Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 212 - One World War

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Chapter 212

Zhang Yin ’s mood can only be expressed with a smile, why did Boyan ’s army escape back to the pass just now? Was the plan to assassinate Emperor Daming successful?

In any case, under the eyes of everyone, if you want to continue to hide in the army, you can only try to intercept Boyan ’s army. If the emperor is not dead, Boyan is just like Yang Hu. It is a running dog that has lost its use value. Coming home is just one of his great achievements, which can be better hidden in the court.

If the emperor is dead, take advantage of the opportunity to weaken Boyan and help King Baoning to take the throne, and take advantage of military power and support to seize the military power, you can easily take his mountains and rivers. I really thought I would cede Gansu, Qinghai and Liaodong to give you this idiot. ?

Zhang Yin smiled coldly, not waiting for the generals to ask for help, and immediately ordered: “Deng commanded the speed cloth half-moon formation to block the enemy, Guan commanded the army to seize the highlands beside the canyon, and the generals will form a square!”

At this time, Tazi has also found that a large group of Ming troops obstructed the enemy at the pass. This is the only way for them to escape from the plug. The rush past is the life, and there is the danger of being wiped out by the whole army and the Tatar flying away. In the line of life and death, Zi revived the fierce nature, and the cavalry began to gather quickly while rushing, forming a “wild boar head” formation of the decisive charge.

This formation is similar to the cone-shaped attack formation of the Central Plains, but the formation is more dense, almost thrown into a stone at random, and can hit a soldier or horse. The fast galloping horses want to break the mark in one fell swoop with a strong impulse.

Seeing this terrifying power, Deng Xueying couldn’t help but secretly horror, but he couldn’t care about that much at this time. The pikemen immediately rushed to Taniguchi under his command and hurriedly arranged a nine-column convex semi-circular blocking array.

The best way for an infantry to deal with such a fierce cavalry charge is to fight with a chariot, but this unit goes to Datong. The task that was originally planned to be carried out was to reinforce the attack and pass, and did not carry the fighting vehicles on the ground at all.

If only the heavy infantry rifles were used to block the enemy, they should be arranged in three rows of sixteen columns deep and five or six feet apart, so that it was possible to contain the cavalry charge of the brigade.

The Tatar army made a surprise attack on White Mountaineering, which was originally intended to succeed in the First World War, so they all carried an excessive amount of arrows, and each brought sixty spiked arrows. There are now more than ten arrows in each person’s bag, and the arrows are shot from a distance.

The frontier spear team screamed and crouched to the ground, holding a two-foot long red tassel rod gun with their right hand, the handle end was heavy on the ground, and the left hand held a round shield to cover the top of the head. The small round shield is not big, but the soldier crouches to the ground, and the small shield is enough to protect the soldier’s vital point.

But the arrows of Tatar are too dense, and the snow-white ground brushes the ground, just like a large swath of grass at first glance. The arrows were still striking at some soldiers at the angle. Immediately afterwards, the pretending dragon was riding.

This two-foot-long red tassel uses white wax rods as its body and bamboo as bamboo, and then is closely wrapped with multiple layers of silk and linen. Layers of high-quality paint are fastened with glue, and the whole body is painted black. The gun body is rigid and soft. It is extremely tough. The ordinary sword and axe are difficult to hurt. It can be strong and not broken. Relatively light.

Tartary’s iron ride rushed. They knew they were dead, but they no longer had a second way to go. Even with a little hesitation, they would follow up and die with a continuous army of iron riders, only to rush up, regardless of whether they were afraid or willing.

The dense forest-like spear shone with the dazzling frontal cold, pointing upward at an angle of 35 degrees. The war horse has not yet touched the point of the gun. Immediately the knight let out a desperate roar, and stood up and waved the big knife in his hand.

“Poo poo” and “click” keep talking. It was the sound of a spear piercing the body of the horse and the sound of being broken by great force. The knight was screaming, and the pikemen on the ground were screaming. The people turned their horses and the blood spattered.

