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Chapter 209 - Chemical weapon

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Chapter 209 Chemical Weapons

Yang Ling took Mahalu away from the big tent. After leaving the sight of the big tent, he stepped up and went straight to the mountain pass. The main force of the Ming army has been withdrawn to the middle of the mountain and defended on all sides. Only a small amount of troops were left under the mountain to carry out Yang Ling’s artillery to withdraw immediately, frustrate the enemy, and stick to the strategy of waiting for assistance.

The horses roared, the fire was blazing, a cloud of mud was sprayed into the sky with white snow, and the horses that had landed on the mines in the thick smoke continued to lead the horses to the ground. But the torrent of the charge did not stop at all. Even if a frightened horse deviated from the direction of the charge, the immediate knight tried to adjust it to the correct direction immediately.

The inertia formed by thousands of war horses synchronously galloping, so everything in front of them became a flat target. At this time, no matter how superb the soldiers were riding, they could not restrain their own horses. Anything stopped would become an insignificant obstacle. Immediately was ruthlessly trampled into puree.

The wolf flag flew, and countless knights practised snow and trampled mud. The halberds were dense like forests, the sharp steel knives penetrated the biting frontal cold, and the sound of thundering hoofs was deafening. Xu Tai’s face was green and his forehead was violent. He carried a knife and stared at the Mongolian cavalry who was approaching. The cavalry rushing to the front had picked the bow and arrow, and Xu Tai still did not order to fire.

“Buzz”, as a group of wasps took off, the spiked arrows flew over with bloodthirsty whistling, and all the soldiers quickly evaded behind a giant shield with a person height, while raising the portable round shield to protect the head.

“Tuk, Tuk Tuk …”, the shield surface was covered with a layer of arrows. Some arrows passed through the gap of the shield, hitting the soldier’s body, and someone shouted. A moment later, the voice of “Tuk Tuk Tuk” revived, and the second arrow hit.

The cavalry is the master skill of the Mongolian cavalry. A considerable number of soldiers can shoot more than ten arrows in a row in the first breath. If there is a large group of Mongolian cavalry rushing over. You can shoot densely fast arrows in the first time, which is far and accurate, extremely vicious, and attacking the shooters with arrows will immediately lose most of them.

Xu Taixiao was courageous and warrior, and had gone deep into the desert and was familiar with this set of tactics. In addition, although the poison artillery was suitable for dealing with such an intensive charge, its range was not far away. If the artillery cannot be fired when the enemy brigade of the brigade enters the range, although empty shells can frighten a part of the horses, the Mongolian cavalry who can wind up in the process of reloading the projectiles can already rush to the front. It has to be a burning stick, useless.

The third arrow pours down on the giant shield like a rainstorm, and some of the soldiers with unprotected arrows fall down. At this time, Xu Taicai’s tongue roared like a spring: “Fire!”

The Mongolian cavalry who crossed the mine array rushed to a distance of thirty feet, and the dark muzzle spouted a tongue of fire. In a deafening roar, tens of thousands of lead pellets, stones, and nails fought back faster and harder than sharp arrows, sweeping the army of Tatars.

Under the steel rain, even the most brave Mongolian warrior and the warrior war horse are also difficult to resist with flesh and blood, and the moment they are invincible. People turned their horses over, the wooden shields were broken, and the iron-leaf shields also became sieves. They flew into the air, and the Mongolian soldiers in leather robes and leather armor were like a pile of wild wind under the intense terror of the dense artillery fire. Fallen leaves. Suddenly rolled into dust.

This attack was too cruel, and the intensive impact on the formation caused the shelling to have the greatest damage effect. There were nearly a thousand warriors fell into the horse, and more than 500 **** blind horses roared and rushed, unstoppable. Of Mongolian cavalry.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Taiming’s artillery was reloaded with ammunition, and at the same time there were twenty artillery that had been waiting forever to stand in line to prevent the gap between the artillery. Boyan also issued a death order, ordering the close friend Bodalmo to immediately organize the charge. Break down the defense of the hillside in the shortest time.

