Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 857 Qingxia Valley is the exercise venue of the Taishi Bureau, no trespassing is allowed

Chapter 857 Qingxia Valley is the exercise venue of the Taishi Bureau, no trespassing is allowed

"What did you say?"

Half an hour later, Li Guozhi, who was still braking quietly near the Qingxia Valley in Luofu Mountain and was about to strike later, heard some news from his disciple Liu Aidao that surprised him.

"The entire Qingxia Valley is now heavily guarded, as if facing an enemy...and there are metal puppets walking everywhere?"

"No way!"

After hearing this news, the Dixianyuan Daoda who just laughed at Liu Aidao for not understanding the common sense of Dixiandujie suddenly felt a little incredible.

Then, he casually drew a circle in the air, and cast the circular light technique.

"It's clear that Qingxia Valley is still empty, right?"

"That's an illusion, it's a cover-up they deliberately made..."

After seeing the scene displayed in the round light technique, Liu Aidao immediately said eagerly.

"Someone only discovered this secret when he walked very close. Now Qingxiazi must have started to survive the catastrophe in the Luofu cave, otherwise he would not have put on such an appearance as if he was facing a big enemy."

"Qingxiazi is not good at spells, how could he cast illusions that even some immortals can't see through..."

After hearing Liu Aidao's words, another Earth Immortal of the Shangqing sect said euphemistically beside him.

"Could it be Nephew Aidao, you misread it?"

"of course not!"

Liu Aidao pointed to the sky and swore to the sun, and said sincerely. ,

"What I said just now is what I saw with my own eyes. If you don't believe me, you can go to Qingxia Valley with me to find out!"


Seeing Liu Aidao's insistence, the earth immortals present silently glanced at each other.

"Aidao is a disciple of a certain person!"

At this moment, Li Guozhi slowly stood up from the stone and straightened his robe.

"I believe that he won't lie to me. It seems that the old thief Qingxia really tried his best to overcome the catastrophe this time. It was still Ai Dao who saw through the mechanism!"

Then, Li Guozhi waved his hand and said in an unquestionable tone.

"Let's go to Qingxia Valley now. If it's true what Aidao said, then I will directly attack, rush into the Luofu secret realm, and kill the old Qingxia thief. At worst, I will have to reborn him and fail!"

After hearing Li Guozhi's words, the rest of the "old friends" of the Shangqing faction who talked with Qingxiazi stood up immediately.

"it is good!"


A quarter of an hour later, these earth immortals of the Shangqing Sect rushed from the periphery of Luofu to the front of Qingxia Valley.

Sure enough, outside the Qingxia Valley, what they saw was the silence in the Qingxia Valley, without any movement at all, but when they entered the Qingxia Valley, the situation was completely different.

Countless huge steel puppets are densely packed like a dense forest, neatly arranged along the rock wall from the entrance of Qingxia Valley to the cave of Qingxia Valley, which is the entrance to the Luofu Secret Realm.All of these steel puppets are equipped with a huge sword, a strange looking weapon with an iron pipe on the front end, which is held in their hands.

After seeing Li Guozhi appearing with the people, there was a bang, and all the steel puppets stood up, and their almost identical handsome faces all turned in their direction in an instant.

"All right!"

Just after these steel puppets discovered the invading Li Guozhi and the others, and all got up, a Taoist priest in white who was sitting at the entrance of the Luofu Secret Realm and commanding suddenly sighed silently.

"Now all the little tricks are over, and the rest is the real battle of strength. I hope these guys who want to destroy Qingxia Daoist will like the surprise that Pindao prepared for them!"

As he spoke, the Taoist priest in white cleared his throat, reached out and picked up a microphone from in front of him, and then his voice began to echo over the Qingxia Valley.

"Starting today, the Taishi Bureau will hold a three-day live-fire simulation exercise in Qingxia Valley! During this period, Qingxia Valley will temporarily become a military forbidden area, and all visitors will be declined. Anyone who trespasses without authorization will be regarded as a provocative act by the Taishi Bureau , All the consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the intruder himself. I hope you will take care of yourselves, and it is nothing to say that the poor are not predicting!"


After hearing this widely publicized voice, Earth Immortal Yuan Daoda, who was already a little angry because of being deceived by the circle light technique, snorted coldly.

"The one who is speaking is Qingxiazi's so-called heir Qingwei. He also said 'don't say it's unexpected'. Today, a certain person is going to enter the Luofu secret realm in front of him. What can he do to me!"

As he said that, Yuan Daoda jumped up, and with a flash of his body, he shot towards the Qingxia Cave in the distance

Just when Yuan Daoda stood up, Li Guozhi and the others saw that the metal puppets had already picked up the thing with the thick iron pipe in their hands and pointed at Yuan Daoda's figure.Then there was a sound like popping beans from the iron pipe in the hands of these metal puppets, and countless things that looked like cylinders shot out of these iron pipes.