The hoofs were thunderous, and the second row of cavalry arrived quickly, and the blood in the air had not landed. Their horseshoes had trampled the war horses and the human body on the ground mercilessly, and a dull spear penetrated into the human body. The dull puff, and the desperate cry of the soldiers.

Horse kick company, if this company is a forest of spears? Tatar rushed like a tide, and the soldier who was rushing to the front was like a wave hitting the rock. He suddenly rose in the roar, and then fell heavily, falling to the bone, and then the wave continued to hit it without any return.

Nine columns of dense gun arrays could not stop the unstoppable army of Tatars. The “wild boar head” finally stumbled over the blocking formation and continued to escape into the valley. Gukou people’s corpses and horses lay horribly, and the speed of the fleeing army was slow.

At this time, Zhang Yin ’s officers and soldiers had dispersed into four huge squares outside the valley, constantly firing arrows at the densely influxed Tatar cavalry. This is Taniguchi. Bo Yan and Huo Si knew that if they were in love here, The Ming army that has seized the valley of the valley is calmly arranged, then the general trend is to go, as soon as the chasing soldiers arrive, they must become the ruined valley in front of the refusal. The fastest speed rushed across the valley to merge with the troops who were defensive.

“Brush!” White sky feathers roared, “Ah …”, a scream of screaming from the team screamed, the archer with a half-carved eagle outside the body successively planted the horse, the subsequent cavalry continued to move forward by inertia Dash.

The Tatar soldiers have never fought such a foolish battle. If they are fighting head-on, the four phalanxes laid out by Gu Mingkou at the mouth of the valley cannot withstand their cavalry storms. Once they are divided, they cut off the recognition of the Ming army. Military flags and command flags, these Ming troops who lost their organization and command could not withstand their one hour sprint and slaughter.

However, who knows how many reinforcements are still coming in the Ming court, and eating this Ming army means that they have to be buried here. The horses are rushing and the crowds are so crowded that they ca n’t even fight back with arrows. Continuously rush, rush, and rush in the blow of arrow rain and fire! Someone keeps falling, and some people keep dying.

Tatar rushing into the valley saw the Great Wall pass in sight, but a ray of rejoicing had just surfaced, and they were greeted by the deadly arrow of Deng Xueying who had occupied the highlands. “Early shield! Erect shield!” Someone shouted in Mongolian language, but the Ming army was at a standstill, even though the wooden shield and the iron leaf shield were picked off in gallop. It is also the protection of the horses and the protection of the horses.

“Separate troops to attack the mountain and seize the highland!” Someone shouted, and the two generals screamed and led thousands of soldiers to storm the hillside. They did not seek to really win this highland, as long as they contained it Live in the Ming Army and cover the main force smoothly.

Unfavorable horseback riding on the hillside. However, the Mongolian soldiers who jumped down from Malay were still skilled in bows and arrows, and the sharp arrows, which were faster than the Ming army and had a longer range, temporarily suppressed Deng ’s command and used their lives to win precious time. Captive.

Tatar has rushed into the valley for the most part. Under the constant attack of the Ming army, there are dead bodies everywhere in the valley and the valley. Standing on a low slope, Zhang Yin rode a long-handed babara lance with a gun handle on the ground. He was paying attention to the battlefield situation and suddenly saw the Ming army flag. With a fixed gaze and a slight gaze, Zhang Yin’s eyes could not help but flashed a touch of disappointment.

After chasing the bottom of the Tatar horse, picking up the cheap Jingfoer and chasing Datong, the horsepower is no longer good. He used a sixty catty knife, which was too heavy, and the horse was overwhelmed. He rushed back from Feihudu with all his strength. He never stopped all the way, and he could n’t keep up anymore. Then he dismounted and went to see his uncle first. At this time, the two general soldiers under Wang Shouren were chasing behind.

The distant Ming chasing soldiers fell lazily across the arrow, as if sending off the Tatar remnant soldiers out of the customs, how could there be any point of revenge for the prince? If they say that their horsepower is not good, but seeing an friendly army intercepting in front, they suddenly speed up the horse speed, and quickly come, and at this situation, Zhang Yin knew that Bo Yan failed.