Today there is no strategy for this battle. The only goal of the offense and defense is on the mountain. As long as you break through this mountain, you will live all your life. Otherwise, everything will rest. As Boyan ’s confidante, Bodal knows the time. The importance of this, he immediately and the lieutenant general Lin Dada had brought two thousand cavalry each. Going down from the wings in the shape of goose wings. The soldiers, under the leadership of the admiral, wailed and howled and rushed up, all with red eyes.

Xu Tai sneered. When they were approaching, the poison artillery, who did not need to shoot accurately, only turned slightly, and a large piece of dense nails and lead shots quickly shot out again. Whatever the Mongolian cavalry hides in, the iron shield armor does not work. The horse piled up a large piece again.

This time, Lieutenant General Li Dada was killed on the spot. Bodal blinded his eyes, opened his mouth wide, and exposed his white teeth. He still charged with the remaining soldiers.

More than a hundred soldiers were killed by the arrows of the Mongolian cavalry at the Ming position. It was too late to load ammunition. The spare 20 cannons roared again and fired a tongue of fire. The remaining Mongolian soldiers in the smoke were only able to shoot two arrows. Was shot and fell.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kenong had assembled three thousand Jingqi and then rushed to the left, middle and right wings. Boyan’s heart was bleeding. This was all his subordinates, but this time it was already hidden. No matter how much the price is paid, he must capture Baishan Mountain.

The large-scale recruitment of soldiers from various departments to plunder the border was originally to avenge his son, but the more important reason is that the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty had just died, and the new emperor was a 16-year-old boy. It was the best opportunity, but he could never think that the little emperor had nothing to do with it, and was even more warlike than Hongzhi.

Not only did he quickly recruit heavy soldiers to the border, but the generals he sent were also brave and ambitious, and the Tatar army was fettered, exhausting all the weight, and what he did not expect was that he had always been defending and not attacking. The Ming Army took the risk of sending a spooky soldier for the fearful way, sweeping the entire desert of the empty land.

Due to the annihilation of the three hundred guards of Manduhai under house arrest, he still does not know that the Queen of Manduhai has also fallen into the hands of Daming in the prestige of the desert. The news that the tribe was attacked, the cattle and sheep were killed, and the grass was burned has been quietly sent. This news is not worse for Boyan, who has just been defeated.

He has just unified the desert with violent force. Once suffered this setback, the ambitious tribes are bound to move, and the situation that has just been unified will again fall into disintegration. The only way out is to kill the Ming emperor. A major military victory can transfer all the problems on the grassland and bring his personal prestige to an unprecedented peak. All criticisms and accusations will be dispersed by this great achievement.

The active cooperation of the Maitreya religion provided him with an opportunity, so Boyan, who had nowhere to go, blocked the water and was ready to go all out. After breaking through the hurdles and the surprise soldiers rushing, who would have thought that he would fall from the sky? In the past, it was possible to defeat the 500,000 Ming Army with 50,000 horses. The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was captured. He is the descendant of the fierce Genghis Khan. Can’t he bring nearly 50,000 horses to kill Zhengde, who is only guarded by more than 10,000 horses?

As long as Zhengde can be killed, no one in the Ming court can order the world. Now the Zhengde Clerk Minister who is in power and the lost hundred officials who are difficult to counterattack must be inextricably linked, and the kings are even more chaotic. Take a piece of soup. He can also return to the desert calmly and recuperate.

As for Yang Yiqing’s nearly 100,000 troops, he did not put it in his eyes at all. Yang Yiqing’s soldiers are stationed in various passes, guardhouses and castles of the Great Wall. Although the total strength exceeds him, the strength that can be quickly concentrated near Datong cannot exceed him. Moreover, the Emperor Daming is here, the Ming army has no time to calmly arrange, all the soldiers and horses of all roads will inevitably come to King Qin at all costs, and the Great Wall Pass will be flawed everywhere.

