Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 159 - Unmoved

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Chapter 159

Most Chinese people look similar to foreigners. If you throw them in a pile, it ’s hard to recognize them. The two people came to China and looked at the Chinese people. It ’s almost impossible to remember who Yang Ling is, not to mention Yang Ling ’s expression today. Manners, manners, and even a kind of majesty even if you are not pretentious.

But when Yang Ling mentioned the great man who donated 3,200 silver sesame oil, the blonde thought of it all of a sudden and couldn’t help but say in surprise: “Ah! We know you, you are the eldest son, the older one Son, I ’m Jasper. Do you remember me? “

Another red-haired person smiled and said, like seeing a loved one: “I am the fireman Yasan, I remember the son, you are … Yang Gongzi”.

The owner of the rice grain shop stood on the steps, and looking at this extraordinary-looking son, who led seven or eight family members, and the two beggars, the flame was suddenly much shorter.

Although Yang Ling remembered what they looked like, they didn’t remember their names. At this time, they heard their self-reported names and said with a smile: “Yeah, priest of IELTS, priest of the fire, and priests. Hello, I have something to ask the boss here. Ask, I ’ll ask you to chat later. ”

Yang Ling said, arched his hands to them, stepped up the stairs and asked with a smile: “Store, can you sell potatoes here?”

Fanyu has a bad taste and cannot replace food for a long time. Only people in these poor areas eat it. The boss heard that the business came to the door. Although he felt that it was a bit strange to dress up with this son’s temperament and actually bought a potato, he quickly nodded with a smile. Dao: “Yes, please come in, my son, we have potato sold here.”

The boss hurried back to the shop, proposed a bag of potato, opened the mouth to let Yang Ling watch. Yang Ling couldn’t help but look disappointed. The yellow and white tubers also appeared to grow underground. But it is not sweet potato.

He shook his head and sighed: “Not this, the shape is somewhat similar to this, but the taste is very sweet, some are red-skinned, some are white-skinned, um … I heard someone call it sweet potato , May also be called sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, and there is another kind of food is golden yellow. Probably ………… smaller than a small nail is a grain. “

After listening to Yasige and Yazhan Huozhan, they could not help but look at each other in surprise. Yazhan Huozhan couldn’t help but interjected: “Young Master Yang, these two things you seem to be very similar to what I have seen “.

Yang Ling suddenly remembered that corn and sweet potatoes were native to the Americas. It seemed that they were introduced into China through Europe. He couldn’t help but rejoice and quickly turned around and said, “The priest has seen this thing? Where have you seen it?”

Huozhe Yasan shrugged and said, “Oh, I saw it a long time ago. According to the description of the son, it should be this plant. Hmm … It was twelve years ago, Captain Columbus returned from the ocean, from afar The place was brought back to the country. When we came to the East six years ago, we had planted a lot in China. We also brought a lot of seeds. “

Yang Ling grabbed his hand and said anxiously: “Great, are there any seeds in the priest’s hands? I have a very important role.”

Huozheya Sanyi shook his shoulders and shrugged: “We brought a lot of food when we came to the east. However, when we escaped from Tianzhu, Ji Village was all lost, and only the rest were eaten up when Lu Song took the boat to Daming. “.

Yang Ling was greatly discouraged, but … he really did eat the land, and it was still in the north. Could someone else bring this kind of thing? The owner of the Midian has been listening to them, and then he couldn’t help but say: “Son, you may have something like this, do you want to see it? If you really want to buy … .. “.

Yang Ling said anxiously: “Hurry and show it to me. If it’s really what I want, a pound or two of silver, no ……… a pound or twelve silver!”

As soon as the boss listened to a pound of twelve silver, he suddenly rejuvenated and said hurriedly: “Your grandfather, wait, the land will come immediately.” After the boss said, he ran away and ran straight to the back shop. . I wish I could catch up to see what happened. He turned around in the shop without flies, and the two guys stood in the corner of the shop looking at the big Kai with awe.

Kung fu for a while. The owner of the shop rushed back with a small rice pocket, and said breathlessly, “Sir, please see if this is the thing.”

