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Chapter 22 - Battle of dawn

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“Woo ~~”, Yang Ling awakened in the excitement of the horn, and a jerky jumped up. Because Han Youniang was nearby, it was inconvenient for them to live with the Huangxian Cheng in the Datong shop of Yuelou. Yang Ling slept in the Yuhuang Pavilion between the east and north gates.

Han Youniang rubbed her eyes and woke up. Yang Ling leaped down and ran and yelled, “Tarzi is siege, you stay here honestly, I’ll go and see.”

The sound of shouting was everywhere, and the soldiers ran back and forth on the city wall, constantly wielding swords to cut off the hooks thrown under the city, and struck down the city with sharp arrows. A winch is placed every ten steps or so in the city wall, tied with a thin iron rope, and in the middle is a log with a diameter of one foot and a length of about one foot, and the nails of the dense forest of about five inches are exposed on the log. Like a giant mace.

The two officers and soldiers hid under the battlements, just lifted the wooden stick and threw it towards the city, they heard a cry of screaming, and then they twisted the winches at both ends, and twisted the “spike stick” back.

Although this kind of fortification tool is cumbersome and time-consuming, it is assisted by several archers at both ends, enough to make up for the defects, and the lethality is not small.

He hurried to the wall crow, just holding the wall crow, a sharp arrow flew past his cheek, and shot with a benevolent sound on the lintel of the Jade Emperor Temple, the arrow tail buzzing and trembling. , Shocked Yang Ling out of cold sweat.

Yang Ling settled down and looked down obliquely behind the wall stack. He could not help but be surprised. Why did so many enemies suddenly appear? I saw Tatar soldiers all over the city. The walls were as high as several feet. They threw up the walls with hooks and ladders. They climbed up fearlessly. There were a large number of archers running back and forth to shoot arrows and cover them. During the siege, the archers in the city continued to send arrows to fight back, but the enemies were few, and despite the geographical advantages, they were still suppressed to hold their heads up.

Yangling cat hurried to the south gate with his waist, rushed to the tower, and only heard a loud noise, the ground was trembling, and the smoke was rising, which surprised Yang Ling and looked down to the city, only to see the ground explode A large pit, with more than a dozen people on its back, a horse with its leg broken, still mourning in the pool of blood.

Yang Ling secretly stunned, can’t see how powerful the artillery was at this time. Has there been an explosive bomb in this era? He thought the shells were solid iron balls.

But the smoke from the cannon was so thick that Yang Ling had just run over and was short of breath. Coughed by Huoyao, the smoke slowly dissipated, and Huangxiancheng appeared after the bunker of the city tower. He waved to Yang Ling anxiously and said: “Hime nephew, come quickly, be careful not to be hurt by Liuya.”

Yang Lingha ran over with his waist and saw three cannons in front of the tower, facing the bottom of the city, several gunners were nervously loading and refilling, and the lead of one of the cannons on the left was already “leading”. Burning, several gunners covered their ears and closed their eyes, only to hear a loud noise, the position of the cannon suddenly filled with smoke, and no one could see clearly.

Yang Ling was so smoked that his eyes were red. When the thick smoke slowly dissipated in front of him, I saw how far the rear seat of the cannon with a bracket under the front of the tower came out. This was still fixed by an iron anchor on the gun body, otherwise I do n’t know Where is the cannon jumping? Several gunners are pushing the cannon back into place.

Because the Tartar under the city walked around and avoided the front, although this artillery shook the mountain vigorously, only one person was killed and several people were injured. It felt like a cannon hitting a mosquito.

Yang Ling asked aloud: “Master Huang, why did Tatar suddenly come so much? Jiang Jiang?”

Huang Xiancheng pointed to the front and said loudly: “The second half of the station was lost, and Tatar increased his troops. Jiang Jiang was in front of the war. There were only more than one hundred soldiers in the city. If you lose sight of it, go to the station. People from the post office came to guard the city. “

“Good!” Yang Ling promised to turn around and ran down the city. At this time, Liu Dianshi led more than two hundred people to the city, and was scattered by the sentry commander around the city walls. These people were just ordinary people. He had no military training and was panic-stricken. He listened to the soldiers’ explanations, and regardless of whether there were enemies under the city or not, he grabbed the beating stone and threw it down, making those soldiers stomping their feet.

These people also do not know how to protect themselves. A protruding Min Zhuang was shot in the chest with an arrow. The Han Youniang who just came over caught him, and the other Min Zhuang suddenly dreaded with fear. Although some officers and men shouted loudly, they refused to show their lives.

