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Chapter 117 - Harem takes a thief

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Chapter 117

Yang Ling didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly responded: “Yes, the minister will go immediately”, said Shili, and hurried out of the palace. Ma Yongcheng stood behind Emperor Zhengde, his eyes twitching and dizzying, and he looked very anxious to see him leave.

Seeing that Yang Ling had disappeared outside the palace gate, Ma Yongcheng couldn’t help but hurriedly told Zhengde: “The emperor, the minions are in charge of the procurement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If there are slaves and thieves in the inner palace, the slaves will recognize them at a glance. It ’s better to look at it than a minion. “

Zhengde yelled, but did not go too far, only waved his hand, Ma Yongcheng hurriedly followed. Gu Dayong stood behind Zhengde and saw a faint smile on the corner of his mouth when he panicked.

Who is not coveting the difference in the oil flow of the fertilizer manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? At the time Gu Dayong was very jealous of this man, but it was Ma Yongcheng who was originally appointed as an errand in the Ministry of Internal Affairs before he came close to Shuiloutai.

Since he took charge of this messenger, he has been walking very close to Xichangchang Miaokui. Once he climbed this high branch, few people used Gu Da to pay too much attention. Gu Da used his mouth to say nothing. Saved mustard, knowing that this matter is related to him today, can not help but feel a little gloating.

Zhang Fubao did n’t know what Yang Ling gave her, and it was a little weird to squeeze her hand. She hurried back to the seat, lifted it with a tickling look, her sleeve fell, and her hand was actually a piece of meat-breaded pancake. The tooth-brushing above was just like it, Zhang Fubao couldn’t help crying and laughing.

Zhang Tianshi frowned when he saw him, and put on his brother’s old-fashioned appearance: “How old are you? The starving ghost is reborn? A big girl went to see the emperor and couldn’t bear to put the cake down. Long Hushan’s face was lost by you.” .

“I … I …” Zhang Fubao was so angry that his cheeks were bulging, but he couldn’t say a word.

As soon as Yang Ling’s daughter came out of the palace, Yang Ling saw Princess Yongfu standing with a little maid standing under the pillar. Seeing Yang Ling coming out, she couldn’t help but greet her. Just walked out a few steps. She saved her own identity, out of restraint, had to stop again, but the anxious color between the eyebrows was not reduced.

Today, the emperor is married, and Princess Yongfu has also changed into a colorful embroidered palace dress. The big-sleeved red robe is embroidered with gorgeous peony flowers. The skirt is fluttering with a bit of grace and luxury. Yang Ling hurried forward to see the ceremony and said: “Wei Chen has seen Her Royal Highness. But the Harem … Harem …?”

Princess Yongfu waved her hand and said to the two maids who were with him: “Walking in front of you, General Yang, let’s talk as we walk.”

One and two maidens distanced, and Princess Yongfu immediately said with anxiety: “General Yang, no one can discuss this princess, so I have to call you by excuse. Now the emperor’s royal family has known this scandal. You said What can I do?”

Yang Ling stunned: “What ugliness … what’s the big deal?”

Yang Ling said: “Isn’t the harem stealing from the emperor? Is there anything wrong with her? Such a dignified and beautiful girl, wouldn’t she steal people?” Yang Ling looked at the childlike face of Princess Yongfu and immediately eliminated it. This kind of nasty thought.

Princess Yongfu said: “Huangsao brought two empresses to visit the harem, and the married princesses also went to Cining Palace to congratulate, and Ning Qing Huanggu gave the queen a pair of” panlong jade “bracelets to the queen. Niangniang. “

Yang Ling interjected dumbly: “Why? Can’t the things given by the first emperor be transferred?”

Princess Yongfu rolled her eyes. Airway: “If you can’t give it away, how can the aunt dare to exceed the limit? Instead … but the pair of Beaulieu bracelets are fake. Princess Feng’an knows jewelry very well, and she can tell the truth. She and Ning Aunt Qing always disagreed, so she spoke out in public, which caused Aunt Ning Qing to seek death and live. What can you do about it? “

Yang Ling spoke up and said: “Princess Ningqing is not willing to give it away, so she should not use fakes to deceive people. Now that she has been seen through, she has lost her face, and what is the big deal?”

Princess Yongfu paused. Said: “Aunt has lost her face, how can there be a face to live? The Queen Mother will not treat her lightly, that jade bracelet is not her intention to deceive the Queen, it is because the real thing was given by the Queen Sister Pavilion Bag “.

