Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 106 - Red sleeve sommelier

Biquge, the fastest update back to the latest chapter of the Ming Dynasty King!

Chapter 106

The Liuyu Huai camphor tree grows along the stream. Because there have been heavy rains in the past few days, the traces of the floods in the mountains are very obvious. Some old trees are exposed to the roots of the river. The dry roots are scattered outside. Withered trunk.

Under a weeping willow, a large bluestone is slanting, and the stone underneath merges into a turbulent and clear river, about one person deep and four feet square. On the hillside on the left is the barracks built by the five hundred pro-armies of the left sentinel camp. Under the mountain road is Gao Laozhuang. From here, you can overlook the entire village and see the courtyard pavilion in your own home.

In mid-June, the weather was hot, although the rural environment was quiet and elegant, but it was difficult to sleep because of the noisy day and night. At this time, a Xiangfei bamboo couch was placed on the edge of the river. Yang Ling lay on the bamboo couch like an old man, and the mottled sunlight shone on him, making people sleepy.

His hands and feet were wrapped in white cloth. A fishing rod hung in front of him. The fish floated gently on the water. The fish had taken off the fishing early, but no one went to change the bait.

It’s been ten days since I returned from the capital. Yang Ling’s hands and feet, which were blurred by the fingers of the club, were well served by the goddess doctor Gao Wenxin, but Han Youniang and Yu Tangchun did not dare to see him. The tender flesh on the wrist, ankle, and flesh was born. I was afraid that the skin would be worn out, and I was still bound by a thick cloth.

The Xiangfei bamboo couch underneath is a gift from Yan Song. The Yan family is a small landlord in the place, but it can’t be listed in the capital, and it can’t be sent a gift. Simply send some timely elegant things, which is quite similar to Yang Ling. Thoughts.

Yang Ling has always wondered why the soil retrieved by the Emperor’s Mausoleum was not flawed. When Yan Song visited, he also tried it side by side. Yan Song always thought that Cheng Guogong and Wang Shouren were the people who committed cheating. Maybe Yang Ling also Know the truth, so I dare not rely on merit. Not dare to tell the truth.

But he thought that he had peeped through the secrets, and it was difficult to scratch, fearing that others did not know that he also helped, so he could not help but reveal some news, Yang Ling heard Cheng Guogong, Wang Shouren and Yan Song The three joined forces to help him through the difficulties, and the gratitude in his heart is naturally beyond words.

In the past few days, Jin Yiwei Qian Ning, Yu Yong, Shenjiying Third Division Officer Zuo, Neigong Yamen Liu Jin, Ma Yongcheng and many other people who had friendship and relationship came to visit in person. Those who could not walk away also entrusted people with gifts.

These people shot more than a thousand dollars, Yang Ling was beaten, went to Cai Shikou to perform a clean official show, the reputation of loyal ministers spread throughout the folk, and earned a lot of money, Dai Yi, Li Duo, Ni Qian were few More than, not only, they have to buy gifts and come to visit Yang Ling. At this point, they also knew that they could rely on Yang Ling to save ninety-nine percent. This visit came from Xie Encheng, but they didn’t give up on each other.

Yang Ling once served as a paternity reader in the East Palace and was under the jurisdiction of the James Mansion, so James Mansion also sent people to greet him courteously. Yang Ling is now the emperor ’s former favorite, and his moxibustion hands are hot. James Hall did not dare to neglect it. He even sent a Hanlin bachelor to condole.

Yang Ling is the youngest talent in Xuanfu. At the age of sixteen, he got credit. The one sent by James Hall was even more ambiguous. The emperor of Zhengde was named Yang Tinghe. At the age of twelve, he was a prodigy full of Bashu. He was directly approved by the scholars to skip Tong Sheng and Xiu Cai. At the age of 19, Jinshi entered the Hanlin at the age of 20. That glorious moment, Yang Ling’s education was comparable to others. But the rice brilliance and the sun and the moon are arguing.

Fortunately, this nearly fifty-year-old Yang Bachelor is very easy-going, and he never speaks so full of sourness because he has been reading poems and books. The two of them have a conversation. Feel good.

Yang Ting and the emperor were only disturbed by the emperor’s face, and they were sent to visit by James Mansion. He also disagreed with the emperor’s former darling who was born in a show and rose like a rocket.

