old Taoist forced you to kowtow, because you already have a master , so the old man is worried that you are not willing to join my Danding faction, so..."

"Master Qingxia doesn't need to say anything!"

Kong Qing raised his whisk and said calmly.

"Xiaodao is not considered a genius, and he has no intention of admiring the inner alchemy sect and Master Qingxia. Therefore, if you love talent and not love talent, you don't need to mention it. The few kowtows just now are Xiaodao's respect for Master Qingxia You are more than 100 years old, as for joining the Danding Sect, please don't mention it again."

That's right, Kong Qing just wanted to be tough on Qingxiazi...

As for whether the other party will become angry from embarrassment and raise his hand to kill him, Kong Qing is not worried at all.

Because a Taoist priest with more than 100 merit points can't do this kind of thing.

Still the same sentence, he, Qingxiazi, is a Taoist expert, not the leader of the Demon Sect!

As for other things, can Princess Pingyang really allow herself, who is somewhat kind to her, to be bullied by Tai Shiling of the Tang Dynasty?
Sure enough, after hearing what Kong Qing said, Qingxiazi suddenly didn't know what to do.

In his past days, it was always those Taoist priests who were dedicated to the Tao who wanted to worship him as a teacher. He had never encountered a situation where he wanted to accept an apprentice but was rejected.

He turned his head and glanced at Princess Pingyang next to him, and made a pleading wink.

Princess Pingyang sighed slightly, then walked up.

"Xiao Qingwei, what the old god did just now may indeed be a little inappropriate, but you and Xuancheng have learned the old god's decree and Taoism after all. To a certain extent, you are indeed a member of the inner alchemy sect. people……"

Before Princess Pingyang finished speaking, Kong Qing said indifferently.

"It's okay, I can change to another practice!"

"Nonsense! Can this thing be changed randomly?"

Before Princess Pingyang could speak, Qingxiazi on the side had already stepped forward.

"What does it mean to enter the Tao and build a foundation? It means that after you enter the Tao, your foundation has already been established. At this time, if you change the cultivation method, you will make no progress at all, or the foundation will collapse..."

"It doesn't matter..."

Kong Qing still had a calm expression on his face.

"If the road foundation is destroyed, just build another one!"


Qingxiazi pointed at Kong Qing with a depressed face.

"Once the Dao Foundation is achieved, it can't be changed again, how can it be possible to build another one."

"That's because others can't do it, so maybe I can't do it either!"

Kong Qing still turned back unceremoniously, moreover he was justified.

That's right, with the system standing behind him, Kong Qing absolutely didn't believe that a mere road-based problem couldn't be solved by himself.

"Xiao Qingwei, don't be angry..."

Princess Pingyang comforted the angry Qingxiazi standing beside her with her eyes, and then touched Kong Qing's head with her hand. "Although the old god's actions just now were reckless, they were indeed well intentioned."

Kong Qing silently glanced at Princess Pingyang without rebuttal.

That's right, he knew that Qingxiazi had good intentions just now, and he also knew that Qingxiazi was indeed eager for love. He also knew that in the society of the early Tang Dynasty, kowtow was just a normal etiquette, not some unbearable shame...

Neon politicians are still kneeling on the TV in a hurry after 1000 years!

But the problem is that Kong Qing can't accept it!
Although he came to the early Tang Dynasty, Kong Qing was still a modern person who was used to equality for everyone.

You want to accept me as a disciple, as long as I agree, you can!

You want me to kowtow to you, as long as I agree, that's fine!

But I didn't agree, so you just force it, no!

Looking at the handsome little Taoist priest in front of him, Qing Xiazi really wanted to just throw away his hand and walk away.

But no matter what he thought in his heart, he just couldn't move this leg.

As the situation of Li Tang's domination of the world becomes more and more obvious, it is foreseeable that Taoism will definitely become more prosperous in the coming years than before.

But the problem is that the prosperity of the Daoist sect does not necessarily equal the prosperity of the Danding sect...

Now there is a Qihui in Louguan Taoism, who has already become a Taoist real person at a young age, and this time when Li Tang raised his troops, he was very unique, donating money and food at the expense of his family, now Li Tang sees to rule the world, The prosperity of Louguan Dao can be said to be just around the corner.

Not to mention the Shangqing faction, since Tao Hongjing’s formation, there have been generations of talented people, and now the Shangqing lord Wang Yuanzhi is even more popular. Sending talismans to Li Yuan secretly, playing bets on both sides is easy and comfortable, and now he is also very trusted by His Majesty Li Yuan.

Moreover, after Wang Yuanzhi, rising stars such as Pan Shizheng, Xu Daomiao, Chen Yu, and Wang Gui have appeared in the next generation of the Shangqing School, and the glory of the Shangqing School seems to be predictable.

Not to mention the Zhanyan faction, now Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng, master and apprentice, have already gained fame and wandered among the powerful and powerful in Chang'an...

But on the other hand, his Danding faction is not the case.

Up to now, apart from his Qingxia son Su Yuanlang, the whole faction can only take two or three big cats, such as Xu Ze, Kong Daomao, etc., and it doesn't matter whether it is Xu Ze or Kong Daomao. , are not young anymore, they are all of the same generation as Wang Yuanzhi...

That's right, now the Inner Alchemy School has fallen into a period of failure.

He, Qingxiazi, who is a generation higher than Wang Yuanzhi, a Taoist master, why did he come to Li Tang from Lingnan to serve as Taishiling at the age of more than 100? Isn't it just to expand the influence of the Inner Alchemy School? Let's take a look at Chang'an Can you find some good seedlings?

As a result, I finally met a young Taoist priest who was talented enough to practice without the guidance of a master, but he was anxious, and after knocking down his head a few times, he turned his face on the other side!

The old Taoist priest Su Yuanlang is feeling depressed for a while now...

Old Daoist, I want to teach you Taoism, but I don’t look for some disgusting tests like other sects, such as letting you eat shit. What's wrong with you kowtowing a few times, is it difficult?
is it hard!
I really want to just leave without paying attention!

But it really can't, the Danding faction can't hold it anymore, if I miss this little Taoist priest today, Qingxiazi doesn't know how long it will take for him to find another candidate with such good aptitude and understanding.

I have worked hard for decades, is it possible that in the end it was just to make the Danding faction go away?
This is already my last obsession...

"Well, this matter is something that the old man did wrong..."

For the inheritance of the Danding School, Qingxiazi gritted her teeth and stood up.

"Then tell yourself, what do you need an experienced person to do, so that you are willing to join my Danding faction sincerely?"

"How to do it?"

Kong Qing sneered.

"Is what Pindao said useful? Could it be that if I told Master Qingxia, you can drink it back for me?"

"This is what you said……"

Just when Kong Qing finished speaking, Qing Xiazi lifted her Taoist robe without hesitation, and simply knelt down.

(End of this chapter)

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