At this time, the street was empty, and the people did not dare to run around at home under the scolding of the servants. Just at the crossroads, Yang Ling saw Ma Yicheng leading more than ten couriers and rushing three carriages. He was rushing to meet him, Yang Ling hurriedly stopped and said loudly: “Ma, Ma, the Tatars under the city are scattered to attack the city, and the guards are not enough. Huang Xiancheng asks you to send all postmen to the city to help.”

Ma Yicheng jumped off the horse and said, “Where is there manpower? There are also a large number of siege siege in the east gate and west gate. They have insufficient siege equipment, so they scattered around to climb the wall. My people have been sent out, and all these are left. , Is sending artillery to Master Jiang. “

When Yang Ling heard that there was a cannon, he could n’t help but feel happy, but when he thought about the effect of the iron guy, he was a little disappointed. He said: “Now the tatar is blooming on all sides, mainly because the sergeant sergeant ca n’t take care of it. Big”.

Ma Yicheng directed the two carriages to the east and west doors respectively. He brought a carriage and continued to move forward. He said: “Him nephew is wrong. This is not a general gun. This gun is a” garnet gun against the thief. ” “Weiyuan Stone Artillery” and “Lychi Artillery with Enemy Thousands of Enemies” are used to defend the city.

Yang Ling heard something inexplicably, Ma Yicheng saw that he did not understand, and the city side hurried to explain to him. The gun that Dali Qing Ma Yicheng said is actually a bomb. The “Punch Gun” is a bit like a modern grenade. Cast with cast iron, shaped like a ripe big pomegranate.

The “Weiyuan Stone Cannon” is made of stone and contains fire, and each stone bomb is also doped with 100 small stones, which explodes to have great lethality. The “Lenchi Enemy Litchi Cannon” has the largest volume. The clay pots are filled with fire, as well as gravel, broken iron pieces, and tribulus terrestris. The explosion shattered and shrapped hundreds of steps, hurting the enemy.

Yang Ling was overjoyed and remembered that when he watched “Burning Yuanmingyuan”, Qing battled the Allied Powers of the Eight Powers. That was to fight against the devil with a sea of ​​tactics and a spear. It is also easy for a scholar to keep a wall by himself.

The shipment of these bombs had a great effect. Although the Tatar cavalry who used cold weapons did not fear death, they could not resist the zha medicine. With the explosion sounds everywhere, there were countless deaths and injuries in the city, and siege. Temporarily stopped.

There were more than forty Ming soldiers dead and wounded on the city head, plus a total of about 100 people who did not know how to protect themselves. The army and the temporarily recruited civilian Langzhong were busy treating the wounds everywhere.

Jiang slashed several Tatar soldiers with his own hands, killing them savagely, carrying two **** choppers and scolding the people for stupidity, kicking them on their **** from time to time, scolding the soldiers to teach them how Combat. Huang Xiancheng and Liu Dianshi and others ran to the east and west cities to inspect the casualties.

Yang Ling climbed the city head and saw the Tatars retreating outside the Three Arrows ground. The next round of attacks was brewing, and the Tatar soldiers outside the east and west cities began to gather there. There were more than 3,000 people. Han Youniang wanted a whistle from her familiar bureaucracy and stood beside him to watch carefully. Although she was petite, she had a good look.

Yang Ling sees that there are so many enemy troops outside the city, even if it is purely consumed, it is not known whether the remaining defenders can defend the second round of attacks. Moreover, the most powerful defensive weapon in the city, only less than two of those bombs are left. Ten, I felt a little worried.

But now the Ming army has given him a great surprise. He did not expect that the military technology was so developed during the Ming Dynasty. In his impression, the Ming Dynasty has always been weak, and the emperor is not doing his job, and the **** is the world. Others Not at all.

But for an ordinary person who is more familiar with Qing Palace opera, he can only know so much. If he knew that the current prince was Zhu Houzhao, and happened to have seen the movie “You Long Xi Feng”, he didn’t even know. Now who is Emperor Hongzhi after Emperor Hongzhi, let alone know more about the Ming Dynasty.

Since Ming history was cultivated by people in the Qing Dynasty, the hidden feelings are self-evident, and of course, any jokes and romances derived from it are of course even less credible. One “Ten Diaries of Yangzhou” and one “Story of Jiading Tucheng” were annihilated in China for more than two hundred years, but they were found in Japan more than two hundred years later, which shows the thoroughness of the Qing Dynasty.

In fact, the Ming Dynasty was not far away from capitalism. Iron production is the sum of the whole of Europe. One third of the world ’s silver production is due to trade to China. Industrial production accounts for more than 60% of the world. In the so-called Qianlong prosperity, the output only accounted for 6% of the world.

