Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 97 Meng Rang, you also said that you did not collude with Wang Bo's henchmen

Chapter 97 Meng Rang, you also said that you did not collude with Wang Bo's henchmen

Before dawn, Kong Qing had already appeared on the roof of a certain side hall of Zhuangyan Temple.

At this time, the Zhuangyan Temple was full of people, and most of the monks had already woken up and washed, and were heading to the main hall for morning classes, and the monks in the temple had already started practicing hahaha.

"How many days has it been, this guy Meng Rang still has so many bodyguards..."

Kong Qing touched his chin with his hand, and looked down at a fat middle-aged monk surrounded by a group of monks. "How many unreasonable things did this bastard do, afraid of death?"

That's right, since Kong Qing promised Zhishilang Wang Bo to send his good brother Meng Rang down to accompany him, Kong Qing would visit Zhuangyan Temple irregularly every day during this time.

But I don't know if Meng Rang, who has become a monk of Fazheng, has eaten something indigestible. No matter day or night, he always has a dozen or so burly men around him, even when he is out of court.

Simply insane!
Kong Qing wanted to give him a shot with Yujian, but he was also worried that if he couldn't succeed with one strike, what if Meng Rang was transferred to the ancestral home of the Fa Hua Sect by these monks of the Fa Hua Sect?
Now I can't even beat the solemn temple in the front.

"Hey, what is that?"

Just when Kong Qing was thinking about how to get Meng Rang out of the Zhuangyan Temple and kill him, he suddenly saw a man in a black suit appearing in front of Meng Rang with an angry expression on his face.


The man pointed Meng Rang with his finger very rudely. "My General Dou asked you to lure Wang Bo and his henchmen out, but what do you do every day?"

"Namo Miaoguang Bodhisattva!"

Monk Fazheng clasped his hands together, as if he didn't understand the other party's words at all. "The poor monk doesn't understand what you mean, General, isn't the poor monk following General Dou's orders?"

"You bring so many guards every day, do you think Wang Bo or his henchmen dare to trouble you?"

"The reason why the poor monk brought these monks is just to take down Wang Bo or his henchmen immediately when they appear." Monk Fazheng clasped his hands together and replied righteously. "I ask the general to be discerning about this point..."


The man in the black suit gritted his teeth fiercely and glared at him. "I think you, Meng Rang, can't let go of that traitor Wang Bo, so you want to use this method to remind Wang Bo to run away quickly."

"how is this possible?"

Monk Fazheng clasped his hands together, with a solemn look on his face.

"The past has passed away with the flowing water. The poor monk has put down the butcher's knife now, and he is no longer a Mengrang. As for the past, the poor monk has long since left it in his heart, so why can't he talk about letting it go or not letting it go?" .”

"You are talking nonsense..."

Kong Qing, who was hiding behind the eaves, looked at the black-clothed man who was furious by Fa Zhengqi below him, tapped his finger slightly, and threw an identification technique.

Name: Dazhi
Age: 25 years old

Past: Born in Hedong, his ancestors were from Zhuzhu, Beiwuchuan. He practiced martial arts diligently when he was young.

Now: In March, he went to Tanzhou with Dou Gui, provoked Li Yiman, the governor, to oppose Zhishilang Wang Bo, attacked Tanzhou with Dou Gui and Li Wuyi, chased and killed Wang Bo, and returned to Chang'an. Because Wang Bo was rescued, he intended to borrow Meng Rang Hand in hand to find Wang Bo and his henchmen, so that they will be rewarded for their meritorious deeds.

Future: In six years, Wude left the Yuan Dynasty and returned to the East Palace from the imperial guards, and was promoted to the right Yuhou rate.Assisted Li Jiancheng in recruiting more than [-] brave men, named as the leader of Lin Bing, and led [-] Youzhou Tuqi sent by Li Yi, the king of Yan, and later sent people to report for Li Shimin, and was exiled by Li Yuan in Xunzhou. After Li Jiancheng died, he reached his ambition Depressed and cold, he died in depression for ten years in Zhenguan.

Major: "Three Strategies"

Cultivation level: the power of gathering people can be the enemy of thousands of people.


Kong Qing looked at the profile next to the man in black, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"It turns out that Meng Rang and Yuan Cong's guards don't know that Wang Bo is dead. They are still worried that Wang Bo will come back for revenge. I asked why Meng Rang always has so many guards around him recently. ...Well, this information is very useful."

Kong Qing pursed his lips, then shrunk his body quietly, and waited until the monk Fazheng and Yuan Cong's guard Da Zhidu left, then carefully walked around from the eaves to the back of the side hall, and flew through the air.

"Monk Fazheng, Pindao thought of how to kill you!"

Dazhi, who was arguing with Monk Fazheng, didn't realize that someone was watching him. After a quarrel, he, who was not very good at talking, was robbed by Fazheng and was speechless. In the end, he could only watch Fazheng lead A dozen or so burly men went to the main hall for morning lessons.