Yang Ling rushed over, grabbed his pocket from his shoulder, and put it on the counter. He jumped in his heart and opened his pocket to see the half-pocket corn particles that Huang Chengcheng didn’t even care about in the past. Yang Ling almost didn’t cry. When he came out, he grabbed a handful of corn kernels, trembling and holding it in his hands, more excited than finding a bag of gold.

Yang Ling murmured: “This is this, this is it.”

When the store owner heard what Yang Ling wanted, the half bag of corn particles was more than a hundred or two silver pieces in hand, and he was so happy that he didn’t bother to talk.

At this time, a child ran out of the house holding a boiled sweet potato and shouted, “Daddy, what are you doing with rice pockets? Grandma asked me to ask, what is a pound or two?”

Where did the shop owner have time to speak? He snatched sweet potatoes from the children, and handed them to Yang Ling with earnest gaze: “Grandpa, are you talking about sweet potatoes? My family has cooked a big pot. If you like to eat it, , All sold to you. “

“What? All cooked?” Yang Ling looked at the boiled sweet potatoes in his hands, crying without tears, and he cried out in pain: “All cooked? You … you didn’t leave a few pieces?”

The boss said with a smile: “I didn’t cook it all … I still have a few pieces left, but it’s already roasted. You are a person of identity. I see that the stuff is so smoky and ugly, I dare not say come out”.

“You …” Yang Ling could not help kicking him, he hated to say: “Quickly say, where do you buy this thing from, if you let me find the seller, I will send you a hundred two-grain silver “.

Then a chuckle said: “I’m an alcoholic, but I don’t think there is a melon in this Beijing teacher. Who likes to nibble sweet potatoes so much?”

The curtain lifted, and a smiling bearded man came out of the back room, and Yang Lingzheng had a face-to-face look. Said in unison: “Is it you?”

The man was surprised and happy, and said with a smile: “It turns out to be Yang Gongzi. This is really destined to meet thousands of miles.”

When Yang Ling saw that the bearded man was Zhu Zhishan among the four great talents in Jiangnan, he couldn’t help but say: “Is Zhu Zhu? Why are you here?”

Zhu Zhishan approached, and there was a burst of alcohol on his face. It seemed that this talented Zhu Zhizi was really like drinking. He smiled and said: “Young Master Yang is generous, so he can afford such a large cost in order to eat a few sweet potatoes. Ha ha ha. The owner is my cousin here, the Xitian Mai and the sweet potato are born in my home garden, bring Come and try something rare for your aunt and family. Does Young Master Yang like it too? “

Yang Ling fell to the ground with one heart. Since he found the Lord, he was not so anxious. In short, he would never let go of Zhu Zhishan. He would talk a few words. He carried the bag of corn particles that Zhu Zhishan called Xitianmai like a servant, and kindly invited Zhu Zhishan and two Western missionaries to go to the restaurant.

As soon as Zhu Zhishan heard that there was wine to drink, he readily obeyed. Several people came to a large restaurant. Yang Ling ordered his men to take care of the bag of corn. Only then went to the hotel with Zhu Zhishan and Huozheya, and found a room.

As soon as he sat down, Yang Ling couldn’t wait to ask about the origin of the sweet potato and corn field. It turned out that Zhu Zhishan was the official family. My father worked as a high-ranking official in Shanxi, and later sue the old man to return home.

Zhu Zhishan was promoted at the age of 33, and no progress has been made for more than a decade since then. Although he has a strong sense of fame and fame, as he grew older, he did not dare to be too hopeful for his career, so he set up a house in his hometown in Suzhou. Farming, starting a grain and rice business, and becoming a rich man.

In the previous two years, a Chinese who moved to Nanyang a hundred years ago offended the local dignitaries. He fled back and forth to Daming, cooking an orchard for him at Zhu Yefu Mansion. Ping Su planted some crops brought back from Nanyang in the orchard.

Those things are not delicious, but they are rare. Zhu Zhishan often transports them to rice grain shops that are opened everywhere. Since people everywhere have never seen those things, sales are not good, but occasionally they like to try new things. The bids are much higher than ordinary food.