He sighed deeply in his heart. This is the spirit. Speaking of Zhangba lance, the front of the gun pointed with awe-inspiring shouting: “The three armies are exhausted. Cut off Tatar and cut off the next one, kill!”

He kicked his belly with his legs, and led his own team of horsemen to rush out.

Zhang Yin seemed to be a Confucian general, but he was really good at it. A spear with a length of eight was like a poisonous snake. He was on the left, and he was on the right. He crossed the enemy line, shuttled, picked, stabbed, poke, sweep, gun It was hard to find traces, and five or six tatars were picked off the horse instantly.

Hundreds of his pro-military soldiers followed, like a sharp blade that cut off the path of the last more than a thousand tatars, only to slow down, the Ming army of the brigade had blocked Taniguchi, and the horseshoes were behind, two The guerrilla general also rushed over with tens of thousands of cavalrymen.

In front of the dense guns, Lin Lin was waiting. The shooters with bows and guns stared at them coldly on both wings. As long as the Ming general with the horizontal gun stopped in front of him, he shot the arrows together. At this time, the hoof behind was running closer and closer.

Thousands of martial arts officers and men raised their reins and looked around. Suddenly they raised their sabers and reached out to the sky. They sang angrily, “Starry sky spins, the nations fight, there is no time to go to bed to sleep.”

Grab each other, plunder. The world flipped, the nations attacked, and there was no time to even go to bed to sleep.

Fighting against each other, killing and cutting, no time to think, only to do their best.

There is no place to escape, only a charge. “

More than a thousand Tatar cavalry raised their **** weapons high and sang together. The majestic and cool voice echoed at Gukou.

Although they can’t understand their language, every Ming soldier can hear and see from their expressions and voices. These more than a thousand Tatar cavalrymen have decided to fight against tens of thousands of Ming troops before and after, vowing to die .

“Go where you say it, go to crush the hard rock; go where you say attack, and go to destroy the hard rock;

Split the high mountain and dry the deep water, so as to kill the enemy bravely, and turn the whole land into a pasture of Mongolians! “

No one issued an order, and the last sentence sang. All the Mongolian cavalry turned around recklessly, raising their swords, kicking, and raising their hips, and rushed towards the Daming cavalry who came after him! Although they are cruel, bloodthirsty, and greedy, they are also bloody, brave, and proud, and they would rather fight with the knights of another nation as a hero immediately!

“Bang! Boom! Boom!” The fire bell sounded, and just turned around. There were already four or five feather arrows on the back of the broad platform, and the blood spewed out along the shaft of the arrow. At the same time, the leather robe was crushed by dense projectiles.

He widened his eyes in exasperation, “Why … Why don’t I let my hero fight to death?” Kuan Kuotai wanted to turn around to question Ming Jun, but his strong arm was not even able to grasp Ma rein. The body only shook a little, and he planted his horse in a rage …

“The robber is the robber, although he is very brave … that’s just the brave robber. When did you see the officers and soldiers killing the robber and tell him the rules?” Lu Erniu, who was promoted to a hundred families two years later, mentioned this During World War I, the opponent went down to the ground and said vigorously.

The Emperor Qi drove back to the city. The people of the whole city have heard that the young emperor set a good plan to frustrate the Tatar Iron Rider heroes. If they saw the Huang Luo umbrella cover the city and go to the white mountaineering, they were only concerned about that life. The emperor in the Forbidden City is full of curious words, so now they are welcoming but completely sincerely.

The emperor is the representative of the Han people. His glory is the glory of the entire Han, who does not want his leader to be a hero that can make him proud and proud?

The Tatars left a pile of crimes in the border, how many people were scared because their family broke their wives, and how many people were scared because they were away from their hometowns. The rumors spread quickly among the cities. Although ridiculous and illogical, the death toll of Tatar is even more It has risen exponentially, and has even exceeded the total population of the grassland desert, but the people are willing to spread it and believe it. Who dares to question, immediately attracted a group of people spitting scolding, holding his head to escape.