So as long as he can **** Zhengde before Yang Yiqing concentrates his troops. He can take advantage of the cavalry’s advantage of rapid mobility to jump out of the Ming army’s encirclement and calmly escape. All he needs now is time, because he only has the chance of one battle, and now he is using the flesh and blood to travel, and he is not hesitating.

The army of Kennon rushed, and the cannon hurriedly filled with ammunition left a dead body in the tremor of the earthquake. Tatar charged under the strict order of Boyan, wave after wave, and Xu Tai immediately ordered People immediately mountain. Under the cover of the shields and gunners, the soldiers began to move up the hill, the gunner buried long leads in the ammunition, and the last batch evacuated the position.

Tatar rushed up the mountain like a wolf. The striker just drove Ma Rufei up the hillside by the momentum. The explosive at the bottom of the mountain rang, the amputation of the broken arm and the blood was flying, and a huge horse head flew over the hillside. Bang on the ground. Two huge horse eyes make people look cold.

The captain Wu Zhumuqin Lema glanced back, and the charge formation was exploded with a gap of about ten feet. There are more than three hundred people around, as long as they rush up the mountain to occupy even a cup of tea, the follow-up troops can rush up the mountain endlessly. He yelled and yelled in Mongolian: “Kill it up and treat the Han like cattle Sheep are generally slaughtered! “

The sounds of one after another should just be heard. The cavalry rushing to the front has fallen down and the horse has fallen. The hillsides are covered with horse pits and the tribulus is buried. The middle passage was originally paved with wooden boards. It slowed down, but the horseshoe suddenly stepped into the pit and still broke the horse’s leg. The horse that was wounded by Tribulus terrestris was also agitated and difficult to control.

Just then a group of Ming troops clearly appeared on the top of the mountain. Wu Zhumuqin saw a row of winged gun handles behind them and could not help but take a breath of air, immediately shouted: “Dismount, use the horse as a shield!”

It was too late. Hundreds of Ming troops were condescending. The three-foot-long javelin drew a beautiful arc, pouring down, and the powerful javelin even the horse’s head can be pierced with a single shot. After a dull “pop” sound, all the lives were instantly transformed into a cold corpse.

Altay led the army and rushed up. He got only one order. At all costs, he must seize the mountain as soon as possible, even if the whole army is gone. The Ming army’s counterattack was also fierce and cruel, they also did not retreat, if Tatar rushed up the mountain to wait for them, they would only die.

Yang Lingdi’s firecracker and Mahalu’s Doyan **** archer formed a perfect match. The “Bangbang” fired in a row. The firecracker immediately backed up and filled with ammunition. The Doyan’s three-guard archer and attacked the hillside. The Tatars fired each other with the same skill and superb skills, swooping and flying like rain, some soldiers were bombarded like sieve by fire, and some were shot like a hedgehog by crossbow arrows, both sides took the hillside as a position, if the dead body Walls, howling everywhere.

Yang Ling is standing on the top of a high mountain. This place is steep, and Tatar can’t attack the mountain from here. It is just used to watch the battle. Yang Ling continuously issued orders according to the troops of the Tatars who attacked the mountains everywhere, and deployed the gunmen, archers and other distant attack soldiers, and the sword shields, spearmen, and stickmen prepared for melee combat.

Tatar is insane. The Ming army did not retreat. The two sides were like two fierce beasts fighting for food. They fought like a saw and fell into the frenzy of the former servants. The corpses on the ground were more and more, and the roar of the roar spread far and wide.

Mahalu looked around solemnly, puzzled and said: “Master Yang, Boyan does not count the casualties and the offensive is very urgent. Tian Khan and the leaders of the ministries are all on the mountain. This is too dangerous. Why haven’t the ambush yet appeared?”

Yang Ling chuckled and said: “General Mahalu need not worry. You see, although the men and women of Boyan are crazy, but they are always difficult to get over Leichi. He didn’t expect that there are 20,000 soldiers on our mountain.

