Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 134 - Bow left and right

Biquge, the fastest update back to the latest chapter of the Ming Dynasty King!

Chapter 134

Ding, the servant along the way, looked at the sorrowful and inexplicable adults in a hurry and hurried back to the West Cross Courtyard, wondering what happened.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Yang Ling returned to his normal expression as if changing his face. Thinking of the surprised, pitiful, disdainful, and disgusted eyes in Mrs. Mo’s eyes that were just full of charm, Yang Ling could not help but want to laugh. .

He just walked into his own hall with a smirk, and Gao Wenxin greeted him like a swallow that had cut through the water. He shouted happily, “Master!”

Yang Ling looked at her in surprise, wondering: “Your feet are good? What’s so happy about it?”

Gao Wenxin smiled and shook his hands with a smile: “Well, the swelling has disappeared, there is nothing happy, ha ha ha …”.

Yang Ling saw her like a smile and smiled at her, and remembered the damage she had just made, and she was also infected with a smile. He laughed a few times, and Gao Wenxin said: “Wen Xin, if someone asks me about you Physical condition, you just deal with vagueness, it doesn’t matter how you say, the more mysterious, the better. “

Gao Wenxin stunned, wondering: “Why? Who wants to inquire about the master’s situation?”

Yang Ling said with a smile: “Heaven cannot be leaked, he may not dare to ask, but he must be guarded, um … I’m really overdrinking today, I’m going to take a break, by the way, help me make tea “.

He walked two steps, suddenly stopped and looked at Gao Wenxin’s red beak with a smile, and asked, “Do you know how to drink the best tea among the best?”

Gao Wenxin rolled his eyes and said, “The tea ceremony … The maid knows a little bit, but the key is in the preparation and process of brewing. When tasting tea … it seems that there is not much to say. Do n’t you drink with your mouth? “

Yang Ling laughed and said, “It’s okay. Help me make it lighter. I’ll go back to the room first.”

Yang Ling thought while walking: “It’s such an interesting way. Try to find a young girl after you go back. She loves shyness the most and makes her the most interesting.”

Thinking of this, he unexpectedly remembered the style and charm of Mrs. Mo, and he couldn’t help but confess: if only on style and charm. She really has no one … No, there is a place, that is pity …

The pity does not only look, but even her figure is everywhere, if she grows up …

Ugh! I wonder if she is okay now? I have come to Jiangnan to make such a big move. She must have heard of it. Will she blame me for not visiting her? “

Yang Ling thought of this, his feet could not help but heavy. The joy of Fang Cai was swept away …

During these three days of continuous banquets, Mo Qinghe has been on the side. Since the last test of Yang Ling that day, Mo Qinghe was completely relieved, and the tax bank was sent to Beijing early the next morning.

A huge tax ship went to Beijing. Banners were mobilized and escorted by officers and soldiers. The news was immediately spread to the world through various channels. Suzhou Weaving Eunuch Li Daxiang listened to Quick Horse’s return and made the decision immediately. Immediately ordered someone to pay the tax bank to the Beijing teacher. Suzhou Shipping is a little faster than Hangzhou. Since the patting of the horse is a step slower, the tax ship arrives in Beijing before Mo Qinghe.

On the third day, Yang Ling pretended to be drinking too much in the past few days, and the amount of wine during the banquet was greatly reduced. Everyone knew that he had banquets for the past three days. Therefore, there is no doubt, so most of the toasts flocked to Mo Gong Gong and Yang Zhifu, and the two were drunk.

Yang Ling returned to the house, waiting for Grandpa Mo to be carried in by Li Guanjia and others before pulling his legs to his house. When he entered the door, he met Gao Wenxin and said: “Is Liu Biao back?”

Gao Wen was stunned and said, “Liu Qianhu has not returned, but Huang Zhangban has returned from Suzhou. I have been waiting for you.”

Yang Ling was a little surprised: “So fast? Okay. Bring him to see me.”

Yang Ling went to the corner of the hall to wash his face with a copper basin, and was wiping. Two men dressed in Tsing Yi little hats came in and knelt on one knee: “See Master Chang!”