But after much discussion, Yang Ting and found that the talented man was talking chaotically. There is no systematic conception of all kinds of affairs. But every time a strange word is spoken, it must be said. Or, if you can come up with a solution, although some whimsy is too radical and may not be suitable for the court to adopt, but this superhuman first-class knowledge is that many Confucian scholars who have read poetry and books ca n’t think of it. Sometimes a careless sentence, it makes sense to think carefully, Yang Tinghe couldn’t help but look at him, and suddenly took a slack heart.

Fortunately, Yang Ling didn’t know the famous name of this family, and when he talked to him, he wanted to start with what he wanted to do. Although his knowledge is inferior to Yang Tinghe, but occasionally a casual sentence may be the conclusion made by the later generations of insightful people after viewing the history. He said that at this time, in Yang Tinghe’s eyes, he naturally felt that this person was quite visionary. Extraordinary knowledge.

This is like a naughty boy and a martial arts master. The naughty boy inadvertently said a move, which just happened to contain some reasonableness. Although he himself was at a loss, he was inspired by the eyes of experts.

Yang Ling said that the unsystematic and erroneous views and insights that Yang Tinghe did not think that these thought-provoking and unheard of words Yang Ling himself did not know what to do, and he also refused to talk deeply.

But how profound his knowledge was, only to be inspired by this, and his knowledge and experience naturally evolved into measures that could be applied to the political affairs of the government. In this way, Yang Tinghe did not dare to treat him as an inexperienced man. This person is deeply concealed and can’t help but respect him.

Mr. Yang did not shy away, and when he went back, he mentioned Yang Ling, which was quite praised. Yang Tinghe is a very prestigious talent in the Hanlin Academy. With his compliment, and the newly admired Hanlin Yansong touts to death, it was originally for Yang Ling that he was promoted to a higher level. The dissatisfied Hanlins did not dare to be too crazy. They used to publicly blame Yang Lingxiu for their background, and there were far fewer hard-to-deserve leaders. This benefit was unexpected for Yang Ling.

Li Duo, Dai Yi and others actually went to Tailing after seeing Yang Ling the next day. It was not that they were better injured than Yang Ling, but now they could not help being beaten by Hong Zhong once more. It was only after being brought back to the Tailing inspector that they showed their loyalty to the court.

Yang Ling also learned a good time this time, and dared not to neglect the official affairs and to be honest, so he wanted to follow him back to Tailing. Dai Yi thought that he was the “master” who could not be less confident that he had accused him, and he hurriedly patted his chest and showed his loyalty.

But with a smirk on his face, Yang Ling didn’t want to dissolve his invincible revenge with Wang Qiong, but when he looked at him, he was even more at ease. It was at this time that the present Emperor Zhengde’s decree had arrived. With this decree, the Emperor Zhengde first sent back the cliff Jinsongtu that Emperor Hongzhi gave Yang Ling.

It is estimated that Emperor Zhengde also knew how he could not compare with the painting level of the previous emperor. So he didn’t dare to scribble the painting, filling in the first word and adding a poem, but he stamped a big seal. It ’s better than the daddy than the calligraphy and painting, then it ’s better than the one who printed it. The square seal of Zhengde is about the size of the jade seal. It is a good landscape painting. How to see how nondescript.

The purpose of Zhengde denounced Han Youniang as Mrs. Sanpin’s order, and told Yang Ling to take care of her wounds and wait for the will at home. Yang Ling didn’t really want to repair the grave.

We have been busy for a few days. Today, Yang Ling stopped and asked someone to move the bamboo couch and go to the mountain stream with a young girl to catch a cold fish. Han Youniang was tired of seeing Xianggong, and gently pulled her soft and tender hands out of his hands. Pulling aside, the silky thin 衿 lay on the waist for Xiang Gong, and then walked away on tiptoe quietly.

In this movement, Yang Ling woke up only slightly tired, Yang Ling narrowed her eyes, quietly opened a gap to look at the young girl, only to see Han You Niang crept away and recovered her figure, she stood under a tree After two laps, he looked up and looked up. He turned his head sneakily and looked at Yang Ling.

Yang Ling was curious and didn’t know what the young lady was going to do. When she saw her, she turned her head and closed her eyes to pretend to sleep. Han Youniang saw that Yang Ling was fast asleep, and looked around again, then quickly pulled up the skirt and tucked it around her waist, rolled up two sleeves, and spit in the palm of her hand. Climb the trunk with both hands. Climbing hands alternately, as fast as a spirit monkey. The pretty hips swayed from side to side and scrambled up the tall tree trunk.