Yang Ling heard that he feeds these high-yielding crops as a rarity. I ca n’t think of the great significance to the people of Daming. I ca n’t help but blame: “Wish brother. What are these fruits and fruits, that is extremely high-yielding crops? If it is widely planted in Daming, I do n’t know how many people can be saved. You It is really a violent disaster to keep in only a small orchard. “

Zhu Zhishan plucked his beard and blinked a pair of green bean eyes, somewhat inexplicable to Yang Ling’s distressed appearance.

In fact, Mo said that he was a scholar of literacy. He did n’t even think about the problem of increasing crop yields. After the corn was spread to China in history books, for decades, many farmers only planted 20 or 30 trees in their backyards. When children are eaten as rare things, they have never thought of using it to replace existing crops, not to mention those years that the authorities did not pay attention to and recorded.

When I was a child, I lived with my grandma’s family in Shandong Plain County. Yang Ling listened to my grandma’s saying that sweet potatoes were half a year’s worth of grain. It is common for corn and sweet potatoes to produce several kilos per mu.

Moreover, it has strong adaptability, drought tolerance, barren tolerance, wind and rain tolerance, less pests and diseases, and can be cultivated in mountains, slopes and newly reclaimed land. It does not compete with rice and wheat. It can be put for several years if cooked and dried. Rice is also resistant to storage.

Thinking of these advantages, Yang Ling couldn’t help but feel very happy, and was also a little apologetic to Zhu Zhishan: If he hadn’t started the trade ban and was raised by Li Dongyang for the food issue, he ignored it as well.

Yang Ling felt that his tone was a little rushed, and he couldn’t help but confess: “The younger brother was in a hurry, he was reckless, I wish my brother no stranger.”

Zhu Zhishan took a cup and drank like a whale sucking water, laughing and said: “It’s okay, Brother Yang is in love with Li Min, it’s ashamed that Old Zhu is ashamed”, he looked at Yang Ling suspiciously and said: “But ……. forgive me for taking the time to take the liberty, the younger brother cares about the national economy and the people ’s livelihood, could it be ……. Is it the eldest son of any adult in Korea? “

Yang Ling smiled embarrassedly, wondering whether his wishful talent would pass away, but now that he has to use others, he ca n’t hide it. He hesitated and said, “Younger brother Yang, A single name with a single character, Ling is the leader of the current emperor’s bodyguards and military personnel.

Zhu Zhishan was overwhelmed by the shock and drank at the same table with him. Yang Gongzi, who humbly claimed to be his younger brother, was the most favored Yang in the present. He stood up in anxiety and arched his hand: “It turned out that Master Yang was face to face, disrespectful and disrespectful, and the students were really disrespectful.”

Yang Ling stood up unexpectedly and said, “Brother, please sit down. Why don’t you be so courteous when you see me? Uh …”. He glanced at Zhu Zhishan and tried to say, “The younger brother’s reputation is not very good in the literati’s testimony. I thought Brother Zhu would walk away after hearing my identity. Does Brother Zhu mind my reputation?”

Zhu Zhishan heard it for a moment, and then remembered some rumors about Yang Lingdi. He couldn’t help but laughed and said: “Those corrupt scholars see people’s vision as” unique “, students don’t have that kind of knowledge, and they don’t mention that adults are well-known in the folk. Very. Just to see how adults are willing to whisper to a maidservant, be willing to give up to a literati like me, and be so attentive to the people’s stuttering, how can this mind, character, and person be so bad? “

Zhu Zhishan and Tang Bohu are unruly and cynical. They belong to the different types of literati. They are also not tolerated by those orthodox literati who suffer from it themselves. Acquaintance with Yang Ling first, seeing his words and deeds, naturally will not be confused by Shilin rumors.

As soon as Yang Ling heard it, he took Zhu Zhishan to sit down. Lifting the jug to fill a glass for him, the two touched it lightly, and sipped, and looked at each other with a smile, feeling close to each other.

For the belief of God, two poor fellows, Yazhan Yasuo and IELTS, were fed and hungry in this foreign country, and now they have a hearty meal and they only care about filling the Temple of the Five Organs.