Here is a glance at a glance. If the ambush was close, and it was discovered by Boyan long ago, it would take some time for our army to come, and then Boyan would be exhausted. Our natives are like autumn wind sweeping leaves, so that he has no place to escape into heaven! “

Mahalu listened to his peace of mind. He saw the attack on the left side of the hillside was very urgent. The two sides were already fighting on the mountainside. Among the human crowd, the roaring sound is like a thunder. With every roaring, the knife shone and the gun shadow cried. From time to time someone was stabbed to death, chopped to death, and suddenly became a flesh and blood slaughterhouse. The archers on the mountain were still shooting arrows at the back of them.

Mahalu couldn’t hold his breath: “I’ll go over there and see that the rescuers haven’t arrived yet, don’t let them go up the mountain.”

Yin Qi couldn’t rest assured that she had just followed the big account. She was just a guard, and now that Duyan Sanwei was fighting alongside the Ming Army, Wu Hanchao couldn’t stop it, so she came out.

Yin Qi stood aside. A wonderful look. Looking closely at Yang Ling’s expression, he suddenly asked: “Listening to the explanation, the farther the general from the emperor is, the better he can win the battle. The more he stays with the emperor, the more he fears the head and the tail.

Tartary iron rides like flying around, it is difficult for you to catch his shadow, now using the emperor as a bait to attract his army, and then surround him from the outside, it sounds a very good strategy, but if the reinforcements are delayed When you arrive, you will be eaten up by yourself, and now we will be eaten up even if we are involved. “

Does Yang Ling feel nervous? It was originally agreed that the smoke would be ignited in the event of danger, and Datong would send troops to rescue it. Now the chief of the Datong has received the news, and Xu Tai has been sent to escort. There is no reason to have no follow-up support, unless Datong City is also attacked.

If so, only Yang Yiqing’s men and horses can be expected, but Yang Yiqing has very few soldiers and horses and cavalry. Even if he comes with all his strength, it will take another hour. By then, how big is the end of the crossbow? The combat strength is unpredictable.

Yang Ling feared that much would be lost, and dared not take her second question, but she deliberately laughed: “The girl’s comment that the farther the general is away from the emperor, the better he can win the battle seems to be completely out of touch with the second sentence. What is this? meaning?”

Yin Qi’s big beautiful eyes stared at him suspiciously: “Because you don’t seem to obey the emperor, but … it seems that the emperor has no idea, all this is like you are commanding, you really Have you negotiated to lure Boyan to come? Isn’t it a plan to win Boyan? “

Yang Ling jumped in his heart, Qiang Yan smiled and said: “Why did the girl say this?”

Yin Qi pouted and said, “You wise men take the emperor’s treasures seriously and will take such a big risk? The more I think about it, the more wrong I will be. Look at how urgent the attack is under the mountain. Come here, but make it so shaky … “.

As she said, she walked to the cliff and leaned over to watch the battle down the mountain.

Yang Ling heard the murder in his heart, and Duoyan Sanwei was notoriously clueless. Once he learned that the truth was wrong, it was hard to say. This little girl has always been beside Huadang, and must be his extremely close friend. If you let her go back to rap, there will be danger of burying more than ten thousand lives on this mountain, even Daming Jiangshan, and all her relatives … ….

The soldiers are all on their own, and the fighting situation is tight. No one pays attention to it. Just reach out and push …

In the heart of Yang Ling ’s heart, a hand was raised in the air, and he could n’t make up his mind to kill. At that moment, Yin Qi had turned around, and when she saw Yang Ling ’s eyes, she suddenly took a step toward the side with caution, grasp Holding the machete around his waist, he sneered: “I’m right? Do you want to kill me?”

Yang Ling stunned and said with a strong smile: “Why did the girl say this? For no reason, why should I kill you?”

Those beautiful big eyes made Yang Ling’s face warm. For the first time in his life, he murdered an innocent person. Although it was meant to save more lives, why not use Duyan Sanwei? There was a sorrow in his heart.

Yin Qi snorted sternly: “Because you are afraid that we will go back and forth and go to fight. General Yang, don’t take us so badly. Although my father sometimes falls to Boyan, it is also for the survival of the entire tribe.”