Yang Ling turned his head and saw that one was Huang Zhangban and the other was Liu Biao. He couldn’t help but smiled and said, “This is a coincidence, just returned?”

Liu Biao replied, waiting for Gao Wenxin to take the towel from Yang Ling’s hand and took the copper basin out before he smiled and said, “Adult, everything is arranged properly. Master Min heard that he was required to lead troops to catch people, and he shot me straight ‘S shoulders exaggerate the person’s interest, there are such good things willing to think about him. “

Yang Ling said with amusement: “This Master Min will be a painful job as a civil servant. I am so excited when there is a battle, huh, how is it?”

Liu Biao said: “Yan Bing fought a big victory with the adults, and everyone took such a big advantage. Those guards and soldiers who watched early were jealous. Although the news is now limited to Master Min and Zhong Qian, I expect to continue tonight. , The guards should not obey.

They now have high morale. Although they lack training, there is still a gap to deal with the bloodthirsty and warlike desperate pirates, but they must not be used to deal with the equally incompetent officers and soldiers of Longshanwei. “

Yang Ling smiled and said: “Not to be careless, I have seen Bidos, this person is indeed a general. Although his army is corrupt and has low combat power, his personal soldiers are brave and warlike, and they are almost equal to him. The private soldiers are extremely loyal to him. Although these people are less than 300 people, it is always not good if the dog jumps on the wall and is injured or killed too much. “

Liu Biao nodded and said: “Yes, the humble office also thought of this, so although Master Min repeatedly asked for battle, I told him that the salt soldiers and the guards were only responsible for encircling the deterrence and suppressing the officers and soldiers of the Longshan Health Center. As for Bi Chun’s own army. ….. there are three hundred of our fans, who are not ready to cut melons and vegetables? “

Yang Ling remembered the sternness of the 80 swordsmen who swept the coast. He nodded and looked at him, then he said, “Yes, can there be heavy arrows in the guard? Have you ever delivered the bow to the salt soldiers?” “

The guards were generally weak in physical strength. The hard bow could not be pulled like a full moon, and heavy arrows could not be shot at all. Therefore, some light arrows were used to fool Shangguan when performing martial arts.

Although the salt soldiers weren’t good at using arrows, they went all day long to deal with some thieves and thieves who blocked the road, so they were quite effective and gave them bows and arrows. There is no need for a precise head, just a covering shot, and it will have a wonderful effect against the desperate group of Yuan Xiong’s men.

It is no wonder that Yang Ling was so cautious. He thought that it was more difficult to catch Bi Chun. Yuan Xiong was just a Jiangnan customs advisor eunuch. Then he could just go to the door and catch people. Unexpectedly, Liu Biao surprised him with the detailed situation he probed.

How many people are there under Yuan Xiong? Five thousand people. Except for the thugs stationed in various places in the pass, there were 2,000 people left sitting in the tax-monitoring office. Moreover, most of these people are gangsters and gangsters who commit crimes. These people do not have a court or a king in their hearts. The difficulty of arresting is even worse than that of Bi Chun.

So Yang Ling wanted to solve Bi Chun quietly, and then deal with Yuan Xiong with all his strength.

It was thought that the customs director had only brought ten entourages when he was out of Beijing. He wanted to take power to collect taxes, and he could not use the local people in the government. He could only recruit troops and collect some desperation.

These ten people he brought. Everyone has to collect more than one hundred men, and every man has at least five more entourages. The snowballs are almost all the people who have blackmailed, celestial jumped, and stunned people in Hangzhou. Anyway, they are handicapped. “The title is” Xianxian, holding Huang Gang “, and the local officials can’t help them.

Liu Biao nodded and said: “There are military arrows, but there are only thousands of soldiers in the guards. There are not many available. I have asked him to distribute bows and arrows to Master Min, and adults do not have to worry too much. It seems that Yuan Xiong might not dare to resist, even if he resists, his people are all gathered together with money, who would really sell his life for him? A rain of arrows went down. Knowing how powerful we are, we will disperse. “

Yang Lingdao: “I hope so, take Bichun early in the morning and immediately surround the Customs Department with his army.” He turned to Huang Zhangban and said, “How is the Suzhou land investigation?”