Hearing Yang Ling’s words. The fire fighter Ya Sancai exclaimed: “You are Lord Yang? The most beloved minister before the Emperor Daming? Oh …. God showed his spirit, and God led me to you, and brought me the gospel “”.

Yang Ling laughed and said: “Don’t dare, the two priests have won the prize, the official is busy, and they have never found a chance to speak about the two things, but the two can rest assured that since the Western Region monks in the Huguo Temple have left you cold . Development has not been smooth here. I might as well move to Xicheng when I turn around and stay in the factory for the time being. I will build a house for you when I turn around. “

Once Yang Ling ’s lifting of trade bans succeeds, the goal is not only to do business with Toyo, Luzon, Ryukyu and other places, but to target further in the West. Those countries that are about to embark on marine hegemony are also now refusing to come and go. Fan Guo, and in history they will play an important role.

These proficient missionaries from Frangji are proficient in Chinese and Western languages, and with their detached identities, they will be a good communication platform in the future. In such an era, a competent communication agent can play a huge role. Why is he wasting everything when everything is used?

After listening to Yang Ling’s words, the two missionaries couldn’t help themselves and quickly got up to thank them. After coming to China for so long, the Chinese pay attention to the etiquette and exchanges and they understand.

IELTS has been busy and said: “Thank you, Master Yang, I am very clear about the cultivation and planting of crops. I know a lot. I know how to plant them in various environments in wetlands and mountains. If adults want to promote this crop, I am willing to At your service “.

Yang Ling was overjoyed. He didn’t think that this man was still a botanist. I wish Zhu Zhishan had ready-made grains and skilled growers. With the guidance of this planting expert, it would be much more convenient.

Daming already had a warm cellar planted in winter, which was specially planted for the royal family. Because of the small acres, the disease and insect pests can be controlled. Yang Ling ca n’t take these people to fly back to Zhuang immediately and start to do it immediately. ready.

Yang Ling thanked him and turned to Zhu Zhishan: “Brother Zhu, this time in Beijing, is there anything important?”

Although Zhu Zhishan is wild and self-proclaimed as a celebrity, it seems that there is a realm of wealth like clouds and power like a dog. In the end, a man who does n’t want to be famous, he ca n’t achieve further development in his reputation, he wants to recommend himself as an official. do.

This time he went to Beijing to find an elder who was a father in the Ministry of Industry. He wanted to entrust him with some activities. However, the pattern of the court has changed greatly, and many officials have been watching from the outside.

The elder knew that Li was now in a delicate situation, and Liu Jin of the inner court did not want to ask for it. This was already hopeless. The young man he met now was Yang Ling, a high-powered person. Live alive.

Zhu Zhishan black face and red blushing, said: “This … Old Zhu went to Beijing, originally wanted to find a father and elder elders to do errands. After reading half a lifetime of poetry, I would never be a merchant for a lifetime, but ….. “.

Suddenly, Yang Ling smiled and said, “It turns out that I wish my brother to be listed among the four great talents in Jiangnan. With his own mound in his chest, how can he conceal his heart before learning?”

He pondered for a moment. Xu Xu said: “I recommend my brother to any county, but the brothers can do it. In the future, the political achievements will be very good, and the promotion will naturally not be a problem. I wonder if my brother is willing to give up?”

“Qu Jiu?” Zhu Zhishan was already overjoyed. Mo said that he was an exalted person. He was a priest in the court test and could start with a county magistrate. That is also a very rare opportunity. Most people will either take a stand-alone job or provide retirement in the Hanlin Academy. How can this opportunity be found? “

Zhu Zhishan thanked him for his busy schedule, and Yang Ling discussed with him another shipment of corn and sweet potato grains from his hometown to Beijing. Zhu Zhishan promised naturally.

Yang Ling knows how many corn seeds there are at home. But sweet potatoes are easy to cultivate potato vines in a warm cellar. They are ready to be cultivated in large quantities and will be widely planted in spring.

Although he has great power. However, at present, local government affairs do not have the right to raise their beaks. Whether the promotion of new food and land affairs will be blocked by North Korea and China will be countless, but now it is always good to prepare more.