Although a cylindrical thing is not very big, it can't support the large number of puppets on the opposite side. Under this round of salvo, it is equivalent to directly using this cylindrical thing to weave an airtight net in the air. Similarly, it is inevitable for Yuan Daoda, who bears the brunt, to avoid it.



The next moment, Li Guozhi and the others saw countless blood flowers blooming from Yuan Daoda's body, and his figure that was shooting forward also became sluggish. It fell from the air and hit the ground with a plop.

From the original Daoda to the opponent being shot down, there is only less than 100 meters of distance in between!
Seeing that Yuan Daoda was shot down, Li Guozhi exclaimed, and in a flash, his body appeared beside Yuan Daoda.

"Junior Brother Yuan, how are you..."

Before Li Guozhi finished speaking, a huge sense of crisis appeared in his heart. Because of the precedent of Yuan Daoda, Li Guozhi immediately understood that it should be that he was also used by those metal puppets. A strange weapon was attacked.

Unlike Yuan Daoda, when he felt a crisis in his heart, Li Guozhi immediately set up a shield without thinking about it.


Just when the shield had been propped up, Li Guozhi heard the sound of those mechanical puppets shooting in the distance. At the same time, he also felt that his shield had been struck countless times continuously. The second time, the shield he hit was crumbling, as if it would disintegrate at any moment.

'No, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time! '

Li Guozhi is indeed Tao Hongjing's younger brother, and he has accurately judged the situation at that time, so he grabbed Yuan Daoda who was lying on the ground, and with a flash of his body, he answered the entrance of Qingxia Valley again place.

"Brother Yuan, how are you doing?"

"It's okay!"

Yuan Daoda, who was dragged back by him, waved his hand tremblingly.

"It's all skin trauma, let Rong take some medicine, and he should be fine tomorrow!"

"That's good!"

Hearing that Yuan Daoda was fine, Li Guozhi also heaved a sigh of relief, and then he turned his head to look at the puppet soldiers who looked oppressive in front of him.

"Unexpectedly, after decades of being in the world of mortals, that Qingxiazi who believes in only essence and purity, and who does not pretend to be foreign objects, actually started to follow these heresy ways, and even recruited a Yanshi who can make such a powerful puppet..."

"So what..."

After hearing Li Guozhi's words, another Earth Immortal with a long sword behind his back said indifferently.

"On this point, I feel that the old thief Qingxia is right. After all, things like puppets are foreign objects. How can they compare with a certain level of cultivation! I don't believe that when a certain person is protecting himself with a sword, these puppets are still there. What can I do to someone!"

Before the words fell, the Earth Immortal had already drawn his sword, and the sword was united, and the sword light flew towards the direction of Qingxia Cave.

Just when the Earth Immortal jumped up, Li Guozhi and the others saw a steel puppet with the same face as the puppets around him, but more refined and handsome, coming out of Qingxia Cave in the distance. He also held a weapon in his hand that was somewhat similar to the iron pipes in the hands of the other puppets, but had a different shape and sparkled with electric light.

Stab it!

After the new puppet walked out of the cave, he raised his hands without hesitation and pointed the gleaming weapon at the Sword Immortal in the sky. After a flash of lightning, a bolt of lightning shot out from the weapon in his hand, striking Hit the sword fairy who was flying on the imperial sword.


At the same time, following an unknown call, guided by the lightning shot out by the new puppet, a real lightning fell from the lead-black cloud in the sky, striking the Sword Immortal almost simultaneously.

After a loud noise, the sword fairy could no longer control his sword light, and fell from the sky and fell to the ground.


At this time, the rest of the puppets raised their weapons one after another, aiming at the sword fairy who fell to the ground. After a series of loud noises, the sword fairy who hadn't recovered from the lightning was instantly beaten became a sieve.

"Junior Brother Fang!"

Li Guozhi almost jumped up in surprise when he saw that the sword fairy was covered in blood from being beaten by the puppets, but the next moment, he saw the blood-covered sword fairy standing up tenaciously again, with his hands in his hands. Wielding his long sword to block bullets from all directions, he dashed back towards the Taniguchi of Qingxia Valley with rare agile movements.

"Brother Li, don't worry!"

At this time, Yuan Daoda, who had just given himself medicine to stop the bleeding, said quietly.

"Qingxiazi is still as good as before. The weapons of those puppets look scary, but in fact that's the case. Fang Gongxu will definitely be fine..."

"All invaders!"

Before Yuan Daoda finished speaking, the voice that spoke before sounded in the air again.

"Pindao once again reiterates that Qingxia Valley is a military restricted area where our Taishi Bureau conducts weapon experiments. All personnel are not allowed to enter without permission. Otherwise, all consequences will be borne by the intruder himself. Don't say it's unexpected!"

(End of this chapter)

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