No wonder the Ming Dynasty missionary Matteo Ricci’s “China Notes” records China like this: “The material production here is extremely rich and omnipresent, sugar is whiter than Europe, and Bubi is more exquisite in Europe … People have beautiful clothes, graceful manners, and people’s spirit Pleasant, polite, and elegant. “The British special envoy during the Qianlong period, Macartney, said:” There are terrible poverty everywhere … many people don’t have clothes to wear … the army is ragged like Hanako. “

In the Ming Dynasty, China, like Japan in later generations, invented its own, and invented it. If it could not be invented, it cost a lot of money to buy foreign goods and researched and imitated it. At that time, there were 5,000 people in the “Shenji Camp” in Beijing. Use 3600 thunderbolt guns, 200 Dalian bead guns, and 400 handgrip guns. What a modern equipment!

However, the economic and cultural advancement and the irreconcilability of political and military corruption have allowed a more backward culture to dominate the relatively civilized China. Time has miraculously reversed, scientists have disappeared, and advanced firearms have been eliminated. Buried.

The musket was dismissed as a “fantastic trick” and was abolished. In the “Yaksa War”, the trigger fired musket seized by the Qing army, Kangxi only left two to play with himself, ordering the Qing army to ban the use of this new type of musket It is “You must not interrupt the spears of bows and arrows granted by predecessors.” By the time of the Opium War, the soldiers armed with large swords and spears were completely new to firearms. They actually regarded them as evil things, thinking that they could be broken with dog blood.

Yang Ling didn’t know much about these things, only to see that the weapons used by the Ming Army were too unexpected. When I remembered that the Eight Banner Army swept across China, I couldn’t figure out why.

The old man Wang Zhubiao and Gao Nianzhao in the township led the people to deliver food to the city. The owner of “Hongyanlou” deliberately killed a big fat pig to reward the soldiers. Han Youniang used to take two bowls of rice and a bowl of fat pork stew. Summoned: “Xiang Gong, let’s eat”.

Yang Ling woke up from her thoughts and quickly took the meal from Han Youniang and laid it on the snow-covered city wall. The two stood by the wall and ate their meals. Yang Ling was also really hungry. He pulled into half a bowl of rice, only to find that Han Youniang was eating her food, smiling at herself, and asked strangely, “Look what do I do?”

Han Youniang pursed her lips and said softly, “I think Xianggong is delicious and happy.”

Yang Ling’s eyes were a little wet. He saw Han Youniang grabbing the food with herself again, leaving the meat in the bowl. The weather was cold, and it was almost condensed. She hurriedly put two pieces in her bowl and ordered: “Come on You ’ve eaten all the meat. Do n’t you like fat pork, you know? “

Han Youniang promised sweetly, cut the meat with chopsticks, and sent it thinly to the bowl of Yang Ling. She chopped her own rice, her eyes protruding from the edge of the bowl, and looked at him vigorously, Yang Ling smiled helplessly, so obedient He pulled the meat steak into his mouth and chewed it. Han Youniang saw that he ate it quite fragrantly, and her big eyes turned into a crescent moon with satisfaction.

After eating, Han Youniang cleverly grabbed the bowl and sent it back. Yang Ling saw a grain of rice in her mouth. She could n’t help but stretched her finger and scraped it on her lips. Han Youniang froze and saw a sticky stick on his finger. I can’t help but feel embarrassed. Goodbye Yang Ling didn’t bounce off the rice, but put the grain of rice into his mouth, and his face suddenly turned red.

She glanced left and right in a hurry, and found that no one paid attention to Fu Jun’s intimate behavior, which was almost ridiculous. The shoulders that were raised because of tension collapsed in peace, and she looked at herself with a smile when she saw Xiang Gong. , Hurriedly picked up the bowl and turned away.

Yang Ling saw that although she was also wearing a men’s robe, her waist was still slender, and there was a touching rhythm in the swing of the models. She didn’t feel her heart sway, thinking of the possibility that one day she would give her gentleness and love to another man. Suddenly filled with jealousy: “Now the trend is so, the young girl must not remarry? Then can I?”

He turned around suddenly, grabbed a cup of white snow and rubbed his cheek: “Damn, what did you think? If you put too much emotion into it, wouldn’t it make her feel more painful?” Let her fall in love with others? “

“Fell in love with someone else?” When the idea jumped out, he found it more unbearable than losing it to her. The balance of love began to oscillate between selfishness and “greatness”, and snow melted into tears on his face.

“Woo ~~~”, the horn horn sounded out of place, Yang Ling wiped a handful of snow from his face, stooped and picked up a 20-kilogram heavy stone.

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