The couple dissipated with joy and sent Zhu Zhishan away. Yang Ling accompanied the two men to return to Huguosi Temple. They called the missionaries to pack up and go to the factory in Gao Laozhuang for a while. It was getting cold. Several missionaries who had just returned from their missionary and alms relationship were trembling in the empty hall, and happily ran out after hearing the news.

These people said that they could walk away, except for two pockets of grains and a few broken cotton quilts. Yang Ling hired a cart and took them out of Xicheng. When they arrived in Gao Laozhuang, they sent them to the Houshannei Factory.

The inner factory is now in full swing, and Huang Qiyin and Wu Jie are busy with their internal affairs, and one is busy building their territory. Personnel arrangement, training, material allocation, intelligence collection and organization of analysis and analysis, as well as the bookkeeping and use of the large income brought by the use of vehicles and vehicles. All kinds of complicated things are very important. Any problem in one link may affect the normal operation of this newly developed institution.

The two stalls were busy with official duties all day. Sometimes even the family ca n’t look back. It seems that the head of Yang Ling is too idle. However, as the person in charge of the overall situation, Yang Ling believes that he only needs to control the development direction of the internal factory and handle all aspects of interpersonal relationships. They just need some conveniences and policies, and give them enough space to do so. If things must be hands-on, everything may not be a good leader, so let them do their daily tasks.

Yang Yiqing went to the south with Yu Yong, and Liu Qianhu was training a group of newly recruited fans by means of Yang Ling training special scouts at the Shenji camp. These young and powerful ordinary farmers were better trained than those veteran oil seeds. The loyalty is also high, and now this group of 300 people has achieved initial results.

Yang Lingdi’s opinion is that people who have developed three religions and nine ranks are widely used as intelligence collectors, and they are used as a means of conveying vehicles and horses. However, information relay agencies must be established in various places.

He absorbed the shortcomings of Jinyiwei’s peripheral information system, which were slow and prioritized. He set up sorting and analyzing personnel in the intelligence relay agencies in various regions to classify the intelligence and upload it to Beijing according to the degree of importance, which greatly increased efficiency.

At the same time, he insisted that these collectors were mainly ordinary people and temporary informants. The intelligence relay agencies set up a short and swift rapid response force, and another system was used to protect and deal with various emergencies. Liu Biao trained These people belong to these people, and are also core members of the in-plant’s heirs.

Seeing that Yang Ling brought in a few ragged men in color, Liu Biao brought a few people in a hurry to come forward, Yang Ling smiled and waved his hand to stop him from giving gifts, and watched those new soldiers who had already begun to fire.

Most of these soldiers have learned martial arts and have a certain cold weapon base, so the factory focuses on training them to use crossbows and firearms. I saw these soldiers shooting with their guns in a row, “Bang Bang Bang” a row of sound, the smoke is permeating Some of the human-shaped targets set up dozens of meters ahead have been beaten upside down.

Yang Ling nodded approvingly. Liu Biao couldn’t help but see his reserved smile. Huozhe Yasan saw curiously and said: “Master, is the firearm used by your soldiers a little clumsy? Not only does it take time and effort to load ammunition , And the range is not far away. “

Several people in Liu Biao were quite dissatisfied with the words. He glanced contemptuously at this yellow-haired man, if he could not guess his relationship with the factory governor for a while. There must be some scolding.

Yang Ling listened but couldn’t help but moved. The fire rate and range of firearms had always been a bottleneck restricting it to play a greater role, but Yang Ling did not understand firearms. He once mentioned modern firearms and bullets to the firearms craftsmen in the Shenji camp. Some principles, but obviously cannot be achieved with the level of craftsmanship and gunpowder at that time.

Yang Ling was forced to develop a rocket-launcher, so that his army could win the battle in the city’s melee. At this time, I heard the words of the three places. He suddenly thought, could this missionary make a more advanced musket?

Yang Ling turned around and asked with a smile: “What insights can the priest have?”

Since the fire fighter Yasan knew his identity, he knew whether he could be recognized by the court of the Ming dynasty. His mission in the Ming dynasty was almost entirely dependent on the person in front of him. It was the previous step that immediately explained with effort.