Yang Ling was taken aback, and was originally afraid that Han Youniang would fall down, but she couldn’t help but admire her sturdy skills. Han Youniang stood on the tree trunk and looked very happy.

This is an old peach tree with some years old. The lower branch has been cut off by the woodman, leaving only some sharp branches, and the leaves of the tree crown are hidden by many walnuts and fluffy green peach.

Han Youniang picked it up on her tiptoes, took out a handkerchief from her arms, wrapped it, and climbed back to the tree in her arms. She ran to the river and took out the green peach, washed it in the water, and picked one to click. I took a bite, regardless of whether the peach was sour and astringent.

Yang Ling stood up quietly and walked over slowly. There was a thick cloth band around his ankle. He was not so flexible. He accidentally stepped on a stone and whistled, scaring Han You Niang, who had just stood up from the river. In a jump, she jumped all over her body and stepped into the river with one foot.

When she was busy pulling her feet out, she turned her head and saw Xiang Gong standing beside her with a smile, embarrassingly standing there, her head shrunk like a child waiting for training, and there was a sharp fragrance in her small mouth. peach.

Yang Ling saw Han Youniang’s skirt tied on her belt, an embroidered shoe drenched in water, her left hand holding a handkerchief with six or seven small green peach, and her right hand holding a half bite, a blackish handsome face red and fluttering, pretty There are two fine sweat beads hanging on the tip of the nose, standing there so stupidly, and can’t help but grin and say, “My Madam Sanpin, what are you doing?”

Han Youniang has always been Wen Wanxianhui, and Yang Ling has almost forgotten her age. Look at her appearance now, only to save her a child who was accustomed to growing up in the mountains. After all, she is only 16 years old. Love crazy age, but the husband has been housekeeping, pretending to be a woman, and she also suffered so long.

Seeing Han Youniang standing there in a state of sorrow, it was rare to show a silly expression. Yang Ling smiled and pulled the skirt down for her, brushing off the hairline next to her cheek, and said softly: “I like to eat green fruits and call my family back Just buy it. Such wild fruits have some astringency and are not tasty. “

Han Youniang is naughty and active, and since she married this showman, he hasn’t known how long he has endured. Today, he returned to a familiar mountain forest and forgot his shape, and actually climbed trees to pick fruits. As a married woman, but also a wife of death. Such a disregard for the image, I was really worried about Yang Ling blaming her, but at the sight of Yang Ling’s spoiled face, Han Youniang put her heart down, and she quickly swallowed the peach in her mouth, throwing away her half of the peach, He was embarrassed by the clothes corner and said, “Mr. Xiang, others … others … I’m sorry …”.

Yang Ling smiled. Disapprovingly said: “Isn’t it just climbing the tree? Climbing and climbing chanting, our house does not have those messy rules”, he grabbed the young lady’s shoulder and walked to the bamboo couch, while walking: “Don’t think so much, these At home, I saw you meditating and practicing qi, but the stick kung fu hasn’t touched for a long time.

Young girl, practicing martial arts can strengthen your body. It’s not a low-level behavior. What’s wrong with deceased lady? Don’t worry too much about other people’s opinions. Do n’t forget, now everybody in the city can say that Xianggong is a descendant of Yang ’s family. It ’s a matter of course that Yang ’s female martial arts is strong, huh, huh. Looking back, I called Bing Ding to open a plot in the back garden. In the future, you still have to practice martial arts, and Xiang Gong also learns from you. “

He sat on the bamboo couch and pulled it off. Han Youniang fell on his lap, Han Youniang struggling a bit pretentiously, then she smiled and kept silent. Yang Ling embraced the young girl’s slim waist, and her big hand improperly hit her soft chest, and pressed her ear and said: “Young girl, I have grown a lot here.”

Han You’s face is just over 16 years old, her body is still growing, her **** are slowly full. The budding little **** looked bulging under the close-fitting robes. During the daytime, they were so boldly touched by the father-in-law on this mountain, so embarrassed that Han Youniang’s face was hot. She grabbed Yang Ling’s hand and was ashamed. I can’t help saying: “Xiang Gong, don’t, this is outside.”

Yang Ling smiled and couldn’t bear to see her embarrassed. He lowered his hand. When he touched the green peach in the water, Yang Ling’s heart flashed suddenly. The surprise lost his voice: “Young girl, are you pregnant? How … how do you love sour peaches?”