She shook her head and sighed, “You can rest assured. Now that I’ve got into your thief ship, I have to go down with you daringly. At this time, I’ll pay too much, so even if my father is suspicious, I will help you. It ’s just that … I hope your army can really arrive in time, otherwise you will harm our family. “

Yang Ling was ashamed, he suddenly shouted, “Come here!”

Yin Qi was shocked. She scoured the scabbard out of the sheath, and pointed the blade directly at Yang Ling’s throat. When she heard the sound, she rushed to the nearby guard and immediately pulled the knife towards Yin Qi.

Yang Ling said frankly: “In the past, the Duyan Sanwei wavered before Daming and Tatar, so the official was not at ease. But the girl was right, the enemy is now. We should trust each other and work together to overcome the difficulties. If we still doubt each other at this time, That ’s really only the same thing. ”

Yin Qi also looked at him for a while. Suddenly she turned her wrists, and the scimitar brushed into the sheath. She said with a smile: “Your Han Chinese are really cunning. These words are very nice. In fact, they are just telling me that you are dead, and we also Can’t survive.

Humph! I tell you, Boyan begged my father. As long as I promise to marry Beyan, Duoyan Sanwei also returns to Tatar, we still have a way to live, so we will try our best to help you, but if your horses cannot arrive in time, if all the tribal leaders are killed, our tribe will If it is annexed, it will become a slave.

and so. When this mountain was broken. Between the fall of the whole family and survival, we will definitely choose the latter, me. Also willing to give up for the clan! “

She said it was extremely frank, her eyes were pure like a spring of water, and she used her virginity to exchange for the survival of the clan. This Han Chinese woman was influenced by the concept of chastity as heaven and earth. Even if she did it, she was ashamed to export. .

Yang Ling thought for a while and solemnly said: “Okay! We make a gentleman agreement, this mountain can be guarded, we will try our best to keep it together, and when the mountain is captured, I will be killed in the country, the noble’s behavior, you Decide for yourself! “

Yin Qi stared at him for a while, and nodded abruptly.

Yang Ling turned back and said to the guard: “Go, lit the smoke of the wolf, and anxious to the nearby pass!”

Tatar’s assault striker is wedged like an axe, and its momentum is like a tide, unbelievable, and the Ming army rushed in jagged on the hillsides everywhere. The tatar land’s fast horse can’t play its advantage, but it wins in many people, all fierce The Ming army occupied the ground in a high position and was desperate, vowing to die.

The gun forest arrows rain, the white blades are in the air, the cry of tens of thousands of deaths and deaths, the whole battlefield is boiling, but Tatar rushed to the middle of the mountain and then stepped in half. It was piled with infinite blood and dead corpses. Look at this situation. At that time, they did not want to attack the mountain. By that time, the reinforcements of the Ming dynasty should have been killed somehow.

“Woo”, the arrow came first, and when Li Xiaosheng came to his ear, a spiked arrow had penetrated into the chest of a Ming army with lightning, and the arrows came out through the back, with a big puff of blood, fierce and fierce. Incomparable.

Talzi with a cold arrow just hit the second arrow, and was shot by Huo Bing’s head. With a gun and a stick, Xu Tai and Liu Daguo were guarding the sound of wind and thunder in the arms in front of the mountain. The two fully controlled the range of fifteen or six steps in the horizontal direction, and no one could enter. This kind of majesty inspired the surrounding soldiers. The swordman had abandoned the shield, and his hands held the knife to fight hard with the tatar.

This is a tough battle, and the final victory depends only on the strength of the two sides, the level of morale, whether it is reasonable to dispatch on the battlefield, the proficiency of teamwork, the completeness of various armaments, and the use of strategy. . So far, the Shoushan side still has the advantage.

On the hillside, the dead are piled up like mountains, with broken limbs and broken arms, scattered everywhere, and the blood stains the land. The tangy blood stimulated the soldiers to kill in their hearts. Bows, knives, shields, guns, and swords were shot like a wave breaking, blood stained armor, and all people were crazy. I just waved my arms constantly, forgetting life and death, and forgetting fear.