The speed of Yang Yiqing’s repatriation has reached the limit of the infantry, but after all, he can’t keep up with the four-legged run, and tens of thousands of troops received the emperor back to the city halfway. According to the news that his department drove outside Datong City.

His troops went to Datong City under the mighty force, and it looked as if the army was majestic, and their armor was sharp, and there was no battle in the slightest. It seemed that the emperor personally confirmed it in the eyes of the people. It is rumored that Shilong Jinghu fiercely took one hundred to one thousand, and Boyan Khan dropped his helmet to remove his armor and looked away from the wind.

On behalf of the King, Hu Zan, Yang Yiqing, and Du Renguo greeted the Holy Car at the gate of Datong City, when the Emperor Zhengde arrived, several people immediately fell to their knees and fell down. Yang Yiqing was very worried about this path. As the master of the three customs, he was responsible for the defense of the entire theater. Now the emperor is not encountering assassin rebels, but the main force of the emperor Tatar and the emperor enters the gate. After killing Baishan Mountain, he couldn’t think of any reason to excuse himself.

Luan stopped and the Emperor Zhengde strode in front of several people. The small face had been wiped clean. The emperor’s embarrassed appearance was of course still not seen by the courtiers.

The surrogate properly maintained his hands in the dirty snow, he could not kneel long, trembling: “The emperor was attacked, the culprit is to blame. Please punish the emperor severely!”

Hu Zan, Yang Yiqing, and Du Renguo all kowtowed together: “The culprits are dying. Ask the emperor to treat the crimes!”

The generals and officials who came to meet all knelt down, and tens of thousands of troops knelt down in awe. The raven was silent.

Among them, only the three kings, Hu Zan and Yang Yiqing, who are directly worried, Yang Yiqing is the current Sanguan system, so it goes without saying. Hu Zan is the governor of Datong. Yang Yiqing controlled the former military and military affairs of the three armed forces. He grabbed it with one hand. The officials below 1,000 are all signed by him. Although he is a civilian and does not know military affairs, Wang Hu and Li Yi are both anti-thieves. It was recommended by the military junior and appointed by him again, but to whom did this reason go?

As for the acting king as the king of the guarding of Datong, although Ping Su did not intervene too much in military affairs, after all, he was the highest official in name, and he had the right to use troops in wartime. He was guilty of oversight in the army, and the emperor was in danger. It is even more sinful not to save the door, how can you not be afraid?

Zhengde was full of joy when he stepped down from the sedan chair. When he heard this, he suddenly remembered the thrilling scene when he was climbing the mountain. His face suddenly sank.

The more he wanted to sit in the sedan all the way, the happier he felt. This battle threw down Bo Yan. Bo Yan ’s sweating position was afraid that he would not be able to sit on his feet. The flames of civil strife ignited on the grassland, at least for ten years of peace. And, with the cooperation of Duoyan and Sanwei, and the division within Tatar, if everything develops according to Yang Lingdi ’s plan, it will be possible to unify the desert during his reign of Jiangshan, but it is a land of several provinces.

Zhengde is young. I also know what it means. The other place in the ancestral temple will super-father Yue Zu and become the sage king after the founding emperor. How many emperors have worked hard to save the world, but he has just changed Yuan Zhengde to become Emperor Ming, and he did it.

The child’s temper, the terrified heart, went to think of beautiful things: didn’t Yixian like heroes? She is not saying that if her future husband is a great hero, he must have the ability to protect her. Is there a way to protect the people of Daming from being bullied by others?

Hey! When I went to Shihuaguan with Yang Ling, I met Tang Yixian when I was beaten. This time I went to White Mountaineering with him. He was smoked by arsenic croton to make a big face, but he did a great job. He really is my blessing. In the future, the more things you lose, the better.