Speaking of his hand, he couldn’t help but touched the young girl’s flat belly, Han Youniang shyly pushed him away: “No, no, people love to eat Qingtao’er since childhood”, and said she turned her face, I said timidly: “Dang Gong, aren’t you too disappointed?”

Yang Ling said with a smile: “How come, we continue to work hard, there will always be a place, let’s say, it is not your business if you don’t give birth.”

“Huh?” Han Youniang was puzzled. Isn’t a woman having a baby? Who can blame if it is not a woman ’s sin?

Yang Ling did n’t want to explain to her the things that were too difficult to clarify. After seeing her squinting, her face was so cute, she could n’t help but kissed her on the cheek and smiled: “Come on, take off your shoes, wear them wet “Uncomfortable”, saying that I could not help but to remove the shoes and socks for the young girl, revealing a pair of white feet.

Women’s feet are not just casually shown to people, even if they are self-confessed, Han Youniang can’t do it outside during the day. She busy curling her feet on the couch and pulling the thin cover to cover it. In her heart, she still cares about the disappointed look of Fang Cai ’s husband. Really, they have been in the same room for four months.

Xiao Nizi caressed her stomach, and even had no appetite for eating green peach. She pondered her mouth for a while, and she suddenly ate and said authentically: “Xiang Gong, when will the emperor get married?”

Yang Ling jumped in his heart and dropped his boots he had just taken off. It was difficult to cope with it. The emperor’s big wedding was when he was concubine, or concubine concubine, how to refuse?

Since he came back from Jingli, he had intentionally avoided it. Instead, everyone in Fuzhong was very accustomed to it. It seemed that the old man was concubine, and the slave in the palace went out. Everyone speaks with pride. Yu Tangchun and Xue Limei have already consciously served him and the young girl as a concubine. The sister Yu Niang shouted, and it seems that she also has a meaning.

Yang Ling froze for a while and said: “The Emperor gave it to him, Xiang Gong did not know how to refuse it. Yu’er and Xue’er are good girls, but you also saw that the officialdom was sinister. I do n’t know how many ministers are dissatisfied with me. Follow me … may not be a blessing. “

Han Youniang put her arms around her knees and smiled lightly: “Xiang Gong is always worrying about the sky. You really don’t know what Xianggong is worried about. Don’t blame Xianggong for her boldness, Xianggong. You think they will be happy with them. To be happy? “

She sighed faintly: “Xiang Gong, you don’t know how happy they are after the emperor promised a kiss. I think it comes out. Sometimes I think, when people enter our door, what else can I do? Niang knows that Xiang Gong hurts me, but if the young girl is accused of being jealous, the young girl … really won’t be happy.

For Yuer and Xueer, being able to follow Xiang Gong is their blessing. Although they were of humble origins, they were empathetic. When our family was in trouble, Ken was willing to lay down his life to accompany us. Xiang Gong’er became bigger and bigger. The wife and concubine filled the hall as the young girl expected. If you really want to welcome some sisters into the door, the young girl would rather be them. “

She said, holding Yang Ling’s hand, and said softly, “Xiang Gong, that day we decided to go to the court to call a grievance. We all know that if something is impossible, we will only be with you to die. The young girl is your native, Death is your ghost, but Sister Yu’er, Xueer, and Sister Wenxin have no reason to accompany us to death. We can’t be sorry.

Ugh! Now Yuer Xue’er has depended on her for life. Sister Wenxin is 18 years old and has become an old girl, but … the emperor gave her to our family. It ’s our family. Xianggong turned back and said to the emperor, it might as well take her away, anyway, the concubine’s identity is no higher than that of the maid, and the emperor does not account for this.

Speaking of it, Sister Wenxin has the most kindness to Xianggong. If it was n’t for her that was done by her, a few Shangshu adults would never confess so easily. Xianggong did n’t know how many twists and turns he would have to suffer. Come”.

Gao Wenxin is someone who is destined to be demoted into slavery. All children and grandchildren should be slaves and servants. If they find a way to take off her land, they will really repay others. Yang Ling never thought of accepting her as a concubine, but after reminding her, she really considered how to borrow it for her.