However, his Chinese level is limited, and it is not a problem to speak some ordinary social language. One involves professional terminology. Some words were unclear, and the fire fighter Yasan was impatient. Seeing a fan beside him carrying a branch of fire brigade, he asked him to come and explained to Yang Ling in his hand.

The guns used by the Ming army at that time were also called fire-gate guns. The structure of the fire door gun is very simple. It usually takes two people to launch, one is filled with gunpowder, and it is solid. Then insert an iron or lead bullet, and then use the red-hot metal wire or charcoal to ignite the gunpowder in the fire door to shoot the projectile.

Such a neat launching method is naturally not suitable for the scene of a battle of thousands of troops on the battlefield. Later, it was changed to one-person operation. Not only was the firing speed slower, but the soldiers held the fire gun and the firelighter. They could not aim at all.

The method said by the fire actor Yasan is to use a slow-burning medicine twist to ignite the gunpowder. Only a very simple firing device is required, and it is not difficult to transform.

In this way, the **** can hold the gun with both hands, the accuracy is greatly increased, and the extended special barrel can be filled with more gunpowder, the projectiles fired have a rotating force, and the range and shooting speed are greatly increased.

Most of the veterans who taught firearms around Liu Biao were also artisan responsibilities. After hearing how the fireman Yasan Niang stumbled and said, his face with disapproval suddenly disappeared.

Yang Ling is still not very clear about his dictated machinery. But look at the look of those arms craftsmen. It is already known that the method mentioned by the fire fighter Yasan must be feasible.

Yang Ling listened to him after he explained the principle of this firefly gun, and had a sudden whimsy. Can’t help but say to Yazhan the Firer: “Priest, if you improve that fire rope again, install a small flint and use the sparks generated by the friction to ignite the gunpowder, maybe the speed will be much faster? And on a rainy day. Can be used, do you think it is feasible? “

Some things are not impossible, and I am afraid that I ca n’t think of it. When Yang Ling spoke out, not only did the fire fighter Yasan widen his blue eyes, but also those of the military craftsmen who had just understood the principle of the matchlock gun also shocked, and immediately thought of it. Feasible and great value.

The mouth of the fire fighter, San San, was like a fish out of the water, and his mouth was closed for a long time. Then he exclaimed: “My God is really jealous. God has given infinite wisdom to adults, I think … .. I think it is not difficult to transform these. The idea of ​​adults is really feasible. You will have an invincible musket team. “

Yang Ling was also very excited. He clenched his fists all at once, and took a long breath before instructing Liu Biao: “Arrange the best place and treat these priests well, they are my good friends.”

Yang Ling turned around and smiled at Yasan the Firer again: “Prister, please live here with confidence. The nomads in the north often invade the territory of Daming. I hope you can help my soldiers make better weapons and protect them. Our homes and land.

In return, I promise to spare no effort to help you and all the priests and friends, allow you to preach in Daming, and let the gospel of God spread to the most powerful and civilized land in the East. Church “.

After hearing the fire, Yasan almost didn’t cry, and several missionaries looked at Yang Ling with tears in their eyes. Originally full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, he came to this foreign country with the Pope’s will and instructions, but in recent years it has become more and more miserable.

Religious enthusiasm and poor identity made them neither willing nor able to cross the ocean and return to their hometowns. Now they only need to pay such a price. You can get the full support of the big and powerful figures by pointing at the improvement of the musket. What’s wrong?

They seemed to have seen a majestic and sacred church standing in the east, as if seeing the Pope’s hands draping them with a scarlet bishop’s robe.

Yang Ling sent these babies to the best place to stay and talked with them for a while. I wished to dig out a few shipbuilding experts and nautical experts from these people. Unfortunately, in addition to the Bible, most of them studied chemistry and philosophy. Yang Ling did not intend to let them write books at the moment, but instead chatted about the local customs of Portugal.

Although Yang Ling had limited knowledge of it there, to these missionaries, he felt like he knew something from another country. He was chatting for a while, and suddenly he walked into the room and whispered to Liu Biao, Liu Biao joined. Coming around, he gaped in and said, “Adult. The old housekeeper in your house has come here to find you. There seems to be something urgent.”