If it were n’t Yongfu ’s anxiety, Yang Ling probably did n’t know the name of Princess Yongchun for a lifetime. At this time, she heard that the little Nizi had stolen the jewelry of Princess Ningqing. She could n’t help but say in surprise: “Drop the bag? Ah! Because I said … “

Princess Yongfu glanced at him and said, “Yeah, the female officer in the aunt’s house is too brazen. But the whole house was bought by her. She helped her to deceive the empress and the empress. The elder sister thought … Dirty to her, find someone to drive her away from the head. Then … secretly changed her treasure bracelet, who would have thought that the aunt would give the bracelet to the queen. “

Yang Ling was very angry and anxious when he heard it, and said, “Why is Princess Yongchun … how is it so nonsense? Just stuff some valuable things at random, how can even valuable treasures be stolen when the thief is dirty? “.

Princess Yongfu said with resentment: “How can it be so easy for us women to say that they are the emperor’s princes, and sometimes they are not as good as a domestic slave. The female officer has served the empress and empress for nearly thirty years, which is even more favored than Aunt Ningqing.

It was this baby given by the first emperor that she stole it, but she was beaten into the bureau by beating the whip. Can you say that ordinary things can cure her? The aunt did n’t know the truth, and she cried to death, alive, and believed that someone in the house had stolen her treasure, and called the empress dowager to investigate the princess ’house thoroughly, and to return her innocence. “

Yang Ling thought about it: “In this case, instead of waiting for the Empress Dowager to attack, it is better to preemptively, wasn’t it originally to rectify the Diao Nu, although the plan has some discrepancies, so now I have to push the boat.”

Princess Yongfu said, “But … but we haven’t had the opportunity to put the treasure bracelet in the housekeeper’s house, and even if we go to check it, we can’t find anything.”

Yang Ling asked anxiously: “Where is that bracelet? Give it to me soon”.

Princess Yongfu blushed with a pretty face, twisting and saying: “It’s on me”. She was embarrassed to probe into the arms of the man in front of the ground, and saw a rockery pavilion in front of her. Princess Yongfu hurried forward a few steps, and hurriedly took out the pair of jade bracelets.

These jade bracelets are valuable treasures. Princess Yongfu was afraid that they might break. She took out the small package and ran it out to Yang Ling. Yang Ling didn’t even look at it before she rushed into her arms.

Princess Yongfu opened her mouth and bit her lips again. That Jinpa was her belongings, with her fragrant name embroidered on it. How could she be taken away? She hesitated and wondered how she was going to come back. In the distance, Ma Yongcheng shouted, “Master Yang? Master Yang etc.” Our family … “.

When Princess Yongfu heard it, she couldn’t ask for anything more. He hurriedly said, “General Yang, be careful of Ma Yongcheng. He is in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he has a great relationship with the female officer. I … I’m going …”

Yang Ling stopped, seeing Ma Yongcheng chasing over her in a robe with anger. Seeing Yang Ling from afar, Ma Yongcheng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly caught up and laughed: “Master Yang. The emperor asked our family to accompany the adults to find out.”

Yang Linggang listened to Princess Yongfu’s suggestion, he smiled quietly and said, “Very well, if you come forward, you can justify it. Otherwise, the officer will always ask about things in the harem, which is really not suitable.” .

Ma Yongcheng smiled with a long face and said: “Historical affairs have always been in the harem. If there are any cases where it is inconvenient for the ladies to come forward, they are all asked by the Ministry of the Interior and the relatives of the emperor. It ’s the eminent favor of the emperor. “

He rolled his eyelids and glanced at Yang Ling. Seeing him without a flattering look, he couldn’t guess his mind at the moment, so he had to knock on the side and said: “Master Yang may not know yet, hey! Actually, there is a big family in this palace, sometimes throwing things is very common, everyone also Just open your eyes and close your eyes.

To speak of the housekeeper in Princess Ningjing ’s house, our family is quite familiar. She was very careful to discipline the slaves in the government, and it should be said that no one should dare to violate the rules, alas! It ’s not easy to be a servant. Sometimes, it ’s necessary to give people a shame. Master Yang, let ’s be more compassionate and considerate of them. ”

The female officer was kind on the outside, but bitter inside. Yang Ling was very sick of her. After listening to Ma Yongcheng’s words, his heart became more calm. Look at this, the female officer is afraid that she hasn’t stolen anything less, but she dare not touch these registered national treasures. If she can find the princess objects in her room, she will put them in the chaos. , There are true and false, who would suspect that someone is dirty?

Yang Ling made a big decision in his heart and smiled: “The official is obliged to do a poor job, and dare to injustice the good people. Let’s go and check casually. As long as we can cope with the errand, we will not let the emperor take responsibility.