Han Youniang saw that he wanted to be enchanted, and thought that Xiang Gong was a little moved, and could not help but shyly shouted: “Sister Yu’er said, look at Sister Wenxin’s posture. It’s good to grow up. Maybe Qilang and Bahu … . “

“Huh! Ah? …” Yang Ling saved his mind and didn’t know what Han Youniang was talking about. He was about to ask one more time. There was a burst of laughter in the wormwood forest at the bottom of the stream. Two pretty girls walked out of the path. When they saw the two, they happily called: “Master, younger sister”.

Yang Ling looked up and saw Xue Limei and Yu Tangchun coming with a smile. Xue Limei was wearing a green shirt and holding an Guqin in her arms. Yu Tangchun also wore like a maid and carried a basket. She was Dancing in music and dancing, although she is a maid costume, she still walks lightly on the road, like a willow branch, with a graceful posture.

Behind the two, Gao Wenxin had just turned the grass, her green silk was wrapped in a green veil, and she walked behind the two calmly.

The two of Yutangchun arrived and squatted down to Yang Ling. Han Youniang, do n’t put on your shoes and socks, and pulled down Xuelimei, saying: “How did you come?”

Xue Limei smiled and said, “Sister Yu’er made the dishes for the old man and his elder sister. I want the old man to get bored fishing. It’s also good to listen to music, so he hugged the piano and came.”

Yu Tangchun put the basket beside the couch, breathing slightly. Yang Ling saw her carrying a basket and rushing to the Erlituo Mountain Road, her delicate cheeks were covered with fine sweat beads, and she could n’t help but say: “Yu’er, I ran here to take the cool, and you were running around tiredly. “”.

Yutang Chun glanced at him with a dizzy face, and whispered sweetly in the corner of his mouth: “Master, you don’t have to be polite, the maidservant should.” Gao Wenxin walked over gently, quietly and quietly said: “Master, please show me your injury again”

She sat carefully on the couch, untied Yang Ling’s hands and feet from the floor cloth, and gently stroked the wound to observe for a while. Seeing that the mountain had not worn the wound this time, the new red meat in the rotten place was already Gradually hardening, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

She drew a cloth bag from her arms, spread it on the couch, and drew a thin gold needle out of it. The plain white fingers made **** on Yang Ling’s leg, and pinpointed the acupuncture point.

Yang Ling was itchy where she had grown new meat. She twisted the gold needle. She felt that her thigh was numb first, and then it was sour and itchy. She couldn’t help but straightened her foot reflexively, and kicked it on Gao Wenxin’s thigh.

Yang Ling only felt that her toes touched the girl’s elastic thighs, and he shrunk back embarrassedly, looking for a topic and said: “Miss, it is this little gold needle that made Lu Shi’s spirit invert … . Ah! Is n’t it confusing? “

Xue Limei laughed “chuckly” and said in a funny way: “Master is wrong, Lu Shichang is three silver needles become confused. This gold needle is upside down … as if there is another people”.

Gao Wen’s heart was faint, as if she didn’t hear it. She twisted the golden needle intently while explaining softly: “I use this golden needle to activate the blood veins, and the adult can get better wounds faster. Yesterday, the local assistant Shijiao is not Say that the DPRK and the Central People’s Government have been arguing about the arrangement of the six Shangshu? According to the maidservant, adults can’t enjoy the blessing for a few days. “

Xue Limei looked at their expressions and could not help making a grimace. He smiled at Han Youniang: “I have seen the magic needle of Sister Wenxin, but I don’t know if it can really make people fall in love with medicine. If there is such a skill in the world, girls all over the world should learn it. When Lang Jun raised his hand, it was a needle, hehehe … “.

Gao Wenxin twisted the golden needle, and his face was still calm, like water, but Xue Limei “saw a stunned Lang Jun is a needle” exit. Somehow, she was in a mess.

Yang Ling only felt a pain in his leg. When he looked up, he saw Gao Wenxin’s head slightly lowered and his neck elegant. The skin is like jade, but the breath is short, the breath is like blue, and the look in the eye waves flashes like water. I don’t know if it’s ashamed or stunned.

Xue Limei threw her tongue out when she saw it, and walked to the under the willow holding the piano case. She took the piano and put it on her lap. She pointed her finger. The piano sounded melodiously. It sounded like a simple tune.

Yang Ling didn’t understand it, but Gao Wen had more than medicine in his heart. He heard that the song was “Ancient Acacia?” . That strong face that had been calm for a long time finally couldn’t stop the blush, Yang Ling only felt another pain in his leg, and felt a bitter face: “The girl is lighter … pain … .. “.