Huang Zhangban said busyly: “Adult, I have investigated Li Gui in detail. Those orphans have no whereabouts since they left Hangzhou City. They have never appeared in Suzhou. These young children have disappeared as if from nowhere. No one knows their whereabouts. “.

He looked at Yang Ling’s expression. He also said: “The humble office was instructed to check the origin of Li Gui, but no one said it was clear. The humble office had no choice but to show up in public. On the pretext that the local factory recruited the local son to flee with the silver, he went to the government to check the situation of other households and secretly read Li Gui’s materials … Li Gui has a house and a land, and a boat shop, which is usually used to transport rice grains to buy low and sell high. Sometimes, he also transports gold bricks for the imperial palace and the emperor’s mausoleum for profit. Quite abundantly. And all of these, all the landlords are not Li Gui, but Du Qingjiang, a wealthy merchant in Jinling. “

Yang Ling stunned, “It turns out that the Jinling rich are going to set up property in Suhang? Why should he hide his head and show his tail and send a puppet to fill the facade?”

Huang Zhangban said: “This matter is indeed ridiculous. The humble office immediately sent someone to Pegasus to investigate in Jinling. It happened that we came from Jingshi and the locals had taken a foothold in Jinling and knew his situation.

Du Qingjiang sells a lot of stalls, such as satin, pawnshops, gold shops, grain shops, and several carts, horse fleets, and fleets. Even the court transported grains, built the gold palace and the gold of the emperor’s mausoleum. Forbidden materials such as bricks are often found at Du’s house.

Our people have tried to get in touch with them, but the Du family is quite powerful. When transporting from north to south, they do not worry about being blackmailed. They do not need our locals to come forward, so they declined.

I heard that the adults wanted to inquire about Du Jiadi ’s details. The Jinling people immediately investigated the Du family again. This Du Qingjiang was originally very poor. He worked as a helper in a Banya shop when he was a boy, and later married a disabled daughter in the store. A little more, but in Jinling is really not a character with a size.

Later, Du Qingjiang suddenly became rich, and the development of buying a house and buying land was extremely fast. It is said that Du Qingjiang dug the treasures that Shen Wansan buried in that year and made a fortune.

However, on one birthday of Du Qingjiang, a banquet for Jinling celebrities, Master Yu Shijin from Nanjing Youdu returned the invitation and did not show up. Du Qingjiang was angrily angry, drunk and shouted at the banquet, and accidentally said his brother What happened to the Si Lijian, even the officials in one province did not dare to give face, and the old man was so deceiving. He must be nice to him later, and Jinling began to spread that he had a brother, who was in Si Lijian. The father-in-law in power.

The humiliation checked Du Qingjiang’s household loan, and found a disabled old wife who had been taken home by Du Qingjiang, and learned that this person did indeed have a brother. Ashamed to the ancestors. So leave the name without leaving the surname, change the surname to Mo, called Mo Qinghe! “

Yang Ling listened there for a while, and after a while he couldn’t believe it: “Mo Qinghe? The **** in power in the Sili Jian? Mo Qinghe … this is Mo Qinghe … it turned out to be … … So it turns out … “.

Liu Biao knew that the purpose of Yangling ’s visit to Jiangnan this time was to smooth out the three eunuchs in Jiangnan, to tell the world tax supervisor to look at the factory, and to give them peace of mind.

When he came back today, he heard that Gu Qinghe had gone to the tax bank and returned to Beijing. Obviously, he had turned to Yang Ling if he was too harsh on him. Asking the tax supervisors around the country to think that the factory supervisor is mean and unscrupulous will inevitably lead to another heart, so he hurries to persuade:

Adults, in fact, officials and tax supervisors everywhere use their power to make profits for the family, which is also a common sense. It is often said that there will be no fish in the water. It is not a person who is arrogant and insignificant, as long as he is loyal to adults. Adults do n’t have to worry too much. “

Yang Ling slowly sat on the chair and smiled bitterly: “I don’t care about him for his money, but what about those people? Where did those children go? I don’t understand this matter, I’m so choking … “”, He said suddenly jumped up here. Looking at Huang Zhangban said: “How about the kid a few days ago? That is the kid brought back from the tea plantation to Gaofu the other day, how is he now?”