Down the hill, Boyan drove the horse back and forth, inspiring the soldiers to move forward bravely. Now every moment of time, his hope of success is one point less, how can he not be anxious?

At this time. A general Tatar ran breathlessly and said: “Dahan, forty guns have been installed. Is it used to attack the mountain?”

As soon as Boyan was overjoyed, he immediately said: “Quick, transported to the front of the mountain immediately. Use the cannon to attack the mountain, and continue to assemble later. All 120 cannons are used by me. I see where Zhengde is still fleeing. … “.

For a while after the trumpet horn, the tatars of the assault mountain retreated to the mountain one after another, and the soldiers on the mountain were stunned: “Tarzi retreated? Are they going to abandon the attack and escape?”

But then they discovered that Tatar was pushing dozens of tall wooden shelves down the mountain. Each wooden frame was followed by hundreds of Tatars, holding long ropes in their hands. What is this? The officers and soldiers from the Beijing camp were inexplicable, but Xu Tai’s men and soldiers and Duoyan Sanwei’s horses exclaimed.

“Go back and forth, they brought back and forth!”

Xu Tai shouted sharply, “What are you afraid of? There are plains on all sides. It’s all land. Where did they get the boulders and throw them into the mountains?” The soldiers were relieved after hearing this.

The “return gun” is made of big wood, and the joint is connected with metal parts. The gun shaft can be rotated horizontally on the gun mount. The long pole fixed on the shaft is used as a cannon tip, which is actually a rock thrower. It is used to throw stone bombs. The ropes **** to a hundred, each pulled by two people, and the range can reach hundreds of steps.

When Mongolia attacked Xiangyang, it threw boulders with a round of artillery. A burst of salvo destroyed Xiangyang’s city walls. It took three years for the Xiangyang war to settle. A similar catapult, the Central Plains, has been around since the Spring and Autumn Period. This type of return gun is easy to install. During the Jingkang period of the Northern Song Dynasty, the golden soldiers attacked Bianliang, and over 5,000 cannons were installed overnight. Unexpectedly, Bo Yan brought a large number of instruments on horseback to assemble them down the mountain for success.

It is just that the boulders used cannot be sourced locally, and the Mongolian warhorse is no longer powerful, so that dozens of miles of surprise can not come with hundreds of pounds of boulders. What are they going to use to attack the mountain?

“Huihui Cannon” stopped at the foot of the mountain. This distance from the arrow was the end of a strong crossbow. It could not cause damage to them. Officers and soldiers on the mountain could only wait with their arms tight.

A smile appeared on the corner of Boyan’s mouth. He didn’t expect that the people on the mountain and the intelligence were wrong. It seemed that it was more than doubled, which caused the offensive to be frustrated. How long can it be kept?

Although the trebuchet was mainly used to throw large stones to smash the walls and kill the soldiers, when the Mongolian army marched westward, in the battle of Warsaw, it had a great plan to open the world ’s chemical warfare and fired a large number of poisonous smoke **** with return guns. , The whole city is full of arsenic and lute smoke.

When the Mongolian army attacked Constantinople, the plague prevailed in the army. The Mongolian army simply used guns to throw the dead soldiers into the city, causing the plague in the city. It is said that the infected businessman in the city escaped by boat. The Asian plague was brought to Europe, which led to the “black death” that caused the Europeans to change their color, killing a third of the European population at that time.

After the Northern Yuan split, Kou Qi attacked the border for the purpose of looting. In addition to the previous year, except for taking the big while using the “return gun” to throw the boulder, it was rarely used, so even Xu Tai did not think of other uses.

The “Return Gun” at the bottom of the mountain was properly placed. A flaming giant ball flew straight to the top of the mountain and slammed to the ground. A choking smoke spread out immediately. I didn’t know what was added inside. The broken ball still burned. It exudes a spicy and choking smell.

Under the mountain, one after another, a ball of smoke, a meteor, usually throws at the mountain in time for the moon …

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