Zhengde wanted to be more and more beautiful, and he flirted after getting off the sedan chair. Listening to the petition from Dai Wang and others, he got angry again, Zhengde just wanted to attack, Liu Dabang mallet suddenly shouted with a loud voice: “The emperor’s strategist, wise and magical, thwarted Bo Yan Khan. The alliance. The three guards of the Duo Yan are indeed the Ming dynasty and the last emperor! Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live long! “

“Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!” Tens of thousands of troops knelt in unison and shook the roof tiles. It can make the hawks fall to the ground, and the shouts are still there, and the people who welcome in the city cheer.

Yang Ling took a step forward, coughed, and whispered: “The emperor, all the soldiers and people in the frontier are celebrating His Majesty’s merits,” and he glanced at the big mallet with approval. Although this guy does not know how to read, but has a good memory, he only teaches him again, no matter what he means or not, anyway, he can recite it all.

When Zheng De heard Yang Ling’s words, his anger subsided, and it was not appropriate for an outbreak of spy in the army to cause panic among the people. Moreover, if the world knew that their own merits had been hit by mistake, then there would be no glory. Maybe the old men in Jingli have to use this matter to make a fuss. This matter is still handled quietly.

Thinking of this, Zhengde put on a smiley face. Xiao Yinyin said authentically: “Your Ai Qings have frustrated the Tatars, and you are so guilty. Why do you blame them? If the uncle Wang died to guard the Datong and refused to count the lone army out of the city to avoid being taken by the enemy, not only would Datong be trapped by the enemy, it would make thousands of them. As the surname suffered, I had to hurriedly flee back to Beijing. As for Yang Qing and other generals, I had a clear reward and punishment. Severe punishment, but now it is the time for military and civilian celebrations across the city, and this is put aside in advance. “

Hu Zan heard that he only mentioned the king and Yang Yiqing, but he didn’t mention it. He knew that this black pot was to be reckoned by himself, but the two spy generals were indeed the governors when he was the governor of the military. Appointment, now the emperor has frightened and thwarted the Tarko, and he has taken advantage of this light and hasn’t beheaded. It is already a big advantage. What else can I say? So he stood up silently without saying a word.

Yang Ling whispered very little to Zhengde, Zhang Yin who was kneeling behind did not hear it, but the expression of the two he observed was very careful. Zhengde first showed his anger, then he could quietly and quietly guard against negligence, A major event such as trapping the emperor in danger must have heard Yang Ling’s whisper, and this person’s influence on the emperor is too great.

The plan to assassinate the emperor with the hand of Yang Hu failed, and the plan to eradicate the emperor with the hand of Boyan failed. Every time there was only a little accident in the plan, it was this flaw that made him fall behind. Passively step by step, the precise design plan cannot be changed again and again, which is really unwilling.

Is it true that Zhengde’s luck is not exhausted, or is it my luck? The tens of thousands of troops in Boyan cannot assassinate the emperor, it seems that they must change their course, and they ca n’t get rid of Zhengde Baoning ’s succession. Then I will provoke Ning ’s ambitions and let Daming play another uncle to win the nephew. The right play.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yin quietly glanced at Yang Ling, and said, “This person is so good in front of the emperor. Instead of trying to get rid of it, why can’t he be used? Yang Hu is the first man in Bazhou and Boyan. It ’s the hero of the desert. I can use their greed to play with them, but ca n’t I use Yang Ling? People have weaknesses if they are good. Is he good for power, good for profit, good for name or lustful? ”

Zhang Yin thought carefully about Yang Ling’s information and nodded insignificantly: “This man is proud of his youth, and the better is nothing more than power and sex! He can carry his wife to seek medical treatment and resist the decree. Obviously, he is young and passionate. Woman, such a person is not difficult to deal with. I may be able to put a reliable eye and ear around him, even if it can’t affect him, it will definitely let me have enough royal secrets.

Zhang Yin thought quietly: “Drunken and sleeping under the pomegranate skirt, remembering Xiaoman’s waist when he woke up. The emperor can give him the right. But this teaching is mostly the beauty of Meiji. To deal with such a young minister, use Beautiful seduction is the most appropriate as a knocking brick! “

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