Huang Zhangban swallowed hard and swallowed hard, saying: “Adult, the humble office said yesterday … The child in Mogong’s shelter. Now they are gone, and the child … also. ….. “.

Yang Ling slapped the table and sneered, “It’s a big courage! If it wasn’t for the official’s private trip that day to meet the child, he would really have no doubt that he got those orphans who have no father, no mother and no question What are you going to do? “Liu Biao and Huang Zhang looked at each other, and no one could answer.

Even if Yang Ling was an idiot, he knew that Mo Qinghe could n’t get rid of it. He pointed to Huang Zhangban and said: “More than 30 lives. The whereabouts of more than 30 children are unclear. Crossing Mo Qinghe? You are looking for someone who is a child to be a relative, and suing Li Gui as an excuse to investigate and investigate him. “

Liu Biao hesitated for a moment, and then said: “Since the adults are determined to investigate, please listen to the humble job, so you can’t find out what to do. If Li Gui is determined to resell the child to others. Just say a few more When it comes to the wilderness, we have to check for several months. If the people we find then do the same tricks again, I do n’t know which year and month … “

Yang Ling heard that this trick was exactly what he had taught to the county magistrate to deal with the musical instrument store Wang Dawang Er. Although it was simple, it was indeed effective in this age of inconvenient transportation. He couldn’t help frowning, “What do you do? “

Liu Biao raised her lips and said with a smile, “The golden bricks of the court were all produced in Yuyao Village, Yuanhe Town, Suzhou City. Wasn’t the Dujia boat house special for the court to deliver supplies and prohibited things? How could this business be less? Li Gui?

We sent someone to get a sample of gold bricks in Yuyao Village, and went directly to Li’s house to search, saying that someone accused him of hiding the forbidden objects and found the children. Excessive crime of bullying the king, but it is to kill the head, then he is afraid that he will not tell the truth? “

Yang Ling was hesitant to listen. He walked around the room slowly for a while, remembering the scrawny, clever child he had seen before, and finally clenched his teeth and nodded, “Huang Zhang class, just do it, If you do n’t move, you have to move fast and hard! Mo Qinghe is the ground snake here. Yuan Xiong can have 5,000 minions. Where can Mo Qinghe go? Ca n’t let him react. “

He turned his head and said to Liu Biao: “Tonight, he dispatched troops to arrest Bi Chun and Yuan Xiong. After returning, he strengthened the defense of the Western Academy on the grounds of preventing the two ’s minions from messing up. Be prepared … “.

He stared at Liu Biao, Liu Biao nodded intently, clenched his fists and said: “Humble job leads the life!”

The Haining Salt Soldiers and the Guards marched all the way, the torches meandered like dragons, even passing through the villages and towns, the old men who changed, and just came out of the golden caves with red lanterns squinting. The gamblers who were kicked out of the casino in despair, stared at the brigade of soldiers with bows and swords and high torches, quietly galloping past them, and the air of slaying came.

The Southern Army rarely has a full cavalry. Military horses are difficult to get together, but to obtain hundreds of horses, it is enough to borrow from those big salt merchants and rich mansions.

Min Wenjian, while directing the whole army to move forward, quietly paid attention to the movement of General Manager Qian. Yang Lingdi said in a secret letter that if General Manager General had some changes, he would have no amnesty. However, this way, a thousand looks calmly. It seems to be extremely glorious to handle the case for the adult Chinchai, a little bit more excited than him, and see no abnormality at all.

At this time, Mo Qinghe, who was drunk and sleeping in Mofu, had just woken up. He stretched his waist and stretched his forehead. He just sat up, and a pair of crystal and pink jade arms had passed a cup of tea and looked up. Those smiles are still as gentle as spring water. This woman can show such a hearty smile to the man at any time as long as she wants.