After the morning class, he watched Monk Fazheng join a dozen or so monks at the entrance of the main hall, and continued to go to the canteen to eat in a mighty way, went to the layman's courtyard together to deal with chores, Go out and clean your hands...

Looking at Monk Fazheng, who was surrounded by a group of big men at all times, Dazhi's eyes were about to burst open.

As a descendant of a squirm, he Dazhi has always wanted to become a master by his own efforts.

So he practiced martial arts desperately, performed desperately in front of Tang Gongshi Li Jiancheng, fought desperately and escorted Li Jiancheng from Hedong to Bingzhou, followed Dou Gui to learn military secrets, and desperately chased and killed Zhishilang Wang Bo...

Now Dou Gui has given him the best chance to make a fortune. As long as he uses Meng Rang to catch Wang Bo and his henchmen, and get the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, which was privately hidden by Yu Wenhua, he will definitely be able to achieve great success.

But this damn Meng Rang dared to destroy his perfect plan.


Watching Meng Rang leading those monks swaggering through the market back and forth, Da Zhi felt the flames in his chest blazing.

After watching Meng Rang lead those big men out and in together for two or three days while Wang Bo and his henchmen were still nowhere to be found in the torment, Dazhi felt that the anger in his heart was about to explode.

Then the opportunity presented itself.

One afternoon, Da Zhizheng watched with burning eyes as the other party and a group of monks swaggered into the layman's courtyard, and then those monks scattered around the courtyard, guarding a small courtyard tightly.A novice hurried over with a letter in his hand, and said to the monks who were guarding Fazheng.

"Master uncles, someone delivered a letter to Master Fazheng's uncle."

"it is good!"

A monk took the letter from the novice monk with a casual expression, turned around and planned to enter the layman's courtyard and hand it over to Fazheng.


Dazhi appeared with a gloomy face.

"Give that letter to someone, who will check it first."

The monk hesitated for a moment, then turned around with a normal expression, as if he was going to pretend that he didn't hear Da Zhi's words, and went in directly to hand the letter to Monk Fazheng.

Dazhi pulled out the Huanshou knife from his waist, and pointed forward with the sharp blade.

"That bald donkey, give the letter to someone, or someone can take it from your corpse..."

After hearing the word bald donkey, the monks next to him stood up one by one, picked up weapons like sticks next to them, and looked at Dazhi with unkind eyes.

"Why, are you bald donkeys still planning to do something?"

Dazhi's anger, which had been pent up for many days, finally broke out. He swung the long knife in his hand and said in a stern voice.

"Don't forget that a certain family is Yuan Cong's Imperial Guard, and it is treason to dare to attack a certain family with open flames. Now the certain family says it again, bring the letter to the certain family, and the certain family must check it first."

After hearing Dazhi's words, the monks present felt a little bit hard to get off.

At this moment, monk Fazheng's angry words came from the layman's courtyard.

"give him!"

After hearing Monk Fazheng's words, the monk who had received the letter turned his head and walked out of the gate of the layman's courtyard without hesitation, and handed the letter forward.

"Give you!"


Dazhi snorted, sheathed his knife, and took the letter.

The letter was not sealed, Dazhi easily opened the envelope, took out the letter paper inside, and read it carefully.

At first glance, there is nothing suspicious in this letter. It is just that a believer of Zhuangyan Temple confirmed with Monk Fazheng in a rambling tone about how much money can be paid for the master of Zhuangyan Temple to run a dojo in his home. There are many monks' questions, but I don't know if it's because of lack of education or other reasons.

After reading it once, Dazhi shook the letter paper, and a little impatiently planned to stuff the letter into the envelope again.

But just as his letter paper was drooping, Da Zhi's eyes drifted across the letter paper casually, and a familiar name suddenly appeared in his eyes.

There is something wrong with this letter!

Dazhi stopped preparing to stuff the letter back into the envelope, picked up the letter again, and searched carefully.

"This should be……"

After looking around twice, Dazhi nodded slightly, placed the letter paper obliquely on the ground, then crossed his waist knife, pressed the scabbard flat on the letter paper, and then gently dragged it down.

"That's right, this is a secret letter, and there are two paragraphs in the middle that are the real content..."

Dazhi slides his hand flatly on the letter paper, and reads in a low voice.

"Brother Fa Zhengxian, Zhi Shilang was attacked a few days ago and has been in a coma until now. Although I have tried my best, Zhi Shilang is seriously injured, and the power of medicine and stones is useless. I can only send it to the gods. I heard that the great virtue of Fahuazong can live and die." , Flesh and bones, can I ask the virtuous brother to ask one or two to help. Brother has shown that there is a dog in the temple, so I will not go there, sorry for the impoliteness, sincerely, I am not well-known."

After reading the letter, Dazhi raised his head suddenly, and looked at the layman's courtyard with an unbearable smile in his eyes.

"Meng Rang, you also said that you have no collusion with Wang Bo's henchmen..."

 Can anyone tell Mengxin how to post pictures?Mengxin struggled with his phone for more than half an hour yesterday but couldn't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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