Yang Ling was a little surprised. He stood up and said, “I’m going to get him in.”

A moment later, the senior housekeeper hurried in and met him with joy: “Master. You are really here. The guests are coming from the house. Come back.”

He kept telling people to stay in front of the house and wait for the old man to return to his house. Later, he got a report from his family. It was said that the old man’s sedan passed through the door and went directly to Houshan. Then he hurried impatiently and found Yang Ling here.

Yang Lingqi said: “Which adult?”

The senior housekeeper opened his mouth and looked at the people in the room. Yang Ling realized that he had confessed to several priests and exited the room. The senior housekeeper pulled his sleeve. Nervously said: “Master, the emperor has come, and has been in the house for a while.”

Yang Ling was startled and asked quickly: “Emperor? How long has he been here? Are you still in the mansion?”

The senior housekeeper was a little weird and said: “The emperor has been coming for almost an hour. I heard that you are not in the house. He … He was in the middle hall for a while, and his wife came out to accompany the conversation, he waited Was bored into the backyard. The old slave didn’t dare to stop him. “

Yang Ling understood it as soon as he heard it. At that time, the etiquette was very particular, and the backyard of the Yang family was the residence of the female dependents. Even the senior housekeeper Ping Su will never take any further steps. Foreigners can only meet in the atrium. Unless the closest friends have the reason to go to the residence of the girl in the back hall, it is no wonder that the old housekeeper is in a hurry.

Based on Yang Ling’s understanding of the little emperor, he knew that he was casual, and sometimes he had fun, and laughed and quarreled with Liu Jin, and there was no emperor like this, he would not do these vulgar gifts He cares about the land, and the current Zhengde is just for fun, but it is not the so filthy faint monk in the legend. What other rude manners can he do to his wife and concubine?

However, the behavior of the old housekeeper also shows that he is faithful to himself. Yang Ling comfortably said to the executives: “I know, the emperor is young and unwilling to be restrained. I don’t pay much attention to these etiquettes. I will go back immediately.”

Yang Ling returned to the room and told Liu Biao to take good care of several priests. Even Wu Jie and Huang Qiyin did not care to see them, so they resigned and walked out inside and outside the factory.

The Zhengde in Yang Ling’s memory is a handsome, suave and kind-hearted emperor in folklore. The Qing Dynasty emperor’s micro-service private visits circulated in the later generations mostly came from the story of Zhengde. As for the Zhengde emperor in the history of the Qing Dynasty, it was a A faint emperor with no way, lustful behavior and even some perverts.

Zhu Houzhao, who he has personally touched, looks like most ordinary young people in modern times. In the age of Confucianism where children at the age of seven or eight are more familiar with saints ’knowledge, exporting chapters, and embodying ritual education, this little emperor ’s attention For, naturally, it seems a bit absurd.

Seeing the old housekeeper follow, the expression is still a little bit more anxious than him. Yang Ling doesn’t feel a little funny. If it is placed in the modern time, Zhengde’s behavior will not be so shocking. Yu Tangchun was so beautiful, Zhu Houzhao had all seen it with his own eyes, and had never touched his mind. Is he still afraid of his idea of ​​beating his wife and concubine?

Yang Ling thought of turning over here suddenly, and remembered that there was a Dailouer in his backyard. This woman is extremely utilitarian and naturally seductive. If she wants to seduce a 16- to 17-year-old Maotou by her romantic means, isn’t it a catch?

Judging from the situation of the two people knowing each other during this period of time, she has a very tricky and extraordinary means. Nowadays, the little emperor is just listening and believing, and the ears are very soft. If she meets the emperor, she wants to climb up the words that she intends to seduce. …….

If the Eight Tigers are evil, they can still check and balance. If Cheng Qiyun wins the emperor’s favor, I am afraid that the little emperor who can be confusing will not even know her father. If it is evil, isn’t it a female devil?

Yang Ling thought that there was also anxiety in his heart, and he could no longer settle down in a sedan chair. He hurriedly summoned a class leader and said, “Hurry, bring me a horse, I will go down the mountain immediately.”

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