Mo Qinghe smiled and said, “I haven’t been drunk like this for a long time, but I have been worried for a few days. The wine will be drunk.”

He said that he had taken the tea. The tea was a little cool, but for him with a dry mouth, it was appropriate to quench his thirst. Mrs. Mo said softly: “You are so happy that you can sleep soundly. It is clear that the sky is getting late, but Master Yang has worked hard to lead Fan Zi out of the nest. Now, besides a maidservant and 20 Fan Zi, Xijiao Yuan is no longer there. ? “

Mo Qinghe took a sip of tea and he coughed a few times before raising his head and said angrily: “Where did Lord Chin go? Why is it so important, why don’t you wake me up?”

Mrs. Mo was not afraid. She smiled and winked at Mo Qinghe, and said in a playful way: “I wanted to ask him, but I was afraid that the old man who sent him would not dare to see me …, I asked my family to see him, he Out of Xicheng with some murderousness, so the concubine thought … This news … Is it more pleasant to wait for the master to wake up and hear it? “

Mo Qinghe was silent for a moment. Suddenly laughed in the sky. He smiled and slapped on Mrs. Mo’s buttocks. Haha said authentically: “Know me. Xiaolou too! Well … I have worked with Lord Yuan for many years, but I can’t ignore the feelings of the old man, you call People picked up the firewood room in the backyard. Before sending the adults back to Beijing, they had to find a place for Yuan Ye, ha ha ha ha … “.

Upon reaching Maple Leaf Town in front of Longshan Ao, Min Wenjian ordered the whole army to extinguish the fire and pass around the town. Longshan Ao is three miles away from the town, and Longshan Guard Station is located in the Ao. The entrance of the mountain was zigzag, Liu Biao went back and forth many times, and there was a commander Ding Lin who responded internally. It was known that there was a checkpoint in the second mountain pass, and no one would go out in the night, so Yang Ling ’s personal army was in the first place. A mountain pass is waiting.

The sky has become hazy bluish white. When Min Wenjian and Zhong Qian headed up with 600 soldiers, the fans in Tsing Yi Red Hat, Sabre under the ribs, backbows carrying crossbows had been arranged in three squares. , Standing there immobile, nail-like, straight.

The original performance items of the original Shenji Battalion officers and soldiers were queue performances. At this time, they had experience of fighting on the battlefield. It seems that they are majestic and solemn.

The cold, solemn, well-trained and tidy, immediately filled with an invisible but felt violent murder between them.

I’ve seen 80 knives and butchers who are generally ruthless and savage. Yan Bing suddenly put on a grinning and relaxed look, and became serious. The salt soldiers suffered heavy casualties. It is too late to replenish their soldiers. Except for some of them staying behind, only 100 people were sent this time.

These hundred salt soldiers were trained in the **** fire of killing the ground in the waves on the shore of Qiantang. Although the walking attitude was still loose, they had the terrifying murderousness that the northern border soldiers have been fighting for for years.

The solemn atmosphere also infected the guards, their faces dignified, and nine hundred soldiers and soldiers were concentrated in the depression. At this time, they were silent, but occasionally a low breath of horses was heard.

I saw Master Min and General Manager Zhong Qiang greeted the boss in the factory governor’s robe. The two sides whispered a few words, and then three hundred fans entered the mountain routinely.

At all levels, Zuo passed the order of the factory supervisor in turn: leaving twenty people to guard the horses. Others keep up and must not make a sound.

In front of the checkpoint, the four guards stood upright, but the eyes of the eyes quietly glanced at the adult who was walking around. It was a bit strange in his mind.

This barracks was anchored in a mountain depression, and during the non-war period, no enemy troops would suddenly appear to attack the barracks. The sentry post was just a matter of fact. At night the soldiers just slept and chatted in the wooden house. But today, less than four days later, Ding Lin, the commander, suddenly appeared and said that he would n’t leave at any time after checking out the sentry post, causing them to stand there honestly.

At this moment, a team of horses appeared in the mountain front, and a soldier exclaimed, “Who? Stop, stop! Don’t go any further.”