Ma Yongcheng listened to his peace of mind, and he wanted to come. In any case, his own house chief of procurement, the emperor ’s closest servant, was more important than a married father who lived in the inner palace and did not help Yang Ling ’s official career It is impossible for Yang Ling not to sell him this face.

In the Cining Palace, Princess Ning Qing knelt on the ground and burst into tears, but refused to get up. She kindly wanted to give her beloved treasure to the new queen, but unexpectedly, such a big ugly, how to pull down the face. She was usually troubled by the woman officer, when things were dropped, she immediately thought that it might have been stolen by the woman officer, so she insisted that the empress dowager thoroughly investigate the princess house and give her innocence.

The thing that Jin dedicated to the empress was actually Sibei goods. When so many royal relatives were exposed, the empress and empress were so angry that they heard a report from the near attendant that the emperor had sent the chief of the internal affairs department to purchase the procurator and pro The commander came to investigate the case, and the empress dowager could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

There were a lot of valuable objects in the princess ’s house, but she did n’t dare to touch the bracelets. She thought she was a brave maid who dared to steal the bracelets. After wanting to go back and severely torture, torture all the girls in Shangfangdi. After hearing that the emperor sent someone to investigate thoroughly, if the objects in his own room were found, would n’t it be the city ’s door that caught fire and affected the fish? pale.

The empress dowager had n’t believed in waiting for many years, and the maidservant would be a evil slave who deceived the master and robbed the treasures of the house.

The new queen just received a fake gift just after entering the palace, and was very embarrassed in her heart. I only hoped that the person sent by the emperor found that someone had stolen the treasure. After all, it was better to say that if the emperor used it The fakes scorned her, and she didn’t look good either. The Cining Palace was quiet for a while, and everyone was waiting for news from the Ten Kings’ Palace.

Yang Ling and Ma Yongcheng arrived at the Princess Palace of Ningqing, and rushed all the eunuchs and maidservants of the house to the yard to conduct a house-by-house search. There are really few valuable things in the common house of the eunuch’s palace, but there are more good things in the female office. Yang Ling didn’t recognize the female officer’s own, so he turned out what seemed valuable and placed a table full of them.

Ma Yongcheng watched him find some valuable ornaments and homes hidden in the secret place. The face couldn’t help but grow longer and longer, and finally couldn’t help but anger, gloomy and authentic: “Master Yang, there is no jade bracelet in this female office. , Find out what these clutters are for? The emperor asked us to check the bracelets, or do n’t you want to twitch? “

Yang Ling glanced at him and smiled, “Since you feel suspicious, you should always check it out, otherwise we will deal with it, if the emperor asks, how to answer it? Oh … yes, it is in the female office. The officer did not recognize such a thing. You can see if the court eunuchs were called in to recognize them, to see if these things are the princess house. “

Ma Yongcheng listened to Xixi, and just worried that Yang Ling would not be selfish, he was too careful about his feelings. He wanted to sell me face and was afraid of taking responsibility. Now if the people in the Princess Palace admit that these things are personal belongings of the female officer, he doesn’t recognize them, then even if there is a delay in the future, it has nothing to do with him.

Ma Yongcheng thought of this and couldn’t help Zhan Yi smiling: “Yes, yes, it’s time for people to come to recognize it, Master Yang is relieved.” He walked out the door happily, summoning the eunuch, who was in charge, and asked him a little.

Since he became the chief executive officer of the harem, all the chief executives and eunuchs in the 24th round of the Sixth House looked up to him and naturally obeyed him. Ma Yongcheng finished the order, and led the group of eunuchs into the room. The **** looked at the things on the table and nodded and said: “Return to the master and father-in-law, these things are not recorded in the princess’s house, not the house. On something “.

With regard to his opening, which one dare to say yes, the female eunuchs of the House of Representatives shook their heads again and again, saying they could not recognize it. Ma Yongcheng glanced at Yang Ling with pride, and Yang Ling smiled and said, “Well, it’s not good. The official and Ma Duke also acted according to the purpose. If you don’t do it carefully, you will inevitably be scolded by the emperor!”.

He said, holding up a blue and white porcelain urn to play casually and said, “This is the time of Chenghua? But what about good porcelain, um, I see if it is.”

He turned over the blue-and-white porcelain urn to see the bottom mark. Unexpectedly, the urn’s mouth fell downwards, and two jade bracelets were dropped from the urn, because the table was full of searched things. There were four Nanjing silk woven jacquards on the floor. Brocade, two bracelets fell on the satin and bounced a few times without ever breaking.

Yang Ling put down the blue-and-white porcelain urn, picked up the bracelet and glanced at it. He looked at the drowsy man in the room and smiled: “These two bracelets are not recognized by the official. Are you a princess?”

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