Gao Wen bit his lip, black and white eyes glanced at him, and his face was red and full of beauty, and suddenly it seemed to be full of charming femininity. She raised her hand unnaturally to hold her curly hair, buried her blushing cheeks all over, and pressed Yang Ling’s thigh just to stop. Yang Ling was half numb. But he didn’t dare to say anything, and he could not help crying secretly in his heart.

Finally, Gao Wenxin awakened in time. Seeing Yang Ling’s thighs tremble, it seemed that he was enduring pain. He busy the needle and changed a leg. After she used up the needle, Yu Tangchun raised the basket and invited Yang Ling and the young girl to dine.

No wonder Yutang was tired from sweating in the spring. In the basket was a watermelon, four-color delicate side dishes, more than ten thin soft sugar cakes, a pot of bamboo leaves green was placed on the top, and a porcelain pot was wrapped with towels There are a lot of things in the Tibetan land.

June Tianzhuyeqing and ice, this drinking method is naturally Gao Wenxin said, even Yutang Chunxue Limei had originally been drinking at the Shihuaguan. Gao Wenxin’s father had good wine and built an ice storage kiln at home, but now it’s cheaper to pour Yang Ling.

On the couch, drinking melons, weeping willows by the creek, holding cups, holding red chopsticks, red sleeves, and all of them are beautiful and attractive. For the ancient geniuses, is it the most dreamy life? What about modern men?

Yang Ling looked around and couldn’t help but feel confused. Ugh! Do I lay down my heart to enjoy everything I have now, so that I can face life more authentically and make me, and everyone around me, happier? Regardless of whether it is the original intention, after all, it has come to its own side, and its status is like a magnetic field. When you rise to a certain height, whether you want it or not, what should appear, always comes.

Han Youniang sat across from Yang Ling, biting the sweet and soft pancake in a small bite and serving the dishes for Yang Ling sweetly. Yutang Chuncui’s sleeves were half-pulled, filling Yang Ling’s glass, and the wine in the glass was golden and green, and the smell was fragrant. Gao Wenxin stood next to the bamboo couch and said softly: “Master, this bamboo leaf green is added with Amomum, red sandalwood, angelica, Tangerine, rock sugar, egg white, warming the stomach and promoting blood circulation are beneficial to the injury of the old man. “

Yu Tangchun held the cup with both hands, and chanted in the elegant sound of the piano: “Tian Jiazu leisure time. Scholars linger for a while. Sanchun bamboo leaf wine. A piece of chicken chicken string. Please drink this glass with the master!”

I ca n’t take it anymore, I ca n’t take it anymore, Yang Ling is uncomfortable. This kind of “decayed” feudal bureaucrat ca n’t live in peace without the training and training of people.

He took the cup and just wanted to answer in a hurry. Someone in the distance shouted loudly: “Master Yang, where is Master Yang? Our family is Gu Dayong, and I heard you should be heard.”

“Gu Dayong?” Two days before Ma Yongcheng came out of the palace and bought it, Gu Dayong followed the emperor. It’s easy to get out of the palace gate, he came, then the emperor …

Yang Ling thought of jumping up from the gentle township in a hurry and put on his boots anxiously. He had just stood up and saw more than ten strong men in Tsing Yi sleeves flashing out of the intersection of the grass, and a dude came out behind. Wearing a light-pigmented arrow suit, wearing blue-sleeved loose-leg pants, the trousers are crammed in sheepskin boots, shaped like a lantern. This is the most elegant dress of the Peking teacher’s youngsters this month.

The young man looked handsome, with a whipping black whip in his hand, and when he saw Yang Ling from afar, he laughed and said: “Yang Shidu reads, and I escape with a small plan. Palace is coming, is it better to hurt you? “

Yang Ling hurried forward to meet her. Shi Lixiang greeted: “How did the emperor come, Weichen didn’t know, never greeted far away …”, the emperor Zhengde smiled and raised his whip and knocked on his shoulder, pretending to reprimand: “Slowly follow me Come to this set. “

He flashed Yang Ling’s shoulder and glanced back. He said: “I envy you. If you want to fish, you can go fishing, if you want to eat melon, you can eat melon, if you want to go to the mountains and sleep, someone will bring you a bamboo couch. I want to do anything in the palace. The person’s breath is out of breath, alas! Wow, I really want to change it with you and have a comfortable life. “

Yang Ling was taken aback, although Zhengde was a joke, but since the last time he nearly got a knife, Yang Ling couldn’t dare to sloppy about these subsections he didn’t care about. He doesn’t care, Zhengde doesn’t care. But others care. In the eyes of some people, these are just the etiquette that must be observed by fathers and sons.