Two soldiers hurriedly raised their spears, and one soldier had touched the waist horn. At this time the sky was clearer, Ding Xishi had already seen the soldiers dressed up, he couldn’t help but take a long breath, and finally lifted his heart.

Ding Lin immediately shouted loudly: “What’s the panic? All stand back, this is the emperor’s guards, the governor of the internal factory, and the imperial mission to send Yang Yang to the soldiers. The officer has already received the order, so we should wait here and wait rude!”

A series of official ranks confuse the four soldiers, the senior generals in the army have said so. Is there anything wrong? They obediently dropped their gunpoints and stood aside.

Ding Lin hurried up, knelt on one knee, and gave Yang Ling a fist salute: “Xiaguan Ding Lin knocked to welcome Master Chingcha”.

Yang Ling hurried forward to support him and smiled and said, “Ding Wei is a believer, very good. You helped Ben Chin to capture the judges today. The official will return to Beijing when he returns to Beijing. He will be rewarded.”

Ding Lin had heard that Yang Ling had defeated the Japanese pirates and was convinced of the fighting power of his own army. At this time, after seeing it, there were hundreds of in-house factory fans. Can’t help but feel calm, and his expression calmed down.

He happily replied: “Adults are generous and generous, and they have given the humble job the opportunity to redeem it. How dare they not do their best?”

Yang Ling smiled. No longer polite with him. Directly asked the local: “How is the situation in the army?”

Ding Lindao: “Adult South Patrol is mainly for tax purposes. Although Yuan Xiong also serves as the Longshan Guardian. However, the reason for the patronage to visit Longshanwei is inevitably far-fetched, and the lower official was originally worried about Bidu … Bichun was suspicious. Fortunately, In Haining, the adults battled more than a thousand Japanese pirates with 80 swordsmen, but the news that the local five hundred guards fled into the desert has been spread. Bi Chun thought that the adults were irritated by the weakness of the guards. Suspicious “.

Zhong Qian, who had rushed to Yang Ling, was ashamed of hearing Ding Lin’s words, and was also fortunate: the guards had so many eyes to watch when they fled, and they could not hide it, even though they led their own troops to death. If you do n’t retreat, you wo n’t be able to resist the crime of imprisoning the soldiers. When you look back, you will be asked to investigate the matter. Today, you can follow Master Yang to arrest Bi Chun and Yuan Xiongli and make contributions.

Yang Ling nodded and asked, “Are you all arranged properly?”

Ding Lindao: “Yes, in order to be afraid of leaking information, the humble office did not dare to use too many people, so I only found five people, all of whom I brought out with one hand, and two of them were my relatives, and I absolutely believed.”

Yang Ling nodded and said: “Okay, for a while, act according to the plan, and ask your locals to take control of the perimeter with a total of thousands of horses, take down all the outposts around, and suppress the soldiers and soldiers in order to prevent mutiny. I will send another two hundred troops and one The Baiyan soldiers attacked the Chinese army in a hurry and took advantage of the five large accountants around them before they slept and disarmed. You brought me a hundred relatives to the handsome account and saw this old friend. “

He said, glancing at the four soldiers not far behind Ding Lin, and asked, “Are they yours?”

Ding Lin shook his head quickly: “They are not local people of low humiliation. They are afraid to lead people to doubt. The low office does not dare to bring people back, but they are all waiting not far away. I can call them out at any time to lead the way.”

Yang Ling nodded and gave a glance to Zheng Baihu. Zheng Baihu immediately led the four people to the past and smiled and said: “The four brothers are working hard. Now we have the defense here. You can take a break.”

“Ah?” The four soldiers listened stunned, and before they could answer the words, a sharp steel knife was placed on each neck. Zheng Baihu smiled and said coldly: “Tied. Throw aside!”

Bidus placed the most beloved concubine in Maple Leaf Town in the front, and Ping Sudu stayed in the town. Because of the news, Yang Ling would visit Longshanwei in the past few days before moving back to the army to live.

Yang Ling was the little place of Ji Mingyi in the old days. He naturally knew this already. At Jiming that day, everyone knew that he was interested in Ma Yicheng’s daughter, but Ma Lianer ignored his face and urged Yang Ling to pursue Beijing. Let him lose his face greatly, he not only hated Ma Liner, but also hated Yang Ling.

However, he didn’t want to do what he wanted. Yang Ling entered Beijing’s eldest prince and got the chance to become the new favorite of the dragon companion. Now he is a hot and hot factory admiral. He has no way but to feel jealous in his heart. Can only sigh God has no eyes.

However, he did not think that Yang Ling would do him a bad job. Yang Ling checked the tax and did not touch him. The two men had no complaints and no grudges. How could he think that Yuan Xiong, who was also the **** of Jiangnan Customs and the guardian of the Jiangnan Customs, had committed an accident, and he was in trouble. He also found out his greed for ink.

“Woo ~~~ Woooo ~~~”, the horn sounded suddenly, then the snare drum thundered, and Pidus woke up from the dream. Ran Ran said angrily: “Who beats the drums? Are you impatient?”

Zheng Dapeng, the soldier himself, slept in the outer room. Hearing the screams of the boss, he climbed up in a hurry, and put on a robe and ran to the door to look out.

The big account of the Chinese army is a barracks in the four directions, separated by a wooden fence of half-person height. There are five large tents on the outside of the fence, and the back three parties are like the stars in the moon. Three hundred pro-armies, and the outside are the residences of ordinary soldiers.

Zheng Dapeng saw nothing in the five military camps. The soldiers standing around the handsome tent in front of the dorm tent stood still against the first morning sun in the morning, and they seemed to be no different. They hurried back and said: “Master Yusi, there is nothing abnormal outside, before the handsome tent Soldiers still stick to their posts … “.

Before his words fell, the personal captain Guan Shouying rushed in from the outside. Bi Chun was getting dressed and seeing him come in, he sneered. One side was wearing a tabard. While staring at the triangular eyes, he said angrily: “These **** eat and die all day, don’t they understand the military regulations? I didn’t say that the day after tomorrow, when they sent adults to come, they can only blow trumpets and gather together. Drums? Are all the boys falling asleep? “

Guan Shouying’s face was pale and honest: “Adult, it is precisely because you have sent him.”

“Ah?” Bi Chun was taken aback, and the chain mail that he had just grabbed fell to the ground. He said in amazement: “When did he come? Why haven’t I heard the slightest news? Where is he now?”

Guan Shouying said: “I don’t know when he entered the barracks, but now he is waiting for the adults in the handsome account.”

Bi Chun’s eyes flickered in surprise, then slowly bent down to pick up the chain mail, and slowly put it on his body, and then **** with the nail wire silk, Shen Sheng said: “Gather the army, line up the accountant Before the wait, the officer went to see this Yang Daqin. “

Guan Shouying showed a smile that was even uglier than crying, eating and saying authentically: “Adult, the master sent the locals to pay for the brothers’ weapons, and now they are all held in the account. … Master Yang still recognized me, and then let me out, saying that I would ask the adult to meet the handsome account. “

Bi Chunqi’s face was green and white for a while: “I am a military general anyway, what does Yang Ling mean, put on the prestige? Do you need such a big battle. Want to arrest me? What is the crime?”

Bi Chun thought nervously for a long while. Of course he did illegal things, and there were more than one. But was n’t Jiangnan ’s duty to check his taxes under his orders? Jiangnan Health Center has always been like this. Why did he take me to do the surgery?

After thinking for a long time, Bi Chun couldn’t do anything. He took off a matching knife and took it off again. When he was uneasy, someone outside the door shouted, “Zheng Guangde, a hundred households in a low-ranking factory, was ordered by the King Ching, please See you all!

As soon as Bi Chun gritted his teeth, he threw the knife on the table and strode out with great strides.

In front of the handsome tent, more than 20 well-dressed and brightly dressed generals were slowly walking into the handsome tent. This handsome tent is like a tiger with a big mouth in the eyes of the generals. The top dozens of factory guards were dressed in a murderous manner according to the knife handle. Can not help but make people feel a sudden chill.