He quickly laughed with him and said: “The emperor is a prince of a country, and the hundred officials have high hopes for the emperor. They are also for the sake of the emperor.”

Zhengde grunted sorrowfully, when Gu Da used to wash a handkerchief by the river, ran back and handed it to Zhengde. Zhengde took it and wiped his face indiscriminately. Then pulled Yang Ling’s wrist and looked at it. He readily said: “Ai Qing’s body is good, this is good. This is good, I can’t get to the palace, these troubles don’t talk about him, you don’t have to pretend to be persuaded, I know you are different from those nerds, ha ha … Go, play with me and have a good time. I still have a big thing to discuss with you. “

Yang Ling looked back and quickly made a glance at Yu Tangchun and others, motioned them to back away, and then hesitantly said: “Then … The emperor might as well go to Liuxia to listen to drinking, how about fishing and fishing together?”

In the history, the emperor Zhengde ’s lustful name was too loud, and Yang Ling did n’t understand the history, but Ye Shi had read a lot of things. According to that, he talked about Zhengde ’s anecdotes. Fortunately for the female dependents, let the men in the family wait in the yard, and then go to play the next one as soon as possible. When watching this story, Yang Ling, in addition to doubting the emperor Zhengde’s hungry aesthetic views and super sexual ability, fell down. There is no doubt about the truthfulness of his lust, after all, it has been said in history.

Since Tianyuan coincidedly met Emperor Zhengde, although there is no sign of Zhengde’s **** at present, today’s environment, this sentiment, uh … is really easy to make people feel warm and lustful. Besides, Zhengde is growing up and getting married soon. What if a woman touches her? Have to guard.

Yang Ling was somewhat wary, so she wanted to tune the woman away and coax Zhengde to go fishing. Unexpectedly, the Emperor Zhengde frowned and said: “What fun is it to listen to music fishing? Go, now that you are good, go to transfer your own army, accompany me to perform war in the mountains, see the pawns fighting, then it is fun.” .

Yang Ling now has only five hundred pro-armies available for training. The number is small and fine, and ammunition is also sufficient. Therefore, under Yang Ling ’s request, daily military exercises in the mountains are common. Yang Ling did not expect that the fun that Zhengde said is actually fun. Playing guns with guns is easy to do. He breathed a sigh of relief and said: “It’s easy for the emperor to see the soldiers. It’s just that the emperor’s dragon is precious. When he climbs the mountain, he must watch the army in the bunker, and he can’t show up easily.”

Zheng Dexi said: “What’s the problem, go around”, he held Yang Ling impatiently and shouted to the young girl: “Young girl and sister, I and Yang Shizhen read to see the soldiers, you yourself Fishing to listen to music “.

Yang Ling’s skin was reborn on his ankles, so he didn’t dare to walk too fast. He raised his hand to Han Youniang. Following Zhengzi’s joy, he walked down the mountain road and folded a branch of wormwood to smell the grass. Asked: “Is there anything important to discuss with the emperor? Is the minister going to Tailing to supervise the construction?”

Zhengde walked ahead and said casually: “You can just name a thing on the Tailing. Now Dai Yi and others are working hard, and no one in North Korea is making noise. You don’t need to worry about these things.

You do n’t know wow, now there are a few officers missing in the Sixth Department, I do n’t want to use the old man with white hair anymore, and I want to appoint you as a clerk in the Penal Department. I’m so angry that I can’t help it. It ’s still wise to give me a good idea. “

When Yang Ling heard the eunuchs’ brothers, he helped him to come up with a good idea. Just listen to Zheng Dezhenzhen said rhetorically: “They didn’t say that you were not well-understood and overwhelmed? I asked you to attend the Jing Yan, shocked the dead old men, yes … Jing Yan, do you know? “

Ever since Zhengde succeeded the throne, the hundred officials continued to ask the emperor to reopen the feast, Yang Ling had heard of it long ago, how could he not know what the feast was? When he heard Zhengde’s emperor tell him to attend Jingyan, he discussed the doctrines with scholars who were full of poetry and literature, discussed essays, statutes, and political affairs. This impostor and inexplicable Yang Xiu was scared like a few hundred. The toad jumped into the well, and suddenly the tortoise porch …

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