They saw that those who pressed the handle of the knife with their long bows on their backs, some with firearms on their waists, and some with crossbows. The Zhuge Divine Crossbow made five shots. avoid.

The five cronies Ding Lin looked for were all middle- and lower-ranking officers in the army. Although their ranks were not high, they were much stronger than those soldiers on sentry duty. They led the way, and the way was like a broken bamboo. All the sentries were cut off. When the soldiers and the generals sounded and the school soldiers climbed up in panic, strange soldiers in the same costumes had already guarded each camp.

The same soldiers, but they can order other troops, including many generals, to make these Haining soldiers feel very complacent. They did not believe that these soldiers and generals were already inferior at this time and dared to have artificial rebellion. Therefore, there is no one in the eyes of the prestige, so that the momentum is even more difficult to understand their strength and details, and no one dares to act rashly.

While patrolling, the Haining Guards announced loudly that the mission would be ordered: “All the soldiers are waiting in the camp, and the general will immediately go to the military account to meet the mission. There are those who do not follow the order. Kill! There are rebels who flee, kill! “

When the guards shouted a third time, they began to walk out of the camp with bravery. But in order not to misunderstand everyone is afraid to wear weapons. When shouting for the fifth time, all the schools were gathered in front of the Chinese army account of the Dusiyuan, and they were arranged according to their official positions, and they walked into the big account tremblingly and saw the emperor.

The fan at the door was fierce and evil, but the adults who were sent to see them all faced with the spring breeze, and they were very kind, which made everyone relax the school.

Starting from the handsome case, the handsome tent spreads out toward the wings, and stands in two rows on the left and right. Forty people on each side surrounded the elders who had been sent by the coach after the case. The generals will be separated from each other, one of the first two generals is the commander-in-chief of Longshanwei Lu Jiyun, and the other is the commander of Ding Lin.

Commander Lu is a close believer in Bi Chun. He did not know what it meant for the commander to attack the dawn at first, to suppress the three armies, and then to gather all the commanders in the army. Ding Lin saw that the overall situation was set. The whole camp is under the control of the Emperor Chincha. His face was smug, and he smiled slightly.

On the handsome case are the four treasures of the study and the paperweight of the pen holder. One foot of the inkstone stand is one foot square, and the table corner is erected with a rosewood ground arrow box, which is inserted with 20 fire brand arrows.

The handsome and suspiciously appointed adult sat on the top, playing with a brush in his hand. When he didn’t speak, the handsome account was silent. More than sixty people squeezed in the handsome account and only heard a sound of uncomfortable breathing, which made the pressure on everyone more and more heavy.

At this moment, only someone outside the handsome account said loudly: “Report to the Master, the commander of Longshanwei, and Bichun Bidu will report in!”

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a general wearing a chain mail strode in, and he walked up to the handsome account. When he saw that he was close to the handsome case, he flashed two characters on the left and right. The knife stopped and shouted: “When you see the ceremony, don’t have to step forward.”

The general’s thin cheeks under the high cheekbones twitched, and a pair of white and black triangular eyes raised upwards, seeming to be furious, but this one of the eyes was welcoming Yang Ling’s eyes calmly, Can’t help but hang down, hesitating for a moment, and then his hands swayed the shirt, kneeled down the tunnel: “Xiaguan Bichun, seeing Emperor Yang Qing!”

As soon as Yang Ling’s writing brush stopped, he looked at the general in his helmet and armor kneeling in front of his eyes, and suddenly remembered the winter when the two met for the first time.

At that time he drank water at the wellhead of the road for drinking. The water was cool, and there were ice cubes floating in the water. A general’s armor was sharp, and he came to his place on a horse, and he pointedly scolded his nose with a whip.

Time has passed and the circumstances have changed and he hastily parted, but now he has to fall down at his feet. Yang Ling sighed with emotion and slowly stood up: “General Bi invites you, roaring goodbye. I thought you and I met each other for no time. I didn’t expect to meet again today, but this is the case.”

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